We're sorry, but the webpage you are trying to view has been blocked in your country. election present hoard member:;! Welcome to The Newspaper Archives of Clovis News Journal Every newspaper in the database is fully searchable by keyword and date, making it easy to quickly explore historical content. 1IH| conformity with the plan for do- nnc half-brother, M. E. Ancles of signing and 1 perfecting space shi;vs tjv[ t . Pat Knltwasser scored 30 points to pace tlw FarweJJ females, with Emalce Tucker scoring 15 and Christine Paine contributing 11. Search, read, clip & save 5.6 billion names from 3.16 billion newspaper articles. |i 2 6 points in pacing the Tigers King was named head football t 0 an g-2 season record. Nice work people, you just defeat e your basic objective! Fosler said currently he has a hill, which he introduced, in the House judiciary committee which would enable state residents who are cited for traffic violations in another county to return to their home crxjnty lo pay any fine. Newspapers allow readers to step into the life and times of past decades and centuries from all over the world. .On the military front, it was learned that top officials have started rotating on active duty in the Escambray Mountains of Cen- I Bulldlri K Permits-Three build-' DOVIHO RlteS ing permits were issued by the C** lAf D H* A. city clerk's office Friday and Sat- Pr W. K. MlllfGr urday. the schools out of difficulty but said" funds may be available from other sources. Alamogordo has ejeht players on the squad. The urenium companies and olh- businesses dolfl2 busujesa win .j_ . In 19. They filed the court actions at the direction of the Atomic Kneiv gy Commission or the Pefeost Department. with U.S. ambassador 10 ricari affairs. Clovis News Journal newspaper archives from NewspaperArchive.com. Dinkier Sr. tJ.ir.VS' * days, Don! La Casita: All qualified voter. Jim G if ford and Don! Try plugging in keywords, names, dates, and locations, and get matched with results from the entire collection of newspapers at NewspaperArchive! Brown at 763-3763 before 4:00 was stunt and the proun rcon-?. Cross had been in ill health some lime, officers said. Solid Cherry dining room group by Ethan Allen. Dam- . High for the Kittens was Jim Hampton'with eight. Clovis News Journal newspaper archives from NewspaperArchive.com. since 220 attended last, year's! With at least one of the words. $569.95 Green vinyl chair and otto- C4 AAflfl man by Gillian. Mr. Minter was torn March 10, 1875, in Arkansas. Quarterback i Hobbs. Firemen said it evidently started in the northwest corner where the roof collapsed. restricting union actlv- ical errors or come out in fever of an early spring and a late fall. . 12C. With the exact phrase. with the District 2-AA rushing title, gaining over 400 more yards than his nearest opponent, Jimmy Reynolds of Clovis, Reynolds, with one more year of eligibility, gained 1,015 yard* on 202 carries in 11 games for ft five-yard average, while the 195-pound McPonaia needed only 10 game* and 19? Information: 575-769-7828. Moscow time is eight hours dy. Breakfast with games following. The first team line averages 1GB.7 with Ybarra, at 180 pound*, the heaviest man and Bowman and Troublefield each tinning the scales at 175. . ter, Mrs. Emily Clickman of West llftlt*ric r\\Atirlnft ill.. . .. 1 quantities lo >tanflel( H quirements , destroy- .Defense. It is being conducted under the direction of Mrs. Hoyt Pattison i with the assistance of Mrs. Mar! Survivors include his wife; four _ sons, Bud and Alfred of Crockett Grand was sentenced lo 10 dayslTc.x., Dick of MineraJ Wells Tex m jail on a drunkenness charge; land Henry of Boviita; one daueh,' Betty Jean Parrot t. 22, of 308 Ed-! jtype government. Dewey Dance, 55, of 902 E. were arrested by city police Fri- 1916 at-Frederick, Okla. The NewspaperArchive collection can be searched several different ways - advanced search, browse, and publications. The new raider boss came to Tccl> in 1958, and before arriving on the Lubbock campus was coach at Enid, Okla., high schools, a,t Tulane, Texas and Texas A&M universities. Lynn Troublefield of Artesia and Injured, was a close runnerup for a Irilfbuck berth. wi i i i t> 1 IU <-CIJI Ut/1 IKV Mil Tno Rooscvc i County Sher ff's undesirable question with ease by tlfini- > 'lirlthfiffnniHftrnc?ni?iit/it/ln * ,, embarking on a long spiel about the drug business in Curry County or some other subject, specifically answered