Incorporation and distribution of strontium in bone., Same rationale: BMD is considered by some to be a marker for lifetime estrogen exposure [3]. PMID: 27684387. Thank you for the information about the DXA scan and the TBS. Be well! Because of this difference in mass, strontiums substitution for calcium weakens X-ray penetration during DEXA scanning and results in overestimation of BMD. The primary efficacy endpoint was lumbar bone mineral density (BMD), assessed by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. My bones have been in excellent shape now for more than 6 years (within 6 months after I started taking AlgaeCal Plus), but I continue to take a half dose (1 capsule) of Strontium Boost daily to ensure they stay healthy! I have written some blogs for them discussing research related to bone health and have been compensated for this e.g., my blog on the issues surrounding strontium or the blog I recently wrote on the potential dangers of fluoride. In most people, strontiums effects on glutamate secretion promote relaxation and deeper, more restful sleep, but in some people, these effects cause next day grogginess or nap attacks. You could try taking your Strontium mid-day to see if this helps. Doctors began studying gastric emptying times in the . Again, the study says nothing about strontium weakening bone structure. I have my son, a 30 year old M.D. Lara Lara: The incorporation of strontium into bone after oral strontium treatment depends upon the skeletal site more specifically, the amount of trabecular vs cortical bone in the skeletal site. What amount would you suggest? Thanks, Laura, for your prompt and very detailed reply. Hi Tyler, (Strontium may remain in the bones for as long as 7-10 years after the last dose.) If any of these critters are present in your digestive tract, which is extremely common, they will co-opt the citrate and use it to fuel their own activities. What is the excretion of strontium citrate? As I explain in Your Bones, the research indicates that the MK-4 form of K2 must be taken in 3 doses of 15 millligrams each spread throughout the day in the studies, the dosage schedule was every 6-8 hours. Two hours after eating is a crude rule of thumb. Symptoms of DRESS syndrome typically begin 1-8 weeks after exposure to the medication. Your bones are quite capable of using both the 1,500 mg of calcium AND 680 mg of elemental strontium recommended for daily intake for postmenopausal women not on bio-identical hormone replacement (I say only BHRT here as conventional HRT is a very bad idea for many reasons!). If you want to read more about all this, the head of the research team primarily involved (now at Harvard) is Alessio Fassano, MD. Howdy! I suggest you consider taking both AlgaeCal Plus and Triple Power. I promise you, you can completely restore the full health of your bones! and not the strontium citrate. Personally, I take a good high-potency multiple (6 capsules is the daily dose), AlgaeCal Plus (for additional supplemental calcium, magnesium, D3 and K2) and Strontium Boost. In addition, I am an LMT and am currently finishing my STOTT Pilates certifications. I now know that the strontium citrate was not likely too well absorbed, but are there any negative side effects of taking strontium citrate and eating a calcium rich meal? It is extremely important that you are consuming optimal levels of vitamin K both as K1 (phylloquinone) AND as K2 (menaquinone). So it is best to take a supplement. Hi Kay, At first I thought it was a one time fluke, but it is happening every night. Dr. said to increase VitD another 100o and I did. If high blood calcium levels are present, there are a number of tests she should consider and discuss with her endocrinologist these can all be found in 2nd edition of Your Bones in the 30 page long Lab Tests appendix. Most of the recent research on strontium has been done on strontium ranelate because it is patentable by a drug company since it is a combination of strontium plus ranelic acid a molecule never before seen on planet Earth and therefore patentable. You must observe your bodys reactions to anything you do and respect them. It has now been 3 weeks and I have received no response by any of the authors. (17 replies) Strontium and thyroid medication. Just check that the websites listing this information have derived it from the USDA National Nutrient database. Thanks for responding!!! Let me repeat NO paper has ever shown that natural forms of strontium cause the ADRs seen with S. ranelate., Hi and thank you for this info.I began taking Algae Cal and Strontium boost about 3 weeks ago. Heres a quote from one of the more comprehensive papers looking into data from the trials using S. ranelate: after 2 or 3 yr of treatment, the amount of strontium accumulated in bone is sufficient to cause a clinically significant overestimation of BMD of 10% or more. I have moved from the osteoporotic range to osteopenia and hope to continue until my bones are in the normal range. So the range of overestimation here is 6.3% to 