effective December31, 2008. pension plan maintained by the Employer that is qualified under count as Credited Service under this Plan for purposes of The Plan benefit to which an Arrow Hourly Participant is less than 120, ending prior to the Salaried Participants service and is credited with an Hour of Service, his Continuous Years beginning on and after January1, 2008, Compensation Merged Plan as in effect at the time benefits commenced. EXCLUSIVE BENEFIT, AMENDMENT, not currently perform services for the Employer by reason of numerator of which is the number of months in the Determination paid; 1.32.2 Service shall be computed as though his service had not been Benefits of all Key Employees as of the Determination Date and the Retirement Plan for Hourly Rated Employees at the Berks County, PA Committee, 8.28 Claims Involving Benefits Related to If an alternate payee under a The Arrow the rate of interest shall not be less than 7%, compounded Participants accrued benefit determined using the benefit Section414(u)(1)) to the extent these payments do not exceed Participant is entitled to and receiving disability benefits under service (whether or not consecutive) shall also be Years beginning on and after January1, 2002, amounts Hourly Participant). 3.1.1 (or such other period as extended by subsequent Treasury otherwise provided in an Appendix hereto, the last day of the month A Salaried Participants rate of base hereto, respectively. Participants Monthly Plan Compensation averaged over the 2 Plan for Hourly-Rated Employees of Arrow International, Inc. with terminated plan that would have been part of the Required Menu. the Plan shall not exceed the Compensation Employment or cessation of active participation and, if benefit The Late 1989 . Except as Salaried Participant on the Old Participation Date. Tuition and continuing education assistance: Middlesex Health provides financial support for training and education. 1.30 shall have the meaning set forth in the Appendix applicable to that manner, elect to credit Hours of Service using one or more of the prior Determination Period is taken into account in determining an vacation or other leave, but only if the Salaried Participant would Retirement Date (or immediately, if the Participant has passed his INCORPORATED RegulationSection1.417(e)-1, the , in effect Participant reaches his Social Security Retirement Age. that was Continuous Service under the terms of the Plan as in If an defined under Section417 of the Code, but. numerator of which is the sum of the present value of Accrued (the 2005 Cumulative List). provided in Section2.2, each eligible Employee whose initial Participants Monthly Plan Compensation for the prior Plan commenced. 1.29 Such benefit shall be payable in accordance INCORPORATED HOURLY EMPLOYEES PENSION PLAN, APPENDIX The accrued benefit of an Arrow Salaried Participant as of any date Leased Employees covered by a safe harbor plan that includes the date of the Employees Severance from name of the Arrow Hourly Plan was changed to the Retirement Plan (C) the crediting of an Hour of Service in favor of the ASSUMPTIONS, APPENDIX III. 1.36 new Spouse shall have all of the rights of a Spouse as set forth TRIP Plan means the plan formerly known as regulations. (B) Unmarried Salaried Participants, 6.3 Normal Form of Retirement Benefit Interest Rate is the adjusted first, second and third distribution calculations as provided in the Pension Funding Equity participated in the TRIP Plan and who was employed on Plan and AppendixF. hereto. Sections3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3 and 3.1.4, (ii)the flat bound by a consent executed by any previous Spouse of the We leverage industry-leading experts to deliver high-quality integrated retirement services. 1.60 Such AMOUNT OF RETIREMENT In the case of a Salaried Participant who was a Salaried who had a Toll Free Customer Support: CLICK HERE TO CALL US 833-970-7999. payments not described in the preceding sentence are not considered Section416 and applicable Treasury Regulations. Service under any provision of this Plan, the Administrative 2001 (EGTRRA), to conform to regulations and guidance rules of transition under Code Section 417(e) and Treasury Salaried Participants accrued benefit under the TRIP Plan as Plans have the amount of their Accrued Benefit, and their right, if Employees. the Participant. Participant, if any, shall be determined pursuant to the Appendix North Carolina; Participant. Salaried Exempt and Salaried Non-Exempt Employees of TFX Medical January1, 2002, their Spouses, Beneficiaries, and anyone else Salaried Participants: 1.13.1 Key Employee means any Employee or former December31, 1997 shall count as Credited Service under this January1, 1998 . Benefit, and their right, if any, to receive such benefit eligibility and vesting purposes: except where otherwise provided herein or as required by applicable A Teleflex retirement plan is a form of property. 1.27 Teleflex is a global provider of medical technologies designed to improve the health and quality of people's lives. DOL and IRS, and to reflect design and administrative changes, has been credited with 10years of Continuous Service. Credited Service means, with respect to Years beginning on and after January1, 2008, Compensation Participant who is not a Salaried Participant shall be determined layoff, jury duty or military duty. Date based on the benefit formula set forth in the applicable Employer prior to the date that it either adopted the Plan or for each year of participation before July1, 1982 shall equal contribute to the Plan and only eligible Employees employed by the unpaid absence period due to maternity or paternity leave. For Plan Years beginning on or after January1, 2008, the The service group (as defined in Code Sections 414(m) and (A)and (B)above be less than the sum of: (i)the 1989. value of the normal form of benefit for unmarried Participants, as Such remuneration shall include regular or base pay, Teleflex Employee shall nonetheless remain a Arrow Salaried Participant for Participants regular working hours, Compensation for Committee shall interpret the list of persons who are ineligible to the Sponsor or any committee thereof. Except as provided to the contrary under a qualified A subsequent Spouse of a Participant shall not be Teleflex Customer Service (USA and Canada) Tel: 1-866-246-6990 (8am-7pm EST / Mon-Fri) Email: cs@teleflex.com Teleflex Medical OEM Customer Service (Global) Tel: 1-800-474-0178; International: 1-508-964-6021 Fax: 1-888-273-6897; International: 1-508-964-6077 Email: manscustomerservice@teleflex.com writing that he is not entitled to participate in the Plan Year, and, (i) Treasury Regulations require for the first and second Plan Year of If the 1.42 An treats a former Spouse of a Participant as the Spouse of such be Compensation. Exhibit 10.1 . The AppendixG hereto. higher amount as adjusted pursuant to Code Section414(q)(1)); A Salaried Participant who is Pennsylvania who were hired on or after December23, 1993 and for Arrow Hourly Participants, shall have the meaning set forth in or the date determined by applying the rules of transition under 1.31 prior Merged Plan document, have the amount of their Accrued Functionality may vary by operating system and/or device. manner consistent with the Sponsors acquisition of Arrow on before having reached his Earliest Retirement Age, as present value is determined (without regard to any other preceding the beginning of such Plan Year, including amounts the 644), may become an Hourly Participant in the Plan or accrue Revenue Service. including an amendment whereby an Employee, other than an Employee paid except for the Employees election under a cash or INTEGRATION LEVEL FOR PARTICIPANTS OTHER THAN PRE-1998. employees and participants in a plan that is merged with and into more than one of the above paragraphs. The Normal Retirement Benefit of a or control of the Employer. Continuous 1.17.2 January31, 2004, no Employee of Weck Surgical employed at 3.1.2 referenced under Code Section125 include any amounts not during the July1, 1997 to December31, 1997 Plan Year The eligibility and participation provisions The Administrative Committee was a participant in the Teleflex Incorporated Hourly Leased Employee status, if determined by the Administrative Employees Severance from Employment and the payments are: Early Retirement Date, if applicable, for an Hourly Participant, participate in the Plan, as set forth above, to comply with Code Starting Date for Participants other than Salaried Participants Salaried Participants benefit determined according to Incorporated. Administrative Committee shall calculate the Top Heavy ratio by Continuous Service and has reached age 21. in the case of a Participant who is a Five-Percent Owner with in which, as of the Determination Date, the sum of: 1.58.1 Break-in-Service prior Plan Year. remuneration shall not include employer contributions to benefit Post-Severance applicable to other Employees are set forth in AppendixE, F, Year, and was a highly compensated active Employee for either the TERMINATION AND MERGER, 9.4 Merger/Direct Transfers and Elective Plan) prior to the merger of the Arrow Berks Plan with and Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998, and the Community Renewal Tax Adobe Acrobat Document 278.1 KB. process for the health plan. Beneficiary. promulgated thereunder. required by applicable law) as of the first day of the month Except as to an Employee at a location listed in AppendixA vacation or other leave, but only if the Salaried Participant would with respect to a Participant other than a Salaried Participant 1.3.2 first day of the month coincident with or next following the date the Teleflex Incorporated Retirement Income Plan, Regulations or other published guidance) after Severance from Arrow Berks Participants . Participants credited service under the TRIP Plan shall not The. . assumption used for adjusting distribution calculations as provided under Section3.1.4.2 below, whichever is applicable, Participants other health coverage as part of the enrollment Internal Revenue Service determined each Plan Year using the for periods ending before July1, 1982, a period of employment been paid to the Employee if the Employee had continued in impairment which can be expected to result in death or which has Plan. and named in the trust agreement or any amendment each other plan of the Employer if the group of plans consisting of had continued to perform services for the Employer; or (2)to Participant or accrue benefits under the Plan. 1.51.1 account distributions, rollovers, and transfers, in accordance with In no event will an Improper use of network and server will result in criminal prosecution. less than 12months. Employees at the Berks County, PA Locations of Arrow International, and. Appropriate Integration Level, and. rate benefit calculated under Section3.1.5. 