one query when he said office said the death was a suicide. due ,' thff ll "Ing places) ..TU ' he fc > * * conservatism in ^ 2S criminatidi, selection, choice, judt, ment exercised not only upon the past ' ' Duf u P on '^ e P re sent and upon William F. Rickenbacksr "YOUR FREEDOrv. who are supposed to be intcresicj] in boostering students and proviq ing the school with a more some environment, have "refu^ ed" to cancel their meeting. Red velvet cover Reg. sat oct 29, 2022 5:20 pm edt.clovis news journal 521 pile st. po box 1689 clovis, new mexico 88102 (575) 763-3431clovis news journal newspaper archives from newspaperarchive.com. Read an issue on 3 Aug 1973 in Clovis, New-Mexico and find what was happening, who was there, and other important and exciting news from the times. The emphasis is on vocational aid. and north of lOlli! Soviet scientists apparently believed HIP Sputnik V shot was sun cessful. VA RrprcHcnUitlve Jamei FratusjHawkins, Veteran Administration representative will hold office Chairs from 10 n.fri. on-. Please do not forget the Cheer cards. ,'was expected to announce within (ineral services for T. J. Work- 1, of 105 Mesa, will be coned at 2 p.m. today in the Char|y, ,,Steed Memorial Chapel by Herbert Bergstrom, pastor of first Baptist Church. . All other members are seniors. well and Pood. Elmer White and Lane Grau of Grady and Stephen Smith of Texico will also model spring fashions. that Congressltirml, ag- '(UPI)' Presi-'all warring elements in the chao!- hour firsl-hrind report on the situ- Kennedy and SUte Depart Jc jungle country. (. Reynolds,1 Raymond Hill, coach at Texas Tech last week to succeed DeWitt Weaver who resigned to go into private business. nn,i r-,,,. '"4 *#i .NSUJUNCt IS OUR PROFUSION ^ NOT uouoced today he llayJight Tuesday wii Galvao aboard lh Vatson Investment Pest AO*ENCY !117Min PO 34493 favorable result it could have on I'uti're elections. p . We are confident that we have the newspapers that will increase the value of your family history or other historical research. Beg. guests were Superin- and Mrs. A. D. McDonald and Miss Peggy Hughes of ENMU. icmeterv. , HAVANA (UPI)-Prcmier Fidel i Clovis Farm Bureau holds a reL-u- what has transpired thus far is Castro's revolutionary regime 'ar meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday ryrniinrl urnr-lr {nr* tt'hnt Ji. Jc cream and punch. 31, 1968), 88 women have al- The applicant must have plans to move into the labor market, or into a more skilled job, or become self-employed within one year. lne next week its support of tin- cast their ballots at the Fort Sum-jP lan (o "neutralize" the feuding ner City Hall, at Yeso, and E i'factions ^ and create a fwlr-rr.lion- Ei|||Ai*fll Diihlap. Narrator for the show will be Mrs. Nell O'Donnell. Tuesday night the Steers w i 1 1 j host Bovina in a makeup game, j The contest was originally cancel- j led due to Farwcll's participation i in the football playoffs. GOP Women To Host Fashion Show The Curry County Federation of Republican Women will sponsor a children's fashion * h d w this afternoon at 3 p.m. Coach' Henry said Saturday h is pleased with the second halfl performance of the Wildcats, an remarked that Clovis' cagcrs never ceased to battle during the enJ tire game. stating he felt perhaps the the city Saturday wilh all occu- school could receive part of the]pants escaping injury but the Cars driven by David Farjardo. In addition to big city newspapers, we have a wide variety of newspapers from small towns that hold a wealth of information about day-to-day life. Belgium Ambassador Louis Schey- Asked if a new policy was bc- vey and Tunisian Ambassador ifig formulated, he replied: "Poii- MonRi Slim. cios are always being reconsid- Scheyvey and Slim represented erert." _.,, _.,. and James K. Malloy. . Through iU folklore, song, language, and literature, Ireland and its people are shown for what they really are. Duckworth also indicated some optimism as to the chances of the Otcro reported that the men was Accident Galore In City Saturday A rash of accidents occurred In ' ~~ is sufficient to call If suicide. Nome PtMMorannJnC 1 HST 7U"1i For Ramsey Mta^Afcs&S-JS Pallbearers have been named for the funeral of George Monroe Ramsey which will be held at 9 a.m. Monday in Sacred Heart Church. New Browse. High for the Marshall eighth 1 graders were Jin^my Harden and Wlmberly, each with eight points. Browse old newspaper publications to find specific newspapers. Damatr--', O " lf ' m rhosen whpn Rcv - v ^ J.jmobile cushion caught fire while Moodv nor tm- Car.. ' iLJiwnorn, stalo president, met wiih.tho car u-.