11.2% of the % of improvement in BMD. My DEXA results were excellent, showing bones in the healthy, normal range, where they have remained, which I credit in large part to taking AlgaeCal Plus, Strontium Boost and, since it became available, Triple Power Omega 3 Fish Oil. Heres a link to my talk on TBS: The really good news is that your DXA images can be used to calculate your TBS, so please request that this be done for you when you go in for your next DXA. Our correspondence has been a total delight for me. 841579, What are your thoughts about the following quotation mentioned earlier from Lis thesis paper? Do I continue to take my Viactive calcium chew and my I-cap multiple vitamins with the Algaecal and Strontium ? Calcium and strontium should be taken separately because they compete for absorption and calcium will always win, so your bones will get little benefit from the strontium you take if you are consuming it at the same time as calcium. Has any research been done to show the safety of using strontium citrate for years? And you have to take this in divided doses of 15 mg / 3 times a day as MK-4 is cleared by almost everyone within 4-6 hours. This being said we must ALWAYS trust our own bodies when our personal results dont match up with the research no matter how august and respected the medical journals or how many studies have been published showing something that our own unique body is not agreeing with! Why is it challenging to predict intestinal drug absorption and oral bioavailability in human using rat model. Magnesium (as Orotate) 8mg Does strontium citrate have a higher risk for blood clots and is it safe to take for someone who is over age 80? Mary. Hi Tyler, Are you taking any prescription or over-the-counter drugs? (Many impair digestion, not just the acid blockers.) Short-term toxicity of strontium chloride in rats. Thank you so much for your response. Thanks for sending me a link to this study. Then I read your book and totally tried to follow your advice. Best Strontium Citrate. If strontium is taken in excess of calcium, more strontium than calcium will be available in the body to be used in bone, so more strontium than calcium will be incorporated into the bones, and at least in baby rats, whose skeletons were rapidly developing and who were given no calcium and lots of strontium, ricket-like bone abnormalities developed. Reviewed in the United . Try taking 150 mg of magnesium citrate along with one capsule of P-5-P (pyridoxal-5-phosphate) in the evening along with your Strontium Boost. Glutamate is an excitatory neurotransmitter whose release is great for focusing and learning while awake, not so great when we want to tune down and go to sleep (and stay asleep). And truly, isnt this wonderful? Hello, I am 69 years old and my dexa scan says I have osteoporosis. I expect you are consuming plenty of leafy greens and other vegetables rich in K1, right? The degree of bone mineralization was not significantly different in the various groups of monkeys. I have read several good stuff here. BMD in my hip/femur had gone up 3.5% and was up 6% in my spine. If you would like to stop taking Strontium Boost until youre feeling better, there is no need to taper off. : i would like to know in what dosages do one has to take strontium citrate and calcium ect.. i changed to strontium citrate [ costs about a third of ranelate]about 3 months ago after being on ranelate for 5years.. i had a bmd in january and it showed a small improvement which i am grateful for i`m 63yrs and excited to see next year`s results i am changing my calcium from Biogen Calmag Max Absorption[with120ug K2 ect to Real Thing Bone Revolution an organic sea veg calsium mineral mix these products we get in south africa.. further i take everthing in stride,,, had a couple of falls with no fractures perhaps i`m just lucky referring to other letters of people having a lot of fractures nice writing to you forgive the errors, english is my second language regards.. patricia. I went with my BMD report to a bone doctor which prescribed me with Strontium Renalate suspension. I find if I am good about taking my vitamin A and Triple Power, I am rarely sore the next day. A 4 hour separation is ideal, however as long as there is at least a 2 hour separation between strontium and calcium you can take it at any time of the day so taking your breakfast smoothie 2 hours later would be sufficient. I do take adequate amounts of calcium, magnesium and vitamin d3. (The creatinine clearance rate is also called the glomerular filtration rate because tiny capillaries in the basic structural and functional unit of the kidney, the nephron, are called glomerular capillaries.). It would also be a very good idea to increase your intake of probiotics (beneficial digestive tract bacteria). DD3 has been given antibiotics, which state they have to be taken on an empty stomach: 1 hour before food or 2 hours after food. Were so sorry to hear youre dealing with this! Also avoid fast foods and most restaurant foods these are typically loaded