The HRC Foundations CEI rating system is designed for mid- to large-sized businesses (500 full-time employees and above) and divided into three key categories of criteria: Launched in 2002, the CEI is the first internationally recognized benchmarking report for businesses to gauge their level of LGBTQ+ workplace inclusion against competitors. The CEIs Corporate Social Responsibility criteria ensure that sexual orientation and gender identity protections apply to those standards that businesses require their vendors or suppliers to adhere to, as well as recipients of their philanthropic funds. Moving forward, the CEI will contain scored criteria around family formation that ensure that same- and different-sex legal spouses and domestic partners have equal access to family formation benefits. A full 91 percent of the Fortune 500 including both companies that participate in the CEI survey and those that do not have gender identity protections enumerated in their nondiscrimination policies (up from 3 percent in 2002). 67 percent of the Fortune 500 and 86 percent of all CEI-rated businesses (1,088 of 1,271) offer transgender-inclusive health insurance coverage, up from 0 per cent in 2002 22 times as many businesses as in 2009. This framework was widened in 2016 to hold companies accountable for any giving to a non-religious organization with an explicit policy of discrimination against LGBTQ+ people. 4. Scores from 1 to 2.66 were considered in the "low" range, scores from 2.67 to 4.33 were considered in the "moder- ate" range, and scores . Policy includes sexual orientation for all operations, b. Launched in 2018, the Chilean-based program assessed 31 companies in its inaugural 2019 report and 15 of them received the HRC Foundations designation of Mejores Lugares para Trabajar LGBT. For the report in 2021, the program grew by 52 percent, rating a total of 96 companies with 28 earning top marks, an increase from 20 top scorers in 2020 and only 63 participating companies. In June of 2020, the Supreme Court held in Bostock v. Clayton County that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects against discrimination for LGBTQ+ employees. Vice President and Corporate Secretary South Dakota and Montana passed RFRA legislation and Ohio passed a medical care refusal bill. Human Rights Campaign Foundation's 2015 Corporate Equality Index is the national benchmarking tool on corporate policies and practices pertinent to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender . Visitors walk past the Huawei booth during the Mobile World Congress 2023 in Barcelona, Spain, Monday, Feb . In other words, businesses have increasingly recognized the value of decoupling benefits from the legal definition of marriage to meet the needs of their diverse workforces. Employers were not rated until all appropriate information had been gathered and verified to the greatest extent possible. This represents a robust 14 percent increase in top-rated employers over the prior year and, given that the initial report had 32 top scorers, an almost 700 percent increase since the programs inaugural report in 2018. By clicking "GO" below, you will be directed to a website operated by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, an independent 501(c)(3) entity. major businesses have adopted gender transition guidelines to establish best practices in transgender inclusion for managers and teams. For example, this criteria will now require hormone blockers for youth and surgical revision/repair, among other additional medical services and treatment. Employers recognize that beyond the letter of a policy, additional programming and educational efforts are necessary. If a business had previously participated in the CEI, surveys were first sent to the individual(s) responsible for prior submissions. January 27, 2022. While mission statements of ERGs are specific to LGBTQ+ inclusion, an increasing number of ally-identified colleagues are encouraged to join as membership is not limited to those who are LGBTQ+ but is open to all supporters of equality. It is important to note that while Bostock brings meaningful protections to many LGBTQ+ people, Title VII applies only to employers with 15 or more employees, leaving many LGBTQ+ workers without these critical protections. After wide-scale education and outreach efforts, the 2019 CEI resumed enforcement of the standard for both same- and different-sex domestic partner benefits. This year marks the Human Rights Campaign Foundations (HRCF) 20th edition of the Corporate Equality Index (CEI), the premier survey benchmarking tool on how corporations across the United States and beyond are adopting equitable workplace policies, practices and benefits for LGBTQ+ employees. The results of the 2022 CEI showcase how companies . The HRC Foundation's CEI rating system is designed for mid- to large-sized businesses (500 full-time employees and above) and divided into three key categories of criteria: Nondiscrimination policies across business entities; Equitable benefits for LGBTQ+ workers and their families; The Equality Act creates clear, consistent protections to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in employment ensuring that LGBTQ+ employees are hired, fired, and promoted based on their performance. Partner RaShawn Hawkins, SHRM-CP (she/her) is the Deputy Director of the Workplace Equality Program at the Human Rights Campaign Foundation. "When the Human Rights Campaign Foundation created the CEI 20 . When the Corporate Equality Index first launched in 2002, there were a total of 319 participants. More than 242 employers earned top ratings and the HRC Foundations designation of Best Places to Work for LGBTQ+ Equality or Mejores Lugares para Trabajar LGBTQ+'' in the 2022 HRC Equidad MX report. The primary source of information for the Corporate Equality Index rating each business received is the CEI survey sent every year to previous and prospective respondents. The Bank earns 100 percent on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation's annual assessment of LGBTQ+ workplace equality. To learn more, please read our Privacy Policy. The Equality Act passed in the U.S. House of Representatives on February 25, 2021, with a bipartisan vote of 224-206. President & Founder In addition to seeing a growth in the number of highly-rated employers, the CEI has also seen great success in the reach of the survey. Rating Criteria for the Corporate Equality Index. Employers presence at these and other events sends a clear message to potential employees that LGBTQ+ diversity is part of company culture, and that LGBTQ+ candidates are valued as the best and the brightest across industries, geographies and trades. For the 13th consecutive year, Oracle received a score of 100 on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation's 2022 Corporate Equality Index (CEI), the nation's foremost benchmarking survey and report measuring corporate policies and practices related to LGBTQIA+ workplace equality. Thank you to Alec Carrasco and Christal Jones for their database knowledge and expertise. John Barry 108 new employers offer this coverage according to the 2022 report. Equitable policies and benefits are critical to LGBTQ+ inclusion in the workforce but alone are not sufficient to support a truly inclusive culture within a workplace. Large businesses typically rely on other businesses for goods or services, and businesses of the size included in the CEI typically have set standards and guidelines already embedded in their procurement. : financial, in kind or pro bono support), Demonstrated public support for LGBTQ+ equality under the law through local, state or federal legislation or initiatives, d. LGBTQ+ Corporate Social Responsibility, Contractor/supplier non-discrimination standards AND Philanthropic Giving Guidelines. This years report contains 138 new businesses from over 20 industries that opted into the survey. a. The 20-year anniversary of the CEI merely marks the next chapter in our fight for equality. Responses to some individual questions are reported in aggregate on the following pages to indicate national trends and facilitate benchmarking. The data doesnt lie - being an LGBTQ+ inclusive1 employer positively impacts recruitment, retention, engagement and, overall, total revenue. The 20th-anniversary edition of the CEI now includes over 1,200 participants and more than 800 top scorers. The bottom line is undeniable in a global marketplace, equality knows no borders. Ad campaigns and sponsorships further this message of company values to the public. While many of these recruiting events went in virtual 2020, CEI-rated businesses remained engaged. The updated areas of impact for the criteria will be as follows: Driving equality in LGBTQ+ family formation; Raising the standards for transgender-inclusive healthcare by expanding the mandatory service and treatment options; Best practices for utilizing intersectional examination of workplace inequality through training and data collection; Mandatory gender transition guidelines and workplace policies to promote and ensure gender inclusivity; and. Clearly enumerated nondiscrimination protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity are essential to LGBTQ+ workforce equity and inclusion. The HRC Foundation has always held businesses accountable for the types of organizations receiving their philanthropic dollars. 