This is typical salesmen tactics. Which one does PFS offer? The option is not there to bankrupt the family. You are in denial if you think you will get rich off these products alone that have a small trail and a trail only if you are even licensed with your 6 or 63. product at a better price. Using life insurance to pay for LTC is not a prudent use of it. I do not have to give my trainer my first 5 or 6 sales in order to learn the business. James asked a great question, In a case of divorce how does a husband and wife split off from the policy to give them each an individual (PFS) policy?. They came from all walks of life. The second comment by me has a correction at the bottom. Again that happens in corporate america. Life insurance is not a savings/investment plan. You tell me which is better? You are right #2 its usually 8% to borrow but it not your money. But I have already proved you pay more have less. While past results are not indicative of future success, Page Perrys attorneys have recovered over $1,000,000 for clients on more than 30 occasions. Yes their Term wasnt the cheapest but it was comparible than most banks but who would I rather do business with. product. If you sell universal life, variable universal, variable life, etc, you get paid more than if you set up mutual funds for them. Then Primerica came around and everyone attacked them. Read the book Coach. Comparing a product I sold in the past, Cars. You cant take your premiums off your taxes. If most of the middle class keep doing what they doing now then the whole North American continent will collapse in 20 to 30 years from now and it will make Russia look like a picnic. They asked ME! -, You are right women live longer. liek. You are right they do get paid, but they do not do it unless it is right for the client. And there have been recient rumors about us getting our own ticker and not being with Citi anymore and its very true. Eat off the dollar menu at fast food, and never go to any hotels other than the Motel 6. This risk could become quite significant if similar settlements are reached with other firms there are serious doubts that the market could absorb a flood of auction-rate securities. Another reason WHY to go independent (and incorporate, as well). (This means money is tax deffered or tax free which ever way you set it up. That is a sales person. You dont recruit a bunch of people to recruit a bunch of people: You do it because you want to give people the chance and opportunity to earn extra income and eventually own their own business in a lucrative field. Or do you want an agent that lives near you to help you. No one ever said that Primerica was the CHEAPEST, but for the families we serve, it makes their situation much better than it was or would have been. I am curious what you have to say about this? I have joined primerica just last week and have completed 3 appointments with my RVP. I am so sorry that you are bitter but it is usually those that are losing that do the compalining. And since He can be trusted since you have made things up, lied in your posts, and seem to always want to do a loaded comparison, when all we have is a word of a person who doesnt use his true name, uses a cell phone so when someone checks him out, they cant. For doing a typical life insurance sale you can make around $200 and about $1000 over 10 years setting up retirement and education plans for one family. -. Do you know the average policy last less than 7 years? Respectfully, I really dont care what you think. The only problem was that he got calls and letters asking him to convert to permanent insurance. You spoke of recruiting new people? Which is better, someone who is captive and sells one company. I have a couple questions for Michael Thomas as Im going to a weekly Primerica meeting for the first time tomorrow night, recruited by a guy I trust completely, and somewhat skeptical of the situation. And in closing. What about health insurance again .. try to sell it and you will be fired (by the way does it make sense that you can be fired from your own business?). . Tom says: Well you are wrong here so much let me hit on the answer. Nothing wrong with that, BTW. higher ratings Now, I could tell people what a crappy car Mercedes is, or I could just tell the truthI had a bad experience with mine, but based on MBs track record of success and lengthy history, I think you stand a pretty good shot at owning a very fine automobile. , No, you passed on the mis-information, so that you can try to keep Primerica down. What about the products that are bad for them like Cash Value Insurance. As I stated before your exactly where you need to be. Operator: Greetings. Do you know the difference between a good term policy and a bad one? You have been tooting this Ed Slot Character alot. Life, Auto Home, Mortgage, Investments, PrePaid Legal. No big deal, I was slowly able to overlook that. But if you can get the service of the Ritz, while paying middle ground, why would you not? American Investors Life Insurance Company Just for fun everyone can join in and participate. Since neither believes in being loyal and not slamming the company that have taught them what they know. That was my Primerica experience. Primerica Secure is a personal lines insurance referral program in which representatives may refer individuals to Answer Financial Inc., which offers insurance products and services through its licensed affiliates, including Insurance Answer Center, LLC. United of Omaha I went to a Primerica office there, got the information, and talked to the RVP there. Your family would suffer financially over a few hundred dollars in lost commission? Also it is not 7x more likely. Therefore will harass you until you switch from Term to Cash value. ), I could go on and on, but then again I do not want to ramble. Term, and you said Term is sold as a loss leader and you said IT (Its)(First, please use spell check. Put up or shut up. It wasnt until December of 2007, when I became disenfranchised with work, that I began to embrace the Primerica opportunity and as such began to attend regular meetings and trainings. - G stands for General. This is very not accurate btw. Also read sandy weills book. I got a call from your Village, they want you to come home Michael. . It is a great exchange. Well do you expect it to go down? The Commission Advance and Chargeback System provided in the Commission Operating Guidelines, as supplemented from time to time in future Operating Guidelines, controls the methods for making advances and their repayment. So to answer some questions let me tell you what Ive learned so far. Ok,whoever was not willing to put who he or she was. Point: There are 5,000 RVPs and only 4,000 make $50k.. Contact No requirement to give up legs. This gets around the Do NOT Call list, and the fact that you will be bugged until you leave them or cave. For the right person, it works really well.. Types of Assisted Living Programs. I went to a builders school or some such pep rally on a saturday during this time so I was on a roller coaster of; did I do the right thing, I made a mistake to hyped up and ready to go 24/7 and reach RVP in 12-18 months. What I really did not understand is the business end of the deal. I am so glad you do this so people will see how you are truly. 1. Sure my RVP pays something but he doesnt charge me a cover fee to sit in his office and watch also. It is the term I keep seeing. He says to invest in company stock. Sorry to give out the dirty little secret but you can not say you like the CHARGEBACK . I meant to say well-said Lynn. PFS is $6.50 / month. They lack at least a guaranteed insurability clause. Theres a serious amount of people out there who would rather spend time in their comfort zone making excuses as to why theyre in the financial mess that theyre in. *****5. They can defer it up to 6 months. group vision, group dental, short term care products, commercial mortgages: These are good for business owners. Again, whatever you can do in PFS, you can do better on the outside. Cash value is not good for 98% of the people out there and is the cancer for any middle american family. Sure theres other cheaper term out thereTHIS SO CALLED BROTHER COULD HAVE OFFERED HIS OWN FAMILY MEMBERS THAT.but guess what? Does the agent wish to offer med sups? Is this the company that in USA today was shown as having the second quarter of loss? Give me your number and I will sell you some ocean front property in Arizona for a great price. This is ten times the amount and only two of the licenses. But how many 18 years old know people who need life insurance and investments. Mr. Well informed client, It is a pleasure not continuing you little game. Since the money is supposed to be used for the family after their death, why would anyone want to short change their family? They had a goofy air about themlike a super-hyped team spirit (You knowGo team, go!), and thats not who I am. The James posting at July 26, 2008 @ 9:25 pm is not me. Just like worrying about them, will cause you more problems than the actual problems., **Tom it is our responsibility to our clients to do a bit of forward thinking. How many people build many strong legs? The Terminal Illness Benefit is 50% or $250k max. Just like when you buy a used car, you should take it to a mechanic, a specialist on cars, I took my financial game plan to a specialist. Primericas only has guaranteed for 10, 15 and 20-year. I started with Northwestern Mutual and I didnt have a clue about finances. The only time cash value is good is when the person ahs a huge networth. . Securities Licensed When no one else would work with me. The contract levels depend upon the amount of business the producer does and the size of the agency. The contract rate dictates the percentage earn Lets talk price again. First, Hitler was a great leader. Since I have only your word, and it is suspect tell me what you think you get for the 1.50 less? Run the numbers and add it up. Well what if you ran into a market for Health insurance and wanted to offer that, well you wouldnt be able to. They can provide you with a name and number of people who do insurance to investments and they do it the proper way. I like options. IT is typical that you attack this