Their Science Vs. If youre not ready for a serious relationship, dont get back together with him and lead him on. Indeed the knowledge of Allah Almighty given to us through the revelations to our Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, is the most beneficial knowledge we can have. Whenever you are in distress start reciting it and Insha Allah it will take you out of your anxiety and will put you in a peaceful situation and will give you happiness. You will always love him in some way, but it may hurt a little less. We have talked about the future before and have always worked things out but suddenly he doesnt think it will work anymore. Keep it along with a list of reasons why he is not the right person for you. This is really very disappointing. Make a conscious decision to break off all communication: Breakups are messy and chaotic. I'm in a similar situation.. Idk if you'd read this but if you do please REPLY. Or maybe he will agree to see you and be happy about it instead. If hes not ready for a serious relationship, it doesnt mean he doesnt want to be with you; it just means he needs more time. They granted an immediate divorce and full legal permanent custody of her children. Maybe he was slowly pushed away by your behavior, or maybe you did nothing wrong. He's revealed his true colors to you. I never did anything wrong I was a good man. The only way to get past this and move on is by healing. Islam has a pretty demeaning view of women. This is a great way to move past your breakup and get your ex out of your head. Then calmly ask him why he does it at all. You said your not a muslim then why you reading the Quran. I encouraged that God is real,living and presentand though im happy he will finally have peace for the void and unrest he felt im also saddened that i cannot be his future. 1 Likes, 2 Comments - I love kiki break up with your boyfriend (@the_goat_andrew_murry) on Instagram: Me and my giirrrllll!! This is very important and you need to listen to this: Go no contact. Question regarding relations between husband and wife. In islam there is no IFs and Else .Zina is not allowed .Full stop . So someone who breaks up with you for good is actually proving that theyre wrong for you and cant make you happy. I make dua and that's all you can. Remind him of the first date you went on, a fun trip you went on, or the first time he told you he loved you. Later, you are going to learn what you can do to try to work things out with him, or at least cope with the breakup and move on. I always agreed but there was something that stopped us everytime. hey there i just came to us i have a proplem with english languge ?? It proves you are serious about getting back together: It takes courage to break off all contact with your ex. When she eventually arrived back in the USA she went to court and filed for divorce and custody of her children. People dont just leave abruptly for no reason. We both saw the same point of view in life. He didnt know i was a Atheist and i told him yesterday. Speaking of commitment, have you discussed where your relationship is going? The reason is that Islam treats women very unfairly Since then, he broke up with me, starting seeing his ex girlfriend, and is now treating me There are many benefits to using the No contact rule to get back together with your ex. Focus on yourself right now. Now that you know what the No contact rule is and why it works, its time to figure out how to actually get your ex back using this technique. Either way, you will need to respect his decision. Istighfar (Astaghfirullah) is the gateway of relief and happiness. So I went to the hospital for decreased fetal movement and spotting Always with the intention of dropping them for "a nice muslim girl" they can marry. I think on time he started viewing me as something he should be helping to change and bring on the *right path" (according to him) and when I wasn't so easily controllable he got the shits and moved on. Is there really a future for the two of you? Yes.all in one week. Hes not Muslim, they said. So why not chat online to one of the experts from Relationship Hero who can help you figure things out. Dating Again After A Breakup: How Long Should You Wait? At this point I don't think he is a bad person. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) used to recite this at least 100 times a day. I am a feminist, pro LGBTQ+ rights, anti-racism. You might have become so focused on your romantic relationship that you forgot to nurture your other relationships. Muslim Gogglebox star Jad Nehmetallah has issued a stern response to Reuban Kaye, after the comedian made a lewd joke about Jesus while appearing on The If he has a lot of other problems in his life, even a minor problem with you could be too much. I don't know if he became so angry at me that he thought the best thing is to cut it cold and be indifferent. In the end, you cant rely on him to give you closure. Their Science Vs. I changed for myself and I want to meet a good man to share my life with. I am deleted every messages nd no, photos everything. Maybe he cheated on you, but he could have just As for the relationship, we are not allowed to have relationships outside of marriage--so your boyfriend did do the right thing to end the relationship. My Boyfriend Broke Up With Me Suddenly For No Reason. So, he has to break up with you to be able to see where it goes with the other person. One day we both decided we will part ways for the sake of Allh and In Shaa 'Allaah if it is meant to be Allh will reunite us. So, treat it as one and do the things that you can do something about. WebMy boyfriend broke up with me yesterday because i'm im an Atheist and hes a muslim. If I had met Muslims with that kind of attitude before I converted, I would probably be very turned off to Islam altogether. But is it normal to move on after a few days like that? Give him a time period in which he cannot contact you. Even when we were in relationship, he used to tell me that we should break up as he used to feel guilty of this. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Guess Who? In the end he took her passport, she basically became a prisoner there. Must be XYZ" etc then I am happy for them. Now is the time to reflect on what you want and what went wrong. Believe me, if you want to have a shot of getting back together, this is the way. My boyfriend andI werein a relationship for almost 2 and a half years. Perhaps you were dating a religious girl or After a while, if you still want him back, you can reach out to him again. There are many reasons why a relationship might end. When someone breaks up with you, it can hurt so much that you want them back without even giving it much thought. If you want to heal from a breakup, you cant keep texting your ex, stalking his profile, or even meeting him for coffee to try to convince him to take you back. When you want to break up with someone, you give it some thought before acting on it. If it matters so much to him, in the long run it would still have been a deal breaker. Even if he gets nicer, this is just no way to treat another person, much less a lady friend. Salam. Muslim men use non muslim women as stand in sex practice until they get a proper muslim wife - one prior approved by their family usually. He hears us all, and grants us what is best for us. Hello there Im exactly in same situation we didnt do anything wrong but we both love each other so much Im younger than her (2years) she is getting matches and Im not settled yet we both just graduated recently . I feel sorry for you, but let that be a lesson to you I guess. I just want his kind nature back. I don't mind if you pray that:) But a guy who loves me unconditionally..does such a man exist?? Stop calling and texting him. He respected you and decided you two were incompatible. Youll just end up going to hell. Or my favorite: What A woman I grew up with fell in love in college with a non-practicing Muslim. But, you should try to keep your intentions hidden from your ex. Or maybe he knows what real love feels like and simply doesnt feel it for you anymore. I don't know if this will make you feel better but if he is from Middle East sharing the same religion isn't enough to get married. But do you really want him back? Reply While he still loves you, he may be in the position of choosing between you and his family. The truth is, you cant get over him if hes constantly there, even if just in your feeds. The No contact rule gives you enough time to do this and get your life together before moving forward with your ex again. You are precious and created by God. My parents are threatening divorceam I being punished for my haram relationship? But yeah, I wouldn't go back to him after this even if he was begging, Never date a Muslim unless they want to convert to Catholicism. Her and even her mum would ring him constantly begging him to come back lol. And I read that Allah may give you somthing better than that, but I don't want anything better than him. As the Bible tells us: Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character. (1 Corinthians 15:33) Remember that God wants us to act in a way that is Did you mention commitment? Study Islam. ", Reader Response: My Muslim Boyfriend Broke Up with Me. I am new here. It just wont be with him. Assalaamu alaikum Jelena is a citizen of the world who is passionate about travel and learning about new cultures. How can I be a better Muslim? Call them narcissists etc.. when the relationship is is over. If hes from any decent family, the wife is already identified. After spending 2 years of your life with a man it is very hard when they decide they need to make a change. If he trusts you, he may confide in you about any problems he has in his new relationship. A life suitable for Islam can be experienced all ", "I congratulate you. SVS, where in the post does it even mention sex? While this article will shed light on the main things to do to get your boyfriend back, it can be helpful to speak to a relationship coach about your situation. You need a man who wants to marry you. I totally agree with SVS and minightmoon. The Prayer of Need (Salat al-Hajah) or Istikhara? When you were in a relationship, it was easy to put your friends on the back burner. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Guess Who? Trust Allh. ! Your g/f used you and probably found some thing better. 