He carefully sets the violin down between his knees and holds the neck in his hand. The Stranger is then captured, sedated and eventually beaten as the Doctor interrogates him regarding an escape route. That's actually opposite. There's no one better at tinkering with junk like that in the whole wide woods. The selfish bitch is keeping something that does not belong to her behind the locked door in her house. The Stranger pushes through the forest until reaching a town and their old apartment, where he settles in for a long sleep. The Wolfman offers to appease him by killing the Chicken Lady. I'm sure you will find some clues on how to reach his current hideout while there.You two will have a little chat, you will get back what you've lost and then nothing wil keep you from getting the fuck out of my part of the woods! She said p-people used to travel it. He can ultimately help the Protagonist eventually get out of the forest depending on the choices made early on. Games like Fallout, Dark Souls, Project Zomboid, Teleglitch. I decided to side with the Musician. Y-you're amazing, m-mister s-sir! "It's it's a kind of rope. The game begins with The Doctor rambling about the forest and how it has consumed all exits and trapped its inhabitants, his inability to treat the plague and his devotion to escaping the woods before he perishes. To apologize. I can only see a row of filthy, sharp teeth underneath his hood. Thank you. He is a resident of the forest who is changing due to the Plague. It smells of wet soil and fur. The game switches to a different map in its second chapter, with the previous regions becoming locked and several new gameplay elements and NPCs being introduced. Both pathways offer ways of leaving the forest and of reaching the Epilogue. Y-you're b-brave!And H-have you seen h-her? You were supposed to bring me the key, not use it and try to fuck about with something that doesn't belong to you!Fuck off! Given the Plague's apparent ability to mold together different creatures, it is possible that, over time, the woods fused an unbalanced man and the remains of a vengeful wolf, creating a monster that mimicked both the habits (wearing the huntsman's clothes, hunting with guns, stuffing corpses) and desires (be together with his spouse) of the creatures they used to be. Upon entering the Sawmill, after a large area full of logs, the Protagonist will find a small room behind a metal door. ", "What the fuck is this? Doing Wolfman's path is typically slightly easier, and ends up with several things- the doctor does not expect you to come to him, the chicken lady's sister disappears, and the musician will live much longer. The one they called The Mother of All Pigs. The enigma of his origin only deepens after uncovering information that links him to the Hunter House and the Pretty Lady. With his cunning remarks, he often emerges as a valuable guide or mentor to the Protagonist in the early stages of the game, though his explosive and derisive temperament may suggest otherwise. Choose Wolfman if you don't mind ending up the monster. Musician is the slightly better choice morally. Wiki and guides are little confusing.. You can do a lot of things with a rope. In both endings, text blocks detailing each character's fate appear, which can be influenced by the player's actions during the game. Helping others, Meat Is there a better feeling?Oh, what an explosion that was! [13], Amy Josuweit, writing for The Mary Sue, praised the game for not relying on jumpscares, creating what she calls a "PTSD-inclusive horror experience". "When when I catch more, I'll give them to you! There are currently 15 achievements in Darkwood, all of which are hidden until unlocked during game. "Have fun, Meat Just remember to hide that disaster of a face or it's no dancing for you. Simply throw a Molotov at him, then avoid his attacks while the fire does the work- although he may need one more blow to finish the job. [19], The game was nominated for "Most Fulfilling Community-Funded Game" at the 2018 SXSW Gaming Awards. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Even if his lupine features are truly made up by the Protagonist's warped perception, there is no way to deny his animal-like habits, like sniffing objects and enthusiastically licking the Protagonist's face. A bloodstained bullet hole is visible on the left side of his jacket over his heart. However, if the player kills the Chicken Lady without talking to her, the Musician will never appear. Flaming Gasoline, however, won't cause him any harm unless he's already hostile, so you'll need to attack him somehow before kiting him through the flames. ", "I've heard someone took pity on the poor villagers and fixed the cables in the pig shed. "S-sorry! For instance, he can speak fluently, he wears clothes, and his paws are elongated enough to allow the use of firearms and tools. His dedication is not the bloodlust of a hungry carnivore looking for sustenance, but the sick obsession of a psychopath with no regard for human life, who is willing to kill if he doesn't get what he wants. For the David Darling album, see, "Darkwood for Nintendo Switch - Nintendo Game Details", "Darkwood Brings Top-Down Terror to PS4 on 14th May", "We're afraid to play horror games, so we quit our jobs and made one, with no jump scares. The boy reattaches it as if nothing happened. "Meat! He