If you want to maintain the integrity of your home, make sure to leave some space between those pretty perennials and the house itself. Established in 2004, with hundreds of revenge products, services and ideas we have helped thousands of people all over the world to get revenge on those who have done them wrong - getting revenge has never been so much fun! Hire a child actor from your local casting agent, along with an actress to play their mother. "Crime in the United States 2009 -- Property Crime." Excessive amounts of water on your hardwood or laminate floors can cause them to warp or stain. After a few days (or hours), the Bitch will most likely contact you, kindly requesting that you cease the tormenting. Get close to the guy's mutual friends. The Guardian. If your Bitch is a Catholic, Mormon or Scientologist, the rejection of their church will have the powerful effect of ruining their life not only in this world, but in the next. Don't ask me for the whole story, I won't tell. Stockbyte/ Thinkstock May 23, 2007. Your AC system may not be the most attractive element of your backyard, but camouflaging it with hedges can cause major problems. That would only hurt YOU. If the Bitch shares a mailbox with a roommate, request that literature from the Church of Scientology and sex toy or condom catalogs be sent to their address in Bitch's name. Ever wonder how burglars actually enter homes? "Dirty, blocked, cracked, and leaking chimney flues and venting can result in the release of fireplace pollution in your home, as can improperly installed or incorrectly maintained components.". Salt is cheap, costing about $2/kilo in my area and no one suspects anything if you buy one packet too much. Not Paying Your Portion of the Rent If your name wasn't on the lease, you may not have heard about that last rent check never making it to the landlord. "Bump Key - Questions and Answers." Don't try to pretend to be someone you aren't just to make someone like you. Ideal targets are homes with indications no one will return soon. Chosen businesses become addicted to and dependent on government aid, prompting a lobbying frenzy that further . Another way of ruining your phone is to step or stomp hard on it. But don't be an idiot and fall for the ruse yourself, like the classic spy movie twist where the woman sleeps with her target then falls in love and fucks up the mission. If having one filter on your HVAC system is good, having more than one must be better, right? He recommends changing filters every one to three months. It's best just to play nice, as a general rule, but when someone fucks you over, there's nothing more pathetic than being a sap who sits at home and cries about it. These tactics, when executed correctly, will exact humiliation, pain, and suffering on your victim. Set up a camera infront of his house and put the prank on youtube =) When tree branches grow too close to your home, this can "cause significant damage to the roof or siding and cause significant rot" from the branches' moisture, according to Morgan. This is so unattractive honestly. All Rights Reserved. "Keeping Your Home Safe From Burglars." I did this once by accident when I was attempting to rid my vegetable patch of weeds by pouring salt water first. (Nov. 22, 2011) http://realestate.aol.com/blog/2007/05/23/protect-your-home-from-break-ins-during-the-holidays, McCarthy, Caroline. And with the increased time you've been spending at home because of the coronavirus, that means you're also spending more time cooking, cleaning, and doing home projectscreating more opportunity for error. Worse yet, the acid "can cause you respiratory problems or skin irritation.". Increasingly, video cards, RAM, and sound cards have fans, too. The typical burglar avoids confrontation, has scant interest in an arrest and fears physical harm. Change The Perspective. Among the many items inside the shed is toolbox, at the bottom of which are a dozen spare and random keys, one of which opens your home. Don't take people's shit, but at the same time, don't start World War III over nothing. What's the best way to prevent a thief from entering your home. 10 Ways to Break Into a House | HowStuffWorks Heavy rods in tracks prevent opening of sliding glass doors fully. You can even profit from this! Unlike vapor, a banner will not disintegrate into thin air after fifteen minutes. They may be setting up to steal immediately or to scout the premises for later by pretending to be a utility employee, the cable installer or even a police officer. This is the only solution I can remember right now. 12. Call police; they should assess the situation. "Protect Your Home From Break-Ins During the Holidays." The best way to evisercate and destroy someone's well being is to laugh at them. Naturally, psychologists figured out a way to turn this heuristic to evil. Of course you want to rid your carpets of dirt, but overdoing it with the carpet shampooer could do more harm than good. Of the reported 2 million commercial and residential burglaries reported to the U.S. Department of Justice in 2009, most (61 percent) were forcible entry. Carry a sharpie wherever you go and have their phone numbers inscribed in all public bathrooms. Pool Size. Too much taste dulls the palate, This one's about tact, cunning ability, and most importantly, rhetoric. "The ground is like a sponge and when it dries out, it shrinks, creating an unstable base for the entire foundation of the home," explains Betty Mooney, president of Brick Restoration, Inc., a Houston-based masonry repair and restoration company. It's best to keep shrubs trimmed no higher than the bottom of window sills. Burglary Prevention Council. And for decorating pitfalls to avoid, check out The One Home Design Mistake Everyone Makes. Even if this is a false accusation, this kind of allegation sticks with people for the rest of their lives. For instance, I found a cool app called Fing. #8. At night, lights and a radio or TV on timers keep homes looking occupied into the wee hours, deterring burglars and keeping families safer long after bedtime. Those little furniture pads that cover the bottom of table and chair legs are a must if you have hardwood floors in your home. 6. ruin definition: 1. to spoil or destroy something completely: 2. to cause a person or company to lose all their. Just when the authorities catch on to one new trick, criminals move on to the next. 3. 5 Forgetting to use furniture pads on hardwood floors Shutterstock Formerly reserved for heads of state, and more recently for warlords and politicians, it's only a matter of time before ICC prosecutions are opened up for plain old everyday assholes. Or cough up a few hundred (or thousand) bucks to put their name or photo along with their offenses on a billboard in your cityhey, it worked for the Bitch in the movieThree Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri. You know having too much water around your home's foundation can cause serious damage, but a Sahara-like environment isn't actually any better. Patience will be key here, for your case could take at least thirty years to work its way through the courts, and require the gathering of thousands of signatures. Looking for an easy way to protect your house in a hurry? 49 is rooted in gender ideology and gender identity, concepts fundamentally in conflict with our knowledge of science, our Western or Judeo-Christian heritage, and our beliefs about marriage, sex, the family, and the human person. In fact, an additional filter "has the same result as having a dirty filter," he says. navigator.sendBeacon('https://www.google-analytics.com/collect', payload); Ima just say nah I order no pizza, what they gon do force me to take it? Even with an alarm, workers may open doors or windows from the inside in preparation for a later break-in. On these forums, real and would-be burglars debate the best ways to break into a house -- how to quietly break a window, why carding (using a credit card to release a lock) is still the best method and why some still prefer the kick-in-the-door approach. Move onward and upward and watch from the sidelines. Tenants like this figure they have nothing to lose and get revenge on the mean landlord by causing thousands of dollars in damage to the structure and breaking or stealing appliances. At least once a month, you should be cleaning your dishwasher trap, which is generally located on the lower part of your dishwasher near its sprayer. Here are the different ways you can make someone's life a living hell, legally. While she inappropriately coaches her un-athletic progeny from the stands, all heads tilt slowly towards the sky, like the Surrender Dorothy scene in The Wizard of Oz, as they follow a bi-plane trailing spirals of white vapor in its wake. If you're not draining your water heater at least once a year, you could be setting your home up for major damage over time. Most people don't have any arrests to hide, but if they do then you've hit the jackpot. Though your sloping landscape may offer you some privacy from your neighbors or passersby, it can also mean you've got major repair bills to look forward to. "[If] someone only turns the fan on for the duration of their shower the average exhaust fan for a bathroom won't remove enough of the moist air," says Breyer. Although many burglars are opportunistic and simply look for the nearest empty home that holds promise of undetected entry and high return, others do their homework, investing hours staking out neighborhoods or houses. (Nov. 22, 2011) http://www.zdnetasia.com/alleged-facebook-burglars-busted-in-us-62202849.htm, Portland, Ore., Police Department. Simply, on a PvE server its "almost" impossible to do. xhr.send(payload); cmon you know you can find some easy. According to Energy Star, 25 percent of a home's heat can be lost through an uninsulated attic. April 9, 2009. If you have access to the Bitch's voicemail, change the greeting to something inappropriate like a phone sex operator recording. It's time to step away from the vinegar-based cleaners if you want those gorgeous granite counters to look great for years to come. Houses are usually built from the ground up, but hey, we're here to tell you how to destroy your home, not how to build it, so let's start with the attic. Start walking, one foot in front of the other; just move. A father may boast about taking the brood to the movies: "We'll let you know how we liked it!" Narcissists are highly self-centered, boastful, and have a very short temper. Step 4: Maintain Anonymity After a few days (or hours), the Bitch will most likely contact you, kindly requesting that you cease the tormenting. Those exposed pipes in your freezing cold basement deserve some insulationand if you don't cover them, you could be putting your home at risk for some serious damage. Another very evil idea is to buy 2 or 3 pounds of bent grass. Take the mail to the police and file an affidavit against the target with claims that they are trying to destroy you. Think again. Bonus points for originality! Do not play the "submission" card. In all seriousness though, the things that under normal pool circumstances, I would consider the be the worst for introducing in a pool would be just about any hydrocarbon or a big bunch of fertilizer. Funerals and weddings -- Large family gatherings provide additional opportunities for burglars to know when homes will be unoccupied, usually for hours at a time. It's absurd enough that the vehicle from which my redneck neighbour Carl blasts rap and country music is a 1980 Toyota: an orange, beat-up truck that should have given up the ghost and gone to a junkyard back in 1985. Jul 5, 2010. Too much color blinds the eye, "If the granule on your shingle roof is blasted off with pressure washing, it'll leave your roof exposed to the elements and weaken your roof," explains James Otis, owner of Hometown Roofing ATX. Communication is key to a close relationship. Once. Go to Homepro, buy yourself an aircon system of your own, and install it; and give her the old unit to 'look after'. Even with the brightest of lights, full-grown shrubbery and thick trees near houses conceal stealthy burglars. The bump key is a bigger threat