way since you cant win across the kitchen table. And if they dont have at least $25,000.00 to invest you will not help them. I can stay in Motel 6, but I think paying for service is worth it. You keep insurance as long as you need it. they may need your products, but you can buy anything off the internet. You recognize that it takes a substantial period of time for Primerica Life to earn a return on its investment in new insurance policies and other products and services. Part of the presentation is asking and getting referrals. This Agreement shall also automatically terminate in the event of your death. I want a company that has been a good company. I just suggest for people who are looking at the industry, know your contract and know your options going in and coming out. Stop ranting, and show us how a Primerica Life policy is of higher quality. (In favor of the Owner). -, John, Would you say the a BMW is worth more than a YUGO? This means that if I have an accident, I pay a little not the whole amount. Tom please give me a history lesson on life insurance. So clearly, it is to each reps advantage to have people under him/her who are producing, so they can get that passive income. You get better training, and more support. Hit that recruits warm market because they are probably going to quit anyway. As for the CFP that is a way to sell life insurance as an investment. I do not harass anyone and if some one is misleading anybody turn them in. It is what you are. And do not use the fact you can use it for savings. They are in USA, Georgia. And Since I cant trust your word, everything needs to be triple checked. You cant cover all your possible problems. I hear there are federal laws that make the owners of the boards responsible for anything posted on the internet. 6 to 8% to borrow your money. I purchased life insurance for myself and wife from Primerica. Someone will always beat your price. It is in this analysis. The proof is simple, I have had it happen to me when I was younger, and had a policy from Allstate. Please read any book from Suze Orman or Dave Ramsey or any competent adviser, and you will see the truth. People Like James, Bubba, Michael, Jenni, etc are usually one person. I have used analogies for you to understand but it must be over your head. So please, enlighten me as a non-Primerica yet open-minded person what is stopping you from joining? It is my business. Unless you are afraid of the competition. Doesnt that make you want to keep people below you not push them up..Some companies will still reward you even when you are at the same level, 13. . Why does someone need insurance when they are retired? 6 to 8% to borrow your money. CITI is willing to make a sacrifice and make a little bit less money on a few products in order to free up the clients money that will likely be spent on other CITI products. One day your going to sit across a client and you know they have limited funds and they need a good amount of coverage and they will look you in the eyes and with total trust in you ask if thats all the coverage they can get with the money they have? So i get a stupid 18yr old and sell him/her the world. I plan to work as a nurse part time (have accepted an offer already) and plan to work with primerica part time as well. It only pays if you get a certain cancer and stuff. Michael does not even use his true name. At age 70, if you follow the FNA, you will not need insurance except a small burial policy. Was you also born with a silver spoon in your mouth? Securities offered by PFS Investments Inc. Home Office: 1 Primerica Parkway Duluth, GA 30099. And then see it from a company not looking to make money off either side. I could be very knowledgable of fixed annuities. ( At least Mortgage Borkers. (Last time I saw it, that was 4 million per family.) I dont know much about them, but their mutual funds seem to perform *really* poorly. Why would someone not use his given name. As for LTD, policies outside work cost considerable more and do not cover as much. Number 2: I researched this company for the first 6 months I was here. I am one of the people thats trying to make sense of all the comments good or bad. If the company pays more they have less money to service me. I am curious, You statisics are good, and any one else is meaningless? 5. And you might be, but then again, you are a faceless post. I guess that big compensation check is need for the thousands of dollars you need to just be in business. If you cant..thats fine your arent gonna make it here anyway.-Move on and live your life the way you see fit. I knew something was up, because I have no kind of financial experience in my work history, and when I mentioned this, he said that my background showed that my experience in the manufacturing industry showed that I had good comunication skills, even though nothing in the resume would have necessarily implied as much. . Well let us go through your plan. So you deserve to stay a salesperson and continue to be as good as your last sell for the rest of your life. Look at the Indy Bank scandal, and the S & L scandal. Primerica sells the SAME fact, they usually have cheaper management fees for the EXACT same fund. Your and Michaels clients are middle american families. 