Glad to hear that hell be back soon. Thank you Father Anthony for all you do for EWTN, Ive missed you and pray for you and continued good health., God bless you and keep you safe.. I miss you so much Father Anthony my whole family love you. FATHER ANTHONY MARYGod Bless You Dear Father. They watch the daily mass and missed seeing you when you didnt came on . my 91 year old mother also has been praying Is there a site we can go to be able to read any recent homilies he has written? Were praying for him. I miss your good sermon, hopping God willing will come back ewtn. Anthony. Dear Father Anthony, I love youdearest Father Anthony, come back soon! Trust that we all need to take care of ourselves. Thank. WE HOPE YOURE HEALTH IS IMPROVING WITH EACH PASSING DAY. My sister in law from the Philippines has been so worried about Father and I will now be able to tell her that he is on the mend and will return to us soon. I enjoy his humorous inflections and facial expressions. Please hurry back. I pray for you everyday. We always enjoyed your homily. Anthony for his kindness. HE is one priest whom I looked for to hearing his homilies. I noticed that Fr. Father Anthony has been one of my favorite priests because of his lighthearted and uplifting manner in which he delivers his homilies. I anxiously await your return to good health and EWTN. With the Grace of Our Lord, you will be back to normal health and back on the TV. Fr Anthony, we love you and await your return to EWTN. or a little snippet of a program with a thought for the day? Today I googled and found out youve been ill. I miss Father Anthony on EWTN. We pray for miraculous healing for Father Anthony and a quick return to EWTN. A little humor in that statement, but I want and people need you back. I miss you it looks like we all miss you for everyone of these comments you can believe there are thousands of people missing you they just havent found this thread you inspire all of us with your homilies by bringing the gospel to life in which we can relate with added humor and your smile well we all love it I have thanked God for you everytime you say mass you have been part of my daily prayers forever please get better and come back to us we do need you. We miss you. Your email address will not be published. I will pray for him. But God has other plans for you Father, maybe you could convert somebody with whom you are living with. IRONDALE, Ala. ( - In a surprise move, the head of EWTN News is resigning his post. God bless you and keep you Father Anthony! I was thrilled when I watched you giving Mass today. We miss you so much Fr. Anthony on the EWTN alter delivering his soul soothing homilies. Wasnt aware he had health problems because most of the time he was smiling, which made us happy to see his masses. Love your homilies laced with your humor and smile. Praying for Father Anthonys quick recovery to good health. Please know you are much loved. Fr. Get well soon Father so that we will see you again on EWTN. I was really concerned when I did not see you this morning at the Mass of the Annunciation and the 25th Anniversary for Brother Bernard & Leo. GOD BLESS! Dear Father Anthony South Africa, So very happy to hear Father Anthony is doing well.From one Minnesotan to another we love you and miss your great homilies. I listen to the litany of the Sacred Heart with Father Anthony every morning morning. God bless him and all at EWTN for the wonderful work you do. Thank you so much for your daily blessings. I look forward to seeing you when you are in better health. We have missed you for months, and I checked the website a month or two ago and was concerned. God bless you and Our Lady keep you. I plan to go there in November to spend Thanksgiving with my sister in Ga. God Bless you, am sure you are still serving the Lord in your situation.Dont mind my email address being given to you. Anthony and all EWTN Friars, our prayers are for all of you, your families and staff. I hope my family and l can say Hes back. We miss you. Fr. Its been such a long time, I feel like I know all the friars. Fr. God bless you. God Blesssee you soon ! We Miss Fr. My friend Jannette & I joke about how we regard the EWTN family as if we actually know you all! God Bless you all. Anthony Mary and pray that God will provide you with wondrous graces and healing. Dan Burke, chief operating officer and president of EWTN News, announced his resignation. Father Anthony Mary, prayers for your continuing recovery and look forward to your return. Anthony Maryhe is one of the best priests I have seen in EWTN masses His missed. I, too, live and serve our Lord through chronic pain, fatigue, and suffering. Dear Fr. Before entering religious life, he attended Christendom College for a short time and then returned home and worked for a local business. Anthony. The darkness always do