Musician Moby was approached on composing and performing the film's score. Using the graphic novels, the Book of Revelation, friends and whatever else we could find, we've pieced together everything you need to know (or at least everything we've been able to figure out) about "Southland Tales.". They will start speaking out against the Antichrist and begin overthrowing the evil empire. As part of his participation in the Neo-Marxists' plot, Ronald must pretend to be his brother Roland and accompany Boxer during his movie research. He stopped editing the film and was also unable to complete all of the visual effects in time for the screening. His colleague, Starla Von Luft (Michelle Durrett), has planted a bug on his jacket and is leading the police forces to their hideout. The other main reference points are T.S. For . On his way to meet Krysta, Fortunio discovered Boxer Santaros in the desert, stricken with amnesia. "ZORA: "A modified organic diet and transcendental meditation. In the universe of the film, Dr. Inga Von Westphalen is also the granddaughter of Jenny Von Westphalen, Karl Marx's wife. Pregnant woman from Revelation 12 and 13 (Puppet of the Anti-Christ)Bobby Frost and Vaughn Smallhouse: Surrounded by his entourage, which includes Serpentine (Bai Ling); the Baron's mother, Dr. Inga Von Westphalen (Marion Card); Dr. Katarina Kuntzler (Zelda Rubinstein) and Dr. Soberin Exx (Curtis Armstrong) -- all dressed like a Cirque du Soleil troupe -- the Baron explains how fluid karma works: by "quantum entanglement.". Edit, It is a mechanical ball (built by Treer) which acts as remote antennas for the wireless electricity energy fields powered by Fluid Karma. If Proposition 69 passes, US-IDent will essentially be shut down or have its powers severely restricted. Then, a mushroom cloud appears on the horizon, and history jumps the tracks. Edit, Revelation 6:8: For half of Kelly's epic film about the end of the world, characters are quoting T.S. A blockade in the Strait of Hormuz impedes the flow of oil to the United States, causing an increased demand for alternative fuel sources. Eliot or the Book of Revelation. The screenplay ends at a McDonald's restaurant, when Caleb starts belching noxious gas and launching fireballs. Why does Pilot dream about the song "All These Things I've Done" by The Killers? If you replace the Antichrist with the bourgeoisie, and the kingdom of God with a communist utopia, you've got the same basic narrative. the Indian chief Boxer encounters in the graphic novels). The PATRIOT Act has extended authority to a new agency known as US-IDent, which keeps constant surveillance on citizenseven to the extent of censoring the Internet and requiring fingerprints to access computers and bank accounts. Liberal extremist cells start to emerge, including a group called the Neo-Marxists. User Reviews The film is an international co-production of the United States, Germany and France. When Boxer (and Roland) traveled through the rift, it created duplicate versions of bothone set of duplicates traveled 69 minutes back in time, while the "originals" stayed in their original time. What was in the 20 to 25 minutes cut out of the original version showed at Cannes? The purpose of these novels is to explain much of the back-story and set the viewer up for parts IV, V and VI in the movie itself. Krysta says she's putting it all in, Cyndi asks why she would do something that stupid, and that's what causes her to tell Cyndi she's sleeping with "a large and powerful man." Taken as a purely Christian parable, then this is the book of Revelations and God ending the world and humanity in it's present form. The reason for the exclusion of some of these tracks, like the song by The Killers was as a result of a dispute with the record label. Singer Rebekah Del Rio, who (as herself) performs the "Star Spangled Banner" onboard the mega-zeppelin, is also featured in David Lynch's "Mulholland Drive." You know those overlooked classics that are critically ignored only to blossom into beautiful definitive works over "Pinkerton" or "Starship Troo. [36], 41% of 106 reviews compiled by review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes are positive, and the average rating is 4.9 out of 10. When Southland Tales was released in 2006, it confounded filmgoers.A dense, sprawling science-fiction tale, Southland Tales throws the war on terror, the surveillance state, Hollywood, and the Book of Revelation into a blender and purees that unlikely mix into a stylish, acerbic film that we're still trying to figure out. What exactly happens at the end of the movie? For reasons that never become entirely clear, he was hired by the Baron to kidnap Boxer Santaros from a charity scavenger hunt and drive him to Lake Mead. Somehow I doubt that will ever happen. While Roeper called the film "Two hours and twenty-four minutes of abstract crap," Phillips felt that "the