This campaign in EU4 is designed around a slower playstyle by myself, Chewy, and doing my best to explain the basics of EU4 while building upon them through actual gameplay. . If you are humanist support rebels in suppressive countries, if you are an absolute monarchy destroy the revolution. You wont gain cores on them, butDagestan is a province you will need to retake the Caliphate. The Serbians, Bulgarians and Greeks can easily be swayed to revolt if you let the Ottomans drown in war exhaustion, keep them occupied, wait for the rebels to rise up, then sign a peace and let them deal with the problem. By now, the Ottomans are a powerhouse that dominates the Middle East and the Eastern Mediterranean. Perhaps it's worth breaking truce with them as well. They started taking ex-moldavia area and are now beating up Venice, I get what you mean, their base from the provinces is 107 while mine is just 38 :(. In this area, you may want to expand recklessly to the point that it nearly breaks your nation. While if they attack them with you not allied to said nation, it's that big country plus it's allies and then you can start a war with your allies against the Ottoman at the same time. Moscow is a tougher nut to crack focus on core conquest to make your way into Russia and take the city. They still haven't taken out mamluks. Ottomans tend to move a 50k stack alone , they move it without having some reinforcements nearby.So you can easily attack this 50k stack and maybe stack wipe it. Can you afford mercs? Normally it's about 100-120k? By giving them Mosul, I was able to vassalize them. I played a Russia campaign a couple of weeks back, and attacked the Ottomans a lot late mid-game to late game, and I used my ally Spain to crush their armies (they easily won battles against the Ottos while being outnumbered 2:1). You can now complete the missionsControl the DanubeandConquer Transsylvania, but dont complete them just yet. Depending on how large the Mamluks are, you can finish them off before 1600. The best way to beat this navy is to snipe their fleets which they like to spread out since Mare Nostrum. This campaign in EU4 is designed around a slower playstyle by myself, Chewy, and doing my best to exp. when you reach tech 19 units, they wont stand a chance, Usually what I do if I know I need to eventually fight the Ottomans (for an achievement). This EU4 Ottomans Guide is currently for patch 1.33.3 and with all DLCs installed. Rinse and repeat to make them a non-factor eventually. , but dont complete them just yet. all are full except expansion. Either kick them in the teeth very early, or wait till later in the game after their power has fallen off. 33% for ottoman ideas and 50% for quantity. A few suggestions on improving existing mechanics: Yeah shipping troops around is not the most fun thing to do for me either. 1.18 Kilwa -> Italy 85% reduced coring cost One-tag WC, 1.19 Aztec True One-tag WC AAR (complete), 1.20 Theravada SpanishBritalianFrancoPrussian Holy Roman Emperor of China One-tag, Sail On, Ceylon - A Non-European Colonial AAR for EU4. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Istanbul isnt the problem (obviously), and Rome should be easy takings with your dominance in the Mediterranean. After youve wreaked Havoc in Arabia, Africa, and Persia, its time to confront Spain. If your army has at least 20 Janissary regiments or over 20% of the army is Janissaries, and your stability is negative, you may be facing the. You can now complete the missions. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Ideally, you managed to cripple the Spanish armies trapped in Morocco, so the Spanish may not put up much of a fight. to grant you a bunch more permanent claims all around. Punch Syria out of them if you can. . Most nations will want to be your vassal; conquer the remainder. Over the years, hes developed a similar passion for writing, which he mostly gains during his studies. Especially if you got France on your side, the Spanish got a bigger fish to fry, so the heartland lies right open. I prefer to leave Ethiopia alone for most of the run, and simply conquer around them. Once youve successfully taken Samarkand, the one area you still need for the Caliphate is. If you annex them, you can no longer get the -10% Aggressive Expansion bonus. This will save you from a continuous threat in the north and allows you to concentrate against more direct enemies, like the Timurids, Austria, and Spain. Retake all of Transylvanias cores, including Maramaros, and take the provinces in the state of Alfld. This selection contains highly anticipated releases, sequels, ports and some f We're in the home stretch! I'm not sure how much warscore triggers the call for peace, but I'd stay below 50% if you can. Try to break up their alliances. You basically become unstoppable if you avoid unfavourable offensive terrain battles. Revanchism might have something to do with that Conquer the World as the Ottomans etc. Fortunately, this is a coastal province, so you wont have to expand deeply inward. Its also important to consolidate your holdings at home. Upgrade your centers of trade to turn Constantinople into a powerful trade node while developing your centers of trade. Valve Corporation. FML. Occupy all provinces except one. Most states are weak, meaning you can diplomatically conquer most of them.. Once youve taken the east coast of Arabia, you can complete the mission toConquer Al-Ahsa. . Ottomans also tend not to upgrade forts so it's relatively quick sieging. For more information, please see our Just make sure you can control your allies, and that their armies aren't so small as to be wiped instantly by the Ottoman hordes. Ally a powerful nation nearby, such as Great Britain or Scandinavia, and snake your way to Paris from a coastal province. The QQ exploded in my case and gave birth to an independent Kurdish state, Soran. This is not specific to this run. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. This campaign in EU4 is designed around a slower playstyle by myself, Chewy, and doing my best to explain the. Make the war goal something I can take and defend easily; the goal is not to defeat them utterly as they have ridiculous numbers to be able to siege them out completely at first. But it is what it is and it's still a great grand operational war game in my view. around 1510. . You can trap their navies and force them out to reduce their naval strength, but thats completely optional. Press J to jump to the feed. I never take military idea groups, and I've still managed to take all of their provinces in campaign after campaign. with Castille/Aragon/England or smth. Press J to jump to the feed. You may be able to take the Nile Delta, but this could be too expensive at this time. Although they may be weak, theyre sitting on at least one province we need to restore the Caliphate Cordoba- and they may have taken Sicily, where we need two provinces: Palermo and Messina. However, you might have other priorities, and Tunis gains wiggle room. The Ottomans tend to be hard to beat around the mid game, when they build up their Jannisaries (sp?) After all, it was my first time playing this game. Through, ideas, you can make your country less prone to revolt and wealthier. However, always have an army ready in case you need it for war. In that war, I took Constantinople and Edirne to stop them from crossing the strait without going around. Continue building up your army as the force limit grows, but beware of your dependence on janissaries. If their manpower gets low and/or they're in multiple wars, the time might be right to pile on. The Ottomans tend to be hard to beat around the mid game, when they build up their Jannisaries (sp?) Yeah, they aren't the scourge of Christendom for nothing. Stack up on military ideas and policies (for example quality + religious gives extra morale and siege ability) so despite my lower army size they are vastly superior in quality. Europa Universalis 4 (EU4) Guide: Ottomans Made Easy - Late Game We're in the home stretch! Afterward, you can focus on expanding your coastal possessions to gain more power in the Horn of Africa trade node. You wont gain cores on them, but. The goal is that even when they move their capital into anatolia, they will not have direct land connections to their overseas provinces (hello 75% autonomy), and they won't be able to move across the strait over land without getting mil access from you. I strongly recommend keeping Oman around as a vassal for the time being theres a good chance theyll be the last nation to host the Hanbali school of thought. I declared war on Morocco, which they had guaranteed. Always check whether someone is willingly letting itself be annexed by you. Move your army in position and declare war to retake a Transylvanian core like Hunyad. Honestly, when I want to kill them, I just don't stop declaring war. It just depends on actually winning the first war. You can check the Ottoman's development and your own in the ledger, but a rough estimate based on experience and the dates you provided would put you at about ~500 development and the Ottomans at ~1000. I always have this anxiety about attacking them; even though they fold like paper tigers every time. Aside from this generic advice, be sure to check whether you can accidentally vassalize your allies. You deal with their numbers by stackwiping their troops with quality and composition. We cant have that! This part of the guide may look completely different from mine. Watch if you can either go around it by declaring war on an ally, vassalizing the state instead, or ask it kindly to break its alliance using the Great Power status. JavaScript is disabled. how do you deal with ottomans when they take quantity ideas? The next war should be much easier. , that you get when youve conquered the southern coast of the Arabian Peninsula. Who are their rivals? I can understand the complaints about micro-managing, and it's especially true if you're colonial, but that's a consequence of choice in some sense. Moreover, we need a Moroccan province, Ifni. I also connected my Crimean holdings to the mainland, so I can defend it more easily. I've already taken aristocratic, espionage, humanist, quality, and expansion ideas. I just said in a different forum two days ago that WitE would be a much better game if Paradox had designed the UI. The longer you drag the war out the better. Don't get confused by map size. However, prevent the Russians from getting any land south of the mountains by taking out any Georgian state that might still remain. I'm new, and I've never even heard of Byzantium historically? I knew espionage as last idea group and I figured it wasn't worth it, but wanted to try it anyway for fun. If there's any blob near him, they usually have him rivaled, allowing easy alliance. Its useful for you to take this before a rising threat, Russia, can show itself. Like for example, if you get quality, economic, and offensive finished, that's +15% discipline. Proceed to stomp the Ottomans, and get them to return all Byzantine cores. However, by the logic that the enemy of my enemy is my friend, I reached out to a powerful historical ally of the Ottomans France makes a perfect ally in this scenario. Particularly as Poland/Commonwealth, which has a nice set of military national ideas. Try to disconnect their capital from asia. Spain might lend a large army in Morocco, so be wary when and where you attack. If you don't have all the DLCs, make sure to at least get the Cradle of Civilization DLC. Is there actually a way to check to see if Janissary Decadence is fired, or do I just have to declare on them and see who gets stackwiped? Getting the war goal and war score to go up, gives the chance for a good peace deal which makes them weaker and every following war with them easier. Ally a powerful nation nearby, such as Great Britain or Scandinavia, and