-.c r\, n ,\ Ann i Moody car, $10; Sena car, none. Ybarra. Clovis News-Journal (Newspaper) - August 3, 1973, Clovis, New Mexico J T KING Texas Tech Reynolds and McDonald's baokfield huddles are quarterback Bobby Prince of Clovis ami halfback Dick Graves of the lute- arriving Roswell 'Coyotes. 1 cushions - B Spanish high back chair by Thomasville. Foster, who is in the somewhat ticklish business of being both a. Democrat and a school teacher (the school folks are pushing for the sales tax hike) said he wanted to wait until he saw just what Mechem is proposing before he commits himself on the sales ta.x proposal. . i 3? ' bed, Reg. Since Monday, Feb. 13, is Ihu 35th Legislative day, the deadline for offering new bills, this week also may see the appearance of a 1961 version of the right-to-work question. at Prospect Ave., Kansas City, Missouri . Mrs. Pearce was in charg of all the games for the evening. $139.50 King Size Reg. Start for Free Clovis News Journal in Clovis, New-Mexico 29 Dec 1957 Read an issue on 29 Dec 1957 in Clovis, New-Mexico and find what was happening, who was there, and other important and exciting news from the times. No solicitation is made by any club member. CLOVIS, N.M. (KRQE) - A Clovis man has been arrested by New Mexico State Police for the not-so-pleasant package he left at their door last month: dog poop. Nichols forfeited a $5 bond a/ter day. ., movies were shown, with film: now they can be seen being made during the basket- fields jvhere snow has melted ball season, which were most : ~ interesting. The others are located at Canon City, Colo., Colorado City, Tex., and Grants, atcly fro *. '" Irish eyes are shining, For, Friday 1:30 p.m. . |don "Wicks, T. L. Timmons of |eshoe, and K. D. Watson. Bui with to ask for 67 boys who acCon sophomore fullback sensation V bo >' s ' on-ihe squad, and only plished a giant job. l*age 14, CLOVIS NEWS-JOtJRNAt, Sunday, Wee. The advanced search offers filters to narrow your search for more precise results. , Ofer . Beg. (Long Live Ireland!) Barnett, is the second ,eam pivot. You'll notice a change in how logging in looks. $459.70 * . If the AEC and Defense Depart. i\ Is Your Fire INSURANCE UP-TO-DATE? We understand many of Clovis businessmen have tur thumbs down on the ticket sal apparently too engrossed In urlng how much money thej are going to make in the Christ mas rush. Leon Lovelace, freshman center, led Farwell with 10 points. Until today, no other Sov'ct space vrhielrs remained aloft. Region honors King with marches, services, Fire victim's daughter shares her memories, Group adds petition against Roosevelt anti-abortion ordinance, Superintendent contracts renewed and tabled, Pages past, Jan. 18: Clovis was 'an old French name', AG supports Biden administration student debt cancellation plan, Sometimes you stumble across extraordinary story, Muleshoe's Garrett Riley heading to Clemson, Buffs, Lady Buffs post championships in Reserve tourney, Faith: 'Better together' wonderfully true for those who love each other, the Lord, Republican who lost race arrested on charges of arranging shootings, Roosevelt approves anti-abortion ordinance, Group hopes to force vote on anti-abortion ordinance, City attorney: Test of anti-abortion ordinance would require state action, Contaminated water cleanup presented to county officials, Leading NM community health organization welcomes new CEO, Portales votes to replace accessory building ordinance, Reader reaction: Both sides respond to anti-abortion decision, Texico youth selected to participate in national program, Pages past, Jan. 15: Eleven police officers resign, Weighing risks of a major surgery: 7 questions older Americans should ask, Proposed budget offers raises, $750 rebate, Egg prices soar across region with outbreak of avian flu. 2 squad are Fred Sim of Alamogordo at halfback, Dosher at quarterback, and Butch Anderson at the fullback spot. It's as it should be. (Staff Photo) <ner Fires City Firemen "On Sunday Bowling Alley Burns Firemen fought for approximate- walls and ceiling were uraoke ly two hours here early this morn,ns - three corning - ms to brj d ^A fi one minu*- '" ^n hoping Sui streaked. Center Bill Barnell, Carlsbad. Wednesday 1:30 p.m Baxter Hall ginners) Stover, the Mabel Van Buskirk, our Courtesy Chairman, underwent surgery Friday at Memorial Hospital. 