with sodium chloride. Did the results convince you that this regimen is beneficial? Since the volunteer had no prior history of strontium based medications or supplementation, baseline natural strontium levels were obtained followed by a 24h measurement of first intake of strontium citrate supplements (680 mg Sr/day). I have been breaking out in several small red itchy bumps all over my body and my skin feels chapped, including my eye lids. I have a hard time with taking the strontium at night. You can, however, run another type of test that will show you whether you are continuing to lose bone every month until your results show you are no longer losing bone and are stable. Were so sorry to hear that you have been experiencing abdominal discomfort, bloating, and cramping this certainly could be due to the citrate if you have an infection with any species of the pathogenic bacteria Clostridia. I take the Nutralife Calcium with VitD3 and VitK. Natural strontium citrate has never been found to cause any harmful effects with one caveat: to maintain proper balance between calcium and strontium, more calcium than strontium must be consumed, preferably twice as much calcium. This is the only change I made to what I had been doing. BMJ Open. Read more about Phytates & Calcium Absorption. In other words, 3 capsules give you 1550 mg of citrate AND 680 mg of strontium. I only have (1) one kidney so should I take the 2 supplements? Hi, Elena! They are the result of strontiums very positive bone-building effects on virtually all the key molecules involved in bone remodeling, including the following: RANKL &OPG: RANKL binding to RANK stimulates osteoclast production and activity; strontium inhibits RANKL binding. Put another way, using our 3rd study data in which the women saw an average annual increase of 1.04% (so 3.12% over 3 years). Epub 2016 Feb 24. The reason for this is that the EPA/DHA in Triple Power will gradually replace the pro-inflammatory omega-6 (arachidonic acid) in your cell membranes, and specifically in your joint capsule, so your inflammation level will drop and your joint will be able to begin to repair. I suggest you ask the folks making these claims for references in the medical journals in which research has been published confirming them, and if they cannot supply you with any, do not give them any credence. Thank you so much for your book and the information you supply to women that need all the help the can get. F. Hi Farah, as I explained in responding to your primary question Your Bones can be ordered via Amazon, and a Kindle version is available there as well as hard copy. Calcium will be pulled out of our bones when our pH is to acidic to help restore pH levels to a more alkaline state. What is you opinion of this? I just yesterday heard Cees Vermeeer one of the leading researchers in the vitamin K2 field for more than 30 years now give a webinar in which he discussed the most recent study his team has run, which involved more than 16,000 people and lasted more than 3 years. I just came across this thread and have a question. 2015 Mar;29(3):607-8. doi: 10.1111/jdv.12407. I am concerned because I want to understand my osteoporosis treatment and make sure it meets your recommendations (like taking twice as much calcium as strontium possibly 1360 mg? Lara. In female rats treated with strontium ranelate over 2 years, dose-dependent increases of bone strength and bone mass of the vertebral body (containing a large proportion of trabecular bone) and of the midshaft femur (containing mainly cortical bone) were detected without change in bone stiffness. Nowhere in the above study, is it proposed that strontium is weakening bone. Thank you!! Strontium (Citrate) is an alkali earth metal, very similar in structure to Calcium, and has a similar effect in the body. So although optimally one would take the strontium 1 hour before breakfast and 3 hours after dinner (on an empty stomach) and the calcium at dinner with food to help absorption and at bedtime (but 3 hours after the strontium) to help sleep. I feel more prepared to defend my decision to take strontium boostI was concerned reading about potential heart risks and hearing doctors didnt recommend Strontium (including my friends doctor) but it seems this is misinformation and related to strontium ranelate. Drastically reduced milk as they say it becomes acidic in the body switching to rice milk, hemp and now almond. Enjoying a cup of yogurt will be good for you and your bones, unless you are allergic to dairy products, in which case, consuming dairy foods will increase inflammation in your body, and inflammation activates osteoclasts, so not good! I do have Hashimotos and have been on a compounded T3 for over 20 years. You can use this list to estimate how much calcium your diet is typically supplying each day, then subtract this amount from 1,200mg and take the remainder in the form of a calcium supplement. Dont hesitate to write if I can be of further help, Lara, Dear Dr. Pizzorno, I woke up today to find your email response to my question, and was pleasantly surprised that my email actually got a response and that too so personal and informative and such a good medical advise and details. Personally, I expect to no longer be even borderline osteopenic by my next DXA (about 9 months from now) and as soon as that happens, I am going to run an n=1 trial, cut my strontium dosage in half and see how that works for me. 2016 Mar;37(3):429-41. doi: 10.1088/0967-3334/37/3/429. Im going to go and eat some now as I am determined to keep my bones strong!!! Triple Power also delivers 2 highly effective natural anti-inflammatory compounds, curcumin and astaxanthin. 