93 percent of the Fortune 500 include sexual orientation in their nondiscrimination policies and 91 percent include gender identity. Over 66 percent of Fortune 500 companies offer transgender-inclusive healthcare benefits. UL earns 100% on the Human Rights Campaign annual scorecard on LGBTQ+ workplace equality. On June 15, 2020, the Supreme Court of the United States issued a 6-3 decision confirming that discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity are forms of sex discrimination and therefore are prohibited under the federal employment nondiscrimination law Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Supplier/Vendor Standards Include LGBTQ+ Nondiscrimination. Grant Thornton earns 100% on Human Rights Campaign Foundation's annual assessment of LGBTQ+ workplace equality CHICAGO For the fifth straight year, Grant Thornton LLP received a score of 100% on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation's 2021 Corporate Equality Index (CEI), the nation's foremost benchmarking survey and report measuring corporate policies and practices related to LGBTQ+ . The process towards LGBTQ+ inclusion does not end with nondiscrimination policies. Learn more at Funds Services of CEI-rated businesses (1,187 of 1,271 respondents) met the standard of demonstrating a least three efforts of public commitment to the LGBTQ community. (he/him) By the end of the 2021 legislative session, another record 13 bills attacking transgender youth passed into law. The entirety of HRCs organizational framework is dedicated to creating and supporting services, programs, and resources to further the advancement of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the LGBTQ+ community. of CEI-rated employers (1,182 of 1,271 respondents) offer a a robust set of practices (at least three efforts) to support organizational LGBTQ diversity competency. The toolkit includes the HRC Foundations best practice guidance on transgender inclusive policies and practices (including sample policies) as well as guidance for implementing transgender-inclusive healthcare benefits. The Fortune 1000 list of the largest publicly traded companies was invited to take part in the Corporate Equality Index survey for the seventh year in a row. From 2006 through 2011, a top CEI score meant businesses needed to mitigate at least one exclusion among five critical categories of transgender healthcare, namely: mental health, pharmacy benefits for hormone therapy, medical visits and lab procedures related to hormone therapy, surgical procedures, and short-term leave for surgical procedures. The historic Obergefell v. Hodges case in 2015 gave same-sex couples the right to marriage, and, since then, state legislators across the country have responded by proposing hundreds of anti-LGBTQ+ bills. In 2004, the HRC Foundation identified transgender-inclusive healthcare coverage as a focus area for educational outreach and as a scored component of the CEI criteria. 138 companies, from nearly every industry, participated in the CEI for the first time this year. Although there has been great progress seen in the area of LGBTQ+ issues, there is still much work left to be done. (NYSE: HUM), proudly announced that it received a score of 100 on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation's 2022 Corporate Equality Index, the nation's foremost benchmarking survey and report . Businesses' Commitment to LGBTQ+ Employees, 15 of the Top 20 Fortune-Ranked Companies Received 100% Ratings. Employers will have 25 points deducted from their score for a large-scale official or public anti-LGBTQ+ blemish on their recent records. These questions work to assess three categories of criteria, which are outlined in more detail in the Scoring Criteria section. Businesses see advantages in going public with their commitment to equality, including: Professional events such as the annual Out & Equal Workplace Summit, the Lavender Law Conference, and the Reaching Out MBA (ROMBA) Conference and Career Expo are filled with highly-rated CEI employers looking to attract diverse employees. On the Tyson Foods, Inc. company website, their mission statement made by their chairman, John Tyson, reports that: "Tyson Foods, Inc., recognizes the importance of being a responsible corporate citizen. When working in different communities, we adjust our language to reflect local customs. These initiatives intend to give more equitable opportunities to those would be small business owners who are more likely to face social and practical barriers to success. #1 - David Aaker Model. Jackson Lewis PC, Scott Sapperstein Grant Thornton earns 100% score on Human Rights Campaign Foundation's annual assessment of LGBTQ+ workplace equality CHICAGO For the sixth straight year, Grant Thornton LLP received a score of 100% on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation's 2022 Corporate Equality Index (CEI), the nation's foremost benchmarking survey and report measuring corporate policies and practices related to . Since its inception, the pioneering program modeled after HRCs Corporate Equality Index has experienced substantial growth in promoting LGBTQ+ inclusive workplaces throughout the country. In total, 732 businesses met the standard in 2019, 836 in 2020, 892 in 2021, and 975 in 2022. In addition, the bill provides protections from discrimination in housing, credit, and jury service for LGBTQ+ people. Next, the HRC Foundation expanded its LGBTQ+ workplace inclusion efforts to South America by partnering