4 '11 1 ' A ~ -' -.iii(v-t*l W Vl/" Fiohls of Protlv Prairio, Kan., and i ''"T c " ! The Clovis Club now has a young mother with five children in training and meeting her expenses locally. * Iftdfcsted they would to get into the sugar bee; AREA (tkmtlnHpel From Page 1) Elementary School. That's when the "controversial" bi|ls finally emerge in committee hearings and floor debates. Contributions for this project can be given from any interested individual throughout the world. Clovis News Journal. Second Team Ends Lynn Troublefield, Artesia, and James Gant, Alamogordo. holding their own against ten times as many Cuban army and militia troops. Edward Altieri, 25, of Albuquerque, was unresponsive at the scene and later declared deceased at Plains Regional Medical Center. Instead, a car driven by her,' nc wns charged with failure to $10. Please email customerservice@newspaperarchive.com with your IP (Internet Protocol) Address. of Roosevelt County Son- 18. of 409 Jones and Leonard C. Morgan. The issue appears less deadly expected to. : John Aldridgf! L. 1.1 _ . Wil-! Reliable sources . My Fuzzy Valentine 2022 . Area Minister, Family Feted With Dinner BROADVIEW (Special) Rev. Box Al there h always me Man the Case few that All we 0ne Barrow your Freedom newspaper conscience pay is it up Ralph Reft a drug store flys a Yott Tig woman walked up to him and handed him a but didst buy a the sur prised Fendig accepted the payment after he woman told a couple of years i took four pairs of sunglasses and some cards from your 45 108 till Lemd Mcnaught features new August 1973 24 pages today daily or sunday july unemployment bombing raids fail to halt communists phenom penh up insurgents pushed past govern ment positions on one Side of phenom penh Early advancing to within five Miles of the embattled capital despite More fierce american bombing but the bombing was sus warplanes flew repealed the past 72 Sions in support of government pc did in Southeastern parts of the outskirts because ground it marked the 149lh consecutive Day in the intensified air War which must end 15 under an agreement Between president Nixon and the Advance up Highway 1 meant insurgent troops have moved Forward about 10 Miles thousands of refugees moved in a slow Stream from Roadside villages and Mekong Riverside houses thursday towards phenom some told news men insurgents had warned them heavy fighting was others said they left after they heard the bombing of the flood of refugees fleeing the fighting Field reports said the communists leapfrogged two government positions along Highway 1 As they pushed up reporters the scene said thousands of belongings heaped on carts and jammed a Bridge crossing the Mekong River about Irre Miles outside phenom at a Point where Highway 1 was closed to civilian the newsmen said bombing apparently was East Pended because of fears that moving on the Southern about 11 Miles outside phenom military authorities 200 reporters travelling with govern ment worn troops killed said and five soldiers at least 0 guerrillas died thursday in wounded by grenades and heavy bombing and fighting machine gun and Rifle fire in meant to push the insurgent close some Back South of the Prek thenot Luthc reporters were Cap the cambodian said one Bung led on the Northern and was up Field i Western fronts blocking rebel command no substantial action was approaches to the cites to Chintong flights still arc International Landing and lowest level since 1970 leaving normally with All outward bound flights booked at least four Days in tary spokesmen rep Orlid heavy fighting around Korntum provincial capital in the central1 Washington up fleeing civilians might gel in neighbouring South Viet the government report de world heavy fighting in the la rec amusement Park fire kills 35 Isle of Man up flames roared through a seven Story plastic entertain ment Palace sending thousands of merry makers fleeing from a disaster that killed at least 35 a police spokesman said at 35 persons died when the fire swept the advertised As the largest such entertainment Complex in the Highlands and said 30 communist troops died in one in phenom the Cam Bodian High command saw government troops at the two positions along Highway at Koki and Dei were still it did not disclose Field reports said Highway 1 was Cut and that there was no Contact with troops trapped at the two the reports said reinforcements were in b52 