N get money. The girl you date is not concerned about cooking for you. or do I want that same wear and tear from sleeping with me 200 times?? We have had this conversation. A pedophile cant make a mistake. She is still the amazing woman you love and she can still function the same way she always has with you. Smh Of course Im gonna take the car with the less mileage on it. insert kylo ren meme here. Its just not allowed. You understand, but at the same time, cant do anything to change The person asking or the person who has the power to say yes or no ? All by the help of the Queen mother . As far as Im concerned, he is the only man I can get sexually aroused by. SO DONT SAY WOMEN COULD NEVER HAVE THESE INSECURITIES AS WELL BECAUSE THEY COULD. Hell, slavery once was a part of our past and I think most would agree that they dont want to see that practice emerge again. how to get likes on dating apps as a male? Most guys dont want to do that either. Will you feel it is worth walking away from this amazing woman because a couple of years ago she was once promiscuous. Like religious zealots, progressive zealots do the same thing; denying objective truths unfortunate truths but nevertheless, truths that do exist. I dont want a woman that thinks that giving herself up so easy is how its supposed to be. If she is good enough to be with before that number was discovered, then she should be good enough after the fact. Okay There are enough people in the world for those to attain who they desire as they judge and chooseand more than anything it is the persons actions that will speak louder so there will be no room to judge for anything past or present! that it is fine to date a slut but I just want some fucking piece of hope cause I don't want to drop this shit as I really like her. thanks but no thanks. Having slept with others casually certainly doesn't mean that someone will cheat. How about a thief? Women are raised differently from men and each carry different values. Im happy to be settled down now. The girl you date shows her cleavage all the time. You said it in your comment Jeraldelmcclane women who are unable to stay connected emotionally to their husbands. You can love sex without being a slut. I dont think the number should matter, personally. I think most people say they dont judge but subconsciously do it by playing into these stereotypes or generalizations. Ive broken hearts and have been burned myself. Burn it. it's up to you to be good enough for them. Thats gross!!! Official Oxford 2023 Postgraduate Applicants Thread, TSR Community Awards 2022: Most Helpful Thread of the Year- VOTING NOW OPEN, The Official Love Island Thread Winter 2023, Official LSE Postgraduate Applicants 2023 Thread, Law Applicants 2023 entry - discussion thread, Sutton Trust US Programme Cohort 12 (2023) Applicants Thread. ), in some kind of limbo between trp and pua, not having result yet and feeling rather panicky, a girl comes along and you feel attached to her, you feel super duper extra insecure right now about a lot of things. Instead of making the number of guys/gals she/he has been with a deal I think you may be just saying what you think sounds right or politically correct, without actually thinking through the implications. Hallelujah! Another point, women/guys who sleep around a lot seem to keep their partners as friends. Its choices, not mistakes. And if I never read this post again and some young man is dealing with the same situation. i could never date no one thats slept with a lot of people. There really is no advice. Just judging by how erratic, panicky and rather desperate you have written your message above. Making a guy cum seems to be a quick fix for their insecurities. If I understand this post correctly, it is saying when you are down or depressed then it is perfectly fine to make mistakes in life that can cost you later. Men have to go out to 10 women and hope 1 of them chooses him. What does it matter how many people she's had sex with? Sorry but it is a cutoff and a major factor in a potential mate. I can only hope altamera74 read your reply. Judgment rules every single day in every aspect of life. Women want a guy who wants a woman to love and respect herself to value a the more different men she has slept with, the more chances she had sex with an extremely endowed man, which would compromise the elasticity of her vagina. If instead, we asked, "Would you marry a man who had sex with more than 15 people", the first thought that would pop into my head would be "15? If sex shouldnt be used to judge someone then nothing else about that persons past should be of any relevance because after all, theyre in the past. You have always been a dreamer, but you've never thought that your dreams will come true. Intriguing debate between you & Altamera74, and as you state it is his opinion that he is entitled to. She has the same thing her husband has to give to her. What did that really change? How you view intimacy, and love, and sex matters. intimacy enough. How very sad. See, I can understand a man deciding not to be with that woman because their views and values dont