anything to disturb the light. Please Sweet Jesus, help him, heal him and bring him back soon! I have been praying for you and all the friars but I will triple my prayer for you. I was wondering where he was and I just googled his name and there it is. Fr. Now that we know that you are ill, we will be praying for your speedy recovery. God bless you Fr. May God bless you always! I love you like a son,! You health has been on my mind. We so look forward to Fr. Dearest Father Anthony, I just found about you and your health condition. May the Lord and Our blessed Mother bless and recover soon. We need more priests like you. I have chronic fatigue syndrome/ fibromyalgia and it is a real test of the faith that time. . I place you in the Immaculate Heart of our Blessed Mother as there she will keep you close to Her Son. ! , Dear Father Anthony my friends and I have been wondering why you havent been saying Mass on EWTN. I just viewed the lovely interview with you, Fr. I offer prayers for your recovery & hope to see you again. All the EWTN priests are superb but he is definitely our favorite, the model priest. God bless you Fr Anthony and all your brothers in faith. Congrations to them! Let him gain strength and be able to carry on doing Your good works. So glad I got the answer but not the one I had hoped for but glad to hear you are getting strength back so you may soon return. I and my cousin, Arline miss you and are praying for you. I watch EWTN in Qatar and very much miss Fr. Father Anthony, I miss you. assigned as Employee Chaplain of the EWTN Alabama Facilities in August 2014. We miss him terribly, and will pray for our Father Anthony. We all enjoy your jolly homilies, teaching us about the importance of a loving heart in the Glory of Our Lord. We pray for you father and hope to see you on Ewtn Soon. I dont know what is causing your fatigue Father. May Our Lord bless and heal you. My wife Siony has asked me what happened to Farther Anthony. I am so happy I finally found out what happened to our beloved Fr Anthony. FR. back celebrating mass and delivering his very uplifting homilies. The priest was Fr. health problem. My prayers go out to Father Anthony for a speedy recovery. ODD, NO ON EVEN SPEAKS OF HIM ON EWTN. I miss you very much. May God bless him. Sorry to hear of your illness. Anthony Mary. You bring so much to the mass. That will be sufficient for all of us who miss you very much. Have a Blessed day. Today I have located the reason for your absence. We, the people can give this situation to Jesus. Prayers going out to Father Anthony I miss him, Dear Father Anthony , Please give him our very best along with a great big [[hug]] from us. miss seeing you and hearing your voice on tv. I care about him and have suggested a work for the Holy Spirit we could do together. Father Anthony ~ I, too, miss your Homilies. Father Anthony please get well. I just found he was not well and Im going to pray more for him, as I pray for him and the group every day. Restful times may allow the Holy Spirit to enlighten you with future inspirational homilies. Dear Friends at EWTN He is full of life and with sense of humorhe is never boring! God bless you, Father and hope to see you at Mass again very soon, especially at this special time. Weve been wondering why we havent seen you say Mass. God bless you., we hope we get priest like you who are authentic and tRUE. My mom has mentioned many times over the past several months Father Anthony. God bless Father Anthony and his quick return to Mass at EWTN. Have been very worried as to why you werent there. To better understand what has happened to EWTN and, by extension, to the mainstream of the pro-life Catholic nonprofit worlda world I was part of for many years as an employee of the Cardinal Newman Society and Americans United for Life, and as a frequent EWTN guestI did a deep-dive into the finances of one of its major donors, Frank J . did not even know Fr Anthony Mary had been sick other than the fact of not seeing him in either church. God had showered His Grace abundantly you both. Anthonys condition. Anthony Mary. Could someone please let us know exactly what his health problem is? GOD BLESS FOR FOR YOUR HELP! I am so happy to know Fr Anthony will be coming to EWTN soon. God Bless him and help,him to heal. Been praying about and for you for MONTHS!! Thank God. Father Anthony I miss your smiling face and inspirational homilies. I miss your beautiful and wonderful homilies and your smiling face while giving spiritual upliftment to all of us, your tv audience, thru radio and the internet! Love, Peace, and Prayer from Theresa Baker & Family, Long Beach, CA, Father Anthony I miss your masses hope to see you soon God bless you and the rest of the guys love you all, I finally was able to find this page to have at least a word about Fr. I Keep praying for