heavy bombers and swinging f111 fighter bomb ers again pounded suspected insurgent concentrations on All sides of phenom on the East Bank of the Mekong River opposite the City Story plastic cocoon sections of the seven a modernistic had not been penetrated by firemen or Rescue workers 14 hours after fire raced through at least 80 other authorities were the located in the Irish sea Halfway Between England and is a resort famous Manx cats and for boat Alec its motorcycle racing As flames swept the police persons were scores trampled in by United press International Eastern Plains widely scattered afternoon and evening showers through Little change in Clovis i Artesia Tuet Imparl 0 a panic stricken flight to escape some smashed through huge Glass windows to get police said officials converter a Douglas Church into makeshift morgue for the the head of the islands 106 Man fire department said he was checking reports the fire started outside the acrylic dome when some children set a toy Windmill alight while playing with firemen said the flames president Nixon took office in unemployment in the nation hut was Well below Ilir dropped to the lowest rate in Peak of per annl it reached i More than three years last three limes in late 1970 and in in government Mill la the govern mint said of in nil net or Toimi hovered the jobless icon of per around the i per cent Mark for cent of the labor Force in july 1 consecutive months before was the lowest since Starling to come Down in Juna when it also was per of last nol since the number of employed when the Rale was per persons held steady july has it been million and the number of last months rate actually jobless workers showed Little was Only a slight change from change at the figure in and the the bus said there were labor departments Bureau of some shifts among various labor statistics said the dip categories of while was not statistically among while the bus therefore regarded workers declined from in the jobless rate As Lille june to per the Rale changed from Lor negroes went up from to the employment report per teenage jobless Lowed a prediction by aflc10 Ness also from president George Meany that up to per the nation would have a u n c in p 1 o y ivc n t rates fell with increased incr among men from to before the end of the per cent married men from he blamed president to per and Heads of Nixon economic policies and households from to per the tight Money program of the Federal Reserve the rate for adult women the per cent in employ held steady Al per rate in july was far unemployment among Viet above the per cent when see 2 City pursues cemetery plan gift from history this old fire Hose once used by Santa be Railroad employees to extinguish blazes in the Railroad has been donated to the High Plains historical foundation by the this unit was one of four used by the rail pictured with the cart Are from District supervisor for Santa be who made the presentation and Tom Pendergrass and Don Mcalavy of the High Plains historical foundation who accepted the staff photo by Jerry Large Cia probe stifle a 24hour Check of tempera Gas inside the censer lures from Southern Union Gas 1 causing an company showed the following i fi4 8 74 111 70 i v 2 a m Fil 7 78 7 a m thursdays High Al was 84 melted the producing a Washington up there were persons inside broke about when the fire Gray and White House domes1 As did and Deputy Cia director Vernon tic affairs adviser John director Richard Walters testified today he Ehrlichman in the Days Imi testified he told warned John Dean Iii a few mediately following the Juno White House counsel that the the High Plains Days alter that any arrests at the Agency was not involved in by attempt to use the Cia to stifle democratic offices in the watergate and that an Fri for according to Don ithe breaking would be a watergate All tour investigation into laundered president of the despite an argument against at Sandoval voting it by one the Crawford then offered a to Clovis City commission their Stion thai the City take Day night voted to move toward Active Steps to acquire one or acquiring one or both of the both explaining privately owned cemeteries now i that he Felt the commission operating in j should decide whether it it was a resumption of an actually wanted to gel into the Effort which the commission cemetery Jacobs see pursued nearly two years ago Ond cd Crawford but which was blocked when commissioner Don Bonner the state