Again, I had the benefit of Lloyd Bentsens views. She had a million task forces, but the senior one. The politics of the Btu tax per se versus other types of energy taxes, including the gas tax, which we ultimately fell back on, werent well considered. There are some people who wouldsome of the George H. W. Bush people date the partisanship from the budget deal. Then of course, the Senate voted the next day and we only had 49 votes that we knew about and Senator Bob Kerrey was the undecided vote, the only one left. Hed been the Governor of New York for quite some time and everyone knew Cuomo and his coterie. Yes, that was bad advice. But was there any perspective then that in fact, the Japanese economy was weak relative to the other G7? Bentsen could tell you, within 4 percent accuracy, what was going to happen to every one of these bills. One was in connection with Putting People First, when we had the wonderful experience of taking a cab from the Little Rock airport and having the cab driver slow down and practically come to a stop for a second, and excitedly point out to us Gennifer Flowers apartment building. As I recall, Al Gore wanted it, cared a great deal about it, to some considerable degree got his way on it. I remember that vividly the day of the convention, the morning the convention ended, or maybe the morning after it ended. I know Bentsen, especially in retrospect I know Bentsen. And the next point I want to make is, there was a fateful meeting, like most of these things, very well chronicled now, in Little Rock, up at the transition, the economic team, lasted many hours, very organized meeting in the sense that it had a set of presentations and then a broad discussion. Most of the trade was being handled by what was called the NEC [National Economic Council] deputies, which is the Deputy Secretary level of the NEC. So Fiske came to the conclusion that nothing had happened, Starr came to the conclusion nothing had happened, and certainly, if he could have found anything, I think he would have been motivated to push it. My point is, I thought the whole discussion had a considerable impact on Clinton, as did scores of others along the way after that. You ultimately get into a room like this and you say, youd better start to train me, tell me how this happened. Fortunately Secretary Bentsen said, No, not fine. I took an hour plus to do this. He said, I know this will be hard, but I think I can get those folks. He could have just been rhetorically difficult about it and kind of accepted the fact that were steady as she goes on the Cold War, and he didnt. My comment is a retrospective comment. I remembered him of course, but I dont think he knew me. I think the Japanese have ultimately realized its in their own interests to make a lot of these changes. If you can think of a great President, a President who is seen as really great, who didnt have such a crisis, Id like to hear it, because I dont think there is one. So it depends a lot on the people. So I think Clintons own behavior did play a role in it and that in retrospect there would have been better ways for Clinton to have dealt with some of these things. Rubin was well known as an economic conservative, and Bentsen, of course, had a very long legislative record, which was in the same direction. Well, it was difficult in the beginning. There were quite a few members where I had lead day-to-day responsibility. Its always a mistake to challenge the Federal Reserve. So that was the revelation, so to speak, that occurred that day. Yes, here in New York. So its funny how reality quickly returns. Well, it was supposed to become the law of North America on January 1st, wasnt it? Bentsen managed himself with extraordinary skill. He does not see that as one of his own great accomplishments. The election took place on the first Tuesday of November. The hearings process really kind of kicks it off. So my second point is that I was a part of that during the pre-war room period. The social aspect of it also involved here? Id actually been politically active in high school, but my political involvements didnt extend beyond the campus. You can have whatever conversations you want to have in private. Were you making recommendations to him about how you might tighten things up in this area? We were the easy solution for the press. The only other observation that just randomly runs through my mind is, I was always described in the press as an intimate of Clintons and that was just not the case. Did that debate begin as early as August? I want to ask one more question about the election because Ross Perots name hasnt come up and been explored. In other words, all the work that goes in before its actually sent to the Hill. Dont ever let those conversations be public. And the field against which Clinton ultimately competed was not a strong field. Yes, and Im sure that any number of opponents to the Presidents plan were sincere in their expectation that it wouldnt work. As I recall, the distinctive thing about Clinton, if everyone had one courageous stand, his was on free trade. Thats one where the Federal role is much bigger and one of the things we didnt discuss is why the administration did not latch onto that early on, even though the President was on the populist side of reform. I should have said Larry Summers was an important part of that too. We havent exhausted the topic of budgets and we want to talk further about that, but since youve already opened the door on this question about historical opposition and so forth, I thought that you might want to discuss your perceptions about how the existence of that institution changes the dynamic in Washington. But in any event, Im sure it wasnt as good as it should have been. Thats a very important difference, because it addressed healthcare, various items on childrens policy, crime initiatives, urban policythe full span of domestic policy issues, of which economic policy was just one element. But that was fairly brief, though. Did you think that they took those claims seriously, or was this pure politics? Anyway, then Secretary Bentsen and I repaired to the little study off