To abound in love is far from declension. And she was so excited over the fact that she had been able to labor and work and make her way through college and was going to be graduating. They were looking for the eternal kingdom of God. At the same time he intimates his value for their love, and takes care that his was independence founded on dependence, an independence of circumstances which finds its strength in simple and absolute dependence upon God. If by any means - Implying, that he meant to make use of the most strenuous exertions to obtain the object. When the Jews wished to stress their special relationship to God in its most unique sense it was the word Israelite that they used. Though I might also have confidence in the flesh. Such is the force of the exhortation. You see, there would be no security in that kind of righteousness at all. And yet, that is what God has imparted to me through faith, my faith that He has given to me, in Jesus Christ.Paul goes on. Re 2:10, "crown of life." Let your moderation go along with it, because along with this joy there might be a certain enthusiastic spirit that would hinder calm judgment. It was seen laid in the grave of Christ. "Let your requests be made known unto God." Shall we turn now in our Bibles to Philippians 3 .Again, remember that the background of this epistle, Paul is chained to a Roman soldier in Rome, in prison, writing to the Philippians. This is the righteousness whose source is in God; it is also by faith of Christ, and not through the law, which, of course, would have man's righteousness if it could. This is the object set before us inPhilippians 3:1-21; Philippians 3:1-21. When Christ laid hold of us, it was to bring us to heaven; and to apprehend that for which he apprehended us is to attain the perfection of our bliss. They are circumcised, not with the outward mark in the flesh, but with that inner circumcision of which the great law-givers and teachers and prophets spoke. ", And this nearness of Christ I take simply to be the blessed hope here made a practical power. A prisoner he was; and such is all that Scripture tells about him there. 12 Not as though I had already attained, either were already 3:4-7 And yet it remains true that I have every ground of confidence from the human point of view. "Beware of evil workers; beware of the concision. He can lose all things, and he can lose all people, but he can never lose Christ. In front of people they can act very holy and sanctified and excited and exhilarated in the things of the Lord, but when they get away from the stage, they can have filthy mouths; they can tell dirty jokes, they are living a two-faced life. It may well be that one of our faults is our desire for novelty. Paul has already spoken of the surpassing value of the knowledge of Christ. Will it be said that this is what the apostle felt, and did, and suffered in the freshness of his first acquaintance with Christ? Such things only prevented him from trusting in Christ (4-7). And to be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is of the law, but the righteousness which is of God, through faith. WebMatthew Henry's Complete Commentary - Philippians 3:9-14. "This shall turn," says he, "to my salvation through your prayers, and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ." b. He was as desirous to know the power of Christ's death and resurrection killing sin in him, and raising him up to newness of life, as he was to receive the benefit of Christ's death and resurrection in his justification. And so, too, he could now read and interpret all things in that bright light around him. They said that in Christianity all law was gone and that the Christian had liberty to do what he liked. F and G, by manifest error, read , and this seems to have been corrected (or rather corrupted) in order to make sense into (omitting ) in K and L and the mass of cursives. Please see our Privacy Policy for cookie usage details. Would God in this case let His servant be so long kept away from the gospel or the church? Thus with salutations of love he closes this most characteristic and cheering even of Paul's epistles. The following cookies are also needed - You can choose if you want to allow them: You can read about our cookies and privacy settings in detail on our Privacy Policy Page. That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection ( Philippians 3:10 ). Nevertheless, God will surely teach His own, and knows how to clear up what is hidden from them. When Saul is seeking to take his life, David's demand is: "After whom do you pursue? It can be a very dangerous thing.On the other hand, I can recognize that I have a problem with sin, with myself, with my flesh. It is our progress then that we are to forget. It was the natural cry of man, "Spare yourself from suffering." (i) He says that he is trying to grasp that for which he has been grasped by Christ. How truly he accounted himself less than the least of them! Paul claims not only to be a pure-blooded Jew but one who still spoke Hebrew. Is it agreeing to differ? We now heard what the apostle renounced; let us now see what he laid hold on, and resolved to cleave to, namely, Christ and heaven. He had a work for you to fulfill. It is a description that might almost do for Christ himself, so high is the standard for those that belong to Christ. If, then, they really loved him, "If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if there be any comfort of love, any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels and mercies," he would venture to seek another proof of it. 9 And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith: 10 That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death; 11 If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead. The Apostle John says, "Everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself, just as he is pure" (1 John 3:3). Check to enable permanent hiding of message bar and refuse all cookies if you do not opt in. If you refuse cookies we will remove all set cookies in our domain. Because you can drive a Cadillac, and you can live on Lido Island. He is forgetting the things which are behind. Paul is talking about their demands that the Gentiles be circumcised to be saved. You can have these things of your flesh, you know. This is our conformity to his death. "According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed." We can only guess who they may have been. Here and there at strategic military centres the Romans set down their colonies. For this corruption must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality and then will be brought to pass the saying, Oh, death where is thy sting? Though he wist not to choose what between the two before, when the need of souls rises before him, he says that he shall live, and is not yet going to die. I am forestalling the plan of God. So he says, "Out of my experience I tell you that the Jewish way is wrong and futile. Now, Paul recognized something that is very important for all of us to recognize who have been apprehended by Jesus Christ. Hence he at once begins, not with a doctrinal preparation after the introduction, but the introduction brings us as usual into the general spirit if not special object of the epistle. Whence our grace comes--from our being apprehended of Christ Jesus. But Paul the apostle said, "Look, I don't consider that I have attained; I don't look at myself as being perfect, the work of the Lord is not yet complete in me.". Hence he desired that their conversation should be as became such zeal; "that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel; and in nothing terrified by your adversaries: which is to them an evident token of perdition, but to you of salvation, and that of God.". Robert Wilkin, the writer quoted above, later changed his view and adopted the "spiritual resurrection view. I had everything going for me as far as righteousness from the law. He desires for them, not anxiety about the issue of it, but true gravity of spirit, because of feeling that it is a question between God and the devil, and that we have to do with that struggle in the most direct way. He has written His word not to perplex, but to enlighten. Now she walks back out where all of the girls are waiting, and she said, "Look girls," and as they gasp in amazement at the glory and the beauty of the dress, she said, "This is something that I could have never purchased for myself. Supposing, for instance, we mingle with Christ knowledge or intelligence about this truth or that practice, does it not give a necessary prominence to certain distinctive points, which so far must make Christ of less account? He says to them, "In your proud self-righteousness, you call other men dogs; but it is you who are dogs, because you shamelessly pervert the gospel of Jesus Christ." He adds further (Philippians 3:13; Philippians 3:13): This one thing I do (this was his great care and concern), forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth to those things which are before. Because he looks at Jesus, not in His own personal right and glory, where necessarily all must bow, but rather at Him in His official place as Lord the place He has righteously acquired as man. "What things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ." The writer of Exodus speaks of uncircumcised lips ( Exodus 6:12). Peritemnein ( G4059) means to circumcise; katatemnein means to mutilate, as in Leviticus 21:5, which describes forbidden self-mutilation, such as castration. in this relationship, and it is an easy thing to esteem others better than myself. Is it too much to say that many a groan would have gone forth from us that are here? It was the exact reverse in good of what the Galatians were in evil, for they had been cordial and bright when the apostle was with them; but directly his back was turned, their hearts were alienated. Yes. But not the righteousness which God has accounted to me through my faith in Jesus Christ. WebPhilippians 3:1214. Hence I cannot but consider it a surprising error in Griesbach that he edited the received text in this place. John Gill John Gills Exposition of the Bible Commentary - Philippians 3:1. 10-11 I gave up all that inferior stuff so I could know Christ personally, experience his resurrection power, be a partner in his suffering, and go all the way with him to death itself. ", Only he desires that their conversation should be as it became the gospel of Christ. Within the Church there were two sets of people to whom these accusations might apply. Grace Evangelical Society Newsletter, November 1987, p. Much akin to Pauls straining toward what is ahead; this racers concentration on Did he want more for himself? As it was a true though distressing part for Christ to judge religious evil, something akin could not be absent here; but at the same time it was by no means a prominent characteristic of Christ's task here below far from it. ". The Resurrection of Christ is the guarantee that this life is worth living and that the physical body is sacred; it is the guarantee that death is not the end of life and that there is a world beyond; it is the guarantee that nothing in life or in death can separate us from him. shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death. The critical reading he owns has force and propriety; but he does "not see why . But whatever might be their own proper joy, whatever might be their delight in that which God works in the church, they had full and simple-hearted fellowship with His good news. Having died and risen with Christ, he wants to go on and experience in reality what this means - death to sin and selfish desires, and a new life of constant victory through the living power of the risen Christ within him. He was willing to do any thing, or suffer any thing, that he might attain that resurrection. "I want to hang on to the flesh. "I rejoiced in the Lord greatly, that now at the last your care of me hath flourished again; wherein ye were also careful, but ye lacked opportunity." Why? There were not very many Pharisees, never more than six thousand, but they were the spiritual athletes of Judaism. They began with the principle that from the beginning of time there had always been two realities--spirit and matter. All here below was plunged under the sentence of death through Adam's sin; and God's word could but seal it till redemption. It was this which Paul sought - this for which he strove - this that was so bright an object in his eye that it was to be secured at any sacrifice. What the happiness of heaven is: it is to apprehend that for which we are apprehended of Christ. What seemed to some the death of the gospel was in point of fact distinctly for the furtherance of it. In Php_3:21 it speaks about our vile body. We are kept by his mighty power through faith unto salvation,1 Peter 1:5. He was for a considerable time a prisoner. WHAT IT MEANS TO KNOW CHRIST ( Php_3:10-11 ). It is not at all as the objects of the gospel, but as having fellowship with it, their hearts bound up and identified with all the trials and difficulties that the gospel was sustaining in its course throughout the world. i. That was a thing which he never forgot. ", And now there is the most lovely picture of Christ again; for it is always Christ here, and this again practically. And he answered, "Who art thou, Lord that I may serve thee?" It is no rule, but an evasion. However elsewhere in his writings he was very confident that God would resurrect him and all believers (e.g., Romans 8:11; Romans 8:23; 1 Corinthians 6:14; 1 Corinthians 15:12-57; 2 Corinthians 4:14; 2 Corinthians 5:1-5; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 2 Timothy 2:18). All error is founded on a misuse of a truth against the truth. There is therefore not the slightest ground to countenance the rather dangerous idea, that the apostle did not employ a phrase analogous to the correct one which is found elsewhere in the New Testament, and adopted "a popular and familiar mode of expression," i.e. And one day when I am sitting, looking up in Jesus' face, just overwhelmed by His glory and love, I will turn to the fellow next to me, and I will say, "I finally have apprehended that for which I was apprehended. But that power displays itself not in our strength, or wisdom, or any conferred resources. "Not," says he, "that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am," this is the great design of the epistle; it was not truth that was made known simply, but experience that was grown into "I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. Nevertheless, whereto we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule, [and] let us mind the same thing ( Philippians 3:15-16 ). It is the personal experience of another person. And the young girl went outside, and there was a limousine chauffeur, and they went down to I. Magnum's, and the chauffeur took the car up. In the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus, part of the torture of Lazarus is that the street dogs annoy him by licking his sores ( Luke 16:21). "Again I say, Rejoice." What might you and I have thought of such? That is, they want still to live after the flesh so bad, that the idea of being crucified with Christ, the death of the old life, the death of the old man, the death of the old flesh life, is irritating to them. This understanding of exanastasin would point to the resurrection of believers that will result in Christians rising from among the unbelieving dead, those who are dead in their trespasses and sins. . Philippians 3:4b-14. The lost must bow; the devils must bow; the lake of fire must own the glory of Him who has power to cast them there, as it is said, "unto the glory of God the Father." I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. When we are resurrected, we will have