3. This can create problems in your life and your relationships. Speak to a certified and experienced relationship coach to help you deal with a breakup thats come out of nowhere. As she explains what shes endured, however, her decision to break things off seems valid. If your ex rejects you when you reach out to him, you should know that thats all he is now your ex, and thats okay. And then also say Inshallah, or "if Allah wills", and not hold Love as your God to making it happen. I have only myself to blame for my bad decisions I know When we met, we had both come out of a relationship not long ago so I can't say I'm that surprised it's ended, but what I am surprised by is how cold and heartless he is treating me and move on so quickly to his ex who strokes his ego or tells him what he wants to hear to keep him. You can feel free to pray to the one true God -the Creator of all things- any time, for anything. They had 3 sons together. Finally, we, as Muslims, are supposed to depict and sincerely show the correct path that Allah swt wants us to remain on, Islam. If Allah does not will for the two to be together in this life then it doesn't matter how much the two love each other. If you love someone, do your best to make it happen. If you truly love your ex, and they have not moved on, then asking for a second chance is a good idea. If you push him too hard, hell resent you even more and the breakup will become permanent. Grieve your loss. Honestly I have heard several stories of Muslims guys doing this. WebWhen someone breaks up with you out of the blue and then disappears into thin air, it means that they want to avoid taking responsibility for their actions. Im not muslim but I know a fair few now. Don't get back with him. You know what? Yep, my first love was from a completely different religious background and that's why things Not everyone will get into a relationship with you with the intention to love you, even if they dont intend to use you. He didn't treat me like a "side chick" and he was a respectful person. If this is the case, dont assume that he never loved you to begin with. Are my stepsisters feelings and actions justified? You need to stop assuming everyone is having sex!!! Maybe yours ended now so that it would hurt less than if it ended later. Whats more, hell appreciate the extra effort youre going through to improve yourself. He might be overwhelmed with everything thats going on, and youre only amplifying the stress. In his mind, things arent going to be the same again, and they will somehow get worse. Usually people just hopes their wife will convert or they force them to convert. Jules Dall admitted in a viral clip that midway through the couples Doing so will only make him think youre desperate and clingy and hell resent you for it. The technique is commonly used by celebrities after a breakup to get their ex back. NowI don't even want to make any dua. Since then, he broke up with me, starting seeing his ex girlfriend, and is now treating me coldly like as if I never existed and like he never even But I feel so sad and devistated. Of course sins have consequences but you must repent to god both of you was in wrong may god bring you back onto the correct path. I'm sure they can direct you to an English language learning center. Now, I know that youre still in love with your ex, but dont try to talk him out of his new relationship. Yes, there is a possibility that your boyfriend will change his mind, but thats unlikely to happen quickly, and you need time to figure out what you want too. Explore the world's faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality! "Real friends are gems to find. Nice in theory but in reality Christianity is falling out of interest in many countries. He will then just sit and wait, wondering when it's going to happen. But, this time, you will be coming from a place of strength and confidence. Just stay strong. Hey its wrong to think that fate cant be changed. But, they will notice that youre serious about getting back together with them. Just like that. Mother will not let me become a commerical pilot because I am a girl! It's not like the girl doesn't love the guy in this case right? Saba: As for the relationship, we are not allowed to have relationships outside of marriage--so your boyfriend did do the right thing to end the relationship. Please dont judge my lesbian relationship. Mar 1, 2023 at 11:38 AM. This hurts a lot, but it happens quite frequently and gives your boyfriend a pretty good reason not to tell you anything. You've been fooled and it sucks, but that is the case. Declare (O Muhammad SAW) unto My slaves, that truly, I am the Oft-Forgiving, the Most-Merciful. Were his feelings just an act?? All my Duas turn against me, and I now fear making Dua at all! He used to tell me what is right and what shouldI do. Maybe he cheated on you, but he could have just become interested in someone else. Like me on Facebook to see more articles like this in your feed. Where can I find a good revert Muslim man to marry? Because, it is this knowledge that enables us to know our Lord and worship Him in the manner He should be worshipped. By getting closer to Allah, it made me realize that our relationship was SO wrong. But u know Allah says Na" ask me anything and I will go it to you" so its our responsibility to ask. Yeah I don't get this side to him. If so, can I pray for him so that he won't be punished from God? Muslim women is only allowed to marry Muslim men. I think this is a rather harsh way to express what you're trying to say. I don't understand how he could just turn into the cold, indifferent person that he now is towards me. Know what you want. Its for the best. It is unclear as to what reason your boyfriend broke up with you and what he said to you--so it is difficult to comment on this. Sorry to hear this happened. Your boyfriend might not give you an explanation, but you are likely to find it among the following common reasons. Perhaps your boyfriend isnt scared of commitment; he just doesnt think that your particular relationship has a future. When you feel that sadness within you, when you are disturbed and frustrated, when anxiety surrounds you, say Astaghfirullah We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Breaking up with him was the hardest and most painful. One of the best ways to get your ex-boyfriend back is to show him what hes missing out on. I want to avoid adultery. 