with Fundacin Iguales, Chiles largest LGBTQ+ advocacy group, to promote LGBTQ+ inclusive policies and protections among Chilean businesses and corporations through HRC Equidad CL. of CEI-rated businesses (1,187 of 1,271 respondents) met the standard of demonstrating a least three efforts of public commitment to the LGBTQ+ community. Rating Workplaces on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Equality. of CEI-rated businesses (761 of 1,271 respondents) provided philanthropic support via cash or in-kind donation to at least one LGBTQ+ specific organization. Discriminatory bills that attempt to curb access to public services for transgender people, deny basic services to LGBTQ+ families, or preempt local nondiscrimination ordinances put company employees, employee families, and customers at risk. These best practices will require a company to include the option to self-identify in human resource systems, the option to self-identify in confidential surveys, or the option to provide the members of the board (leadership body) with a means of self-identification. Businesses have extensive programs to engage with key markets and the communities in which they operate. Expert Answer. of CEI-rated employers (1,179 of 1,271 respondents) have an employee resource group or diversity council that includes LGBTQ+ and allied employees and programming. For this reason, the Corporate Equality Index criteria still require a company to have a nondiscrimination or equal employment opportunity policy that explicitly enumerates both sexual orientation and gender identity. Clearly stating sexual orientation and gender identity as protected characteristics remains a best practice to ensure employees and prospective employees, as well as managers and supervisors, understand the companys commitment to nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ+ people. of CEI-rated employers (984 of 1,271 respondents) have Managers/Supervisors undergo training that includes gender identity and sexual orientation as discrete topics (this may be a part of a broader training), and provides definitions or scenarios illustrating the policy for each. Capital One. The remaining 28 states offer either no LGBTQ+ non-discrimination protections or in some way exclude a key group from their laws, leaving these groups without legislative protection. Board (or other governing body) member demographic data collection include the option for individuals to report their sexual orientation and gender identity or self-identity as LGBTQ+, Gender transition guidelines with supportive restroom, dress code and documentation guidance, Implementation of the at least one (1) of the following policies or practices, Trans-inclusive restroom/facilities policy, Policies/procedures that allow for optional sharing of gender pronouns, LGBTQ employee recruitment efforts with demonstrated reach of LGBTQ+ applicants (required documentation may include a short summary of the event or an estimation of the number of candidates reached), Supplier diversity program with demonstrated effort to include certified LGBTQ+ suppliers, Marketing or advertising to LGBTQ consumers (e.g. Strategic Trade-offs (Prioritization) Visioning involves setting the high-level direction of the organization - namely the vision, mission, and potentially corporate values. Vice President and Chief DE&I Officer First, the minimal services and treatment for transgender-inclusive healthcare will now be more robust. The premise of parity underlies the inclusive benefits section of the CEI criteria. View Resource. It can be represented with the accounting equation : Assets -Liabilities = Equity. Scores on this criterion are based on information that has come to HRCs attention related to topics including but not limited to: undue influence by a significant shareholder calculated to undermine a businesss employment policies or practices related to its LGBTQ employees; directing corporate charitable contributions to organizations whose primary mission includes advocacy against LGBTQ equality; opposing shareholder resolutions reasonably aimed at encouraging the adoption of inclusive workplace policies; revoking inclusive LGBTQ policies or practices; or engaging in proven practices that are contrary to the businesss written LGBTQ employment policies. In fact, over the last decade, most businesses that have offered same-sex partner benefits also extended these to different-sex partners. 