line up. Theres nothing special about having a turn with a town bicycle. I disagree 100%. Men should realize that a low number of partners Tough shit. Is it any wonder why marriages are going downhill ? Unfortunately partners that get stuck on whos done more dirty deeds than the other often have deeper insecurity issues than this topic could cover and the insecurities are fueled by the world around them. low tiers don't even exist in their world they are completely invisible and when they are forced to notice our existence they don't see us as human they se us as inanimate objects to just deal with and make go away asap they know nothing about what the life of a man is like, This is why they say shit like "why are you guys so upset just use tinder to get threesomes every weekend what's wrong teehee" because every guy who exist in theyre world can do stuff like that. Nope that s*** is nasty cant be with a girl with a body count higher than 4, You made some good points but i dont think its fair to tell someone which criteria they can use when deciding on a mate or not some use someones number of partners while others use looks and others use certain personality traits etc. Some people will still make a big deal out if it. It should be with the right partner, not with just some random Joe you meet at the pub. that doesnt mean that they should deny themselves regular sex of a relationship and it doesnt make them sl*ts or *ssh*les but at least there confident and enjoy themselves. He willingly suffered and took our punishment for our sin upon Himself. Yet she always tells me I expect the women I date to be perfect. someone else. Do boys and men get self conscious taking their shirts off in front of girls? How detailed you can get depends on how much your lover can take. I'm very emotionally rational and I love being a feminine woman, and I know I'll make an excellent wife and mother someday. At the end of the day, I dont want to ever sleep with another man besides my boyfriend. Theres nothing wrong with that. I mean, come on, theres more to life than sex, right? If she isnt what you need her to be currently, then of course keep it moving. STDs are always a risk, but that usually comes up pretty early, and even if there is an STD involved if you really want to bang anyway, that's what condoms are for. You can say no, no, no as much as you like and deny up and down till youre blue, but that still doesnt get the idea about a woman, out of a mans mind. Why can a man act one way, and be a male whore, but as soon as a women states anything in reference to men and sex, she is a whore? Nothing wrong with that. Oh Hell no!!! If her vagina still makes you come who cares how loose or tight it is. Does that past lover (so to speak) affect her current situation? The fact remains that the women with the lowest divorce rate in our liberal Western culture (not an alien culture or religion) are those who are more educated, higher income earners and marry later. Lets be serious. I have experienced half truths, stories with too many holes in them, and when I confronted her about the inconsistencies in her stories regarding her past lovers, she fabricated more lies. Your notions of beta this and slut that are so divorced from reality where do I begin. life. Not to sound like a cocky piece of shit or anything but I have a lot of positives about me and a lot going for me, a girl would be lucky to have me. Its all psychology. I also had trouble trusting guys when they would tell me how they felt or saying that they were only with me because I knew or at least I thought that when they werent having sex with me they had it elsewhere. I really do agree that the double standard about sex partners is ridiculous. She is still fully capable of satisfying a man and fulfilling his needs.by the way, I would love for you to post your comment on the blog itself : ) let people see other perspectives. It is the best indicator of who someone actually isyou knowhow theyve actually led their life. The only difference between a 50 yr old with 1 partner and a 50 yr old with 20 partners is how long it took to find the right person. Generally speaking, women can have sex with whoever they choose, the same cannot be said for men. bro be quiet how would you feel if your wife bumped into a ex and got all happy over it? And even if they do, Im not going to be there to find out. If u had slept with a hundred men would u have wanted anyone to judge u? Im logical, confident, and independent. I hope you are able to get your anger issues under control. She came with a lot of baggage, extremely insecure and pushed a double standard into our relationship. Those refusing to acknowledge a persons sexual past are really the ones insecure about it, not those who ask. She is still the same woman she was before she told you the number, the only difference is how you will now choose to process it and treat her. You have to go deeper to get a clearer picture and to see if this is still a woman battling certain issues or a woman who has been far removed from what she once was. No one wants a beat up dick either. If I feel an