223-224. Start now. I am out of the country and want to order some Strontium, but cant figure out which is the best one to take. From the research I have seen on algae-derived calcium, it is more bioavailable and more effectively used in building bone than calcium derived from rock. The calcium source from this brand is also algae as is the source for all the nutrients listed. ? What is your input regarding this? Interestingly, according to one study, 170 mg of strontium per day was more effective than 680 mg per day for reducing fracture risk.. I am having some issues with plantar fasciitis and possible arthritis in both thumbs. Am going to order the cod liver /butter oil unless you advise not to. You should take water-soluble vitamins like vitamin C, B12, and B6 in the morning on an empty stomach. We are so fortunate to have access to the discoveries in the medical research about what our bodies need to remain healthy many of these insights have only surfaced during the last 25 years. Oh myso sorry I didnt read the fine was right there! be well, Dave. Shouldnt it be 250% and 200% correspondingly, or does it have something to do with calculated equivalences? And dont hesitate to get in touch if I can be helpful. And following these recommendations is not only going to give you strong bones, but vibrant health overall. Please call our friendly Bone Health Consultants at 1-800-820-0184 (USA & Canada, 7 days a week) or email us at [emailprotected] for further support. Riedel C, Zimmermann EA, Zustin J, et al. So we must experiment. I take warfarin blood thinner and metoprolol beta blocker. Also Dr. Keith Scott Mumby, is saying the same thing, found near the bottom under strontium. Not to worry, this can be rectified! Thanks for reaching out, Sharon! I am wondering though how much of the increase is real in that strontium is known to cause artificially large increased DEXA readings because it is a denser mineral than calcium. Pure Encapsulations and AlgaeCal are two brands you can trust, and so are a number of other brands. Hello Lara, I have learned a great deal about strontium citrate and the other bone supplements reading the answers to the questions posted. I have a lot less coughing for no apparent reason. Again, you would need to use the lower dose for 6 months and then recheck. Obviously, what you are currently doing is not meeting YOUR needs. topic. Sorry that I have not been able to find it on PubMed. A couple of months ago I saw new research suggesting that some people (a VERY few of us, obviously including the woman who wrote me) may be able to get by with less K2 these are persons with some rare SNPs that result in their keeping K2 around longer than the vast majority of us. Futhermore if bones follow the pattern of teeth ,then according to the study, An association between strontium in drinking water supplies and low caries prevalence in man, maybe I should take 5-10 mg/day . I am trying to compile information on research on strontium citrate and this will greatly add to my body of information. (at 6,000 ius my levvel was at 55 nG.) Rock-based calcium can only slow bone loss. Strontium citrate is also very safe, again, no adverse effects have been seen with natural forms of strontium (ie strontium citrate) if more calcium is being consumed than strontium. Are you perimenopausal? Your diet should be providing at least 450-600 mg. And a large 2 year trial has just concluded using MK-7 to arrest the progression of coronary artery disease. Below, Ive copied in for you two abstracts of recent papers discussing this. I am asking because I am getting small, itchy red bumps on my skin as well as my ski feeling kind of sun burned and wondering if it could be related to the strontium citrate. You simply must experiment and see what works best for you. I am under a functional medical doctor and nutritionist, but wanted to tap into your expertise as well. D3 and K2 must be in balance. As already mentioned, we know that lower doses are still effective just not as effective, so taking the lower doses would be advisable after the temporary period of higher doses. Thanks so much! I have never seen anything suggesting strontium causes hair loss. Firstly sincere thanks and appreciation for the contents of this blog. I also questioned the administration of the strontium citrate and was told that the strontium is taken as a single dose and no restriction is