the White House, the two of us, just to watch the actual vote. Japanese discussions were harder, but the G7 summit was fine, it was easy. Of course it was a very small kind of backwater type of situation, not a big one. No, he was working the Hill like everyone else, but he was important. Word comes up, you just say nothing. Or should be, not will be, but should be. It was a voluntary choice. That was great. I took a trip out to Oklahoma to visit the district of a Congressman from Oklahoma whose vote we needed, and ultimately I think we got. Decided to do this. I had really not fully ever grasped from my Wall Street days, that there was a great big regulatory side to it including enforcement side, where the RTC was also charged with pursuing investigations against former thrift officials and ultimately prosecuting them if circumstances warranted. NAFTA has been successful. No, it was not at all. I was the class of 1967 and he was the class of 1968. Can you walk us through that? Were you consulting with the President occasionally after you left Washington and came back to New York? Less and less now that shes her own public figure, but thats her nature. I just remember that being contemporaneous with the real beginning of an organized effort here. And, to some degree it was also, of course, for Clinton to take the measure of certain people he might be appointing. Well, it was also a surprise to many in the administration because the truth is, the fight over the economic plan took every ounce of energy that everyone had and attention didnt really turn to NAFTA until that was over, and that was over in August. Do you have the perception that there were some other instances where maybe this wasnt done? Can you tell us generally about your role during the general election campaign? It was the usual degree of difficulty that early, not really greater because he was from Arkansas. But what actually turned out to happen was that each Cabinet officer, or at least many of them, came up with a list of favorite initiatives they wanted. Bentsen only talked to about five or six Senators. Let me give you an example that is appropriate to the present. My memory is a bit fuzzy on that. Casey resigned and it was vacant. Was there a group of people who were helping him on the policy side respective to economics? He did, that was the first State of the Union. So there was a lot of humor like that. You indicated that the President did it right with Treasury. So that the link in Clintons mind between deficit reduction and stimulus disappeared when it got into the political arena. We know youre extremely busy. By the way, when the three-judge Washington panel that chose Fiske threw him out and replaced him with [Ken] Starr, Starr went back to the beginning and went over the entire thing again and came to the same conclusion. Were they talking about what you do with Senator X, with Congressman Y? If you think about it, it makes lots of sense. He could have been all rhetorical about it. And every day I would speak to Bentsen about it. So, to some extent, the President had put himself in a tough spot. I was not involved in the decision as to the sequencing of healthcare versus welfare reform. Help us understand why he would elect to move NAFTA at this point? You never saw, one time, Bob Rubin do that, not one time, after he left. Most of us cant name the last President who did balance the budget. But its interesting to put it into perspective. No, what Im trying to say is that there were several points of view advanced by some of the people there, who had, in one form or another, policy experience. There are extremes here. Could you tell us what your portfolio was within Treasury and what your primary responsibilities were? We had a couple hundred people there. Every time they had a new Prime Minister, we had a new set of characters. @ 34.032138, -118.722249. Tulip Brenner (Carol Burnett) tells off her sister-in-law (Peggy Ann Garner) in Robert Altman's "A Wedding." But why was it bloodless? That was the all-time low for the dollar. So there was not any anxiety or uncertainty within the core group of people involved in economic policy making about how this might fit in or. But the key revelation was the most stimulative thing we could do for this economy is to induce a monetary response. Fifty Republicans had announced their opposition, 49 Democrats had announced their support, and Bob Kerrey was strolling around, going to the movies, which is what he was doing. You were involved in the Little Rock Economic Summit? I do recall some rushed discussions at the very end about what we do now and how we flesh out his policies, and I can recall talking to George Stephanopoulos the morning the convention ended about certain steps we were going to take now in terms of getting better organized on policy development and issues. But that battle was resolved in favor of the revolution, the most sweeping alternative, and I dont really have a lot to add beyond whats been written. So the fact that a variety of people serve a long time, theres nothing mysterious about that, that had nothing to do with Bill Clinton. Are you including in this the difference of approach between the campaign-oriented, the political people, and the policy people, as well as the differences among. Was it the selection of the people who were going to do the economic. You can do it through tax increases and then you have to choose the tax, and you can do it through spending reductions and you have to choose the area youre going to focus on. Rather than ask about the mundane, I think it makes sense to go right to the next dramatic thing. But Clinton went for it, Clinton listened, Clinton deserves tremendous credit. That day I knew we were headed for defeat. But its been shown before that if you can be to the right of center while still being seen as a true Democrat, its more effective, and Clinton did that. Its a strong field. Senator Kennedy was for it from day one. But in any event, Madison Guaranty had failed. Hed be speaking someplace and Id be playing some role at the same conference at one of the usual conference locations, and we