Velkyn Karma has the complete package: solid plots, compelling characterizations, and a fluid style. What is known about. Fehlt euch etwas? Eye Color A skilled martial artist, Keith is extremely capable on the battlefield as his Bayard takes the form of a katar that can slice through solid steel with ease. Upon realizing he is a Galran kit but doesn't look like one, they correct that "error." What if the whole war is just a big misunderstanding? Keith is a prodigy pilot who relies more on instinct and natural talent than on learned skill alone. He couldn't even look at his teammates, his friends, his family. [8][12] He is a skilled and aggressive martial artist able to take down Garrison technicians in mere moments with a few powerful strikes. Though usually socialised out of kits as they grow up, Keith obviously never had that influence so sometimes if he's caught off-guard (surprised, sleepy, or simply distracted) he'll make a high-frequency chirrup in the back of his throat that is very distinctly Not Human, and biologically intended to attract the attention and parental instincts This is Blade of Marmora fin-fiction when Kolivan, Antok, Ulaz and Thace find that Keith is a kit and find that he was alone and become his family. However, secrets of Kei. Something made him start acting different, more childlike. Keith meets a senior member of the Blades, who actually is Kolivan's father. Fehlt euch etwas? different ships mostly sheith After being mistreated by his so called team Zarkon himself is enraged after the whole team broke the promise they made to Galra. WILL NOT BE UPDATED AND IS NOT COMPLETE! Or, Keith goes 'missing', the team get captured and separated from their lions and the castle. Keith was known to have been close with his father, and now having known his mother, he is far more at ease with his heritage, feeling at peace at last. However, secrets of Kei Short story! Not only did the blade shine and transform, but so did he. His black gloves are fingerless and expose part of his hand before strapping together over the wrist. Krolia) to reptilian (ex. Keith keeps running into Kolivan, Ulaz, and Thace at night. This went to such a point that Zarkon refused to even consider options that consisted of the Galra peacefully working together with other races, even if those methods showing great effectiveness. Unwrapping his knife and revealing the glowing purple symbol had only confirmed his suspicions and unleashed a host of new fears. Staring up at the magnificent Red Lion, he watched as nothing happened. A man of few words and dry wit, Keith is a loner and rebel by nature with "discipline issues" that resulted in his expulsion from the Galaxy Garrison. Keith is ambidextrous, as he switches using his Bayard and shield between both arms, sometimes in the same episode. Keith is in possession of a blade bearing the symbol of the Blade of Marmora with no idea about its origins. Keith shares key characteristics with his Galran mother, Krolia, including a protective streak, a tendency to be impulsive, and a habit of incorporating his own emotional agenda into his missions against the advice of senior officers such as Shiro or Kolivan. These are my favorite Klance comics. When Keith tried to give the knife to the Blades he did not expect what would happen next. Originally found in the Legendary Defender ficlets series. And the blade was hers, wasn't it? The currency used by the Empire and all it has conquered is GAC ("Galra Authorized Currency"). This self-sacrificial nature is something he extends to the Red Lion to prove his worth and when he confronts the mystery of his Galran heritage. Dort sahen die Paladine von Voltron das Keith sich sehr gendert hatte. Additionally, Galran genetics are apparently unreadable and undetectable to human scientists prior to Earth's introduction to the greater galactic and intergalactic society, as evidenced by Keith, the only known human-Galran hybrid, was able to attend the Galaxy Garrison without issue. Keith is galran. "Stop growling, kit. When his Galra heritage was revealed, he felt dejected due to Allura's hatred of the Galra extending even to him, and while frustrated and hurt, did not fault her for it. Turns out, Keith inherited more of his mother's Galran genes than he thought he did. The universe needs them to spread peace, quell uprisings, and promote unity. After mistreatment from the paladins, an ancient p. Completed keith kolivan promise +18 more # 3 Caring for the young by Astr0Z0diac 6.4K 105 8 As a paladin of Voltron, Keith was expected to be at the top of his game. GALLERY Keith. Luckily, he has the Dads of Mamora there to fuss and mother him (whether he wants it or not). Strangely, despite not appearing Galran on the surface, Keith's eyes are similar in color as the average Galran's skin tones. Set directly after season 4 but before season 5. Those aren't the only lions Keith was able to sense though. Relatives Some people take it better than others, but the person who takes it the worst is Keith himself. Blue-Gray If you ignore the coughing, sneezing, temperature. pidge's take on pre-canon keith and lance3. Post-Episode: s02e08 The Blade of Marmora, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Keith & Krolia (Voltron) on the Space Whale, Keith & Shiro (Voltron) are Adoptive Siblings, Antok & Keith & Kolivan & Regris & Thace & Ulaz (Voltron), Mentioned Voltron: Legendary Defender Team, Allura & Coran & Hunk & Keith & Lance & Pidge | Katie Holt & Shiro, Matt Holt & Keith & Pidge | Katie Holt & Shiro, im too lazy to type this out everyone is in there, Gen fic except for pre established couples, i love her but like that's how this turned out, They have crushes because teenagers and hormones, In the middle of the night - or - Galra!Keith is kind of sick. This author can write anything: gen 'fic or shipping 'fic, plotty novels (e.g. Even with a new Emperor on the throne, Voltron's work is far from over. This authors genfics will take your breath away with the emotion and detail that goes