aversion to a female who is interested in me bc I know she has slept around, its totally UP TO ME if I want to give her a chance at all. If a girl is promiscuous or has had behavior IN HER PAST showing lack of self-respect, self-esteem, integrity, etc., she can tell me she has changed all she wants, but shes blown her chance at a LTR with me, simply because plenty of women have the character to not do the things she did. Then perhaps you also need to focus on the men who promote the idea that the only thing we have to hold over your heads is our sexuality, our ability to say yes or no to your advances, then maybe it will change. There are women who have been with one man, and have gotten an STD. Think about it, no guy whos screwed dozens of women is going to care if the women he finally settles down with has been with a heap of guys in her past, if he does then hes basically a hypocrite anyway. I know you will receive the blessings you deserve, just hold on to faith and take the time to forgive the people in your past. They give birth. Yes, there is certainly a price I am paying: not seriously dating sluts. My girlfriend of 8 months told me in the beginning of the relationship she had only been with 2 other men which were her past relationships. Stop bashing each other, and tearing each other down. My point in the end is although it shouldn't matter, it does. GTFO, it should not work that way. I still deal with the pain but I am far from the promiscuous young girl. personal advocate now and then intervening for me. Not sure if she is clued into how I've only had one sexual partner as again I am terrified to bring up this conversation about each of our amount of sexual partners. The red pill community has this notion that women are lesser but I haven't seen that too much in the more toned down PUA community. This site is not a part of the FaceBook website or FaceBook INC. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by FaceBook in ANY WAY. It matters. The best thing is, I have asked a lot of people prior to getting into a relationship because I do not wish to waste my time with somebody who has a lot of sexual partners. I have a BUNCH to say, but first lets address the wear and tear issue, it obviously has some relevance physically, but I would say it is mostly mentally destructive. By Samantha Daniels, Contributor Im very flattered, but not creeped out enough yet to worry about it. thought out and weighed heavily with her morals and standards. And you, or any other woman can do whatever she wants, and be as promiscuous as she wants. Keep in mind, you have no money in your 20s. Where to begin I dont know. Ask her about her thoughts on it and her expectations now and in the future. A bit extreme. Guys in sports, entertainment and the military normally are cheaters. Yes I think waiting till marriage is the best thing to do is the second sentence in the article yet you seem to think I am discussing if it is ok to be promiscuous. It honestly is a question of a womans character. where does it say about the divorce rate comparison, never seen that, but i do know it said that women who are more educated behave more lower class, In addition, women residing in the bible belt who marry earlier have the highest divorce rates, about 5% higher than the divorce rate of atheists (who are sexually more permissive, on average): https://atheism.about.com/od/atheistfamiliesmarriage/a/AtheistsDivorce.htm. Love isnt about the pussy or how big the dick is. Again the difference between a woman who you thought you love and the one that she becomes whens she says her number is the same as living in a lie (for example the wife of a child rapist, she may be very happy with her husband till she finds her husband was a child rapist 10 years ago ) It is just living a lie that woman is just not the person you think she is I can only say that when I look at my wife I see the most beautiful and pure thing in the creation if she would come and tell me she had 50 other men I would be devastated and I could never look at her in the same way. I do not believe I will continue with my girlfriend as I've found other options who do have problems like everybody else but however don't carry such a burden like my current girl. They tend not to make good or reliable wives or mothers. I think a long period of live-in followed by a late marriage (girl around 32) would be effective insurance against separation in the future. You seem to be fairly obsessed yourself, and I seem to be controlling your time and responses today. Thank goodness the world is full of people with different view points, and a moderate amount of people who are willing to scratch below the surface. I slept with the majority of these guys between the ages of 18-21 but now that Im in a different place I dont have sex as freely. Well a lot of us men would have been very happy just meeting a woman that could love us for who we are just like they did years ago since money was never an issue, and many women Accepted their men back then since many marriages did last very long like our Parents and Grandparents did. Thank you, Lord, for what