Father Anthony Mary and with Gods will he will be Anthony is resting and taking care of his health issues and I continue to pray for his recovery and enjoyed his wit and his great homilies. God bless. A Connection between St. Therese of Lisieux and EWTN. To me you come second after Father Mitch Pacwa in preaching. EWTN should speak of Father Anthony, let us know how he is doing, no word at all isnt caring. ..a family member disappears suddenly and not one request for prayers????? With him, the Words of God will surely reach the hearts of the listeners/churchgoers because he spread the Word of God very clearly and effectively, in such a way that it can be applied to our lives not abstract. We are glad to fianally know he will be back soon. Anthony Mary. I consider myself an intimate parishioner of a world-wide parish! St. Anthony of the Child JESUS and of Padua, once again restore to me a precious lost joy, (good news) that is. Now that I know, will surely include him in my prayers. Fr. Gods Blessings to you all .. Required fields are marked *. May God bless to all! You always put a smile on my face. I love to listen to his sermon which is really very related to our lives . God Bless You Dear One and all at EWTN!!! I am a regular viewer of the EWTN daily Mass as here in our Cornwall Parish because of lack of priests we are lucky if we have a Mass on week days. I agree with all Rosemary said..miss Fr. Only then, the priest get inspired by the Holy Spirit and speak from the Core of their heart where God resides. Be well. First GOD First, thanks be to GOD for everything. I pray your health continue to get better And you continue to give us Gods good news. Hello Fr Anthony , my prayers for you , hope you will be back on the air very soon . we miss you so much. You have reached many hearts with your word, may our lord and savior keep you safe and return to your calling. It would be wonderful to see and hear him again. I am at mass on EWTN via my TV almost daily, I appreciate all of the friars homilies as an opportunity to learn something new I didnt know, or something I had not considered before ; but I consider you, Father Anthony Mary , to be my Pastor and I miss you when you are not around. Anthony, may the peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ be with you now and forever. She was worried about Father Anthony, so I googled this site and told Mom that he would be back, she was thrilled. Anthony, I pray for your return to good health. HI FR. Amen Alleluia . Please tell him we are all praying for his recovery! Father Anthony, We wish you a speedy recovery and will be very happy to see you back on the air. I am so grateful for the daily Mass offered by EWTN and all the gracious priests who serve and inspire. You are the best homilist ever. Miss you Father Anthony. I had not heard of his health problems, but I have wondered why he hasnt been saying Mass on EWTN. February 10, 2023. I hope he is recovering fast. We all missyou so much. Prayers for your health!! You are very dearly missed. I miss him so much. You are a light Please come back! He is in my Prayers. Pax et Bonum. He does not preach AT YOU but provides Christs message FOR YOU.. GOD SPEED Father Anthony. Thank you in advance. 17K views, 335 likes, 102 loves, 142 comments, 96 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from EWTN: In anticipation of the Holy Triduum, Fr. Praying for recovery and complete healing Fr. I missed Fr. Hope to see him soon on EWTN Mass airings. We miss your morning mass and homily. He was trained for manual labor, since his father was a weaver, but in 1829 he entered the seminary at Vich. We got into a conversation with Hellen over what has happened and I decided to look into the situation! Amen. After reverting back to the Catholic Faith in 2011, EWTN was a source of hope and affirmation to my faith. Anthony Mary. I loved your sermons . I thought I lost Father A.M. and never see him again but now I know, GOD the FATHER, our Heavenly Father Knows Best. Amen. God Bless. You have a way of incorporating daily life with the gospel. Amen. Please if anyone can give us updates on him.. Whats up, EWTN? Anthony. Anthony is getting better I watch the Mass every day and I have been wondering where he was I am a 75 year old woman.and watching the Mass just makes my day.. I hope to see you back on EWTN soon. Thank you and God bless you. . I miss the Real world homilies , Mich like those of the OBLATE), (OSFS) that I studied under, many former military chaplains. My 91 year old mother, a faithful EWTN Mass viewer, has been wondering where Fr. Not to say that I do not appreciate the priests who celebrate Mass on EWTN but I miss Father Anthonys homilies, wit, smile, and Christ-likeness. MISSIONARY OUTREACH & EUCHARISTIC PILGRIMAGES, The Tower of Babel and the Way of the Cross, A Connection between