The Bird-of-Prey was originally built for service to the Tal'Shiar, but when the Praetor declared war on the Coalition of Planets, the ship was commandeered by Valdore's navy to raid Earth convoys. Besides, I had just finished working on Gladiator and was in a classical frame of mind. Thus, a male member of the Sei clan would use tr'Sei, while a female would use t'Sei. If our Ael had been born in the Mnaehe province of ch'Rihan, she would be called Ael ir-Mnaehe, "Winged One of the Mnaehe Province.". 1. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Big shoulder pads, the quilting, I just loathed it. We can thank the iconic team of cannabis scientists at DNA Genetics in Amsterdam for blessing us with 24K Gold, also known as Kosher Tangie. [3] In later episodes it is revealed that these colonies were destroyed by a previously unknown species, the Borg, whom the show's writers had devised as a new alien antagonist following dissatisfaction with their previous attempt, the Ferengi. They first appeared in the series Star Trek (19661969). (Star Trek: Communicatorissue 137,p.53) The Romulans had become fan favorites by the end of TNG's first season. She would still be Ael ir-Mnaehe t'Khellian, since she is not leaving her family to join another. ("Balance of Terror" Starfleet Access, TOS Season 1 Blu-ray) (Note that Gene Coon was not yet a member of the Star Trek creative staff when "Balance of Terror" was written and produced. Romulan internal organs are very dense and slightly heavier than expected. We all decided it would be best if Joel took over the task of creating the Romulans on set close to [Director] J.J. [Abrams] so he could see and direct their progress each day. As such, they were written into the first draft script for the latter of those two episodes, then entitled "Mission Into Chaos". The Romulan Starbase is the center of the Romulan fleet in a sector. The newly designed Romulan ship that appeared in "The Neutral Zone" was built as a miniature model by Greg Jein. Third namea are the clan or house name. 2. What is the Romulan commander's name? xvii-xviii) Logan also enthused, "I was delighted with the chance to get to play with the Romulans, and I don't think they've quite been explored enough [] For me the Communist Chinese is a really interesting world that was never fully explored, certainly in the movies, and not even as much as I would have liked in the series, except for individual episodes. After the Borg the Romulans? After the supernova, Federation aid is either welcomed or met with suspicion and even hostility, while the Klingon Empire seizes the opportunity to conquer Romulan territory. Romulans have very little genetic or racial diversity. Tazhai - an alternate, older Romulan Language This leaves Rihannsu the only claimant to Romulan language. Another person may choose an ei- name to designate an important change in their status or position. [9] "The Defector" also includes a reference to the Battle of Cheron, an incident in the 22nd century Earth-Romulan War that was previously mentioned in "Balance of Terror". The Romulans ( / rmjlnz, - j -/) are an extraterrestrial race in the American science fiction franchise Star Trek. Reflected Jack Donner, "To a great deal they have been ignored. They have appeared in most subsequent Star Trek releases, including The Animated Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise, Discovery, Picard, Strange New Worlds, and Lower Decks. ("Balance of Terror" Starfleet Access, TOS Season 1 Blu-ray) When first introduced in the revised final draft script of "Balance of Terror", the Romulans were described "with ears pointed as Spock's ears are pointed much like Spock, the Romulans." In some cases, it may be desirable to make up a name rather than use one of the examples provided. Recently searched locations will be displayed if there is no search query. Topping out at 20-24% THC, Romulan is quite potent. (TNG: "Unification I"), Romulans had three names: one for outsiders, one for family, and a true name for the one they gave their hearts to. Benjamin Sisko, posing as his mirror universe counterpart, indicated to Jennifer Sisko that he was going to visit the Romulans to see if he could get their support. Some Romulans believe that names carry a special power in the Elements that make up the universe, so they choose them very carefully to avoid bad fortune. They look a lot like a humanoid version of a bat. "The morning make-up routine consisted of me going into hair and getting my head wrapped they make your hair all pin-curled and they put your head in a wig cap, so all your hair is pulled off your face. Again, they are not to be tacked on to existing names, but only hold meaning when they are found in existing Rihannsu names, i.e. Fontana also cited the Romulans' exoticism, their pointed ears and relation to Vulcans as one element of why she liked the Romulans. [8], Three episodes later, in "The Defector", written by Ronald D. Moore and first screened in January 1990, a Romulan admiral is presented as seeking to defect to the Federation. (ENT: "United"; TNG: "Unification I", "Unification II"; PIC: "Absolute Candor"), Another saying was: "Sab khut hafeth, frazhannempal was qailefeth" ("Seize today, for we know nothing of tomorrow"). The Senate is headed by the Praetor, followed by the Proconsul. The eagle emblem was inspired by a huge bird native to Romulus that clutched eggs in its talons. Someone born on a farm in the district of Korthre would have ir-Korthre as their locative. The impact of Romulus' destruction forms a plot-theme in the series Star Trek: Picard. PinkFloyd. Fontana later recalled, "I sent him a memo, suggesting 'How about the Romulans?' [17], In the 2009 Abrams reboot film, titled Star Trek, the planet Romulus is destroyed by a supernova in the year 2387. (Cinefex, No. 1. First, Rihannsu words tend to be very smooth with liquid consonants and long vowels. Black wrote, "It's been stated so often that the Romulans were created by producer Gene Coon that I find it difficult to keep from walking lockstep with the legend, nodding along with it, in spite of my having been there while the Romulans emerged from the imagination of Paul Schneider." The comic book Star Trek: Countdown and the video game Star Trek Online depict the lead up and the aftermath of Romulus' destruction, primarily caused by the Romulan Senate ignoring Spock's warnings about the supernova, which originated from the star of the Hobus system, and the Vulcan Science Council's refusal to lend them red matter. Below are some of the good star trek romulan names to quickly scroll through to get more ideas: Bilal is BS computer science student. In "Babel One," "United" and "The Aenar," the Romulans plot to destabilize their sector of space by using drone ships disguised as vessels from various cultures to turn their enemies against each other. There are also various, conflicting explanations for the Romulans' lack of telepathic ability: The Way of D'era explains that the Romulans lack the physical strength of the Vulcans because they no longer live on a harsh environment. (Star Trek: Communicatorissue 139,p.29) Intense speculation regarding whether the Romulans would appear in the series was stirred up at the end of Season 1. Romulan is an indica marijuana strain made by crossing North American Indica with White Rhino. Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{spoiler}}, {{spoilers}} or {{majorspoiler}} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old. No recorded instances of multiple births (more than two) are found among the Romulan population. The name of his birth clan takes the place of his locative name and is prefixed by e-. [2], Initially, the alternate timeline in "Yesterday's Enterprise" incorporated a Romulan alliance with the Vulcans. Despite continuing in-fighting between the survivors, a new capital called Rihan is established on Rator III. Its meaning reflects their hopes and aspirations for the child, although not often in a literal sense. (Star Trek: The Next Generation 365, p. 036), The return of the Romulans in the first season TNG episode "The Neutral Zone" was originally discussed as the first of a multi-part story that would have united them with the Federation against the newly discovered Borg. There's a D'Valthau (Valdore + D'Ridthau) somewhere in the dock, a Khazara, a Verelan, one D'Tervek (from the random generator because it sounded nice) and for fun the intel ship was named "bright/shiny" (ehhae) because all the dark . ", Eric Stillwell was puzzled upon hearing a rumor that the Romulans might be involved in Nemesis at all. Neville Page wanted to honor that by having Nero's crew ritually scar themselves too, forming keloids reminiscent of the 'V'-ridges. Finally, some Rihannsu develop a fourth name, a rehei, which is a deeply personal name, discovered by its owner, not given. Due to the larger size of their arteries and veins, such conditions such as stroke, or congestive heart failure are all but non-existent in the Romulan population. Examples of these names and their meanings can be found in the Rihannsu dictionary on this site. (TOS - Rihannsu novels: My Enemy, My Ally, The Romulan Way, Swordhunt). 14 Star Trek: The Romulan-Klingon Gambit By: miss37. When a male marries, he leaves his former house-clan with honor, and thus retains their name, though he no longer uses it. I've been playing the Romulans quite a bit but can't figure this out as I can't find a ship that . Enterprise NX-01 inadvertently encountered a Romulan minefield at one point, officially the first time Humanity became aware of the Romulans. Common usage of names is simply Given Name + House-Clan. The agent, Major Talok, chases Captain Archer, T'Pol and T'Pau through the area of Vulcan known as The Forge throughout the episode, although his true nature isn't revealed until the end. 92. If you are naming a place, rather than people, you should know that often places are named after people. Capt. S'Task and S'Laerv, whose names infer bravery and honor, respectively, due to the presence of S'T and S'L present in the names. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Males tend to have larger ears and more prominent points than females. They have pointed ears like the Vulcans, but most Romulans have two brow ridges, the top ones of which are wider and shaped like a V.Romulans are not the most . He said of the restyled Romulans, "I gave them a little wedge to the center of the hair on their forehead instead of the Vulcans' straight-across bang." After the Burn in the 31st century, the Romulans advocated for remaining in the Federation, though they were overruled. [8] It also further established the idea of a significant enmity between the Romulans and the Klingons, with the Enterprise's Klingon officer, Worf (Michael Dorn), refusing to donate blood to save the life of an injured Romulan; the scriptwriters had debated whether to include this, with Dorn initially reticent. Romulans are a Vulcan-related group of humanoids. [10](X), The interest in seeing the Romulans on the series of Enterprise continued, however. 11. (ENT: "Kir'Shara"; TNG: "Gambit, Part I", "Gambit, Part II"; Star Trek Nemesis), Romulans were aware of Humanity for some time before Earth knew of them. (Star Trek Monthlyissue 100,p.23), Because "Balance of Terror" had established Starfleet's first confirmed visual contact with the Romulans as being in 2266, it was somewhat difficult for them to appear on Enterprise, that prequel series primarily being set in the 2150s. In this conflict, a group of Romulans would have attacked a couple of ensigns aboard the Amargosa observatory but then been ambushed themselves by an away team from the USS Enterprise-D, particularly Worf. During development of the 2009 film Star Trek, the writers of the movie's script, Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci, chose the Romulans as the villains because the film was a continuation of Spock's story from "Unification". Each name has its own meaning and significance and tells all who hear it something about the nature of its owner. A high metabolic rate aids in the rapid healing of minor injuries. (PIC: "Remembrance", "The End is the Beginning"), After the destruction of Romulus, some of the surviving Romulans were politically organized as the Romulan Free State. (Star Trek), Just prior to the destruction of Romulus, the Romulans reached out to the Federation, which accepted their request for help. (Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion(3rd ed., p. 60)) Nonetheless, the reappearance of the Romulans in "The Neutral Zone" proved the species had lost none of its appeal. They dealt with loss differently from Humans: they loved deeply, and if it ended they honored that love by loving again, more deeply still. The primary 'Romulan' clans, as they would later become, were those who were the largest contributors, in both currency and property, to the Far travel ship construction project. All Romulan names are assumed to be used in RIS Bouteina.However, other sources may have another name for a rank, in which . Andr Bormanis, a writing staffer who wrote that episode, explained, "I wondered whether they might be Romulans until we decided to do a CGI alien effect [for the aliens themselves]. Diabolic Overlord 666. Describing that, between the two, there were "subtle differences too many of them." (ENT: "Kir'Shara"; TOS: "Balance of Terror"), In 2387, the Romulan sun went supernova. It is revisionist and backward looking in a most disappointing way. The deviousness, xenophobia, and practiced duplicity were notably rejected by the Qowat Milat, an order of warrior nuns that were ideologically (and sometimes martially) opposed to the Tal Shiar and the Zhat Vash. Usually, this happens through marriage, although occasionally adoption will require it. Infiltrating the highest levels of the Vulcan High Command, the Romulans were impressed and seemingly confused by Humans. Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Chang invoiced Desilu for this payment on 26 July 1966 and the price was paid in the following month (on either 10 or 13 August). These are the best names for star trek romulan: These are the catchy romulan names suggested by the names generator: So, what is the best way to come up with new and cool fantasy names? [4] Initial thoughts by the script-writers had proposed a multi-episode storyline in which the Federation and Romulan governments would co-operate to fight the Borg; ultimately only certain elements of this idea entered "The Neutral Zone" and the Borg would be introduced not in the first season, but in the second-season episode "Q Who". Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. The ears are less . In cases of anonymity, they were known for commonly using hired assassins, such as the Flaxians, to conduct their off-world "justice" (DS9: "Improbable Cause"). This action led Starfleet to withdraw the rescue mission, thus betraying the Romulans in their hour of need. (PIC: "The End is the Beginning"), The Romulan heart was gray in color. They also appear in various other spin-off media, including books, comics, toys and games. It's a fitting history, as outer space is the perfect backdrop for this indica strain out of British Columbia. "When my episode first aired," remarked Jack Donner, regarding "The Enterprise Incident", "I got a letter from a fan named Lori Carlson in Denver, Colo. She was the president of the Leonard Nimoy/Vulcan club there, but she wrote to me and said that the club was switching their interests around. (Star Trek Monthlyissue 24,p.28), In "Tin Man", the Romulans were at first deliberately written about somewhat sympathetically by the episode's writers, Dennis Putman Bailey and David Bischoff. And now there are Romulan fan clubs all over the place in Michigan, and Bakersfield, California, to name just a few." The story also brought the Romulans in conflict with the Enterprise and its senior officers. A person may also choose to adopt their ei- name as their preferred method of being commonly addressed in place of their house-clan name. By the 24th century, many ships were classified as "RIS" ("Romulan Imperial Ship"), although the "RIS" and "IRW" designations are sometimes used interchangeably on warbird vessels. Make up your star trek romulan names by yourself. One tradition common with Rihannsu language-style naming, is to have a middle name which denotes an origin or standing in life, meaning it can change as an individual rises up through Romulan Star Empire society: in this tradition, Human Starfleet Intelligence Officer Terise Haleakala-LoBrutto traveled to Romulus and assumed a Romulan name, "Arrhae i-Mnaeha t'Khellian", with "Mnaeha" as her third name. There are three forms of locative names, each describing a different type of background and distinguished by the name's prefix. (TOS: "Return to Tomorrow") In 2369, evidence was discovered that several species including the Romulans, and therefore also the Vulcans, trace back to DNA seeded on many planets by ancient humanoids billions of years ago. So it was an error of ignorance." It's almost pure indica with a small amount of the sativa-. The actors playing Romulans in this film wore three prosthetics applied to their ears and foreheads, while Bana had a fourth prosthetic for the bitemark on his ear that extends to the back of his character's head. A person named Hexce Firh would call himself Hexce i-Ra'tleihfi ei-Firh tr'Mrian. Although the first name is bestowed by the parents before they know much about the character of their baby, children most often grow into their names, although not always in the way their parents had anticipated. [24][25], The second was created for the television series Star Trek: Picard. The Romulan language, or Rihannsu, is similar to the Vulcan language and is difficult to distinguish from Vulcan or other species. "Basically, this time they had larger, bushier eyebrows and bigger ears," noted Mills. There were subtle alterations made to the Romulan prosthetics (at least for the Nero character) before filming, making it easier to perform on long shooting days. Rihannsu often change their name for reasons of honor, which will not be touched on here. In the episode "All Is Possible", Ni'Var rejoins the Federation. I wanted to give the Romulans an animal look, so we widened their nose bridge and did some interesting stuff with their brows but nothing so extreme that you couldn't believe they were real." They haven't paid that much attention to them [in recent series]. (VOY: "Message in a Bottle"; DS9: "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges"), Romulans were known to be inter-fertile with Humans, Klingons, and Vulcans. In the series Star Trek: Enterprise, Romulans without ridges are depicted as passing for Vulcans (who do not have ridges either). (TAS: "The Practical Joker") With this frame of mind, Romulan parents disposed of any newborn carrying birth defects, as the alternative would mean a waste of resources. A man named Hexce, born in the Saehhe section of the capital Ra'tleihfi, might call himself Hexce i-Ra'tleihfi ei-Saehhe tr'Miran. Romulan males are also capable of procreation at age of sexual maturation, usually around age 17 years. If you are the hru'hfirh of a major noble family, you should set your name to be your hfihar name with the t' or tr' prefix. The show's producers wanted to include Romulans in the series, despite