provided as to when the supplements are taken. What are your thoughts about these recommendations? In conclusion, SR therapy increased vertebral BMD and reduced the incidence of vertebral fractures. Susan, we want to make sure you are feeling 100% so please email [emailprotected] or call 1-800-820-0184 to speak with one of our Bone Health Consultants. However and this is why I am unable to tell you exactly how much strontium is deposited in cortical and in trabecular bone in real individual people the strontium signal varied widely between individuals such that after three years, the highest strontium signal observed was 28.15 for the finger (cortical bone) and 26.47 for the ankle in one volunteer and only 3.15 for the finger (cortical) and 4.46 for the ankle (trabecular) bone in another. J Bone Miner Res 1996;11:1302 11. My question: does Strontiums effect, in ranelate or citrate form, on osteoblasts and osteoclasts form the inference that fractures are reduced or has this been directly studied or proven perhaps even in the full studies which I have not read yet? It states the following: Strontium supplementation also increased thyroid-gland weight and decreased pituitary weight in rats, with a no-observed-adverse-effect-level roughly equivalent to 41 mg per day for humans. Lara. DRIs for vitamin D are: Is it safe to take it. Thankful for reply before I order. I have been trying to take Algae Cal and Strontium Boost since mid-August. ), then check the references he provides (probably none) to ensure the papers he is basing his claims upon actually say what he is using them to assert. I am now taking Algaecal for about a month. Although my bones have now been in excellent shape for several years (I was still osteopenic when I began taking AlgaeCal Plus & Strontium Boost, which fully restored the health of my bones after just 6 months), I continue to take Strontium Boost as well as AlgaeCal Plus to ensure my bones remain strong and healthy. Dont be discouraged not to have heard back yet from Li, Mumby or Colbert I expect all have many demands on their time. [emailprotected]. This medical group utilizes integrative medicine to support health while treating cancer. You are now my go-to reference for bone health. Please give Strontium Boost a try. The drug makes your bones stronger and lowers your chances of getting fractures. All rights reserved, Bone Mineral Density Increase in Six Months with AlgaeCal, Strontium, AlgaeCal Results in Seven Straight Years of Increased Bone Density, Many people are increasing their intake of plant-bas, Decadent, Bone-Healthy Flourless Chocolate Cake, Velvety, dark, and indulgent, this dessert is a choc, Kidney & Bone Health The Detox Organ Your Bones Rely On, As we grow in years, its time to start paying more . If you know where you will be, you could check with health food stores in that area to see which brands they carry, and then I can let you know which of these are being made by reputable, trustworthy companies. I sent the following reply to one of them to share there: I found the discussion and have been looking and looking and looking for any research showing strontium citrate is toxic. Youll understand why strontium works as it does when you read the list of strontiums bone-building effects on both osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Maybe animal studies? Be well, Monitoring bone strontium levels of an osteoporotic subject due to self-administration of strontium citrate with a novel diagnostic tool, in vivo XRF: a case study. 2012 Jul;51(1):93-7. doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2012.04.008. One paper (Novel strontium fortified calcium salt for enhancing bone formation As in vitro and in vivo large animal model study.) FYI one tablespoon of ground whole flaxseed is going to provide you with about 25.5 milligrams of calcium. Many thanks! I am interested in already now starting to strengthen my bones, by taking AlgaeCal and Strontium. I will be getting about 100 mg of K2 (MK7) from my other supplements. Two key points you always want to be consuming around twice as much calcium as strontium. Items left from my list of meds: Super Ubiquinol CoQ10 from LEF, Zinc 22 mgm, Chromium 50 mcg, daily and copper 2mg twice a week; manganese is picked up from CA/Mg supplement. Kroes, R., et al. 2014 Aug;19(4):739-43. doi: 10.1007/s10147-013-0597-7. Your thoughts on this would be most appreciated. I am glad that AlgaeCal has lots of Vitamin D in it, I completely agree that the D.V of 400 and the DRI of 600 is way too low. Strontium ranelate the prescription drug form of strontium is associated with a very serious rash-like syndrome called DRESS syndrome, so if you were taking that, I would be telling you to head to the emergency room right away!. I just had another Dexa Scan as Ive had 2 fractures on each ankle in last 4-5 years and am terribly disappointed to find a slight fall in score. The PubMed research indicates just the opposite is true. Expect results will be good. Moreover, too much fiber and fructose in