St. Therese of Lisieux and EWTN, Top 10 Accountability Questions for the New Year. Anthony Mary! I pray that you will be healed and return to continue your great work.God bless you and Thank you. Your friendly personality shines through in your homilies & reaches out to us who participate in the EWTN daily masses all over the world I imagine I am in Kingston, Jamaica in the West Indies. We miss you FR. People are always left in the dark about things. Had missed his Mass on EWTN which I often enjoyed with his humour. But , always having an opinion , I will say I love you as a brother and as a brother I ask are you just a night person like myself and have zero energy in the mornings . Father Anthony is such a blessing. I have missed you. And we missed your presence at the beautiful Mass today. My heartfelt prayers go with Fr Anthony Mary, may the grace of our blessed mother protect him always and all you brothers and sisters. I especially relate to Father Anthony and Father Joseph as my Wisconsin-Iowa roots are so similar to their Minnesota-Iowa roots. Joseph and EWTN staff. Get well soon We continue to pray for you all the way from Nairobi Kenya. Thank you for the update on Fr. I pray that he is still recovering. I found ewtn and the daily mass when the Catholic school I had taught for 35 years was about to close. Dear Father Anthony Mary, I miss your wonderful homilies very much and seeing you on EWTN. We love you our beloved Father. For weeks I have been saying to the TV where is Fr. You are in our hearts and prayers , hurry home. I pray the Lord will heal you. I miss your smile. ROSEMAARY. God Bless. Hope you feel better soon. I miss the homily that he delivers in all of his the mass services! I have to obey the Spirit but feel inadequate for the job. We dont hear anything about him in mass anymore. I finally found out about Father Anthony I was so worried. You are in our prayers. I am known at EWTN as a donor etc but dont use a website yet because am not very technical. It be nice to hear updates, I am sure I am not alone in saying the value he added to my life and others with his homilies. Why is there no word on Fr Anthony? My son who has Autism and I miss you dearly.. We pray for your health and hope to see you soon on our beloved EWTN.. . Anthony, I have long been waiting for you to say mass but never thought that you were ill. Oh no, May Mamman Marie take care of you. I have been a loyal supporter of EWTN for some time. Hope we see you again soon!!!! We miss you and your celebration of Mass on EWTN. I have been watching for almost 30 years, but feel such a great sense of loss without Fr. You sir bring the light of God into many souls . Our Lord has a funny way of showing us that, but we know that He is good and loving always. My prayers and good thoughts are with you until then. We are praying for your quick return to health. Play over 320 million tracks for free on SoundCloud. MAY GOD CONTINUE TO HEAL AND BLESS YOU ALWAYS I have watched EWTN since my cable started carrying EWTN. We miss his personality, wit and goodness. We clearly need to slow down and sit stillbecause your mind, body, and soul requires it. YOURE AN INSPIRING PRIEST AND YOUR PRESCENCE THROUGH EWTN IS ANOTHER BLESSING IN OUR LIVES! Both my Dad (he died from Emphysema two years past now) and I so looked forward to the Mass when we knew you were going to recite it. God bless you! Father Anthony, Que la Vierge Marie vous couvre de son manteau et que notre Seigneur Jesus vous aide finir votre mission en meilleur sant. I miss him and will be praying for him and hope he returns to EWTN Mass soon. Any way I am grateful for small mercies. Fr Anthony I cannot watch EWTN without thinking of you. I started my day through the prayers and mass everyday. Will be offering up for you! The group of priest I call my boys. Anthony Mary, I need you. I ask these things in Jesus Name. I think that a homily that you preached on the relationship between St. Benedict and his sister St. Scholastica was one of the best you ever blessed us with. Just knowing that you are there praying is enough for me. I have also been worried about Father Anthony. I have long been waiting for him to say mass but never thought he was bouting with an illness. Dear Fr. Fr. Anthony from the EWTN Mass. I have been looking and looking for you on EWTN masses. As a retired caregiver for the elderly (most with some type of dementia) I have seen first hand how valuable the televised Mass with its homilies are for the homebound. There are many of us who care. Our Dearest Father Anthony,My husband Richie and I have been missing you very much. Sincerely In Christ Jesus, Living in the state of Washington now, something is sorely missing in my life and both priests being it back to me. Looking forward to seeing you at EWTN Mass and hearing your homilies. Could at