carefully hides it under his legs, so that it doesn't roll away. Where th-they used t-to keep a-all the grain. Went into the well and got the key but Im not sure who to give it tooas spoiler free as possible, whos the best to give it too? Thanks for the guide! But you caught me on a good day, Meat. If the player has not interacted with the Musician after his encounter at The Chicken Lady's House, and manages to achieve the "True Ending", then it is stated that the Musician managed to escape the inferno and is speculated to have been rescued. Wolfman will greet the Protagonist with a howl, covered in blood and smelling of rot. !We had a deal, Meat! ", "Excellent, Meat! You will pack your bags, dive into that stinking hole of yours and dissa-fucking-pear!And? I caught it this night! The boy leans over his left side and reaches for something with his right hand. Haha big brain time. The game was revealed with the release of a pre-alpha gameplay trailer on YouTube, on March 5, 2013. By blending RPG, roguelike and adventure elements together with a challenging difficulty, Darkwood aims to please players craving for a deep and rewarding experience. The wolf outright kills her and the musician thinks hes helping her, but shell die without the Chicken Lady. In the true ending, Wolfman, if not killed by the Protagonist beforehand, is said to have had an unknown fate. I p-p-promise I won't p-play anymore!I'll be quiet. The.. One had the music with Wolfman introducing the songs, another had phone calls, and a third had commercials. Oh, such a shame that I can't breathe in their desperation up close!Meat, just one more thing. However, he doesn't seem to be just an enhanced wolf. If the Player resists, then the Stranger will find a flamethrower among the sleepers and burn the being and all those around it to death. Make that squealing stop and the treasure will be yours! How? 2-Drop only 3 useless items on his assistant and use guns to kill him (cheese as fuck). The Wolf checks his pocket, his paw trembling with excitement. Kiting him into the trap after meleeing him is also easy and doesn't require a ranged weapon; the trap will take 50% of his HP, so note that you'll need to be quick in hitting him 5-6 more times to finish the job. After the prologue, the player takes control of "The Stranger", a man who is searching for the stolen key that will lead him through an underground passageway out of the forest. Choose Wolfman if you don't mind ending up the monster. He decides to move back to his parents' house in Old Woods and invites the Protagonist to meet him there. Do you get me, Meat? W-we have an appointment with the d-doctor! Now take off, get to work. Achievements Guide - Darkwood [Guide completed]. I also l-looked for the second key. so i was givein the choicewho do i give the key to the wolf or the child or is there even a difrence. Darkwood is a unforgiving game about survival, exploration and fear set in mysterious woods somewhere in the territory of the Soviet Bloc. You've killed the hag that reeked of chickens? Piotrek? There goes 15 hours. Yesterday I encountered his theft and it was just random 6 items (even items that he declined to buy from you) - footsteps were everywere in hideout, but items was stolen only from workbench. When killed, Wolfman most notably drops an Assault Rifle and the Wedding Ring (Fake). During the night in which the musician appears in the. But I doubt ,may be you still be attacked by the doctor. Thank you. ", "Beautiful item, perfect for a church fair. A Bear Trap with an Exploding Barrel next to it is a powerful way to dispatch him from a distance. I need to admit, you're a quite resourceful piece of Meat.". The Wolf suddenly stops, remains silent for a moment, then his eyes open in a split-second and he continues. The stench of his saliva makes me dizzy. The death of the strange being and the Stranger's sacrifice allow the military to deploy to the forest safely to save the remaining inhabitants and restore order. Kill the chicken lady, find the doctor, kill the doctor, give the musician his key, kill the pretty lady, kill his parents, then kill him. See also Endings Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. "Time to get to the specifics. I just got the key to the room with the pretty lady and I don't know who I should give it to could someone please give me the pros and cons of helping each NPC. As they fall to the ground, I also notice a shiny stone among them. Doing Wolfman's path is typically slightly easier, and ends up with several things- the doctor does not expect you to come to him, the chicken lady's sister disappears, and the musician will live much longer. The Wolf turns towards me, adjusting his coat. Meanwhile, the Wolfman possesses a similar ring, albeit a cheap imitation. I'm warning you, Meat Do not dare waste my time again! I hear a sound of a torn fabric.He passes me a piece of rope, which was part of his tattered clothing. Smash everything. Trust me - you don't want to open it by yourself. Remember it.". There are many hints that point it that Forest horrors are the product of shared mental degradation. Two graves can be found in front of him, containing his parents' bodies. A-and it is her I always play f-for!". The boy silently stares at the ground beneath his feet. Doesn't exist anymore. I've got nowhere to go.The villagers don't a-a-allow me to live in the camp. In return for his efforts, the Protagonist will be rewarded with a Hunting Rifle, and Wolfman will agree to take him to the Doctor's House. You're not such a worthless piece of carcass as you look. He stared i-into the well, as if looking f-for something or someone.I m-must hide now, h-hide f-from the Ch-chicken L-lady. Darkwood > General Discussions > Topic Details. 256 29K views 5 years ago On the dawn of the second day of surviving (or third if The Three visited instead), and if the player has not found him first, Wolfman will appear near the Oven. They say it's beautiful! I'm sure you will find some clues on how to reach his current hideout while there.You two will have a little chat, you will get back what you've lost and then nothing wil keep you from getting the fuck out of my part of the woods! Green People(17:52) 06. Much more b-beautiful than the villagers' camp. "I'm sorry for asking, but do you, maybe, have something to eat?". [2] i wanted to help musican but i think its too late. I didn't want to!T-this thing is coming out of m-my body. It also features a crafting system, a day/night cycle, trading and non-player character (NPC) interaction, a skill system, stealth and combat, as well as multiple storyline branches which alter several aspects of the world. The gruesome trophies in the Wolfman's Hideout. I have this abso-fucking-lutely brilliant idea Give me that piece of junk for a moment!". According to the developers, Darkwood was inspired by: "The works of David Lynch, Strugacki brothers, Stanisaw Lem. After doing so, Wolfman demands the Protagonist provide him with "entertainment" by forcing him to fight two, If the Protagonist is killed during the fight, upon returning to the Sawmill, he will instead find the Sawmill Key inside the backpack that the Table Leg was provided in, along with a, During the Alpha versions of the game, Wolfman would simply state ". On his corpse will be the Violin. The Musician is a major character in Darkwood. Heh! Should the Protagonist choose to satisfy Wolfman's request to retrieve the Key from Mr. Janek's house in The Village, he will be waiting for the player a final time in his large, dog-infested complex located within the Old Woods. Wolf sinks his hands into the deep pockets of his coat. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), Go to Piotrek house and buy a cable. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The C-chicken Lady has it! The Musician puts the game to his ear and shakes it. He then asks for the Key to that door, in exchange for the information of where the Protagonist's key is. We're buddies, aren't we?And them? Yes you do, there's 3 ways you can fight him. Poznmka: Nahlaujte POUZE spam, reklamy a problematick (obtujc, ton nebo hrub) pspvky. Unlike most of the other residents of the forest, his body also has no deformities -setting aside the obvious- and is almost completely humanoid. He helped me. I thought you like them. and our Maybe I should give it to the boy? That way they s-stop running.". "The v-villagers have been c-crying after her a lot.I saw them t-trying to cut through the wall of t-trees.Do you think it's even possible, mister? Before Alpha 6.0, Wolfman would simply indicate where the Protagonist could find him on the Dry Meadow, without mention towards an assignment. Why is the Bliss ending the False Ending? How do I progress the story? Wolfman will gossip about how the inhabitants of the The Village treat him and others like him poorly, due to their mutations in appearance. Killing Wolfman is one of the ways to obtain the Assault Rifle in chapter 1. Chapter 2 is where many choices in Chapter 1 affect the outcomes of certain characters, for example, if players did not aid the Wolfman then he will steal items from the player and lure them into a trap, and if players followed the Wolfman's path, the Musician will appear in the Stranger's hideout. The boy sniffles and rubs the mask with his deformed hand. Here's our story", "Darkwood is a promising top-down horror roguelike that has cult classic written all over it", "How Darkwood became a horror game that is PTSD-inclusive", "Here Are Your 2018 SXSW Gaming Awards Finalists! I was afraid m-mommy will go out too and leave me behind. But My papa has changed, m-mister. Talk to her, maybe you'll learn something interesting. On the dawn of day 2, and if the Protagonist has not found his camp first, the Wolfman will appear near the Oven. The machine is working, you just need to increase the voltage to silence this unbearable whining. Chain traps aren't recommended unless you're using ranged attacks, since he can still attack while immobilized by them; but they can work well when used along side ranged or Molotovs. Hahaha!Oh, Meat, Meat You must have a lot of free time on your hands if you're keeping yourself occupied with such nonsense". Thanks to you I feel fulfilled!I got my girl, my sweet little lady back. "It's an invitation to that house in the () edge of the Dry Meadow. The Pretty Lady? You can do a knot tie it, or hang your laundry on it! If the key is given to the Musician, he requests the Protagonist to fetch him a Violin from his parents' house before revealing the Doctor's location, and hands over a Drawing for his mother, after that the Musician can be found in the Church Ruins. Road To Home(2. Neither Pretty Lady nor Chicken Lady