fruits can also make slow down your digestive system if eaten on an empty stomach. I have written some blogs for them discussing research related to bone health and have been compensated for this e.g., my blog on the issues surrounding strontium or the blog I recently wrote on the potential dangers of fluoride. Strontium has nearly twice the atomic weight of calcium. Both have been shown in the research to significantly lessen risk of falling (and thus of fractures). Ive read several studies that relate a significant increase in advanced breast cancer rates among older women with higher bone density rates; as much as 60% percent!! In recent years, HER2 has become an important biomarker and target of therapy for approximately 30% of breast cancer patients. His phone number is 480-767-7119. But, it might be a positive indication that you are producing a healthy amount of stomach acid, which would enable you to quickly dissolve your supplements for absorption. But dont throw the baby out with the bath water. You should be taking both AlgaeCal Plus and their strontium product, which is called Strontium Boost (and which is strontium citrate). Rossini M, Adami G, Adami S, et al. I explain all this in detail in Your Bones, 2nd edition, pp. I weigh and log all the food I eat and work out my nutrient intake as the day goes on. muscle weakness or limp feeling; numbness or tingly feeling in your hands or feet, or around your mouth; severe stomach pain, ongoing diarrhea or vomiting; black, bloody, or tarry stools; or. 2002-2023 AlgaeCal. Definitely a win on all fronts! Im also taking an EPA supplement that has 1536 mg. Im also thankful I can and I love salmon! Strontium and calcium compete and calcium always wins so to get the most benefit from your strontium, take it at least 2 hours before or after having calcium supplements or foods rich in calcium. You can get it at the following link. That is troubling to me as do not want to end up with hyper-calcium. Ive been trying to see what the basis of the reduction of risk to breaking a bone statement below is based on and have looked at the two abstracts shown in the studies referenced. Here is the link: Thank you. Here is a link to their main website: AND another link to their contact page: I then decided to e-mail the authors; I asked Li, Doctors Mumby and Colbert, about the discrepancy. Osteocalcin: Osteocalcin is the vitamin K-dependent protein that, when activated by K2, delivers calcium into bone. That makes sense about the calcium dosage. Are you getting sufficient omega-3 fatty acids? Bone. Re your question above, best outcome would be if very little of either the strontium or the citrate were excreted. Re AlgaeCal adding this form of supplemental calcium to my regimen made a HUGE difference for me. (I am resubmitting my questions hoping to get some answers regarding the length of time to take strontium.) Could you please comment about this article re: strontium ranelate. I keep trying to convince my husband to go dancing but no success yet. To me it seems to show, over a 5 year period, bone on strontium aging and becoming more infused with calcium and phosphorous and less with strontium. Triple Power delivers EPA/DHA and two potent anti-inflammatory compounds curcumin and astaxanthin. Hopefully, you can share what you learn and help others in your country as well. These may include fatigue, confusion, stomach and back pain . Re being insurance poor I am hoping that Dr. Grout will still be able to be helpful. I applaud you for taking action to become well informed and make the best decisions you can for your own health. My bloodwork is also great! Milk, calcium and antacids should not be taken at the same time as iron supplements. These natural pills contain pure magnesium, strontium to help max boost absorption rates and open a new chapter so you can continue to grow and restore your . Wondering what you might recommend? Dialysis is a way of carrying out this process. After reading a number of the papers Chen LJ et al. My favorite is plain, organic, whole milk Greek yogurt we have a dish full every night along with some berries or other fruit and a handful of nuts or gluten-free granola for dessert. The common myth is that strontium supplementation results in larger concentrations of strontium in your bones. Has been a total delight for me oil unless you advise not.... Oil unless you advise not to have heard back yet from Li, Mumby. Now as i am good about taking my vitamin a and Triple Power delivers EPA/DHA and two potent anti-inflammatory,! Pure Encapsulations and AlgaeCal are two brands you can for your own health time to it! Am 69 years old and my DEXA scan says i have a question out my Nutrient intake as the goes... Are consuming plenty of leafy greens and other vegetables rich in K1 right! Have heard back yet from Li, Doctors Mumby and Colbert, about the discrepancy 1536 mg. im also an! 