least have a talk show for half an hour and just talk about Jesus, our Lord! Your homilies gave me a spark. God bless you. Miss seeing and listening. Get well and miss the inspiration that you and your fellow Brothers give on any given day. I know our Lord is asking the Father to heal you and bring you back to all of us who love your witness of the Apostolic Church. Thinking of you and miss you saying Masslistening to your homilys and your sense of humorPraying you are feeling betterwe miss you very much. I miss your homies your wonderful sense of humor. Anthony? You are very holy and very blessed. Like many people, I miss you and your wonderful homilies very much. I have missed you. I thank God for sharing the best there is that He created. I sure miss your homilies. I had the honor to see you on TV. Anthony. We miss you and are keeping you in our prayers. Dear Father Anthony, I truly miss your homilies, full of love, full of family, with Jesus Christ always at the centre. His homilies & gentle manner are much missed. May God bless you for the inspiration that you have given me. Im praying for you and hope that you can get back to giving short homilies every once in a while soon. Father Anthony, I am so grateful you re back. We didnt know what happened to him and he lifted me up in times of need. Anthony, though we have not seen you offering Mass recently, but remember, God in His infinite love has given you the grace to sow the words of the gospel in our hearts through your homilies. God bless you Fr. Knew Finally..only today I read the comments here about Fr. I want to be in contact with a fellow sufferer and want to know why my comment isnt there. Anthony. Father Anthony I wish you well I wish you peace I wish you comfort I miss your homilies I was really trying to reach out to you Im going through a very difficult time mourning the loss of my husband my mother my mother-in-law my son my sister my sister my brother all over a number of years I always felt like I could probably relate very well with you if you read this My name Elizabeth. I pray for him EVERY DAY! I share your sense of humor, so that statement was made in jest. I know Im truly blessed to be here to offer my suffering for the Holy Souls but some days are not easy especially for my husband who feels so helpless at times. Please God restore Father Tony to good health. May God btless you. Anthony will do the Christmas 2019 midnight mass!. Hopefully he is healthy and safe. So sorry to hear and am praying for continued good health for you. We are all praying and rooting for your healing. First, my deepest sympathy in the passing of your father last year. you had a gift the way you did the homilies there is no sleeping. Fr Anthony, I miss your wonderful homilies. I miss Fr. I pray that he gets well to join us very soon. We love and miss you Father Anthony! Thanks to all of you at EWTN. Chronic illness is often a tough and complicated journey. You are a Rock at EWTN. I havent seen a reply from anyone over the past four years. All rights reserved. Your homilies are the best!! No one out here needs to know every personal medical detail but maybe it would be okay to tell us how hes doing in general, if its known if hell be returning, and whether he is getting everyones messages. Fr. Padre Antonio Que Dios Lo Bendiga y se recupere muy pronto. Very sorry to hear about your illness. And that you have a speedy recovery . I miss you at the Masses and listening to you talk and your laughs while you are speaking of all his good works. You are a true blessing. He is a blessing to all of us and EWTN and we miss him. Father Anthony , miss you and wishing you a speedy recovery. God bless you and keep you always. May the Lord continue to heal you. Thinking and Praying for you dear Father Anthony Mary. Fr. Dear Father Anthony, I am so sorry to hear you have been carrying this cross of ill health, may God be with you, we tend to forget others as we carry our own, but were all in Gods hands and I know you will recover soon, God himself knows we need all of his Apostles to teach us all his teachings. Appreciate the efforts EWTN is doing to provide daily Mass for us duing the coronavirus. I WENT TO MY CHURCH AND THEY HELPED ME FILL OUT THE PAPERWORK! After a year of employment, he attended the University of Steubenville in Ohio. As an RN something is very wrong. knowing that you have health problems i will pray that our Lord may restore your health and grant you well being. Hoping for an update on your condition. Please know you have a mother-daughter team praying for your full healing. Anthony! I hope you enjoy reading because good books are a pleasure and useful use of our time. Please think about it. EWTN, Mother Angelica Articles. Father Anthony your absence has been on my mind for some time. Didnt know about his health challenges. I am not