snake your way to Paris from a coastal province. The techs that give morale are HUGE (4, 15, 26, 30), and can give you a massive advantage in battle. By writing about games, he can bring two of his great passions together. I'm currently playing a commonwealth run and even dominating muscovy (they still exist but not really) and colonizing siberia, they have double the army/manpower size i do. After you dealt with Genoa, you can complete the mission Conquer Caffa for a temporary trade power boost in the Black Sea. And actually, 173k is quite a lot for AI Ottomans in 1609, I think. The Spanish AI is fond of expanding into North Africa and might be blocking your way towards these important areas. However, the coastal areas are likely up for grabs. Cookie Notice The Caucasus mountains provide a valuable defense. Thanks anyway :). I had a mighty Spain to deal with that expanded deep into North Africa and threatened my expansion plan. Anyone who dislikes Spain is your friend, in this case. I allied Lithuania and attacked Ottoman Empire that was allied with Tunis and Crete. If you're a relatively powerful nation like PLC, Hungary, Austria, castille, etc, you can just straight up declare war and beat them before they get big. Prussian troops stackwipe Ottos easy in the 1600s. quick and dirty: hudavendigar, constantinople, kocaeli (? As others have mentioned, you can beat quantity with quality. Although its tricky to avoid, its possible to increase your chances to keep Fezzan alive long enough to let it fall into your sphere of influence. You must log in or register to reply here. If you do that, the AI will continue building troops and go further into debt than today's Greece. Upgrade your centers of trade to turn Constantinople into a powerful trade node while developing your centers of trade. They are superior early on. Right. Is there a way to actually defeat the Ottomans? From your base in Morocco and Spain, it shouldnt be hard for you to break your alliance with France and declare war on them. You may be able to take the Nile Delta, but this could be too expensive at this time. It's kind of irrelevant though, because even though I have almost two times the total development of the Ottomans, they still have a much larger army and stronger allies. Get 100% warscore and make the release Byzantium or take Constantinople and Edrine to cut them in half (you can core these two provinces). At this point, the war is won. Use them to take a lot of land for cheap, and use Russia to distract the Timurids in the north. Engage when you have a clear advantage and use your massive amounts of vassals. Video: Great Khan Achievement with Mongolia. When youre already allied, youre giving that country a diplomatic relationship slot anyhow. To add on to this: Another good time to strike would be right after an important military tech, especially if you can grab it a few years ahead of time. Didn't require too much manpower to take them out. The more of it is under your control, the less will be under the control of the Spanish. Let's play Europa Universalis IV (EU4) as the Ottomans! Its useful for you to grab important Caucasus provinces early. It's probably a bit late now anyway, once I finish my first game I'm getting a couple of the DLCs and probably not playing as Lithuania again. Once you declared war on Tunis, expand Fezzan in the desert itself and take the powerful coastal provinces for yourself. How to beat Ottomans as Poland It is 1505, I annexed Danzig, Mazovia, Lithuania as a junior partner, and Austrians as my allies. I also guaranteed the Moroccans, to prevent Spain from consolidating its foothold in the Meditteranean. Here are some of the issues I encountered, as well as how you can act on them, should the situation arise. You can now also complete the mission. You can do so by going to the diplomatic interaction screen, selecting diplomatic feedback and toggling join offensive wars off. They just can't grow to the same extent if they don't have Constantinople. What military ideas do they have? You can also expand into the Horn of Africa at this point in time. Make sure you are not behind their mil tech level or you will be destroyed, as such it's recommended you weaken them early, They tend to pick a discipline advisor to combo with their 5% discipline tradition, recommend to get as much morale as you can, Use terrain/good generals to your advantage, Get as many good alliances as possible but never declare if they are behind the ottomans in mil tech, You can deny their cores, which is one of the main sources of their strength, You can call a crusade against them if you're the pope which can give you good bonuses. JavaScript is disabled. Once youve successfully taken Samarkand, the one area you still need for the Caliphate is Thatta, in India. Who would win? So their tech 12 infantry are the same pips as western tech 15, giving you parity, until tech 19 when you can edge ahead. You can take small coastal ports when you peace out their allies to gain an early foothold. To repeat some more basic info (so you wont have to hop pages all the time), this, We interrupt this guide for a brief section on damage control, From 1500 onwards, its time to fight anything, anywhere, all the time. You don't need any military idea groups or military national ideas to wipe out the Ottomans. 43.9K subscribers Let's play Europa Universalis IV (EU4) as the Ottomans! Oh Hungary, you and your developed land filled with claims which just so, unfortunately, sit right next to me. Keep some stacks in Europe and the Middle-East, to combat any Spanish troops should they decide to do a naval invasion. As any war would just be you and them vs the Ottoman. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by Paradox Development Studio. I decided to take Crete as well, but not yet more of Dalmatia. Well I just got out of a disasterous war with the Ottomans. 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