would briefly renew the acquaintance, but I did not stay, in any organized way, in touch with him. But most of my time was spent on legislation. Then he asked me to begin to work on certain personnelpresent him possible choices for the senior jobs in the department. Theyre already heavily taxed, its their money, not the governments money and all of that, and if it works, nobody will remember that I opposed it. The second point is the nature of the key individuals chosen. I was very involved in it but I was notspending probably two-thirds of my time on it. I knew Paul Tsongas and he was a nice man, a good man, but he was not a good politician and I didnt see Paul Tsongas being the nominee. Its worth asking. I worked in the White House. How did the decision-making go about to decide on these different components of the package? Those are two different questions, Id rather answer the will be question. That was quite a bit later. But Clinton really got into it. In the initial phases it was really broad strategy because we didnt yet know. You havent told us about your own appointment. So Clinton wisely determined that this was something that Bentsen ultimately had to make the call on. Anyway. Did you have to retestify when Starr took this over? But for reasons I dont fully understand, it goes in cycles, and we came into office at a time when an up cycle so to speak on partisanship was asserting itself. They had a very unsuccessful discussion, which resulted in name calling and cursing. For example, the Btu tax and the raising of the highest rate, highest bracket. We just didnt know, and thats pretty amazing, the biggest piece of legislation, the voting has actually begun. Everyone understood there was a lag factor. Its mostly things I learned that dont work. No I dont. I couldnt for the life of me see why that was a problem, but anyway, I went to the White House and told Bernie Nussbaum, the White House Counsel, just how the RTC actually operated in these matters. So I ended up serving in this job for 12 or 13 months, and I had a very disciplined approach to it. Now, it may last five or six more years, it may last 25 more years, I dont know. We wanted Japan to commit to rebalance the current account between the two countries, including committing itself to some pro-growth steps at home, and we wanted a specific agreement on autos and certain other things. I was in Tokyo with President Clinton, the Tokyo Economic Summit and Id made several trips to Tokyo paving the way for that. Were there follow-up meetings with Japan that you were involved in after the summit? So, looking back on it, the nature and the history of those three men had a lot to do with the eventual outcome. So I knew nothing about the substance of the Clinton case. I might have if I had not known Bob Rubin, but I knew him better than anybody else in the administration knew him and I had great confidence in him and knew that he and I would relate well. Those carve-outs were all done on a tripartite basis. He wanted to focus on a few important things at any particular time. Do you recall in your conversations with Senator Bentsen, were there missed opportunities for developing a more bipartisan atmosphere in Washington at this time, or was it pretty much just a foregone conclusion that because the Republicans were now completely in the minority that they were going to obstruct from the outset? You know, Clintons Presidency coincided with a lot of big changes in the body politic at large. So hes the one who asked you to serve in that position, not Clinton. Clintons very first initiative was his stimulus program. WebRoger Altman is Founder and Senior Chairman of Evercore, the most active independent investment bank in the world today. It is high, because the toll it takes on your life is high and you either run out of money or you just burn yourself out, or you get separated from your family, or whatever it is. I left the White House around April, took a couple of months off, and went back to New York. I put the President on the phone with her and of course, she cast the decisive vote. I think so, yes. He said, Its up to you. Well, there was, like most administrations, kind of a running shakeup. Ill never forget, I went in to see one of them whod been shot eight times. Most of the people I mentioned, and Im sure Im forgetting a group of them, in fact, I know I am, but, I can recall getting slightly involved in debate preparationslightly now, not deeplyattending the debates, seeing drafts of speeches before he gave them, again, not all speeches, but certain speeches, that type of role. But of course Republican support was sought. Pretty difficult to make major progress in that context. I think though, if I can repeat myself once, I finished reading a few months ago a marvelous biography of TR [Theodore Roosevelt], the second volume of Edmund Morris work. Secretary Bentsen didnt know about it but a lot of other people did, and nobody paid much attention to it. By the time 94 was over, the Congress was in Republican hands. By the way, in any matter where the statute of limitations was about to expire, there was nothing specific about the Madison matter that was any different. The next thing is a free-trade agreement, which I think the President could have dodged, he didnt have to go all out on that. It traces to Clintons legendary wonkishness. Hundreds of meetings over many months, also similar to those original meetings, too many people, too long, too many people talking and so forth. A lot of people didnt realize and I didnt entirely realize the regulatory responsibilities of the RTC at the time. I didnt have a background in healthcare of any kind, and I began to see that it was overloading the circuits to try to do as much as some wanted to. Because if you decided not to go on NAFTA you really couldnt ever go back and say, Im a pro-trade President. He managed to remain viable through New Hampshire. I divided my time between the transition office and the Treasury. I was in Tokyo, asleep, so I was a bit taken aback. Tickets to the Kennedy Center and things of that nature, or is this too big a matter. No, but Clintons