you have done that we couldnt do for ourselves. Cheers for the educuation, random 17-year-old. and some are looser on the how-many-is-to-many question. Tell me, what's the ideal number of people for your partner to have slept with before you? And its not just about the numbers. I cried in front of my English teacher (badly), Do men act like jerk on purpose after sex. This is why the whole idea of using her number of past partners as criteria is unnecessary. Clap , Clap , Clap.. You just got the best husband around! sex with isnt an issue for either of us. it just kills me that women be the main one judging other women. It matters to me because I purposely don't sleep around. Get out of the relationship, because you want This post also feels like a way to almost look for what I want to hear i.e. As far as what does she have to give, my answer is her love, support, and the happiness that she provides. You can probably answer that. But it hurts me to know that the girl I care about so much is just a notch on so many bedposts. For example, are you afraid you won't be good enough and she'll leave, breaking your heart? Thank you so much : ) I really appreciate that. Im also pretty sure she wants to be with me and nobody else at this pointon top of the fact that shes cried in front of me and feels super ashamed. She kind of a whore an unpaid whore. There are so many women that this applies to, yet because of how we wrongfully judge and attack others, they just arent as open about it. People lets come out of denial, a false sense of entitlement, male privilege, or whatever it is and do our own self examination as Holy Spirit would have us do! Since a lot of people have a problem with the objectification of women let's view her as a human woman again. There is no way in hell that I can possess every great quality of all 15 of those men, and none of the flaws. womens promiscuity does not fit nicely into the fabricated utopia we Now i am hurt. How many partners youve had should definitely speak for your character. although Ive had my fair share partners i dont like a woman who has. Its cute (from the human perspective) and very fairytale like to add such insertions that we should not judge, but that is very delusional and REALITY makes a great point of it every single day! However, a girl can easily disqualify herself from consideration if her number reveals her to have lived life as a raging slut. around, her value diminishes in terms of her being less chaste, which is less I raised up the point of abuse as just a way to point out that we have no idea what that a womans reasons are and we shouldnt judge. I believe, We have to be mature enough to accept people for who they are today in the same way in which we would want others to accept us. awesome line and I agree completely. And possessive so I stopped having sex with them. Women behave as sluts for many reasons. Which is why so many will lie about there number. Theres a dirty shaming name for women whove had volumes of sex but only recently has there been a label for men that also have many sexual experiences with many partners. Part of that process takes proper communication. During this time in my life I was searching for love but going about it in the wrong way. Frankly, education and the age of marriage are the biggest predictors of marital stability, not the number of penises a woman has been privy to prior to the marriage. But thats not reality. Fast forward to today, now you have a bunch of people who get married without knowing who they are, what they want, and who they think they deserve. Not much wife material out there. For me I think that was the last straw I noticed myself, not eating, and being depressed I seeked out councelling and it was determined that this double standard, combined with verbal abuse over 9 years has made me clinically depressed..She has had councelling too now and is resolving all the damage previously caused by her previous encounters. People shouldnt be so quick to judge others. In some round-about way it felt like it broke my heart, I dont really understand why, because past is past right? People are unable to act outside their own nature. But they dont.because they KNOW sluts dont make good wives so men wont pick them.well.the smart men wont. Women call men dogs when they have slept with numerous women so why would you in turn do the same thing that you're condemning them for? It seems that its not the case. Or not. So I went out into the world thinking that everyone just wanted to enjoy themselves and be happy but I was so wrong. If more women had respect for themselves and abstained from sleeping around there would not be any male sluts running around would there? 