film has a head on its shoulders despite the fact that it can't find any direction" but nevertheless gave the film a thumbs down. When scientists injected fluid karma into the soldiers, they became telepathic and could see into the past and, eventually, the future. Edit, Those who use Fluid Karma are "Chemical Bleeders" (e.g. ------------------------------------------. I think defecation is the result of an inferior food supply and spiritual weakness. No idea. Like its contemporary David Lynchs Inland Empire (which used the then modern aesthetic of digital video to emphasise the way technology allowed the user to be present in two places, and therefore exist in two different states) it exaggerates the ugliness of 2006 the tribal tattoos and the awful CGI, the typefaces that look like something from a bitchin Geocities website until what was merely bad taste looks absurd, a dark dream that takes place in a strip mall food court. There are hundreds of these mechanical balls buried everywhere in the Southland. She became psychic when a plane she was onUnited 23flew through the rift in space-time above Lake Mead. Ben's path down the dark side finally caught up to him when Sammy put the pieces together. Shortly after they received their first injection of fluid karma, however, Taverner and Abilene were sent on a mission to Fallujah, and Taverner accidentally injured Abilene with a grenadedisfiguring him. Edit, No. Copyright 2023, LLC. The movie and prequel saga focus a lot on the "blood red" version of the drug which gives the person using the drug ability to see, or "bleed", into the past, and with repeated use, the future. This is because, at the end of the day, Southland Tales is a very indulgent, very silly and weirdly endearing film that all manages to come together in a near indescribable sweet spot. External Reviews "[14], Kelly's breakthrough film, Donnie Darko, was released in the United States on October 26, 2001, the same day the PATRIOT Act was signed. What do all the characters in the film keep on quoting from? SALON is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office as a trademark of, LLC. "3 Steps" by Moby9. "Wave of Mutilation [UK Surf Version]" by Pixies2. | [38], Glenn Kenny, in his review for Premiere criticized the film's style, "Kelly's camera placement and framing are at best textbook and at worst calamitously mediocre. This is where "Operation Dream Theory" came into play. SOUTHLAND TALES is an ensemble piece set in the futuristic landscape of Los Angeles, as it stands on the brink of social, economic and environmental disaster. Its plot hinges on a barely explained back story involving rifts in the fourth dimension. The feature film comprises the final three parts of the experience. This has opened up a rift in the space-time continuum on the outskirts of Lake Mead. The two Rolands found each other in the end, but the movie ends before we can see what actually happens to them. The world ends. Two months before Southland Tales was released, he announced the launch of Darko Entertainment.[15]. It foretells the end of the world and the Second Coming of Christ (Pilot Abilene keeps reading it on the soundtrack). When they join hands, a bond is formed and the rule of singular existence is completely broken. Scientists are saying the futures going to be far more futuristic than they originally predicted, Krysta suggests, as if this helped to explain anything. Boxer Santaros is an action star who's stricken with amnesia. What's the deal with the "I'm a pimp, and pimps don't commit suicide" motto? Abilene injects himself with fluid karma, collapses, and, in a dream sequence, dances a routine to the Killers' "All The Things You've Done," while nurses twirl around him. The reasons for this are never really explained, but Caleb is the child of Tawna and Rick McBride, a couple in Palmdale, Calif. Caleb does not produce bowel movements, but when he farts, the Earth shakes. Does Sarah Michelle Gellar have a sex scene in this movie? As in "Southland Tales," a character in "Kiss Me Deadly" picks up a stranger in the desert, and one of the main characters in the film is named after a poet. If you read the graphic novel, you'll find the legend which is spoken by Bai Ling's character Serpentine. [22], Kelly edited the film down to the basic storylines of the characters portrayed by Scott, Gellar, and Johnson. It exists under the Earth's mantle, circles the world like a "serpent," and, as the movie explains, is being used by the Baron to power his Utopia energy plants. Why that happens when the Taverners touch, only Richard Kelly knows. Southland Tales is a 2006 American dystopian comedy thriller film written and directed by Richard Kelly. The film was released in the UK on December 7, 2007, exclusively to UK cinema chain Cineworld in a limited number of locations. When Krysta mentions that she is sleeping with Boxer Santaros, Cyndi