The process by which a new inmate absorbs the customs of the prison society and learns to adapt to the environment is known as: What is the practice of forcing men to row ship called? c. pink-collar offenders. Which of the following is NOT an alternative to litigation by people in prison? Retained earnings Local correctional workers are often ________. c. White >>Verdict of ethics you would look for in an a. the institution of strict regimes in prisons. Recently, there has been a major emphasis on program to _______ individuals awaiting trial. c. transfer gang members to another institution. The legislature, president, or governor has the ability to give an agency the power in the areas of health, safety, and the environment to implement ______________. c. significantly affected the delivery of programs. >>Motions The judge instructs the jury about the relevant laws that should guide its deliberations. (In some jurisdictions, the court may instruct the jury at any time after the close of evidence. This sometimes occurs before closing arguments.) The judge reads the instructions to the jury. c. Spouses of people who have been incarcerated a. crime control. a. more violent. c. greater the influence rehabilitative programs will have on inmates. These orders are often used as a condition of bail or a suspended sentence. d. mentally ill. Of the following populations who are the most statistically likely to get in trouble with the law and eventually end up in prison? The concept of selective incapacitation rests on the idea that ________.
700,000 a. jailing. a. b. gangs. c. control debt-collection rackets within the institution. Jury reform recommendations in some states encourage standardized instructions, giving the jurors copies or a recording of the instructions. Operating expenses Although the idea of ______ had been developed in Australia and Ireland in the 1850s and instituted at the Elmira Reformatory in 1876, not until the mid-1920s did this practice become readily accepted and implemented throughout the United States. d. 80 to 90 percent. The Magistrate Judge also sets release conditions, including any bond. One of the most troubling trends in jails is the rate of incarceration for _______. a. c. gang member. were housed in secure and sanitary conditions. d. less programming. b. remains steady. a. women. c. integration. d. are the same. Whites and juveniles employer. Challenging jurors for Corrections is a means of social __________. c. reduce crime. The period known as the Enlightenment had what effect(s) on society? The sharing of myths, slang, customs, rewards, and sanctions of a smaller, isolated, separate group of people in society is called: The prison is recognized as a functioning community with its own values, roles, language and customs. c. Wilmington Sentencing guidelines systems can typically be characterized by one or more of the following goals and purposes: Rational and Consistent Sentencing WebIn a criminal trial, the defendant's lawyer can ask for a motion to dismiss the charges, arguing that the government has failed to prove its case. During the last 30 years, the Supreme Court has been _______ incarcerated people's rights. According to the authors, _______ is the most visible penalty imposed by the American criminal justice system. c. gang tensions What group(s) is/are affected by the bias that can be present in selecting who receives intermediate sanctions over others? WebSentencing judges must weigh all aggravating and mitigating factors and state on the record the reasons for their sentencing choices. Radial design c. Women's Prison Association c. medical services. >>Motions
10,000 b. the probation officers don't really care about the client. c. mothers. The prison design most often used for female and juvenile prison resident is _________. b.
250,000 September30throughDecember31,2018January1throughFebruary28,2019March1throughApril30,2019$2,200,000800,000400,000. Who defines the enforcement of the criminal law in the United States? Critics of private prisons charge that the profit incentive may result in _________. c. cost. Studies of non-prison alternatives find that even the most successful programs enroll _________ convicted people who would otherwise have been incarcerated. a. Dalton Eastern State Penitentiary was designed by ______. Evaluations show that those who are sent to boot camp following an offense may improve in ________. Support for the concept of _______ has led many legislatures to shift to determinate sentences. b. radial design. He or she will note that the jurors are to base their conclusions on the evidence as presented in the trial, and that the opening and closing arguments of the lawyers are not evidence. Webjudicial discretion. d. uncertain. d. people. Prior to the 1960s, courts maintained a(n) __________ with respect to corrections. The number of items that a prisoner may purchase or receive through legitimate channels ____________from state to state and from facility to facility: