This is an actual reading done by an actual person with years of experience with the Tarot. A balanced tarot spread means all the cards are equally important in the reading. Doing so will guarantee a more insightful twin flame reading. Eventually, after a period of separation (years, not months), the couple will, in theory, come back together for a final union and be together in the physical realm. They mirror each other and each others trauma perfectly. All Rights Reserved. The World: When you meet your twin flame, everything just clicks. The Wheel of Fortune is a card of karma and fated circumstances, so you can expect to see it in all stages of a Twin Flame journey. If you are interested, I have an article that explains the combination of the Lovers and the Devil which fits perfectly into Twin Flame readings. Yes or No Tarot Spread Guide: Everything You Need to Know, Ex Tarot Spread Guide: 3 Spreads For Breakups, Copyright 2023 Tarot Technique | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme. Often, when we meet our twin flame the connection is instant, all-consuming, psychic, and powerful. Deep down, he sees me as someone who started a new life cycle for him that ultimately was a good thing. And the more specific the better. When the strength of the connection becomes too strong and neither of you is ready for it it creates a kind of spiritual backfire known as soul shock. Browse our readers and contact them over the phone or chat directly to get the answers you need right away. I believe I do know why this card was pulled. A Twin Flame, or Twin Soul, is a person who you feel connected to not just on a physical and emotional level, but also on a soulful or spiritual level. Well, technically, your twin flame is supposed to find you. However, thats no different from many relationships where significant growth occurs. The second card in your twin flame Tarot reading is about the present. What Is a Twin Flame? My theory is pretty basic, Twin Flames are essentially a soulmate connection, but the universe poured too much spice into the equation. Twin flames mirror each other, and they come into our lives to show us all the parts of ourselves we keep hidden which need healing. Interacting with a twin flame is like looking in the mirror; their presence shows you the darker side of your soul. GET THIS TWIN FLAME DIALOGUE DECK IN DYAN'S ETSY SHOP NOW. Long answer: yes, but not if you keep pulling and pulling, hoping for a different outcome. If youve jumped on the TF journey and are aching to check in with your twin in the physical realm, check in with yourself on the journey, or are just throwing stuff at a wall to see whats up with someone you are missing, Ive got you covered. Honestly, it feels a bit like a drawn-out attachment-style exercise or a Harley Quinn and Joker fling that teaches you one too many life lessons. These can be karmic life lessons, significant transitions or soul connections. multiple similarities, sometimes uncanny. A twin flame, or mirrored soul, is an intense and highly-cosmic relationship that can alter your life. Are you still looking for your other half? Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster. This future position card might give you an insight into your future union or perhaps the closer part of the journey if theres an important blockage you need to deal with. The Tower moment is when Twin Flame journey goes from bliss to chaos, so it can be a strong indication of separation. They will rock your world to your core. The Ace of Cups represents new relationships and compassion. The benefit of having the reading done by a professional is that it can offer a more unbiased and objective reading that's not clouded by your own expectations or wishes. Signs you will meet your twin flame soon. Position 2: Whats my twin flames purpose in my life? But since Minor Arcana represents things like actions, emotions and thoughts- it depends more on individual experience and choices. And a person has multiple soulmates (though just one twin flame). This is a custom made tarot reading done by hand and sent to you by an experienced reader. There are a few signs psychologists say could point to a twin flame relationship: sense that you're meeting yourself. Anger, fighting, tension happen because someone cares. Cart 0. Pentacles often deal with money and business. Twin flames are a catalyst for personal growth. Sure, you could ask a psychic about your twin flame or look into getting a soulmate Tarot reading. This is NOT a generic automated tarot quiz. The path to union is going to take work from both of you (not just the runner) and twin flames often have to face the most challenges together. On the other hand, doing the reading yourself has its upsides, too. If no particular card or group of cards catches your attention, it means the tarot spread highlights balance. It can also mean that your twin flame is feeling intensely about you. There are several tarot cards that can represent both a twin flame union and twin flame reunion. Their matching set of baggage goes together perfectly, but its hiding a ticking time bomb perfectly wrapped in a package labeled, To: The Lovers, From: Trauma. You might fight, argue and even hurt each other, but at the end of the day, you want the best for them. This is where it gets tricky; as this type of start to a relationship can also be abusive in nature. One twin will become the runner, and the other twin will become the chaser. The rule of thumb in tarot spreads is that the card position that attracts your attention first holds the most significant meaning. With those twin flame misconceptions in mind, Quinn also says it's important to examine your ideas and expectations around twin flames. This card depicts an angel pouring water between two cups, signifying alchemy. Use these tarot spreads to find your twin flame, explore a twin flame relationship, and more. While its important for you to feel like youre in a healthy relationship, you can look back on those times with the idea that this was a karmic life lesson in the making. This card seems contradictory at first compared to the card I received in the last spread, but I personally believe it signifies a different perspective I have over the connection. 0 This spread focuses on all aspects of the twin flame relationship Cards count: 23 Cards: A gut feeling. This card can also mean they are on the verge or are waking up to their spiritual journey. Here are a couple signs your twin flame is contacting you or even thinking about you: Dreaming of them. More About Twin Flame Tarot Cards . Many people wonder whether theyve met their twin flame. At the same time, the cards call me out by saying that Im ignoring the progress he has made as well. Position 11: What difficulties are my twin struggling with due to our twin flame connection? Heres What Your Saturn Return Means For Each Zodiac Sign. My heart tells me he is my twin flame because of my spiritual awakening after we met.. Tarot Spread - Twin Flame. Whether you think you met your twin flame, or you've been with this person for years, a reading like this can offer insights you may not have otherwise realized. This card focuses on love in all forms, new relationships of all types, and compassion. Here is a list of Tarot cards that represent different stages of a Twin Flame journey (in no particular order): 1. Your interaction with them can be big or small, long-term or short-term, magical or not. What you want to know about your soulmate or twin flame is really the question to ask the tarot reader. And, its likely that, theyve probably dreamed about you that very night as well. I created this tarot spread as a request from a lovely friend on Instagram. There are either things to let go, or truths to accept. The universe advises us to take a step back, look at the bigger picture, and appreciate the progress we have made individually. Its an excellent card to receive overall. Before you design your tarot spread, you must first determine why you wish to do a tarot reading. While many people consider a twin flame to be the same thing as a soulmate, they are, in fact, two very different things. The Wheel of Fortune signifies good luck, karma, the ending and beginning of lifecycles, a turning point, and destiny. Twin Flame Tarot Card Readings Can Tell You Who your Soulmate Is. How To Tell If You've Met Your Twin Flame And What To Do Next. You might also want to take note of certain tarot cards that prove to react more with twin flame energies. Position 7: Describe the current state of my relationship with my twin flame. This card can help you to do just that and this can be the key to knowing how you can help both of your journeys further towards twin flame union. This card shows us where youre headed if you continue on your current path. Position 5: How does my twin flame regard me? Other design principles you need to note are symmetry, spacing, and repetition. You'll arrive at the same party, find out you have friends in common, and you even went to the same college. It is the card of unconditional love, which is a big part of Twin Flame journeys- letting the love flow without being attached to the outcome. While in a twin flame relationship, you simply want them to stay and will fight for that, but you do let them go when its time to. Tarot Cards that relate to Twin Flame encounters? The core issue is our love/hate relationship. Have I found my soul mate? But you could use these handy Tarot spreads to find out for yourself. Ironically, my favorite is the Twin Flame 5 Card Union spread, but I also enjoyed the 5 Card Twin Flame Dynamic Spread quite a bit. Our editors have independently chosen the products listed on this page. When Will I Meet My Twin Flame Tarot Spread Twin Flamitis Belief System There is a possibility that for anyone who is observing this online video, Then you definitely may both have what is referred to as Twin-Flamitis, or you could possibly know somebody that has Twin-Flamitis. twin flames are never meant to walk this path alone and your higher self will always be there to gently push you in the right direction. At the end of the day, the connection has a huge psychological component that is intertwined with trauma, attachment styles, and fear of a deep connection with another person. A twin flame tarot reading is an excellent tool for helping you navigate this tricky period. Orders that do . Supposedly TF relationships are incredibly rare, but everyone claims to have one nowadays. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from State University of New York at Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York. Well, this may well be a good place to start! What is a Twin Flame? I have my theory as well. The only thing left to do then is to accept this and to channel the love and passion you have in your heart into creative pursuits and divine service. Tarot | Affirmation Card Holder | 3 Card spread. We have the capacity to be close friends, but it takes work to get there. Twin flames mirror each other. You may say this is some Stranger Things-type supernatural crazy. This card can help you to do just that and this can be the key to knowing how you can help both of your journeys further towards twin flame union. Position 4: Describe the karmic lessons or challenges Im currently facing. Twin flame tarot spread . Aquarian Insight. Weve both been maturing and doing our own thing for so quite some time. Generally, twin flame tarot readings can help you find clarity and explore your twin flame connection. Back Free . The Justice card can be an indication of union, but you might also draw it when you are about the meet your equal. While there may be a spiritual aspect to it that helps foster that deeper connection, its more mundane than magical, really. Categories . Likely, when you meet them, it will feel like youre talking to someone you already know. It would feel wrong on so many levels to do so. Once you have met your twin, you are never the same. Twin flame tarot readings offer answers to those questions, so you can gain insight, acknowledge any challenges, and ideally, make any necessary changes within the connection. This can take the form of a friend or even an acquaintance," she previously explained to mbg. This results in an intense soul connection between two people who are each other's "other half" or "mirror soul," so to speak. I take this to mean we may build a business together or simply have a prosperous life somehow. I suppose if you have to ask the question, the answer is already no. Whats in your pants doesnt define your role in this type of relationship. Regardless of the format of the Tarot spread or the questions asked, when you boil it right back a twin flame reading is a Tarot spread to help guide you towards union. This card tells you when things have gone from good to harmful. This is something that you will just know. I guess no longer viscerally hating each other is a start. Twin Flame Reading, Twin Flame Drawing, Love Reading, Psychic Reading, Tarot Reading . You might also fall in love at the first meeting. Here is the spread: 1. Twin Flame Mirror - Secret Messages From Your Person - Dialogue Oracle Deck by Dyan Garris. For the support card, I pulled the Three of Swords. Weve had quite a bit of time to develop these skills. Adobe. You can move on, but they hang out in the back of your mind more vividly than others. This card signifies heartbreak, sorrow, and loss. Very similar custom tarot spreads. If you need help navigating your twin flame journey, you can use tarot cards to obtain insight. According to Quinn, there are benefits to both. We have to communicate with each other respectfully and not intentionally push buttons to get a reaction or push each other away. If your question is focused on a specific person, hold their face in mind as you draw each card. They dont have to! You probably wont know who this person is to you until after youve split, sometimes years later. for ages when you first met? Position 3: How are we connected in our past lives? Most are done with traditional Tarot or oracle cards. They often say that a Twin Flame couple will have a short and intense relationship with high highs and low lows. We also have many tarot readers who specialize in twin flame readings. Here are a couple signs your twin flame is contacting you or even thinking about you: Dreaming of them. A card representing the DF energy right now. So, interacting with a twin flame is never a trivial encounter. You may feel you have known this person your entire life and you may experience telepathy with this person. Position 10: What challenges am I facing from our twin flame connection? This eight-card twin flame spread from Quinn addresses many common twin flame-related questions. Position 3: How does my twin affect our overall twin flame energy? There is certainly quite a bit of sadness between us. Have I met my twin flame? Their connection goes far beyond your first meeting here on Earth and its incredibly likely youve met before over multiple lifetimes. Will I meet my twin flame in a public place? Two of Wands: You and this person have the exact same thoughts, goals, and dreams. They are usually tumultuous and packed with lessons that push you into the highest version of yourself. Were talking about whats inside: the soul. Last one. Stages: Yearning, Challenges or Separation, Runner-Chaser, Acceptance. Confusion abounds! Its a buzzword that doesnt have an exact definition but one leading theory that raises some red flags. However, Im worried it will end the way it always does. Card #2 What area of my life do I need to work on? Emmarie Hodge. Especially with the threat of false twin flames, this can be a problem. The other fights because they are terrified of the other leaving or leaving again. For the future of our connection, I pulled the Father or King of Cups. deep . Copyright2023 Tarot Guru, all rights reserved. Why? This is not a normal relationship. These transitions are called Twin Flame stages. They may feel deeply for each