Setting intriguing personal stories within the context of one of the most tumultuous times in modern history, they draw important parallels with our own . The Fellowship operates under a plurality of leadership: Elders, staff and shepherds. 865-470-9800 Email Us 8000 Middlebrook Pike Knoxville, TN 37909 Office Hours: Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 5:00pm At 13, God gave him a calling and a heart for ministry that would inspire and guide his decisions to pursue bible college and full time ministry. Round Rock 9:30 and 11 AMHutto 9:30 and 11 AMTaylor 9:30 and 11 AM. Chad enjoys running, rock climbing, and watching movies. 2.5.23. Updated: 4:19 PM CDT April 30, 2021 GRAPEVINE, Texas A former finance manager at one of the biggest churches in Texas - Fellowship Christian Church in Grapevine - pleaded guilty to theft,. Amy is the Childrens Director at the Fellowship Church. Our Sunday sermons, music selections, baptisms, and more are available to watch right here. In a 2019 article Trinity Foundation asked the question, Is it possible ministry auditors such as Stanfield and ODell or Chitwood & Chitwood also fail to properly audit high risk areas ? 4 stars. Fellowship involves actively doing Gods will. It is this creepy thinking that leaders are untouchable. Records show that Young was paid $240,000 a year as a parsonage allowance; thats in addition what sources say is a $1 million yearly pastors salary.. She enjoys helping them grow in their faith! The fact that Fellowship failed to notice an 11-year case that stole massive amounts of money shows that Ford had little oversight. Claudia has been honored to worked for The Fellowship church since 1997 and has attended the church since 1986, at the time there was only 75 members. Jennifer Castaneda moved to Austin in 2004 from Colorado, where she was born and raised. Chad grew up in Round Rock, Texas and has been attending The Fellowship Church since he was five years old. Villalobos said when he first spoke with Ford she revealed her pilfering at the church started small and with cash. Why church? So, then, we see that the practice of fellowship, the outward exercise of our inner unity in doing Gods will, is not only natural but indispensable in accomplishing Gods purpose for the church. Fellowship, you see, is not just being together, it is doing together! It is unclear how officials at Fellowship Church, a Southern Baptist congregation with a weekly attendance of more than 24,000, and one of the largest churches in the U.S., feels about this. The average embezzlement takes place over only three years, he said. Maybe Ed Young will have to sell one of his houses or jets to cover the cost. At the Fellowship, our beliefs come from the Bible, God's inerrant Word to us. They have been in Texas since 1997 with a small 2 year adventure in Singapore. As the saying goes A fool and his money are soon parted, It is written. Fellowship is an important part of our faith. By January 2019, she increased the payments to an extra $500 every two weeks, also from the housing allowance account. Searches for Lara Ford, theft, and embezzlement on the website reveal no results. Shock probation, which is only available to individuals who have received a sentence of 10 years or less, law firm Varghese Summersett notes, allows a judge to send a defendant to prison or jail for a short period of time. Id rethink my CFO and head of security, for starters. Ben is also a chicken farmer that enjoys food, football, and his family. 9:00 & 10:30. After which, God opened doors back in Hutto for him to direct, lead, and disciple others to worship and give God all the glory, something he is profoundly passionate about. She used her laptop to make online payments to her accounts from an account for Allaso Ranch, an income-generating camp owned by the church as well as another unspecified Fellowship Church account. Stanfield + ODell, P.C.s failure to uncover Fords theft should serve as a red flag for the accounting firms many clients. After many years of searching I found this . Join thousands of others to get the FREEDOM POST newsletter for free, sent twice a week from The Christian Post. This is a point almost universally ignored by Christian groups today. But the stupid squander what they have been given. [7] In September 2007, FC launched a website,, in conjunction with a sermon series of the same name. Ben has a profound passion for the Lord, and desires for others to see God for who He is the way, the truth, and the life. Donnie is an expository Bible teacher that uses history, humor and story to bring the scriptures to life. She served passionately as a youth leader for 8 years, and continues to do so at The Fellowship. Ford said she observed she was able to manually send money to employees (if their direct deposit did not go through). According to Fords lawyer, Lex Johnston, Fellowship Church first discovered Fords theft during an audit on April 12, 2019, and then notified authorities. You can practice Fellowship by recognizing our goal and taking an active part where you can best help. February 26, 2023. We are here to reach people for Christ and help believers grow to be like Him. Let's not forget that, Why revival must be tethered to Scripture, Revelation 9: The pit, the smoke and hideous demon creatures, according to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Church secretary accused of stealing nearly $600K to pay for car, wedding, thousands of online purchases, Pennsylvania ex-church administrator who stole $1.2 million indicted on federal tax charges, Pastor Ed Young catches great white shark, fulfilling dream of a lifetime, LeeBeth Young, firstborn child of megachurch Pastor Ed Young, passes, Sadie Robertson Huff, mom Korie talk sex, sin and harmful messages taught in the church, Former youth pastor gets 60 years in prison for sex crimes involving boys, Hilarion Heagy, Eastern Catholic monk, renounces Christianity for Islam, School district rescinds approval of After School Satan Club, cites policy violation, Virginia Catholic university cuts theology program, several other majors, NYC Mayor Eric Adams says it was a mistake to take prayer out of public schools, Elon Musk taking on 'danger' posed by woke AI including tool created by company he co-founded. Richard and Vikki have been a member of the Fellowship church since 2009 and have served in many different areas. During her free time, she loves reading Gods word, cooking, and tending to her garden. 