8. SM. The policy has a less chance of being enforced, than you do being ok or wealthy at age 65. See there you go making me bring out other information that PFS agents will need to educate themselves about to combat their competitors. It only matters in the absence of value. Because protection of family. The fact that anybody that would leave a top Company like Primerica the first 2 years is a confirmation that they are untested to build a company of their own that is offering a six figure income opportunity. ***How many companies do you know of that dont have a main headquarters? Please state facts as I have, without knowing my carriers please find out who they are before calling them not good companies. I wonder why? But then again I keep bringing up a Yugo and a BMW. So please quit today. That is I am so glad some of the agents do this. Look up books on sales. Out of 8 appoints, 5 will stick, 3 will buy and 1 will be a recruit. Furthermore, the timing of the best efforts obligation could result in the statute of limitations barring certain claims possessed by such institutional investors if they postpone action until after December 31, 2009. Here you are wrong. This grace in our lives is due to someone not looking at the most well-to-do families but targeting the solidly middle class. Which brings up another question. Those are the people running the company. Since he did not know this, maybe that is why he thinks he can make more money. Other bloggers in this thread, I apologize for me not being able to carry one this long and drawn out expression of opinions. go ask your bos why he recruits or hires massive employees? Primericas business is Primerica. Then I came to you and said, hey come work for me and market these products. Now you might want to look up this quote from Andrew Carnegie. You can either do it right or easy, but never together. I want a company that has a main headquarters and I am able to call and get answers. How do you know? Sorry for offending you by calling you brother. That is guarantee. Primerica is still a network marketing company which means you'll need to recruit in order to make any real money. This is about the opportunity. And Since you are harping on recruiting, ever sales is a recruiting pitch. If I go to Macys I can only buy what they offer? It is nice to look at but a waste of money. When they went public there was no shares available to be bought. You do not ahve any income. I ahve already proved this in several areas, I love to see your termination notice. Tom, you twist facts and have the ability to not understand. By your calculations, they should discriminate against balck males since they have the highest mortality rates. He took a country that was in the middle of a depression, people starving and made it into a super power of the time. You are what Suze Orman says is fleecing their customers. But you want them to get a good interest rate. Someone who is in no need of making money off you, can be an adviser. *****I am curious, what company are you quoting? You are right about they do not sell term insurance, they sell teh program for the agents to use to sell term. You mean getting all the licenses? Ive tried lots of stuff like filling up surveys for hours at a time to only get paid a couple of bucks for the effort. And he chose these companies. chris panipinto @ 4:33 pm ************************************************, Tom says: The only time you have to go fulltime is when you go to RVP. Fixed annuities are not no risk. Read the proceeds section of the policy, they never list cash value as a payable benefit because the beneficiary does not get it in the event of the death of the primary covered person. You need the same mind frame for this job. The list is endless. Professionalism actually defends itself when give some points. Michael, The truth be told, You rather have less competition. The client then gets a letter saying you need to pay usually 100 to 500% more for the same insurance or lose it. Some people pay for service. The profits for their term goes to Cash value Companies. And what is the value you bring? Damn you are right Michael. I have heard of one person having several posts under different names to make them look better. I dont really have time for that so this will probably be my last post I used to wonder why some of the successful ones in Primerica didnt respond to posts like this but now I can see why after ive been around some of them, If your considering Primerica, id say try it out and see what happens, you may like it and it may work out great for you. Since it is not good for the client, why do you sell to companies that have a conversion ability? My understanding is that Primerica offers unisex products where male and females have the same premiums. It shows you do not care about being professional. 2. It is not good for the people Primerica serves. I just go after each point you make. If you do leave and stay in the industry. 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