15) Dont beg or act desperate. WebIf youve Googled He broke up with me and I dont even know why, youre not alone. If you decide to go no contact, dont give in to the temptation to send a message or two along the way, its important to be consistent. Does Islam allow this? I feel terrible. If you want to get back together but this time in a happier, more committed relationship, its simple: To do this, you only need to change the emotions he associates with you and makes him picture what a brand new relationship with you would look like. Study, pray and may God guide you. I think the best thing to do is to approach him (at a time when you two arent fighting) and tell him that when he threatens to break up with you, it hurts you. This will make it difficult for you to get back together with him. Now that youve mentioned commitment, he started thinking about what that means, and to him, it might seem like he will lose his freedom. If your ex-boyfriend broke up with you, you need to let him take his time to heal and figure out what he wants in life. My uncle thinks his son is homosexual and wants us to beat the gay out of him. The same day he broke up with me saying he's very sorry and didn't want this to happen. We cried on the phone as he told me that his parents and family would never accept me and that he wanted to be with me Now, this is a big step and something that you should only do after youve thought long and hard about it. They're notorious for this in my state. Hes certainly not, and becoming more aware of his flaws can help you get over him. ), 9 Highly Effective Ways To Deal With Condescending People, Help! His parents found him a new girl and Im left devastated. Yes I get that there are some middle eastern Muslim guys that view some non Muslim women that way but he is not from the middle East and I am not from a western culture either. When your ex broke up with you, you were probably angry with him. Keep in mind that you are going to love again, and you are going to have a happy relationship. They dated and eventually married. My Soon-to-be-wife has left me suddenly, And I am still deeply in love with her. Even if you desperately want everything to be the way it was, accept the breakup and the fact that thats currently not an option. Respect yourself. It is unclear as to what reason your boyfriend broke up with you and what he said to you--so it is difficult to comment on this. I called my boyfriend twice when I was on my way and he didnt answer but he texted me. I think you are very fortunate to get out as you did. All Rights Reserved | Contact Us | Advertise | Privacy Policy. Maybe he even said something that could give you an idea about what has been going on inside his head lately. We talked about , me becoming Muslim for him in the past. I'm sorry. He might have simply realized that its not what he wants anymore because the relationship has run its course. When he sees how well youre doing, hell see that hes missing out by not being a part of your life and hell want to get back together. have faith in Him . So, instead of cheating on you, he ended the relationship so that he would be free to date other people. I completely understand how he could turn from attentive to cold and indifferent. I don't want the relationship back. He will eventually try to get in touch with you, if you did #1 correct he wont be able to. Instead, put on your best dress and go out and have fun. Now I don't know what to do. What if your relationship was going great? That means not replying to any texts, calls, social media. Since then, he broke up with me, starting seeing his ex girlfriend, and is now treating me coldly like as if I never existed and like he never even had feelings for me. Maybe you broke up because you were unsure about what you wanted or needed. But it may also make life harder for them. On the bright side, getting some distance from this guy will give you a lot more free time, and you should only use a small portion of it to dwell on the breakup. You get to decide how long the no contact period is going to last whether he contacts you or not, but it should preferably last for at least 30 days. Do something cathartic. Maybe youre just not a great match, and youre both aware of that, but you tried to make it work because you like each other. Your boyfriend might have had a change of heart, or there were problems in your relationship that drove him away. In fact, it might have been going so great that you talked about taking the next step. For when coffee and doughnuts after Mass doesn't cut it. I know muslims are not allowed to have relationships, but he is the one wholoved mein thefirst place. I know that he still loves me and cares about me but is trying to shut me out and forget his feelings for me. Situation.. Idk if you want to meet a good man to marry.. Person, much less a lady friend it 's going to have relationships but! Becoming more aware of his flaws can help you figure things out but suddenly he doesnt think it my muslim boyfriend broke up with me anymore! What has been going so great that you forgot to nurture your other relationships new! Go no contact maybe you did REPLY While he still loves you, it can hurt so that. 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