other, and they may know in some ways its a deeper connection, but they dont understand it. Its significant to note that twin flames share several past lives but dont necessarily meet every lifetime. When you met, there was instant recognition When you first encounter your twin flame, Spinelli says there will be an intense sense of attraction, recognition, and longing. This card tells me it may be time to approach this connection again with compassion. All of which were at the center of our inability to be in each others life. she suggests asking. Regardless, whenever you draw the Wheel of Fortune, it is time to trust the universe. Spread 3: Is This My Twin Flame? Miah also enjoys collecting Tarot decks with interesting themes and artwork. #twinflame2.0#divinemasculine#dmtodf#pa. A "twin flame" is not part of your "soul group." Instead, it's the second half of your own soulthat you're meeting again. Card #3: What is the core issue in our connection right now? When you come back to yourself in your divine form by reuniting with your twin flame, you dissolve in a wholeness where there is no separation or division. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York. The Hermit describes a time where the person feels the need to withdraw from the world and turn inward when things get too confusing. It'll only take a few moments. The Eight of Swords is a self created mental prison that you need to get yourself out from. You write your own destiny and make that choice together. Stop underestimating him, essentially. 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Reading Summary:This reading tells me that I want to have that conversation to move past the painful ending of the relationship. If you find your twin flame, and both of you are ready to face your demons, then it can work. One of the fatalistic cards of Tarot, the Tower represents destructive events that are beyond our control. We shouldnt jeopardize our peace. There is instant passion and a sense of knowing this person from lifetimes ago. Six of Cups is a beautiful Tarot card depicting a happy childhood memory. This tarot spread could also be used for a soulmate relationship if you are not in a relationship with your twin flame. Most of us dont have a twin flame. Even if it spans a decade or a lifetime, twin flames never fully leave one another. Somedays, I dont do much of anything but scroll TikTok and relax; I call those days Sundays. First and foremost, you can choose a tarot deck that speaks to you energetically or calls to you. Cards count: 9 Cards: 1) Best way to resolve any issues; 2) Your Soul in the current situation/Perspective; 3) Your Issue's or Blocks to communication; 4) Your souls desire/what your needing; Can the Tarot Confirm a Twin Flame Connection? A twin flame relationship will always feel like an expression of freedom. I love when I get this card, its definitely one of my favorite cards to receive in any reading. Love Psychic Readings $4.99 Per Minute. 1: Things will be changing in big ways and you won't be sure why, or what it all means (For example, you might leave your job or be fired) 2: You'll feel like SOMETHING is about to happen. Sometimes two people meet or reconnect as adults, and it just works. Different readers will do things in different ways. This tells me that Im trying to power walk my way away from this situation. The Devil: This might surprise you. Due to being incarnated relatively at the same time, your personal growth journeys are intertwined, but you still face a learning gap due to one of you being less mature in terms of spiritual growth. As it dissolved, I took up new hobbies and started working on myself instead of focusing solely on the relationship. Yet another part of me says he isn't because of the pain we both go through in this connection. Twin flame relationships bring up a lot of emotions and experiences on one's spiritual path, and this can lead to a lot of questions. I Will Draw & Describe Your Twin Flame in 9 hours! When they meet, there will be an instant sense of knowing and deep mental and physical passion. This connection is not always romantic, but it is usually fast-paced and intense. If you purchase something mentioned in this article, we may. They bring up each others shadows and insecurities, and they shine a light on the parts of ourselves we keep hidden that need healing. If youre not a couple because your past was too rough, consider this: Passion is love. And if you're looking for a bit more guidance than that, Quinn suggests working with decks by artists and creators from marginalized communities, as well as a deck that you have a religious or ancestral connection to. "The emphasis on a twin flame relationship is a spiritual connection where you feel a familiarity and polarity with a person. Not if you & # x27 ; t because of my relationship with high highs and low lows each., then it can be karmic life lessons, significant transitions or soul connections actions. Or soul connections, theyve probably dreamed about you: Dreaming of them and both of you are ready face! Our twin flame journey goes from bliss to chaos, so it can be! From SUNY Oswego, and more we also have many tarot readers who specialize in twin flame or into! Signifying alchemy a step back, look at the same time, the answer is no... 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