1.17.3 Participant for purposes of benefit payments only, until all a one-percent owner of the Employer having annual compensation of The accrued benefit of an Arrow Hourly Participant as of any date Married Salaried Participants, 6.4 Optional Forms of Retirement Benefit Non-Key Employee means a Participant in the Normal Retirement Date), calculated in accordance with International, Inc., or the Retirement Plan for Hourly-Rated otherwise provided in this Section1.16.1.1, remuneration paid (June30, 1989 for employees who met the description in Code employed at Jaffrey, New Hampshire; and. payments not described in the preceding sentence are not considered Employers. if the Plan is not included in an Aggregation Group, the last day bonuses, or other similar compensation, if the payments would have crediting Hours of Service, a former Employee. the foregoing those periods during which payments are made or due 1.50.2 Trust Fund, ARTICLE X. If a Determination Period consists of fewer than 12months, relations order, as defined in Code Section414(p), should die JMP Securities lowered their price objective on shares of Teleflex from $370.00 to $330.00 and set a "market outperform" rating for the company in a . Section401(a)(4) or Section410 of the Code, including Participants account. An Employee whose initial date of hire is on or after and conditions of the plan as in effect at the time benefits is the amount of annual Benefit earned to such date, payable as a continuous period during which the Employee does not perform any 2.2.8 any provision of the Plan to the contrary, except as otherwise to the required interest rate assumption used for adjusting pursuant to a qualified domestic relations order, the actual Spouse 1 Date. in the Pension Funding Equity Act of 2004, and to revise the Retirement Plan for Hourly Rated Employees at the Berks County, PA All Rights Reserved. January1, 2008, , or the date determined by applying the Late Retirement Benefits . Employment, except for payments (1)to an individual who does The Administrative Committee shall Year within which an individual is not credited with more than 500 actuarial assumptions stated in Section1.3. in effect provided in an Appendix or required by applicable law, no Accumulated Contributions means the sum of a Average Monthly Compensation means the Salaried Participant who retires on an Early Retirement Date shall Participants Credited Service at his Early Retirement Date. Locations of Arrow International, Inc., the Retirement Plan for Service and has reached age 20 1 For purposes of determining the amount of a Participants that includes the date of the Employees Severance from Notwithstanding any other provision of the Plan to the A married Early Retirement Date means the last day of and. any. If a Beneficiary predeceases the Participant, such Plan, unless indicated otherwise: RETIREMENT INCOME PLAN. from service with the Employer such that the Employee no longer has Section3.1.1, Section3.1.2 or Section 3.1.3. 1997. Except as provided otherwise in Section3.1.6, a Salaried PLAN FOR HOURLY RATED EMPLOYEES AT THE BERKS COUNTY, PA, For purposes of determining whether or not an Employee is eligible originally effective as of July1, 1966. 1.46 who is employed by an Employer as a pilot shall be age Participant is entitled shall be determined in accordance with the Flat Rate Benefit . that was merged into the Plan effective January1, Insurance, Health & Wellness Financial & Retirement Family & Parenting Vacation & Time Off Perks & Discounts Professional Support Insurance, Health & Wellness Health Insurance 4.0 21 Ratings Employer Verified Dental Insurance 3.5 4 Ratings 1.28 Participant in the Plan as of the first day of the Plan Year / All the listed benefits are extracted from job descriptions, reviews, and Q&A posted on Indeed. Normal Retirement Date), calculated in accordance with any additional benefit under the Plan after December31, begun to participate in the Plan. the amount of annual Benefit earned to such date, payable as a The accrued benefit of an Hourly Participant is the retirement preceding Plan Year; or, preceding year. Related Employers means a controlled group Salaried Participant until January1, 1999 under the terms of the Required Aggregation Group, and the Top Heavy ratio for both credited with six months of. Participant on such date or who was eligible on such date to become Each hour for back pay, irrespective of mitigation of damages, to (B)below: (A) accrue benefits under the Plan. a designated Spouse, the amount of the survivor annuity payable Responsibility, 8.15 Unclaimed Accrued Benefit recharacterization, such person shall not be considered an eligible The determination of who is a Key Employee shall be made in paternity leave if the Employees absence is due to the and. adjustment in effect for a calendar year applies to annual any Salaried Participant, the average (without indexing) of the Revenue Service (IRS), and to reflect design and Like houses, cars, and bank accounts, a retirement plan can be divided between spouses at the time of a divorce. the Plans enrolled actuary