the risk of contaminating Star Trek canon, ever since the series began. The second name is locative and is determined by the Rihannha's birthplace or clan of origin. Rihannsu names form a rather set form and concept. (Information provided by Mike Sussman). I think the technology of their ship, though, was too sophisticated for Romulans in this era, so that argued against making them Romulans too." Among their key appearances have been: Extraterrestrial humanoid species in the Star Trek franchise, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "The Top 100 Star Trek Episodes Of All Time! But how do you make a good star trek romulan name on your own? The Continuing Committee is composed of nine members. (Star Trek: Communicatorissue 138,p.20), Despite the second season installment "Minefield" initially excluding the Romulans and its premise being a story set entirely on the hull of Enterprise, the plot evolved to include the Romulans. The Romulans initially suspected the Federation had executed the attack but it was later learned that the Borg may have been responsible. Like Spock, their almond-colored faces are coldly impassive." First and middle names are usually given with reservation, usually to friends and family. "I did some early designs for the Romulans in my shop, but when my workload became too heavy, I hired Joel Harlow to come in and handle them. [21] It is noted for its size and power in Star Trek by Picard and his crew. [7] In the third-season episode "The Enemy", written by David Kemper and Michael Piller and first screened in November 1989, the Enterprise-D is depicted rescuing a crashed Romulan ship. A woman's clan name is often preceded with (t') and a man's name is usually preceded by (tr'). The Romulans of Star Wars are also similar to humanoid species. Most often fantasy names are usually deeply rooted in the culture and language they come from, like star trek romulan names. This page was last edited on 12 November 2021, at 18:50. When he isn't working, he loves indoor games. The cost of manufacturing the ears, which were made from latex, was too enormous for multiple actors in any episode and the manpower required to create the ears and apply them for each individual actor would have gone over the budget. The prefix ei- has several different uses and is appended to a name placed between the locative and the house-clan. Most Romulans have dark hair and eyes with tanned, slightly green-tinted skin. Even though they initiated a mining operation, the Romulans encountered trouble with this upon discovering that someone was killing members of the mining team, a mysterious individual who was later discovered to be a regenerated Spock. Mouth: The basic oral structures of Romulans are almost identical to other humanoid species. [4] In 1989, AMT released a plastic kit of the vessel, alongside other kits for a Ferengi ship and a Klingon bird of prey vessel. You do know I have a first name. But we must. Black and Mary Black. However, with only two sets of molars instead of the customary three, adult Romulans have a total of 28 teeth, unlike most humanoid species who have 32. Ridges were a trait associated with Northerners. Heart: Due to the increased size of the Romulan lungs, the internal arrangement of the Romulan heart (and liver) are shifted toward the right side of the body, with the heart basically beneath the right lung. Romulan language Waste from the kidneys therefore has quite a dark and oily texture. Sometimes you make a really tiny change with the prosthetic, or the glue, or where it's attached, and it can really make a difference to your ability to convey expression. (Star Trek: The Original Series 365, p. 277) Applying a pair of the Romulan ear prosthetics during production on "The Enterprise Incident" typically took forty-five minutes. THE ROMULAN WAR ("TRW") is based on the Star Trek universe created by Gene Roddenberry and documents the historic event leading to the creation of the United Federation of Planets. [16](X) [17](X), Despite featuring heavily in "Minefield", Malcolm Reed actor Dominic Keating revealed to fans, "I have NO idea who they are!" Normal heart rate for adults is 242 beats per minute, over twice as fast as that of certain other humanoid species. Roman naming conventions. Dold Digger 8. (TOS: "The Enterprise Incident"), Reluctance to rely on overt hostility generally led the Romulans to play a waiting game with their opponents, attempting to manipulate an adversary into breaking or appearing to break an agreement so as to give them a solid justification for striking. Is prefixed by e- noted for its size and power in Star Trek: Romulan-Klingon! Among the Romulan Starbase is the center of the Romulan population thus, a new called. [ in recent series ] capital called Rihan is established on Rator.. 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