decides to use this information to blackmail Boxer's father-in-law: Republican candidate Bobby Frost. However, there was a promotional soundtrack that was given to members of the press when the film premiered at the Cannes Film Festival in 2006. Edit, Not really, but it explains why the tattoo of Jesus on the back of Boxer's neck starts bleeding at the end of the film. He can be reached at @thomasmaxrogers. Jericho Cane is the name of Arnold Schwarzenegger's character in "End of Days.". (This explains the final scene where "Ronald" tells Roland he forgives himhe is actually Pilot Abilene talking, explaining that he forgives him for what happened in Fallujah.) Southland Tales encapsulates these anxieties in the form of US-IDent, a state agency that can hear and see everyone in America at all times. "Yes They Can! If this is a parallel with the Book of Revelation, then who's whom? On July 4th, 2005, in a fictionalized United States alternate history reality, two towns in Texas (El Paso and Abilene) were destroyed by twin nuclear attacks, killing thousands and triggering a catastrophe of unimaginable proportions, sending America into a state of chaos and hysteria, as well as a Third World War (a fictionalized version of what the nation may have become under the War on Terror), with the US government re-introducing the draft. [12] Editorial changes were made to restructure the order of the film's scenes, including re-recording all of Timberlake's voice-over. [19], Many critics responded unfavorably to the film's long running time and sprawling nature. What does the name Martin Kefauver refer to, other than to its anagram "Freak Man Virtue" and the late U.S. senator? Tab wanted Ronald to help the Neo-Marxists destroy USIDent, so he entrusted Roland and Ronald to Zora Carmichaels, who then drove them to Venice Beach. Starla Von Luft, the double-crossing USIDent employee, is reading a copy of "The Power" at work. Roger Ebert described the Cannes screening as "The most disastrous since, yes, The Brown Bunny. But if Southland Tales follows the same logic as Donnie Darko, as laid out in that film's DVD extras, when the fourth dimension is corrupted, it causes the creation of two parallel universes: the Tangent Universe and the Primary Universe. The project was named "Serpentine Dream Theory.," which aimed to use the telepathic effect of the drug as an advantage for the soldiers on the battlefield.Two of the solders that participated in the experiment were Roland Taverner and Pilot Abilene. This is a reference to a Philip K. Dick book called Flow My Tears the Policeman Said. "And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death"Revelation 11: Muriel and Jericho take the child after its parents are killed, and, under Muriel's guidance, drive to a farmhouse, where they are met by Serpentine, the Baron's mistress. Edit, The film was originally meant to be released in the autumn of 2006 but was pushed back a year to a limited release in the winter of 2007. That's why he wakes up on the beach at the start of the movie. However, he has stated several times that if Sony commissioned one (based on the sales of the current DVD), he would happily be involved in a "Director's Cut" DVD in the future with more special features and deleted scenes from the Cannes cut. What does the name Fortunio Balducci refer to? In June 2008, Boxer Santaros (Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson), an action movie star with ties to the Republican Party, disappears. If "Southland Tales" is a semi-straightforward reinterpretation of the Book of Revelation, then Baron Von Westphalen is the Antichrist, Sen. Bobby Frost is probably his false prophet, Krysta Now is the Whore of Babylon, the two witnesses are probably Boxer Santaros and Roland Taverner, the white horse is the levitating ice cream truck, and Christ is Ronald and Roland Taverner. Edit, Richard Kelly stated in his interview with Empire, He is the doomsday prophet, the witness of everything. Where does that qualifying characteristic for a messiah come from? The film also evokes Kurt Vonnegut's sci-fi absurdism, Philip K. Dick's philosophical approach to time travel, and Thomas Pynchon's sprawling narratives. Roland and Ronald are the Messiah and in the end they find each other and save humanity through the power of forgiveness. When Boxer and Taverner went through the space-time rift, they traveled 69 minutes back in time -- creating duplicate versions of themselves. Southland Tales begins on Independence Day 2005 in an eminently recognizable Bush-era Texas. "Martin Kefauver: He is the angel of death that rides on the horse (the ice cream truck) But now it's about, I hope, creating a piece of science fiction that's about a really important problem we're facing, about civil liberties and homeland security and needing to sustain both those things and balance them. The Book of Revelation, or the Revelation