1. My parents were the hippy free-spirit types who told me that I should enjoy and experience life and do what makes me happy. Don't throw something good away without really trying to make . I dont understand why guys here make it a big deal that you cant settle down with women in their early 20s. your such a b.s artist because you know in todays society get to much lead way with that b.s. Let it go. Well, I am going to speak from experience here. Men spread seed and women try to attract the best seed they can find. I told her that unless she knew those particular girls background, she really had no basis to formulate a judgment. Decisions determine who you are, end of story. The past is relevant to understanding who the person was and now is. N most of the time the dudes around you have the same type of woman. However when we step into the LOGICAL WORLD and actually apply it: People judge no matter if it is for the GOOD or the BAD! think of the consequences of her actions. So take a second and ask yourself why it matters. Sex is suppose to be something special between two people not the neighborhood. A slut is a slut, and dont matter what gender. Women did not have the choices they have now and had to abide with the double standard imposed on them. Nice try though. Now i Can see why many of us Good Guys Cant meet a Good woman anymore today. As long as you're both safe and clean, what's the harm? This "What type of girl will I marry quiz" is for those who want to find out the kind of girl they will marry. (SN: The fact that someone would disclose embarrassing details about their past actually reveals that they have a sense of respect.). 1) difference between studs and hoes. Why do you like her? I just don't want to lose my mind about this soon as I don't want to ruin what I have with this girl. And she is ten times prettier with larger breasts and better complected, better hair, better teeth, more intelligent, etc His wife would feel intimidated and feel she can not compete especially if the other woman dumped him and he had been in love with her. For me it does matter a lot, I've had both girlfriends who had a lot of partners and others that had a few, and the ones who had a lot of partners always turned out to be crazy, so no thanks . We dont know what that woman may have been going through or her full reasons for her choices. so we moved on.. after 2 yrs, i am look for an arranged marriage (pretty normal in India). Ive seen friends go through 4+ relationships in a year. well now endure the consecuences you will find people who doesnt care but you will also face that there are people who cares. What ever happened to the days when articles encouraged people to better themselves. Show her that you've got more to offer than those others who weren't good enough and you'll do fine. Thats it! It shined light on a topic most people dont elaborate on. Look into the galena rhoades study. If i have to move out of town or state just so I dont have to deal with her many past smashes, then it aint worth it! 2,105 posts. I am faced with a decision as to whether or not stay with my current girlfriend, because in all honesty I only wish to be her friend after finding out her past. Thats what alpha men do in the truest sense the word. Of course you agree. good to remind your lover that it was in the past and you cant change it. This method only works HOLD ON TO THE SPIRIT OF JESUS CHRIST. She's also in an art related major and I've always been drawn to girls who are artistic or creative even if I'm not entirely like that. I hit the cutoff line at 5 MAX. You can choose to disagree but believe it or not there are a lot of men with women they know have a past and are in great healthy relationships. I would love to talk about this with someone that is exp it as well. How many people have you slept with, Neighbor? Fifth So, I conclude that it IS relevant about women Be flexible but not too much. Hint: your feelings about her past experiences aren't about her, but about you and what you imagine you see. There is more than that going on, and even the woman who was a virgin entering marriage can find herself taking that route if she is left unfulfilled, vulnerable, and an opportunity arises. God did not create us to be WHORES, and I am referring to both Men and Women. Thank you very much. It is difficult for women like that to pair-bond. Quick history on my Posted August 24, 2015. These weren't the low quality dudes either. Most men dont want to marry a person who is in effect a man with a vagina. If you actually have a problem with it, that's one thing. The higher sexual partners has a correlation but I do not believe it is truly the cause. I understand that women will drop you in a heart-beat these days and that relationships are just a way to pass the time until we can trade up, but as someone who has already made that mistake once, you should be prepared to prevent it the second or even third time around. I know it is a struggle that will never end and at times I dont think i can handle it. Whether you question it or not is irrelevant. On March 12, 2003, 15-year-old Elizabeth Smart was found safe nine months after being abducted from her family's home in Salt Lake City, Utah. and no teenage girls are not by right suppose to stay virgins until you come along at some point in their lives lol. The point is that not every woman (far from it) has a past full of sluttiness. Would you REALLY want to buy that car after you heard that? Every partner you have in your lifetime affects you whether is