supreme court ruled voiced disagreement with the thai the title of the statute saying he Felt it com Mil allowing cities to condemn and de the commission to buying acquire private cemeteries was the cemeteries regardless of the 1073 legislature cleared Crawford told the commission that problem and the co that Flem a member i with urging from memo int and Noc committee and a former Cia an old two hand incr Crawford agr cd to prime figure in efforts to Havo fire Hose Long once City acquire the cemeteries of has been donated to particularly Mission Garden Given fire cart by Santa be Dean House counsel thai the the High the came from staircases Ira cling from one disaster to Percsi floor of the Complex to Dent Nixon and the buckled under the firemen today Low at was and trapped Many persons 57 i news at a Ilance administration officials i office at the height of Walters also said that during watergate the same White chief of staff o directed him to go to acting Fri director Patrick Gray 111 and urge Gray to limit the Bis investigation into water left Nixon Campaign funds in the Mexico would not jeopardize Cia operations the Transfer historical lne Tom of is ill the Santa commissioner Jim who in and also spoke against the cites action acquisition of cemeteries first Lime the subject was con Jacobs again argued by the commission stalls recognition of Union Day in front of old mayor Chick Taylor to station in the Santa fainted out that an and hoc Lenv District Suc Lery committee had recon a should Pery isor for Santa be mended that the City consider h the Clovis City commission were to appear before the Oij cation when it might make a us tvs uni i i inn i tin til t Irin 1 i ijuii3 Morvil in i cd Urjil l1u11 us not m in Wiite licit now in i i i i u4 on Union Rico Iii their 35th Day hip Laifi Dallas Hoback of Iii i Viii i tank no rift Ion on inn 111it t 31 testimony Anui Wale Raip i i International rep Diadul Yedid kid 1c vend m ont y i i i because j of j original watergate defendants mayor Chick up in come Mission room coils at one time had worked for the lne names on pm muons had along with several members of hand retainer at the time of the Ard Howley 11 As requested by p commission last he Sald there were 36 signatures Senate overrides veto Washington up the Senate thursday overrode president Nixon veto of a Bill to spend million to help state develop better emergency medical the House will consider override Ding the veto when it returns in september from 4 months wage Bill veto urged Washington up Republican opponents of a Compromise minimum wage Bill passed by the Senate thursday said they will ask president Nixon and one was on a Cia by ii the police to veto it As but sponsors said la Bor Secretary Peter Brennan told them he will recommend that Nixon sign shooting probe renewed Washington up attorney general Elliot Richardson today ordered a new inquiry into circumstances surrounding the 1970 fatal shooting of four Kent state University but apparently ruled out an immediate Federal grand jury in thirty convicts missing up thirty convicts appear to be mining from the Oklahoma slate Peni state officials Are positive the convicts did not escape during a violent insurrection at the Pri son last Nixon lifting limits Washington up president Nixon today proposed removal of Federal limits on the interest rates financial institutions May pay on savings de he also called for removal of interest ceilings on both Cha and a Home mortgages As part of a seven Point program he sent to aimed at wiping out what he called inequities caused by rigid by w4 instability of financial j cd the Railroad in the present acquiring Mission Garden of he and superintendent memories and Lawn Hastings were instrument memorial Garden and he went Tal in the historical society n to make a motion which acquiring the last of these would have the City attorney Mcalavy j Contact the cemetery consolidated Mcalavy pointed out that the about a negotiable figure on was one of Lour the rail the properties used prior to Hie Clovis i Jacobs i have Reserva department making their Lions whether the City should the rail be in the cemetery with its i think it should be handled by of Hose was rushed by private i believe our to any hooked up resources should be for the to l see pasc2l inside today i urge give h Abby by Zikik ci1uhch class Kiki Clovis in a Klucik cos Suroiu dkat1is Iio Hoscik Hostal Noel Jim Vak kits of City news in the existing water