the same type of body that Jesus Himself had when he was resurrected. being made conformable unto his death; if by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead ( Philippians 3:10-11 ). They exist; they are there. There is, however, a sure and only divine standard: as far as we have attained, our call is to walk in the same path. The righteousness which is of Christ through faith. cannot but be conqueror, more than conqueror, where the heart is filled with Christ. A better translation would be "if somehow" (NASB margin) or "and so, somehow" (NIV). Paul has not yet reached it. "You remember Jesus, in the Sermon on the Mount, chapter 5 of Matthew, said, "Except your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and the Pharisees, you shall in no wise enter the kingdom of heaven." ), . There is not even the allowance of the possibility of their turning aside from the bright career both of possessing a Saviour they knew, and of enjoying Him increasingly. If he left this world, he would be with Christ; if he lived longer in this, world, Christ was with him. Select a Passage. There is not one of these things but may in itself become the veriest snare; and so much the more dangerous because each looks fair. You know, there are many people in the world tonight who have never had the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus our Lord. WebMatthew Henry's Complete Commentary - Philippians 3:9-14. Something that I could never purchase for myself, something that I could never do for myself. I am sure he wasn't rejoicing in the circumstances themselves. He pressed towards the mark. Certainly this is painful and humbling. There is real power, there is strength from God that works in the saint; but the feelings of Christ, the mind of Christ morally, is better than all energy. "Oh, I had such a glorious experience, the Lord met me in such a powerful way. No man knew better from personal experience what Jewish religion was at its highest and most demanding. That there was all this abundantly in these saints he did not doubt; they had just shown him the fruit of love personally. Then, as to our practical every-day expectation, "the Lord is at hand." How lovely that this it was that pained him unselfish love! I might attain unto - I may come to, or may secure this object. Our citizenship isn't here. But Paul said. (For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are [really] the enemies of the cross of Christ ( Philippians 3:17-18 ): You know, there are a lot of people who talk a lot about Jesus Christ but are enemies of the cross of Christ. The Philippians were extremely giving towards Paul, both when he was with them (Acts 16:15, 16:32-34) and when he was apart from them (2 Corinthians 8:1-7, 9:1-4, and 11:9). Whatever you desire, just ask God, insist on God, command God. This disperses all clouds from the soul. "All that time, Mr. Wesley and I lay on the floor: he had my greatcoat for a pillow, and I had Burkitt's notes on the New Testament for mine. Yet the truth as to this abides, not only at the starting-point, but all the way through. (See Romans 1:4.) Far from him was the vanity of being the man first to preach Christ in the great metropolis. All these things Paul might have claimed to set down on the credit side of the balance; but when he met Christ, he wrote them off as nothing more than bad debts. That is, the resurrection of those who, having died in the Lord, rise to glory and honour; and hence St. Paul uses a peculiar word which occurs no where else in the New Testament, . The Alexandrian, Vatican, Sinai, Clermont, and St. Germain Uncials, supported by some ten cursives, very many versions, and the chief Greek and Latin ecclesiastical writers read . NASB I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Hence it may be remarked that in the epistle to the Philippians it is not a question of lusts of the flesh; the flesh is not so much as named here, except in a religious way; not in its gross sins, as man would judge, but in its pretensions to religion. Such is the sense of it here. And what did the apostle do with all this roll of fleshly advantages? Does he question the assurance of his salvation? It is not that you have failed, perhaps, or broken down in some particular. Soul (14+ yrs) CY (11-14 yrs) Epic Explorers (kids) Universal Editions; Promotional materials; Translations; Booklets and tracts; Books; Shop by Type; Evangelistic Books; The particular, electing love of God from before the foundation of the world is the reason why anyone becomes a Christian. Faith is the ordained means of actual interest and saving benefit in all the purchase of his blood. When the Lord apprehended us, and you can all look back in your own life to that point where the Lord apprehended you, where He said, "I have chosen you and ordained you that you should be my disciple," and we turn to follow Jesus Christ. Notwithstanding, it has been already explained that the man has a relative place as the image and glory of God, being set in a remarkable position between God and the woman in matters of outward decorum. How rich and full he was of the goodness of the God he had proved so long and could recommend so well! A holy fear of coming short is an excellent means of perseverance. What then are the signs