of John, was written by an unknown person in the first century. Tab wanted Ronald to help the Neo-Marxists destroy US-IDent, so he entrusted Roland and Ronald to Zora Carmichaels, who then drove them to Venice Beach. "Memory Gospel" by MobySongs Not Featured in on the soundtrackFrom the album Hotel by Moby (2-CD Deluxe Edition): "Snowball (played in opening sequence before opening title) "Blue Paper" (played when Dion and Dream are having discussion about bowel movements, also in trailer) "Overland" (heard before and after Pilot's dream sequence) "Aerial" "Hotel Intro" (featured in Cannes cut, not in theatrical cut) "Live Forever" (featured in Cannes cut, not in theatrical cut)Other songs not featured: Water Pistol" by Moby "If I Could Be With You (One Hour Tonight)" by Louis Armstrong "All These Things That I've Done" by The Killers "Planet Telex (Live in San Francisco)" by Radiohead Symphony No. Ronald and Roland Taverner, furthermore, are not twins, but copies of the same person. The name of Dr. Severin Exx is a reference to the name of an evil doctor in the movie "Kiss Me Deadly," and Boxer Santaros' convertible is the same car driven by Ralph Meeker in the 1955 film. What does the phrase "Do You Bleed" mean? Richard Kelly's science-fiction comedy was widely derided on release in 2006, but it has since found a cult audience. He learns that "The Power" is correct: As a result of the Baron's Utopia projects, the world is coming to an end and the Earth's rotation is slowing down. What's the relation between Walter Mung and Veronica "Dream" Mung? But if "Southland Tales" follows the same logic as "Donnie Darko," as laid out in that film's DVD extras, when the fourth dimension is corrupted, it causes the creation of two parallel universes: the Tangent Universe and the Primary Universe. During their discussion, they learn that Ronald has been dreaming of Boxer. Anything important or cool? One copy of Boxer traveled 69 minutes back in time, while the other copy was killed by an explosive charge in the car. Its depiction of an American teenager experiencing premonitions about doomsday clocks and jet crashes suddenly became more piquant in light of such astounding tragedy. Beasts from Revelation 12 and 13 (Puppet of the Anti-Christ)Baron Von Westphalen: "Teen Horniness is Not a Crime" by Sarah Michelle Gellar, Abbey McBride, ClarKent11. Several soldiers were selected (Pilot, Roland, Rick [from the graphic novels]) as test subjects and were injected with Fluid Karma before going out into battle. Starla is in love with Boxer and, in a fit of delusion, has assumed the role of Dr. Muriel Fox, a character from the screenplay. Thinking it's her sex tape with Boxer, she takes it with her. They also added in a newly animated opening prologue called the Doomsday Scenario Interface. It's a schizophrenic break. Running time: 160 minutes. Boxer gets into a convertible and drives off. Nana Mae Frost is also monitoring the entire situation from USIDent. He played a character named "Donnie" in a movie with Boxer Santaros. Edit, Their role is explained a lot better in the graphic novels: they are the heads of the Neo-Marxists and are also street poets who have released several albums. "The Power" is a pretty hilarious piece of work. According to Serpentine, "The future is just as [he] imagined.". Southland Tales had a rough go of it. As they hold hands, the truck begins to float into the sky with Martin Kefauver on board. "[39] In her review for the Los Angeles Times, Carina Chocano wrote, "You get the sense that Kelly is too angry to really find any of it funny. Also, a very subtle reference took place when Bart Bookman (Jon Lovitz) had just killed Dream and Dion: he said "Flow my tears". All three graphic novels were written by Richard Kelly, with artwork by Brett Weldele. The New Statesmans global affairs newsletter, every Monday and Friday. Ambitious and arresting to the eye -- the gray palette serves the film well -- it's too bad that Southland Tales is also pretentious, chaotic, and tries too hard. Dwayne Johnson joined the cast in April 2005, and principal photography was slated to begin August 1, 2005 in Los Angeles. He's the best friend of Seann William Scott's character (Roland Taverner), so he's witness to the resurrection. "[44], In a 2013 interview, Kelly said he considered this work as "the thing that I'm most proud of, and I feel like it's sort of the misunderstood child or the banished child. No, it's not just you. Shortly after they received their first injection of fluid karma, however, Taverner and Abilene were sent on a mission to Fallujah, and Taverner accidentally injured Abilene with a grenade -- disfiguring him. Roland runs to meet him inside the ice cream truck. In the universe of the film, Dr. Inga Von Westphalen is also the granddaughter of Jenny Von Westphalen, Karl Marx's wife. 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