today than ever. The trauma and unease in its aftermath, however, is a bell that can't be un-rung, and many burglary victims never again feel safe in their own homes. (You have to be careful with this one though, because you can't impersonate anyone by using their name or contact information on the actual posting.). Just before Christmas, for example, burglars love to look in, and then break in, large picture windows displaying dozens of presents underneath sparkly trees. All of these sites will give you plenty of inside intel to work with, so start gathering info first: You can also go old school and Google the Bitch's name, Twitter or Instagram username, or email address to dig up information, sketchy associations (for instance, a profile on CheatingSwingers.com), pictures, and anything else that could come in handy later. It's every landlord's worst nightmarea hostile, angry tenant who destroys the property because he or she is mad about eviction proceedings. A Professional theme for architects, construction and interior designers Disturbing Home Alone fan theory will ruin your childhood Don't tag someone's house with especially cruel or taunting language. Put up an ad in the help section of a newspaper or a popular online ad site for your victim's area. To keep this from happening, make sure to water the grass and dirt surrounding your home frequentlyjust not so often that water pools near your foundation. 1. To them. your rules are no fun. Hydrogen peroxide and vinegar clean effectively on their own, but mixing the two can cause serious damage to your homeand to your health. Burped in a girl's mouth when we kissed at the end of the night. Electronic keypad locks, too, seem to be favorites among those trying to evade bump-key bandits. NEW MERCH! Burglars break windows, so keep yards free of bricks and heavy rocks. Call them ceaselessly with unending sales promotion and information. Picture a beautiful, cloudless Saturday morning at a neighborhood park, where your former employer is attending her kid's soccer game, her unjust firing of you the furthest thing from her mind. This will clog up the pipes and cause major problems. This way, burglars have less room to hide, and will seek other, less visible, opportunities. This will leave them homeless, and will likely ruin their life. Spending more time with friends and other people who lift you up instead of bringing you down. Work your way up from being acquaintances to best friends, fuck buddies, or lovers. Who doesn't love grilling in the warmer months? This way, they will stay alone and feel lonely for the rest of their lives. If the offenses committed against you by this poor excuse for a human being are so abominable, so completely heinous that you're 150% sure you want to go through with this, then here are eight foolproof methods for permanently destroying someone's public reputation. 1. transitive verb To ruin something means to severely harm, damage, or spoil it. 1. var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); This is one reason I will never work with children in my life. Write something that says they plan to bomb a major public place and how they can't wait to be with god in paradise or anything like that. It requires a lot of things to be perfectly set up for it to even begin, and that also means that the animal that you've lured into the pen to destroy the house must be tough enough to kill every single animal in there. Holding on to grudges or anger will only blind you from focusing on what is truly important. The mineral deposits in your water heater "form a thick, crusty coating that will begin to chip off and clog faucets, drains, and the water heater valve," explains house flipper Shawn Breyer, owner of Atlanta House Buyers. Just to see that old truck pull up to his front door with DJ MuffinPuff or Ma and Pa Roach Stompin' Two Steppers rattling my . The Unauthorized Biography of [Bitch's Name] by [Your Name], as Told to [Ghostwriter's Name]., Avoid libel suits by claiming to read your Bitch's mind. Look at those lips! while ignoring his offers to take a lie detector test or provide a DNA sample. Then continue to watch as the Bitch squirms in discomfort and humiliation. Pests can slowly but surely lay waste to your home. If it's baked in, it may also leave a horrible stain and even ruin the base coat. Well, not exactly. Sadeghi, the co-founder of the revolutionary integrative health center Be Hive of Healing, has put together a cheeky list of how-to-kill-the-most-passionate-love rules that speak, humorously, toward precisely how not to . While you may need cables drilled into your home to provide access to TV or internet, DIYing itor having a less-than-experienced installer do the jobcan create major problems. Too much desire tears the heart. Get their current address and contact info, Uncover their social media accounts and photos, Look up any phone number to see whose it is, Post a bizarrely kinky adult dating/hookup ad so the Bitch will receive a steady flow of colorful calls/texts/messages from friendly locals looking to have a good time. This will make them victims of constant harassment and they won't be able to tell why. 3. Call an adult escort service (search for one in your area if necessary) and make an appointment for an escort or stripper to go to their house at ungodly hours of the morning or night on days you know the Bitch has off from work and will be home. Shaving cream If the chemical residue from the shaving cream product is not placed on a car, it will leave a permanent stain on the paint. To keep a house safe while on vacation: Place lights on timers. Like the old clich goes, revenge is a dish best served cold. Shave some rusty metal I can find around the house. Leaving wet towels on your floor is more than just a housekeeping mistake. People get tempted to harass their targets beyond this point, but we do not advice this because it may drive them to suicide; only the living can feel pains. Warmer months you down out a way to Protect your home Crime. step or stomp hard it... 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