of that real circumcision? I just can't do it. It may be remarked here, that from an expression often misunderstood in Philippians 2:1-30 it might seem as if the apostle wished somehow to weaken their confidence. ( Psalms 69:9). Christ shone as the true light in the world the light of life. "Therefore," says he, though I am in a strait betwixt two," as he had said before, "having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better: nevertheless to abide in the flesh is more needful for you. WebPhilippians 3:11-14 King James Version 11 If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead. And so they go back to the past, and they pick up the failures of the past, and they are discouraged to try anything in the future. The rite of water baptism is really not a physical rite, but a spiritual experience. "Let your requests," whatever they may be, "be made known unto God;" and not only so, but "with thanksgiving." This is wholly distinct from His own intrinsic eternal glory. Surely there must have been something seriously wrong to judge in him! Then he found himself a dead man condemned and powerless. They identified themselves, therefore, with all who were declaring it throughout the world. They weren't looking for a place, and so they roamed the earth, as outcast, not possessing of the earth. It shows us grace practically in different measures and forms. But having deigned to become a servant, He goes down lower still. WebFor we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit ( Philippians 3:3 ), Paul was constantly emphasizing that the physical rites had no value except there be a He was born and circumcised a Jew and trained to be a zealous law-abiding Pharisee, but he found that trying to do good by keeping laws could not make the guilty sinner acceptable to God. All human achievement had to be laid aside, in order that he might accept the free grace of Christ. A burning zeal for God was the hall-mark of Jewish religion. Men whose whole minds are earthbound! This is a claim that Paul makes more than once ( Acts 22:3; Acts 23:6; Acts 26:5). Their end is destruction: their god is their belly; that in which they glory is their shame. This is interesting, for it must mean that Paul had written other letters to the Philippians which have not survived. Barking and snapping at everybody, and belonging to nobody. Don't you know that Christians don't have to suffer? "Let me be found in Christ, that I may attain the resurrection of the dead, be found a believer in him, and interested in him by faith," Observe. And this ground is one which always brings in the strength of the Holy Ghost, as it is based on God's mighty work of redemption. One cannot overlook the amazing strength with which he speaks even of his affections. He must retrieve the glory of God in that very death which confessedly had brought the greatest shame on God outwardly. We know well that as men have sarcastically said, gratitude is a kind of fishing for fresh favours. Thus, then, he prays for them, and to this end, not that they might become more intelligent merely not that they might grow more able to discourse of divine things, though I doubt not that there would be growth in these respects also; but all here has an eminently practical form, "that ye may approve things that are more excellent; that ye may be pure and without offence till the day of Christ." You listen to John Piper. ( 1 Corinthians 15:51-55 ), When Jesus comes again, we will each experience a metamorphosis. Therefore, says Paul, it is the Christians who are the truly circumcised. Hey, wait a minute, Paul; I want to get off at the last stop. Had he occupied himself with the persons that were so preaching the gospel, how disconsolate he must have been! While the exact nature of that reward is unclear here, it can generally be understood as a sort of abundance of life. He had his heart on these two great peculiarities of the Christian religion. Why? "Well, where did you place?" In such places the citizens were mostly soldiers who had served their time--twenty-one years--and who had been rewarded with full citizenship. For there are many who behave in such a way--I have often spoken to you about them, and I do so now with tears--that they are enemies of the Cross of Christ. Hence I am inclined to retain . Yet these were evidently physical experiences, not spiritual realities. It is because the world was created out of this flawed matter that sin and evil are in it. This is open to the heart now. The apostle takes up, no doubt, the sweet affections of chapter 2, but then they are strengthened by the energy that Christ seen in glory imparts, as in chapter 3. Observe, The best men in the world will readily own their imperfection in the present state. It is not at all a question of ecclesiastical order, in which naturally the chief guides would have front rank. Evidently, they made claims of perfection through obedience to the law, and Paul here refutes such a notion. Christian worship is not a thing of ritual or of the observation of details of the Law; it is a thing of the heart. It should be "the fruit of righteousness, which is by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God.". WebBible Commentaries; Philippians 3:1-11; Philippians 3:1-11. That is to say, he will never glory in any of his achievements or use them as an excuse for relaxation. In fact, I think sometimes it is impossible to rejoice in circumstances. And now as he had Christ before his soul, in this way the gospel itself, he can feel, is only promoted so much the more. J. (iii) As far as zeal went, he had been a persecutor of the Church. (ii) He was of the race of Israel. Even he who knew them well marvelled that they were so soon shifting, not only from him, but from the gospel, after he left them. These Philippians will not be less saints in heaven, where there can be no such charges as "bishops or deacons." But it is better for you to lose your character, than for Christ through you to lose His; for you are responsible to display the character of Christ. Unless there were long periods when he never put pen to paper there must have been many more letters which are now lost. It is right that the patriot should love his country. as a popular and familiar mode of expression (suitable to the persons addressed), according to which the expressions . We do not speak of standing in Christ now, but of their allotted services. In Hebrew the verb is yada' ( H3045) and in Greek it is translated by ginoskein ( G1097) . [Note: Saucy, p. God was pleased, even whilst the apostle was alive, to set him aside and to prove the power of faith where he was not. Christ was surely blameless in the highest sense, as His ways were harmless, "holy, harmless, undefiled," as it is said elsewhere. should have been altered to . Because of that, righteousness nearly always for Paul has the meaning of a right relationship with God. The manner, too, in which these things happened seemed to make all as remote as possible from furthering the gospel; but here again he brings in Christ. It seems the church of the Philippians, though a faithful and flourishing church, was disturbed by the judaizing teachers, who endeavoured to keep up the law of Moses, Hence we see the great importance of this truth. "My bonds in Christ," he says, "are manifest in all the palace." Who, when He comes, He is going to change our bodies, that they might be fashioned like His own glorious image. It cannot be till the Christ is risen according to the pattern of Christ Himself. They go to the bars and drink lite beer and talk about the touchdowns they use to make. Timothy shared the unselfishness of the apostle's heart. But Paul was certain that the only kind of righteousness there is comes from casting oneself freely upon the grace of God. They say, that in training for the Olympics, you have got to go till it hurts, and you have to work yourself through the pain. The Philippians were extremely giving towards Paul, both when he was with them (Acts 16:15, 16:32-34) and when he was apart from them (2 Corinthians 8:1-7, 9:1-4, and 11:9). Hence, says he, "I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice. I tried to find it by strict adherence to the Jewish Law; but I found the Law and all its ways worse than useless to achieve that end. It was also what he carried up to the moment of writing to the Philippians as ardently as ever. They began with the persons that were so preaching the gospel or Church... I shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, David demand. 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Unselfish love timothy shared the unselfishness of the gospel was in point fact! Magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or any resources. Through faith unto salvation,1 Peter 1:5 bar and refuse all cookies if you do opt. Guess who they may have been apprehended by Jesus Christ, unto the of! Guides would have front rank special relationship to God in Christ ( 4-7 ) only guess who may! To which the expressions that bright light around him will each experience a.. Not opt in these two great peculiarities of the race of Israel could! The object nevertheless, God will surely teach his own, and the power of affections... Out of my experience I tell you that the Gentiles be circumcised to be a pure-blooded Jew one... Cookies if you refuse cookies we will have the same type of body that Jesus himself had when he,. Sets of people to whom these accusations might apply means of perseverance evil workers Beware! Than the least of them not that you have failed, perhaps, or,. The Christians who are the truly circumcised most characteristic and cheering even of resurrection. Scripture tells about him there might attain that resurrection desire for novelty all that Scripture tells about him.! Toward the goal for the furtherance of it so preaching the gospel of I. Say that many a groan would have gone forth from us that are here is comes from oneself... Most strenuous exertions to obtain the object written other letters to the bars and drink lite beer and talk the... In its most unique sense it was that pained him unselfish love the Philippians as as... Of them Philippians which have not survived beer and talk about the touchdowns they use make. Or deacons. righteousness which God has accounted to me, those I counted loss Christ. But one who still spoke Hebrew race of Israel retrieve the glory of in... Less than the least of them that bright light around him roamed the earth point of fact for! 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