nor Musician are really mutants, but they will hurt themselves due to altered perception. Please don't be angry with me anymore!". But you know what? The Wolf winks at me, baring his teeth slightly. You're not af-fraid of anything! If the Protagonist retrieves him the Violin from his parents' home, without leaving the Drawing by his mother, and kills his parents (after they have turned into red chompers), the Musician will deduce that if his mother consented in lending the protagonist the violin, then his parents are no longer angry with him. ", "Such a pity, Meat, truly a pity. My dearest Meat!Finally I will be able to wolf down as much poultry as I wish! She kills Chicken Lady if Sow is killed, as Chicken Lady is forced to untie her. You want a reward? Time for your reward. Y-you're my only hope, please don't be afraid of Ch-chicken Lady!". The boy quickly glances at the rat's blood-soaked corpse and freezes. The Musician's dialogue will be the same as above (he will believe his parents are okay, and happily returns to the Creepy House); however, the next day upon the protagonist's arrival to the Creepy house, the Musician will be found dead in the house with a Red chomper standing over him. He is strangely at ease in "his forest", living by himself in small camps, completely unaffected by the terrors of nightfall. I decided to side with the Musician. As I produce the key, the Wolf's pupils widen with excitement. You're not telling me you're gathering junk for that nutcase?! The Musician in the Swamp Hideout the morning after being given food by the Protagonist. A cripple residing in this village requests that the Stranger burns this tree. Kill Wolfman any time you want and he'll drop his assault rifle (usually empty.) But he still managed to screw you over with that key. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. Fire can be effective too. Whats is the better thing to do in this situation? I played dead, the best way I can play dead andIt, this mouse, I mean, she jumped on my hand and s-started nibbling on my f-finger! Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. I just got the key to the room with the pretty lady and I don't know who I should give it to could someone please give me the pros and cons of helping each NPC. Wolfman has the beastly appearance of a wolf and trades in guns, ammunition, and some miscellaneous crafting materials in exchange for Reputation points. Nothing I can give you.". He can ultimately help the Protagonist eventually get out of the forest depending on the choices made early on. I don't want to be big anymore. The Stranger first explores the underground entrance to make sure the Doctor has not gone through with the key, but finds that the door has not been opened in a while. Valve Corporation. "Is this a fucking joke? The game features a semi-open world, with the player unlocking new areas as the storyline progresses. I will help you get back the thing you lost, if you help me. Darkwood is a survival horror video game developed and published by Acid Wizard Studio. You were supposed to bring me the key, not use it and try to fuck about with something that doesn't belong to you!I should kill you, you know? "Hahaha! Did I tell you you'll be able to get there? I didn't know you were l-living here.". Kill the wolf man too, he's a massive cunt. ", "I have a d-delicious wee mouse for you! I barely believe my beautiful eyes You made it! It's still ringing in my ears. The Stranger only burns the Being chamber, the Forest inhabitants only get minimal damage and their mental condition restores. S-s-so beautiful! Kill chicken lady can find a note about where the doctor lives. The Stranger eventually finds roots growing under the floorboards and a hole under his bed. Crawling through will have the Stranger wake up naked, with his clothes discarded nearby, in a passage overgrown with roots. #2. The Wolf grabs my map and scribbles something on it. Muttering under his breath, he attempts to open the box. ZDENDA. I read that when you find the doctor with the Musician's help the doctor ambushes you and you have to survive a nightmare because he drugs you. He probably found it amongst the junk. Suddenly, he notices me. Healthy AND naked "Sleeper" lying on the ground behind the house at start of the Silent Forest, telling asking Stranger to "check under the Bed in Last Standout". A key for a key? He looks at the contents in silence, then lifts his gaze at me. An invitation to a wedding party!". Achievements | Darkwood Wiki | Fandom in: Gameplay Achievements Edit This article contains major spoilers. And there's nothing on the other side!". Choose Wolfman if you don't mind ending up the monster. She envies her! I didn't want to make a mess, I s-swear!Please, don't t-throw me a-away! Outright kills her and the Musician in the whole wide woods altered perception stops, remains silent a! His hand ultimately help the Protagonist with a howl, covered in blood and smelling rot... Stranger only burns the being chamber, the Protagonist with a rope as Chicken Lady is to! A cripple residing in this village requests that the Stranger pushes through the forest reaching. The doctor lives of filthy, sharp teeth underneath his hood telling me you a. - Latinoamrica ( Spanish - Latin America ) towards me, baring his teeth slightly, he! 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