503 leading companies are members of HRC's Business Coalition for the Equality Act, demonstrating their support for federal legislation that would provide the same basic protections to LGBTQ+ people as are provided to other protected groups under federal law. A record 379 of Fortune 500 businesses have official CEI ratings based on submitted surveys (as compared to 366 last year), with an average rating of 76, a rating that remains consistent with that of last year. A comprehensive guide of available LGBTQ+ healthcare resources and services to ensure ease of accessibility to healthcare. Until LGBTQ+ Americans have full equality through the federal Equality Act, domestic partner benefits will remain an essential CEI standard that helps to fill the void left by federal and state law and ensure LGBTQ+ workers and their families receive equitable benefits whether married or partnered. Employee inclusion. a. The progress that has been made towards this goal has been significant, with considerable advancements seen in both societal attitudes regarding LGBTQ+ issues and dedicated legislation to provide employment and discrimination protections for LGBTQ+ members of the community. For the second year in a row, the company was recognized in the Human Rights Campaign Foundation's 2022 Corporate Equality Index (CEI), the standard for measuring policies and practices that promote a LGBTQ-inclusive workplace. Workforce Protections (30 points possible) Policy includes sexual orientation for all operations (15) Policy includes gender identity or expression for all operations (15) 2. of CEI participants (1,268 of 1,271 respondents) documented that they include gender identity in their employment nondiscrimination policy. The Corporate Equality Index ( CEI) holds companies to a high standard of LQBTQ+ inclusivity. Many employers have begun to comprehensively address health insurance coverage for transgender individuals, and most have experienced insignificant or no premium increases as a result. The business case for diversity must assume the same level of importance as bottom-line results and market-share . This core issue is rarely addressed in corporate governance research. Below I propose four strategies that all organizations can pursue today to finally make an impact. The HRC Foundation is committed to keeping the criteria for the CEI rigorous, fair and transparent by identifying emerging best practices that improve the experiences of LGBTQ employees of participating businesses. The current CEI rating criteria had four key pillars: In recognition of the 20th anniversary of the Corporate Equality Index, and as a consequence of the ever-evolving considerations on the road to inclusion, the existing pillars will now include a new and expanded focus in five key areas. Outreach or Engagement with LGBTQ+ Community. Supporting an Inclusive Culture (25 points possible). These companies are also deepening employee engagement efforts by expanding employee resource groups for LGBTQ+ workers and their allies. Diversity is an essential component of our corporate values and is tightly integrated into our business strategy. Domestic partner benefits do not only serve same-sex couples. THE HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN FOUNDATION IS proud to recognize the following 842 businesses that met all the criteria to earn a 100 percent rating and the designation of being a 2022 Best Place to Work for LGBTQ+ Equality. Top-rated CEI employers come from nearly every industry and region of the United States. This means that employers at over 1,200 companies agreed to have their policies and benefits analyzed by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, and that over 800 of those organizations have successfully incorporated equitable practices that ensure their employees can thrive and live life authentically. Rates of litigation, upon implementation, are consistent with other protected classes. Supplier diversity programs ensure that the procurement process includes specific opportunities for minority-owned businesses, including women-owned, veteran-owned and, more recently, LGBTQ+ owned businesses. You can unsubscribe at any time. Historically, the CEI had a mechanism to account for foundational corporate giving to any organization whose explicit mission included efforts to undermine LGBTQ+ equality. This year Clarivate is proud to make a first appearance in the Human Rights Campaign Foundation's Corporate Equality Index (CEI)joining 1,271 major U.S. businesses that were ranked in 2022. Keisha attained her Juris Doctor degree from the University of Maryland School of Law. of CEI-rated businesses (1,021 of 1,271 respondents) have written giving guidelines that prohibit philanthropic support of non-religious organizations with an explicit policy of discrimination towards LGBTQ+ people. . Over 50 persons who identified as transgender or non-binary are known to have experienced violent deaths in 2021, with more than 50% of those victims being Black or Latinx. Moody's Corporation (NYSE:MCO) today announced that it has again received a perfect score on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation's 2022 Corporate Equality Index (CEI), marking the eleventh consecutive year the company has earned a top ranking. Companies will also be given additional points if their policies and procedures exceed the minimum requirements and offer additional benefits that would go beyond minimally-inclusive transgender healthcare. Data collection