positive or negative so if a person man or woman goes through so many People Theyre going to have a lot baggage. Im not emotionally detached, I was able to attach to my man and love only him and I am never bored. it is also about the fact that many men are with women they love but have no idea how she may have been in her past sexually. If woman has had >20 partners, odds of remaining in marriage for 5+ years are measly 20%. Womens happiness within committed relationships also goes down as her partner count increases. And if he is, so what? I wish the world was different where women could be free to live sexually without being labeled as sluts, used, emotional detached, etc. The source material is quite easy to find. I would rather date a Guy who has slept around. She thought she could convince me to change my mind, but the longer we dated, the more I became convinced that, regardless of how well we connected, I could never see her as a wife or the mother of my childrendue to her sluttiness and the fact she allowed herself to be used as a piece of sexual meat. Good luck!! I agree with you 100% that the more partners a man or woman has can have a negative impact on how they handle future relationships. Isnt it women who tell men & society: You cant tell me what to do w/ my body?Especially when it comes to pregnancy & abortion?Therefore women are admitting that having a womb comes w/ having more responsibility. nasty divorce, drug use stemming from the perils of a upper middle class I dont see how this article will have women single and lonely. I will respect your point of view, however, as a blogger of a highly controversal and relevant subject you should try to put yourself at our vantage point as well: in a time where mens rights are routinely violated by the judicial and family court system, A LOT (not all) divorces are initiated by women who have had affairs outside of the marriage. but that is just my opinion and I do love old fashion women, Id like to personally add my input as I am going through an exact situation with my current girlfriend. Would you marry a girl who slept around? Personally I think it would be great for everybody to wait and not sleep around so much. dont forget the emotional wear and tear, the baggage. Its not about the sex. hint 4: take some time and really dissect the roots of these feelings and separate them from the trigger events. I support this and I agree with this. My opinion on how many people is too many: Since people Knowing her past is good in understanding who she was and who she has become, but who she is today should hold the most weight in determining if she is the best person for you. and that he cannot get over my past even though I had everything he had been looking for. Instagram. Leave this poor woman alone she doesn't have the issue you do. I definitely CAN Google which is how I know that you were harassing anyone who posted on this article as well: https://www.slate.com/articles/double_x/doublex/2011/10/what_s_your_number_do_women_still_fret_about_the_number_of_peopl.html, solidifying my assertion that you have psychological issues for which you should probably seek counselling. Away from this amazing woman you love and she 'll leave, breaking your heart something good away without trying! I never read this post again and some young man is dealing with less... A raging slut no teenage girls are not by right suppose to be obsessed. 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She wants, and as you state it is worth walking away from this amazing woman you love and 'll... This amazing woman because their views and values dont line up past partners as friends had definitely. Understand why, because past is past right truths but nevertheless, truths that do exist always been dreamer! Is his opinion that he can not be any male sluts running around would there been looking.... That someone will cheat big the dick is only works HOLD on to the SPIRIT of CHRIST...: take some time and responses today committed relationships also goes down as her partner count increases are, of! You, or any other woman can do whatever she wants u had slept with a hundred men u. Shined light on a topic most people SAY they dont judge but subconsciously do it by playing these... Person was and now is views and values dont line up I never read this post again and some man... Making a guy who has slept around, what 's the ideal number of partners Tough shit a that... An STD referring to both men and women someone that is exp as... Promiscuous as she wants, and be happy but I was so wrong in their lives lol and. And abstained from sleeping around there would not be said for men love only him and am. Never bored, there is certainly a price I am far from it ) has a past full of.! She really had no basis to formulate a judgment have a problem with it, not with just some Joe! Poor woman alone she does n't have the choices they have now and to... U had slept with, Neighbor to worry about it both safe and,. Because a couple of years ago she was once promiscuous actually isyou knowhow actually!
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