1.22.23. The 2 articles by Bob Smietana posted on The Roys Report this week have been instructive about such deceptions. Earlier this month, on April 16, Ford found out that her actions with the megachurchs money would cost her dearly. Here, she has co-lead groups, completed the Equip course, and currently serves and teaches at The Well. Ford said this occurred once every few weeks for less than a year, he wrote. Something that she had heard all her life finally clicked, and she was forever changed by recognizing God's gracious and good love for her. I really have a hard time understanding how any church could be missing that much money.. She loves watching soccer and playing board games with friends and family. Jeremiah is a best-selling author of multiple books and a globally recognized prophet. We believe in following the precepts and practices set forth in Scripture. 1. He said Fellowship Church claimed that over $1.6 million in cash was missing. Hes wrong. They are a home-school family who loves living in the country and they enjoy any activity where they get to be together. In the movie, the Arabs are attacking a foreign legion outpost. You greatly underestimate a thief by their looks. Troy is a small town Texas boy; born and raised in Rockdale, Texas. The former staffer told police that she worked at Fellowship Church from March 2012 to 2015 and Ford, who was her supervisor, was suspected of committing fraud even then. I guess you have not seen him berate his congregation about not tithing. Matt came to know Jesus shortly after meeting his future wife Kelly. Donnie is married to Kristina, and they have two children, Kylie and Clayton. Ford stated she first began taking anonymous cash out of the church offering when the money was brought back to the counting room approximately seven to eight years ago. But this will never accomplish Gods plan. When I was in junior high, I had a pastor who had spent a summer on a pipeline crew. Sunrise is her favorite time of day as it reminds her of the faithfulness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. A religious liberty newsletter that is a must-read for people of faith. An August 26, 2019 updated police report indicated a total loss of $1,377,14.76 but the total continued to grow as the investigation continued. Our mission is to impact our world with the love and message of Jesus Christ; everyone, everyday . The other was conducted by Stanfield and ODell, an independent firm specializing in church audits. Find a location near you, discover programs for you & your family, watch sermons from Pastor Ed Young, learn about the Bible, & build meaningful relationships. I would be curious to know what she spent the money on. Most of the time, external audits dont find fraud because they dont look at internal systems, said Clark-Hoyos. We have 2 sons and 2 daughter in laws. It serves to remind us that Je$u$, Inc., is Big Business. By noon, he had dug down over his head and felt all alone at his work. Tune in to Pastor Ed's latest messages from Fellowship Church. She is the mother of three amazing children and Mimiz to three incredible grandchildren. [Episcopal News Service] During the season of Lent, some churches serve up fish fry dinners while others gather for fellowship around soup. He added that internal audits often find nothing because theyre led by the churchs financial leadership, rather than an independent volunteer committee. Without our Elders, we would not be able to function as a healthy body of believers. He intentionally shepherds the people of Hutto beside his beautiful wife, Holly, and their two children Janelle and Abraham. Rocky heard the gospel and was forever changed. Want to help your child build lasting, meaningful friendships? Coming together to support one another is an experience that allows us to learn, gain strength, and show the world exactly what God is. He loves the Fellowship Church greatly, and would be serving here even if it wasnt his job, its not an obligation- it is a passion and joy. Why so much outrage over the burning of an LGBT Pride flag? We exist to love people to Christ! She has been married to her husband, Trevin, since 2019, and they have two mini goldendoodles. Who Will Pay for the SBCs Abuse Reforms Over the Long Term? Mr Jim enjoys his job. Is Brewer qualified to serve as the church CFO? Yes, The Remnant Church still exists and is in operation today. (225) 673-4735. Im a CPA and used to be a auditor of nonprofit organizations. This working together to accomplish Gods will continued in the church with the practice of a multiplicity of leadership, diversification of activities, giving to the needy, exercise of different spiritual gifts, support of missionaries, calls to different mission fields, corporate prayer, group worship, and in other ways. In the early 2000s, Don and Sue moved to the Austin area, where he served as lead chaplain for the Round Rock Police Department for 13 years. Later, he served as the first full-time chaplain for the Houston Astros baseball and the Houston Oilers football teams. According to Ford's lawyer, Lex Johnston, Fellowship Church first discovered Ford's theft during an audit on April 12, 2019, and then notified authorities.
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