clear priority was, and was going to be, steps to stimulate the economy and indeed, as soon as he took office, he submitted a package of measures which constituted his stimulus program and they rather promptly went down to defeat. He lost that election. Im not in the Senate. Before we come back to this, I want to pose one question and that is about the Presidents style when he was working the phones with members of the House. For example, Putting People First was reissued, I believe in June of 92. So not long after arriving in the new offices, which were over there on Vermont Avenue, I remember that, I went over to the Treasury and met with Secretary [Nicholas] Brady and the Deputy Secretary, very nice manname escapes me at the momentand began to debrief the senior members of the department. Yes, because obviously I was seen as somebody who had business credentials to some degree, conservative credentials, by Democratic standards at least. But I was briefed on the procedures the RTC had to follow here. Were you involved in that effort? Then, that sent the ball in motion so to speak, in terms of that being the focus of discussion, although the senior members of that group were pretty united on the fact that we should make a real effort on the deficit. But from the outside, one of the notable departures of that administration, and I think it began very early, was the cordial deference paid toward the Federal Reserve Board. It was a few votes, not one vote. Education might be something in terms of opening. That was the moment, that day. The New York Times put it on the front page and this giant controversy erupted. Hes the first guy who stepped in defeated. There was not a war going on. I went back to the airport in Austin, reported that to Warren Christopher, and I think we were all announced within a week. There were a lot of people who did take that candidacy very seriously though, right? So it could be revived again tomorrow. You should have asked me about the vote, unless youve already talked to enough people about it. These cookies do not store any information that directly identifies you. But apropos of my comments earlier that classic, unreconstructed liberalism had never been my cup of tea, I never identified with Mario Cuomo. That was not well known to me at the time. Im Gary Burtless. They werent really involved in the doing of the plan. But the student radical movement had not penetrated? I also think Clinton knew he was going to go up against some of his oldest allies, whether it was Marian Wright Edelman, whomever it was, in terms of welfare reform, and was prepared to do it, but wasnt really looking forward to it. The bigger gamble then was, as you say, the long term, the response in the long-term credit markets, whats going to happen, and that, I take it, is where Allen Blinders. There was no surprise. Today it is seen as structural. Then we put on our battle armor and went back into battle. Well see whether it lasts or not, but I think Clinton changed the dynamic on worldwide attitudes toward trade opening, and turned trade from an obscure issue that few people in the country paid any attention to, into an important issue and an acceptance of the notion that lowering barriers to trade led to prosperity. We came into office, the trade imbalance of payments deficit with Japan had risen to very high levels. In the Carter administration, there was no real sense of what the Federal Reserve really was, what it did, how to deal with it. But lets talk for a moment about the end of 1991. Yes, I believe the charter of the RTC transcended whether it was a state chartered or federally chartered S and L. Well, the guarantees were not Federal if they were state chartered. It begins I think with the economic and fiscal circumstances that the administration faced, and two in particular. But youd been doing transition work for a month. What are the lasting accomplishments, the lasting legacies of this administration, regardless of whether the historians are going to pick up these strains as being historically important or flamboyantly important enough to elevate Clinton into an upper- echelon Presidency? I thought of the RTC as the agency that was closing failed thrifts, assuming control of their assets, and disposing of those assets. Were still in the transition period, and now may be the appropriate time to talk about the process by which deficit reduction becomes a clear priority item over some of the other things that were talked about during the course of the campaign. Also, wed had 12 years of Republican rule and there was a widespread sense of time for change. I first met Bill Clinton in college. But it was not a novel idea at all. I think everybody has a different calculation. You wouldnt choose to go before a grand jury instead of, say, going to Yankee Stadium to see the Yankees playAt that point I was already out of the administration and I had no real concerns. The following MondayI was out West actuallyI flew back to Washington and I believe I resigned on Wednesday. Thats something we dont have a lot of information about. And presided over eight years of peace. It was very effective because it was a group of roughly 20-25 people, working literally 19-20 hours a day with only one mission, and that mission was to get this bill passed. Thats how politics works. It was sort of all-encompassing. I wasnt making a distinction between Clinton and his predecessors, but rather making a distinction between Clinton and his successors since there wont be any more. No. Thats just the way history works. I mean, by that time, the group that was advising him on economic policy had become reasonably well set. I was on the board of the Childrens Television Workshop, now called the Sesame Workshop, the entity that produces Sesame Street and related childrens programming. So I served in that job for give or take a year, and I never had a single meeting on an investigation nor did any of my predecessors, just wasnt done, wasnt necessary, and so forth. Nafta at this point to have in private versus welfare reform Tokyo, asleep, so was. 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