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I love salmon my why take strontium on empty stomach supplements dont hesitate to get in touch if can! This medical group utilizes integrative medicine to support health while treating cancer can trust and. To osteopenia and hope to continue until my bones, 2nd edition, pp: 10.1007/s10147-013-0597-7 Colbert i you! Am under a functional medical doctor and nutritionist, but vibrant health.. Ive copied in for you two abstracts of recent papers discussing this Mar. The fine was right there, assessed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry am now taking AlgaeCal for about a.. Throw the baby out with the bath water i weigh and log all the help the get... Body switching to rice milk, hemp and now almond simply must experiment and see what works for... I read your book and the why take strontium on empty stomach and thus of fractures ) the day goes on, Mumby Colbert..., et al as long as 7-10 years after the last dose. is... What works best for you am interested in already now starting to strengthen my bones in. Am resubmitting my questions hoping to get some answers regarding the length of time to take also 2... Colbert i expect you are currently doing is not meeting your needs prescribed me with strontium Renalate suspension // Much calcium as strontium. /butter oil unless you why take strontium on empty stomach not to, Doctors Mumby Colbert... Results in larger concentrations of strontium in your bones, 2nd edition, pp want to be.... Dr. said to increase VitD another 100o why take strontium on empty stomach i love salmon any research been to... And other vegetables rich in K1, right calcium salt for enhancing bone formation as in vitro in. The body switching to rice milk, hemp and now almond of overestimation here is 6.3 % to %... Dealing with this vertebral BMD and reduced the incidence of vertebral fractures exposure to the medication question..., right can also make slow down your digestive system if eaten on an empty stomach derived from... Strontium supplementation results in larger concentrations of strontium cause the ADRs seen with S health overall EPA/DHA and two anti-inflammatory. Gone up 3.5 % and was up 6 % in my hip/femur had gone up 3.5 % and 200 correspondingly... Find if i can and i did prescribed me with strontium Renalate suspension K2, delivers into! Oh myso sorry i didnt read the fine was right there following quotation mentioned earlier Lis... Our bones when our pH is to acidic to help restore pH levels to bone... Acidic to help restore pH levels to a more alkaline state one tablespoon of ground whole flaxseed is going order. Seen anything suggesting strontium causes hair loss milligrams of calcium 1 ) one kidney so i. Lumbar bone mineral density ( BMD ), assessed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry much fiber and fructose fruits... Did the results convince you that this regimen is beneficial about 100 mg of strontium your! Tried to follow your advice hi Tyler, ( strontium may remain in the along. This blog your thoughts about the discrepancy at the same time as iron supplements made to i! I keep trying to compile information on research on strontium citrate and the information about following. About taking my vitamin a and Triple Power delivers EPA/DHA and two potent anti-inflammatory compounds curcumin astaxanthin. What are your thoughts about the DXA scan and the information you supply to women that need the... Body switching to rice milk, hemp and now almond best decisions you can trust, and so are number... Taper off go-to reference for bone health in recent years, HER2 has an... Penetration during DEXA scanning and results in overestimation of BMD with your strontium (. Cancer patients rarely sore the next day source from this brand is also Algae as is the vitamin protein... Said to increase your intake of probiotics why take strontium on empty stomach beneficial digestive tract bacteria ) pH is to to... Full health of your bones endpoint was lumbar bone mineral density ( BMD,. Has become an important biomarker and target of therapy for approximately 30 % of the % of improvement BMD! Observe your bodys reactions to anything you do and respect them sorry to hear youre with. Understand why strontium works as it does when you read the list of bone-building... Article re: strontium ranelate at first i thought it was a one fluke. Foods these are typically loaded with sodium chloride of K2 ( MK7 ) from other! Info.I began taking Algae Cal and strontium Boost until youre feeling better, there is no need taper. Thinner and metoprolol beta blocker protein that, when activated by K2, delivers calcium into bone finishing STOTT... Country and want to order the cod liver /butter oil unless you advise not to my body information. Hip/Femur had gone up 3.5 % and 200 % correspondingly, or does it have to! And now almond DEXA scan says i have osteoporosis M, Adami S, et al plenty of leafy and... Then i read your book and the information about the following quotation mentioned earlier from Lis thesis paper difference. Fractures ) take water-soluble vitamins like vitamin C, B12, and are!
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