lines and lining and the thus the flame were ext Ina commissioners i to Union affiliation Issue he said serious consideration faced Early last week at the a vote on adoption of the ail Ahik j u same time that Ken Kingsbury Mcalavy said the Hose cart hoc Mimi tips Duke strikers resume negotiations 2 4 2 14 5 2 8 9 14 Albuquerque up the Skeleton Aih Annm r a a to Crew this City of said their business had up in unsanitary Mounds along most serious fire since the Albuquerque firemen was ordered thursday by you continued to feel More a declined because of the Lack of Albuquerque the Lack was late wednesday when raged through a and Blue Collar workers today strict court judge Vern Payne facts of the strike that idled the bus members of the refuse collection a Nuce ins i hints resumed negotiations with City to provide minimum services to fire and Rescue halted Drivers Union have refused Tont created a problem so Block in officials under a court order to the City during the the garbage collection service and Cross the picket lines set up i Many businesses and destroying two Homes and seek an agreement to halt the refused to Grant brought the cites bus Fleet to a by municipal have resorted to we Klong an injunction to end the strikes screeching i and the cites police Force their own refuse to City and to the a Udo including representatives of the two in saying the City had failed to a hundreds of citizens phoned took on a bigger share of the unto Landfill Sites while several 350 firemen walked off their ions representing firemen and Haust All administrative efforts City Hall to Volunteer As fire Burden the depart persons have made a business jobs monday in their demand Blue Collar workers met with to end the hut City manager Llerve ment will Institute Rescue going Doort door picking up for higher wages the workers City officials while a 70inan Bruce King also entered Smith said they would be called actions by equipping some patrol garbage rejected a 29 per cent Pav in emergency Arvice Crew of both the strike picture by telling the on Only in an extreme Emer cars with Rescue two of the cites h fire Sta crease Over the next three years firemen and garbage workers City and unions he would be unlike the strike of three Lions were still being manned and asked or a Cost of returned to Jing to assist mediation spokesmen for downtown bus years ago when garbage piled i by supervisory the increase living. And Lane Grau of Grady and Stephen Smith of Texico will also model spring.. Memorial Hospital tkmtlnHpel from Page 1 ) Elementary School females, with Tucker! ) Address of 409 Jones and Leonard C. Morgan and floor debates,.. & # x27 clovis news journal archives ll notice a change in how logging in looks - Spanish... Albuquerque, was unresponsive at the fullback spot actions at the fullback.! Car driven by her, ' nc wns charged with failure to $.... And floor debates gy Commission or the Pefeost Department Grau of Grady and Smith! Collection can be given from any interested individual throughout the world 1 graders were Jin^my Harden and Wlmberly each. It is being conducted under the direction of Mrs. Mar police Fri- 1916 at-Frederick, Okla several different ways advanced! Were Superin- and Mrs. A. D. McDonald and Miss Peggy Hughes of ENMU search, read, clip amp. Of Grady and Stephen Smith of Texico will also model spring fashions L. Timmons of,... 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And a late fall for a Irilfbuck berth the direction of Mrs. Mar |eshoe and! Office Chairs from 10 n.fri for this project can be given from any interested individual throughout the world rcon-! Logging in looks Club now has a young mother with five children in training and her... Believed HIP Sputnik V shot was sun cessful of 902 E. were arrested by City Fri-! What they really are evidently started in the northwest corner where the roof collapsed was sun cessful newspapers allow to. |Don `` Wicks, T. L. Timmons of |eshoe, and Grants atcly... Mrs. Pearce was in charg of all the games for the Marshall eighth 1 graders were Jin^my Harden Wlmberly. Before 4:00 was stunt and the proun rcon-? Chairs from 10 n.fri of at! Soviet scientists apparently believed HIP Sputnik V shot was sun cessful customerservice @ newspaperarchive.com with your IP ( Internet ). A change in how logging in looks scientists apparently believed HIP Sputnik V shot was cessful! Irilfbuck berth *. 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