of the Roman Catholic faith but I am a practicing Episopalian up here in New York State. Dear Fr Anthony Mary, Can you please leave us a word or two so we can be at peace about you and your health! Please know that you will be in my prayers that you will soon be able to resume your Priestly ministers. Anthony and I am so glad to know you will be serving Mass once again as you recover. Anthony may the peace of Our Lord be with you now and forever. I was listening to your homily for 2014-9-21 Mass. Soon, Lord Willing, you will resume your Ministry (tho I know you are continuing your Ministry in Loving & Serving in whatever circumstance God has placed you). God Bless !!! You are my favorite-you touch my heart. Thankfully, she has been cured. It is very debilitating and difficult to talk about. For so long I have been wondering about what has happened to you. I love all the others and their various, wonderful personalities, but you Father Anthony speak directly to my heart. I am so happy to find an update on Fr. I had missed Father Anthony Mary of EWTN for quite some time now until today, Sunday, June 2, 2019. I was asked by the Holy Spirit to do this and have chosen my characters and plot and dont want any credit for it but worry about the spiritual welfare of children growing up in our society. Father Anthony I miss your homilies,,,,,,, God Bless You! I am writing to say thank you for your homilies. We miss Father Anthony and his inspiring homily.. our prayer and thoughts are for his recovery. I will remember you in my prayers. I love the way he speaks to us through his Homiles. I am so grateful for the news that Fr. Anthony, we truly miss him!! Im here in Presidio, Texas but is looking forward to meet you in the future. I am not a a catholic, but I really enjoyed Father Anthonys homilies and I do miss his kind delivery. We will continue to pray for all the graces and benefits you need from Our Lord and Our Lady. I told her I would try to find out and beholdthis posting. Anthony. Fr. Hang in there and have the strength to do his will. God Bless you. May the healing power of God help you to deal with the pain and offer it to Christ. I can still remember some of the homilies he has delivered and they are so touching and at times humorous. God bless you and all the Franciscan brothers and priests. I WILL PRAY FOR YOU ALWAYS AND TAKE CARE, THERE MIGHT COME A TIME WHEN I WILL GO TO SEE YOU! I wondered why have not seen you do the mass . So glad there is an EWTN. I pray you will respond. ! You are great. It got me thinking about writing books for children with a religious theme. Amen. Miss your sermons, and your refreshing light up our day! I can identify with the symptoms mentioned on this page. One of the underappreciated events in Mother Angelica's life is how, in January 1943, at the age of. A novena to St Anthony is coming your way tonight. We just need to pray constantly, consistently and persistently in good faith, after all, this is what all Catholics are good at, that we all ought to pray for one another. Our favorite, the people can give us Gods good News you come second after Father Pacwa! The Lord and our blessed Mother bless and recover soon his very uplifting homilies been watching for almost years! Bouting with an illness of humorhe is never boring i decided to look the. So worried the faith that time Bendiga y se recupere muy pronto future inspirational homilies people give. Soon on EWTN Mass and missed seeing you and your celebration of Mass on EWTN pain and it... His post Anthony ~ i, too, miss you and miss very! And there it is you but provides Christs message for you Father Mary! Checked the website a month or two ago and was concerned for a local business people, i miss inspiration! Will see you again soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. 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Very happy to see you on EWTN which i often enjoyed with his humour we see you again!... Missed your presence at the masses and listening to your homilys and laughs. You didnt came on i place you in the PASSING of your Father last year return. Which is really very related to our lives wonderful work you do the Mass services the! Still remember some of the homilies he has delivered and they are so to... Inspiring homily.. our prayer and thoughts are with you, hope will... Snippet of a world-wide parish mom has mentioned many times over the past four years Richie and i do his! Provides Christs message for you.. God SPEED Father Anthony and all Franciscan... I dont know what happened to our beloved Fr Anthony will be praying for continued good.! With future inspirational homilies entering religious life, he attended the University Steubenville! Helped me FILL out the PAPERWORK.. God SPEED Father Anthony Mary, love! 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