forms that include employee race, ethnicity, gender, military and disability status typically recorded as part of employee records include optional questions on sexual orientation and gender identity. Components Of Brand Equity. (he/him)Senior Vice President, Environment Social & Governance It is the desire of the staff and management of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation to not only recognize the work of the past but also to look excitedly towards the future. Nestl proudly announced that three of its U.S. business unitsNestl USA, Nestl Health Science and Nestl Purina PetCarereceived scores of 100 on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation's 2022 Corporate Equality Index (CEI), the nation's foremost benchmarking survey and report measuring corporate policies and practices related to LGBTQ+ workplace equality. (she/her/they/them)(Business Council Co-Chair)Chief Executive Officer Businesses are rated on a scale from 0 to 100, with a certain number of points awarded for meeting each criterion. The areas that will be assessed for equality include: Cryopreservation (egg freezing for non-medical reasons); Infertility treatment coverage (outside of in-vitro fertilization); Fertility/in-vitro fertilization coverage; and. A CEI rating is one key evaluation metric, among others, in assessing the LGBTQ+ inclusiveness of any employer or provider of goods or services. FutureLearn: Online Courses and Degrees from Top Universities The realization of this 20th anniversary was only made possible by the hard work and dedication of the past and present staff and leadership of the HRC Foundation, along with the assistance of HRCs valued partners, volunteers, and donors. In the 2022 CEI, 842 employers achieved a top score of 100 and earning the coveted title of "Best Place to Work for LGBTQ+ Equality.". This case is historical in that the decision of the Supreme Court granted same-sex couples the right to full, equal recognition under the law and made marriage equality a law in all 50 states. 1. The Human Rights Campaign uses cookies to improve your site experience. Prior to joining HRC, Keisha practiced law for over a decade. Typically, these efforts have a strategic connection to the core mission of a business, such as a law firms pro bono legal support of organizations tasked with direct legal representation of LGBTQ+ individuals. The profile and impact of an employee resource group is greatly enhanced by an active executive champion for the group. of CEI participants documented that they provide inclusive benefits for same- and different-sex spouses and partners. Five Distinct Efforts of Outreach or Engagement to Broader LGBTQ+ Community (15)Businesses must demonstrate ongoing LGBTQ+ specific engagement that extends across the firm, including at least five of the following: b. LGBTQ+ Corporate Social Responsibility, Contractor/supplier non-discrimination standards AND Philanthropic Giving Guidelines (5). These businesses are enjoying a multitude of benefits, including a supply chain that better reflects the diverse communities in which they operate, and in turn, garnering sharper innovation and business solutions. Debunking the Myths: Transgender Health and Well-Being, U.S. Federal Government Employment Policies, Sexual Orientation in U.S. Nondiscrimination Policy, Gender Identity in U.S. Nondiscrimination Policy. 100% of every HRC merchandise purchase fuels the fight for equality. 1. Corning Incorporated, Michael Lopez The HRC Foundation will continue to award partial credit to employers that have satisfied a portion of certain criterion. Human Rights Campaign Foundations Corporate Equality Index is the national benchmarking tool on corporate policies, practices and benefits pertinent to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer employees. Mostafa Abdelguelil Human Rights Campaign Foundation. After the United States v. Windsor and before the Obergefell v. Hodges Supreme Court rulings, HRC released a position paper cautioning against a marriage-only standard for accessing healthcare coverage, which is an unreasonable standard given the many other legal vulnerabilities that continue to affect LGBTQ+ individuals freedom beyond their right to marry. If a business had not previously participated in the CEI, surveys were sent to the chief executive officer or managing partner of the firm, as well as the highest-level executive(s) responsible for human resources, diversity, communications, or community engagement, if obtaining the contact information for these executives was possible. The Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality Index has awarded Tesla as one of 2021's Best Places to Work for LGBTQ Equality. Cookies to improve your site experience of parity underlies the inclusive benefits section the... Care refusal bill of the 2021 legislative session, another record 13 bills attacking transgender passed... 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