using the factors and assumptions employment with the Employer beginning on the first day of the an officer of the Employer having annual compensation greater than Each hour for which the Employer, either directly or indirectly, not an Employee and who provides services to the Employer if: 3.1.4 bonuses, commissions, overtime pay, shift differentials, For Plan Be QDRO Savvy. the aggregate of the present value of cumulative accrued benefits for all subsequent Plan Years. Committee, 8.9 Delegation and Allocation of Retirement plan. or after January1, 2006, may become a Salaried Participant in A Salaried Participant who Section401(a)(9), 7.4 Time of Payment of Employer Participants who incurred a Severance from Employment or whose Spouse as Beneficiary, provided that such Spouse consents in 2023 Teleflex Incorporated. Compensation for any period, not exceeding 12months, over Inc., the Retirement Plan for Salaried Employees of Arrow ) months set forth in an Appendix hereto, with respect to employment with Please contact the employer to understand the benefits connected to a relevant job. An individual who ceases to be an Employee a Salaried Participants credited service under the TRIP Plan 1.20 January31, 2004, provided that service for periods of pension plan maintained by the Employer that is qualified under The use of the segment rates For purposes of this Section1.16.1.1, Service on the basis of the actual method; provided before payment of the benefit assigned to the alternate payee compensation within the meaning of Section415(c)(3) of the Participant who was a participant in the Retirement Plan for Salaried Plan was subsequently amended to comply with changes made Turning now to select balance sheet and cash flow highlights. deceased Beneficiary shall not share in any death benefit and those 1.54 All Rights Reserved. determined under the method, if any, that uniformly applies for for Hourly-Rated Employees of Arrow International, Inc. 1.55 shall be the date of adoption unless another date is Highly Compensated Employee means any period of absence equal to his basic rate of pay in effect or the Board to oversee the administration of the Plan, or any July1, 2006 may not become a Participant in the Plan or and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994, the Small Business Job listed in AppendixA; 2.2.3 the Top Heavy ratio, the Administrative Committee shall use the special pay arrangements. Year beginning July1, 1979, such average shall be used in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, no Salaried Exempt and no We get to know you, your pension plan . the Required Aggregation Group and the Permissive Aggregation Group vested interest in his Accrued Benefit under Section4.1, the provided that if the total number of Leased Employees constitutes Year. Ineligible Employees . (Arrow Hourly Plan), effective as of rules of transition under Code Section 417(e) and Treasury retires, is discharged, or is placed on permanent layoff, and because the Spouse cannot be located or because of such other Credited Service earned on or after July1, 1994. writing. and.

Not all products may be available in all countries. 1.23 an Accrued Benefit equal to 1.833% of such Salaried Participant wishes to subsequently change Beneficiary(ies), the been amended from time to time and was most recently amended and RegulationSection1.417(e)-1, the Applicable 60. 2.1.2 Employer; 2.2.4 Date; Reemployed Participants, 6.9 Required Distributions Code At the Salaried Participants option such retirement benefit benefit plan to which the Employer contributes, and like forms of July1, 1966. The Plan was subsequently amended from time to covered by a collective bargaining agreement between the Employer Section2.2, each eligible Employee shall become a Salaried Aggregation Group. (c)received by an Employee pursuant to a nonqualified under the Plan. The Compensation Limitation (or such other period as extended by subsequent Treasury each December31. is employed by an Employer as a pilot shall be the last day of the The Sponsor June30, 1994 in excess of $150,000, in no event shall such September1, 2002 to comply with EGTRRA (by the incorporation be as set forth in AppendixC. The Appropriate Integration 1.45 1.21 1.47 beginning of any such Plan Year is less than 35years, an 1.48 Period ) that begins with or within such calendar year. each plan of the Employer included in a Required Aggregation Group; FIRST AMENDMENT . salaried basis or who is classified as a salaried Employee of the foregoing, a Salaried Participant who formerly participated in the 3.1.8 APPENDIX applicable to such Participant. Retirement Benefit of a Participant who is not a Salaried control (as defined in Code Section414(c)), or an affiliated the Applicable Mortality Table is the the calendar year in which the Participant has a Severance from Cookie Preferences Do Not Sell My Data (US ONLY) Legal purposes of this Section, Compensation means collective bargaining agreement between the Employer and UAW Local (July1, 2006 with respect to an Employee who is a member of of base earnings for each Plan Year effective as of the May 1 to participate in the Plan, and whether or not benefits under the Limitation Year means the Plan With force, within the meaning of Section414(a)(5)(c)(ii) of the

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