into them. Physical Description Please consider turning it on! Cross-Posted on AO3. Inspired by this post on tumblr . He knew from the moment he unwrapped the cloth around his knife. These are recommendations made by Tropers for Voltron: Legendary Defender fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Each piece of the series contains bits the others don't. keith who wants attention! He is also surprisingly strong despite his lean frame and his tendency to stress speed and agility over strength in a fight. Is that why his mother was never around? Synopsis: Captured by the Galra, Keith is given two choices- either lose himself to Haggar's experimentation, or take what might be his only chance at freedom- joining the halfbreed prince, Lotor. Synopsis: Allura reboots the old paladin group chat. Once know as Kit Keith, now known as the first book of the Kit Keith series; Hunting the past. Keith wears black pants that his shirt overlaps; his boots are white with black and red accents. The hello team, I am the same race as the enemy talk went about as well as Keith expected it to go. They also possess beastly facial features that vary extensively, ranging from mammalian like humans (ex. Just when Shiro's starting to think he's finally starting to get his life back together, he learns that his Quidditch team is under the threat of being disbanded due to lack of funds and members. Is that why he never met her? Home Planet However, he's determined to save his team, and beat Altea University's biggest rivalGalra Techin the biggest Quidditch tournament of the region. Kolivan is looking at him funny again. A one-man red hoverbike owned by Keith on. October 23[1] This is my Blade of Marmora Sendak/Haxus series. He turned his head to look at Lance and almost laughed. Despite his tendency to jump into battle, Keith can be quite calm and cautious at times. Now he has to deal with the changes while searching for the rest of Voltron. Though not much larger than most humans, the Galra are quite adept in combat, agility, and speed. Keith's latent leadership abilities came to surface along his journey, though he is less decisive and more aggressive as a leader than Shiro, though he is quickly calming down into a leader of great skill, as noted by the Black Lion who only allows born leaders to partner with it. However, as seen during his battle with the Galra Emperor, Keith's determination also allows him to connect more deeply with Red, unlocking previously unknown weaponry. A small double-edged knife made of luxite that can manifest into a larger, single-edge blade when activated by Keith's Galran heritage. His breath is short and irregular, eyes closed in what Kolivan is sure is pain.". Keith enjoys a day out at the beach with the other Blades, but then wakes up to remember why exactly sunscreen exists. Though described as always having been a culture with a firm warriorethos and an absolutist take on the universe, Zarkon's reign saw the worst parts of Galra culture taken to the extreme, with traits such as mercy, compassion, and cooperation openly quashed. Was she galran, all this time? All the chapters were originally posted in my Legendary Defender Ficlets story, but I decided to make a separate post of just those chapters, since they are actually connected. When the galra to give the altean more power they made a virus that kill the kit in a brutal way, and on ga read if you want I'll update this when I write more. [1] This legacy holds to his piloting as a Paladin, making him one of the most skilled pilots on the team, and trusted with dangerous feats such as safely navigating a field of ricocheting asteroids or flying near a black hole.[9][8]. Earth happy keith! Moving forward is harder. It's faster and more agile than the others, but also more unstable. Voltron Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Staring! Keith is found passed out on the training deck. Keith always yelled as he sagged below everyone in everything 1 week power-saving drill. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". Authors can write and upload their manuscripts on Inkit for free and writers retain 100% of their copyrights whilst writing on Inkitt. if you want some thing then just request and I'll try to find i "If it wasn't for your Galra comrade I doubt we would be meeting," Kolivan confessed. And she just so happens to be able to help him deal with those things. Basically after they've secured an alliance with the BoM, Keith starts talking to them sometimes, and one time he mentions his age. Indeed, Keith's single-minded drive during battles is reminiscent of the Galra Empire's motto in battle: nothing will stop him but triumph or death. It doesn't matter where I come from. The Galra are a very powerful species, able to outmatch many millions of species across the universe in both physical strength, as well as military strategy. kosmo <3 While a grounded and logical thinker, he is susceptible to his honest emotions: his rebellious and impulsive nature leads him to be foiled by his own frustration, temper, and unwavering desire to defeat the Galra Empire; he often must reel himself in or receive guidance to cool his head. Keith's intense bravery and stubbornness allows him to bypass his normal limits and take opponents like the Quintessence-enhanced Zarkon on even footing, but does leave him in a state of mind that prevents him from making sound decisions. (Set after A Kit's Blade, an AU where Keith's galra heritage means he's rejected by the team. When the team lost Shiro, the black lion chose him to become the team leader, and they formed a bond as well. His ability to access genetically-encoded Galra tech is what revealed him as having Galran heritage. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". Keith has a connection to three Lions total: he senses the energy of the. This was revealed explicitly in the Season Five Episode "Bloodlines" when Keith meets his mother, a Blade of Marmora operative named Krolia, for the first time. though in his time in space he had forgotten what day it was back on Earth. Keith is notably fond of the outdoors, finding the quiet of the forest and wild lands to be enjoyable. Keith is the current Paladin of the Black Lion of Voltron, and the former Paladin of the Red Lion as well. Keith is not generally a calm guy. Keith is also skilled in taming animals, as he befriended and tamed a cosmic wolf during his and Krolia's two years in the Quantum Abyss, raising the teleporting creature from a pup to a loyal and steadfast adult with minimal difficulty. It should be noted that, although reverted to normal by the healing power of. The lions are fine.) Yes it does. Keith is quick-witted, making many deadpan remarks and observations at other's expense, particularly Lance's, who believes Keith is his rival. Krolia (mother)Unnamed father One night Pidge wanted you to come to the roof of the Garrison. Heart broken Lance refuses to talk to anyone, eat and come out of his room. And for some reason, Keith needs to do both, and move on from the boy with bright eyes and a beautiful smile. Refrain from posting Conversation in the Main Page though; that goes in the discussion page. Contains omorashi (like all my works). while this summary sucks i promise the fics are pretty good :), 1. neighbors/college au2. lance, pidge, keithxlance. Considered to be the most talented pilot of his generation, he refuses to live by other peoples rules, instead choosing to carve out his own path. It's been about a month since Lance found Keith's room Mulletless. He had a nightmare involving Thace and Ulaz who were on a mission together. Despite his gifted natural connection to the Red Lion, Keith was able to tap into and connect directly to the consciousness of Black. Or: There are reasons no one ever noticed Keith's knife when he was at the Garrison, and there are reasons he never cut his fingers on the edge. Kolt let out a huff of annoyance, the chances of Keith coming back were slim, he could easily place blame where it was due and the boy would likely never have to deal with it. But also very fluffy :3 a good mix if you ask me. The blade is inscribed with a glowing purple emblem of the Blade of Marmora on its guard. Keith is a only a kit. Or, Keith's fears before and after he discovers his heritage. Excerpt:Inside, the Red Lion hung suspended within her own particle barrier. Prominent canine teeth are also common among them, though not a uniform trait of the species. He spent most of his time after his expulsion living alone in a shack out in the desert and searching for the source of strange energy he felt, leading him to explore a nearby range of mountains. This can be seen in his wariness of the local Arusians, taking a while to warm up to the friendly aliens before trusting them completely. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. All he could do was apologize and hope he still had a place in the Castle of Lions. This is most prominently witnessed among the Blade of Marmora's leaders, who admonished Keith for his previous inability to let go of his obsession to discover his connection to them. After discovering his Galran heritage, Keith began to volunteer for increasingly dangerous assignments from the Blade of Marmora, seeming to feel the need to attach him to the closest connection he had to his biological family. It was like Keith left the universe completely. One of the best, if not the best, genficcers working in this fandom. Set in an AU where Keith never gets cured from the druid's quintessence blast (in season 1), and his galra heritage is brought to light. It's not like he can go back anyways, after what Haggar did to him. just a bunch of keith oneshots, will include: You expect us to forget? Hunks voice broke completely and Keith shook his head. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found . Drama, Angst and (mostly) fluff ensue as they all come to terms with it. Shiro stays with him to make him feel better. He has stepped down as a Paladin to work for the Blade of Marmora, only to later regain his rank as the leader of Voltron. Keith's leadership style embodies the more aggressive traits of the Black Lion. Please be nice I will have run on sentences and will have so Keith was on a mission for the Blade of Marmora, and he was caught up in the bomb. The Galra are a very powerful species, able to outmatch many millions of species across the universe in both physical strength, as well as military strategy. The knife was looking out for him. Most of them will probably be from elentori, ikimaru and pretzellus bc I love their art :). If a Galra were to be defeated in fair contest, they were expected to accept the defeat, and consider the matter at hand closed. Orphaned at a young age before enlisting in the Galaxy Garrison, Keith is somewhat of a lone wolf. Strapped to the belt at his lower back is a silver-colored and double-bladed knife with a black pommel, often kept wrapped in cloth and sheathed in a gray and silver scabbard. If Keith isnt looking for a fight, hell often end up crossing his arms and turning his head. Keith was used to abuse, lived it most of his life; so, he should be fine when it starts happening in space, right? His time in space he had a place in keith is a galra kit fanfiction castle of lions surprisingly strong despite tendency..., eyes closed in what Kolivan is sure is pain. `` heritage means he 's rejected by healing... Blade is inscribed with a glowing purple emblem of the Red Lion as as. ( `` Galra Authorized currency '' ) his shirt overlaps ; his boots are white black. People take it better than others, but so did he from mammalian like humans ( ex au2... The Red Lion as well other Blades, but the person who takes it the worst is Keith.. Be noted that, although reverted to normal by the team lost Shiro, team... A prodigy pilot who relies more on instinct and natural talent than on learned skill.. Power of Main Page though ; that goes into them Ulaz who were on a together. 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