If your milk is lagging, you might want to try a little Fennel oil,which provides support forhealthy lactation. . So promoting a healthy liver and lymph system in turnsupports in healthy fertility. Progessence Plus Serum is a topical solution that aims to balance the progesterone to estrogen ratio in women with an imbalance. So . Has anyone taken the Essential Oil called Progessence Plus during their pregnancy? YL is the ONLY company that has that kind of oversight and quality control. The site does not mention if this will be back in stock any time soon, or if it has been discontinued. Just 1 drop mixed in carrier oil rubbed on belly and/or ankles. The recommendations listed are based on my research using Robert Tisserands book on safetyas well as several other independent and respected aromatherapists in the field, such asherbalists, a doula, and other health care practitioners. You also dont want to eliminate salt; instead use a high mineral sea salt. Progessence Plus serum is formulated for maximum performance. The rebroadcast # of this call is. Young Living is BS. The decision to use or not to use Progessence Plus is up to you and your your health care provider. The government fails at researching a lot of medications on pregnant women since it isn't ethical. sign up with Young Livingas a wholesale member. If you have really heavy periods, blood clots in period flow and bad cramps, these can be signs of low progesterone or estrogen dominance. Copaiba Balm: An ingredient that may have the ability to kill germs, copaiba balm is used in a number of soaps, lotions and scents. Peppermint oil can help with occasional low bile production, nausea, heartburn and other digestive complaints. I dont use it everyday but just as needed for those really bad days. Apply diluted to liver area directly, diffuse or apply to Vita Flex liver points. There are a ton of young living oils and products for sale on amazon; Not sure if its the same quality. The Many Uses For Progessence Plus. There are a lot of small issues with Progessence Plus Serum that lead us to believe that those who truly need a treatment for hot flashes and night sweats may be better off trying something that has undergone clinical testing and has several positive reviews posted online. After a few days, the amount may be increased as well as the frequency. It doesnt make your product look any better. Lavender and Stress Awayoilscan increase feelings of well-being. Now, I know second births usually are faster but to go from a 27 hour painful birth to a 3 hour pain-free birth is pretty remarkable. Great for menopause. Milk Dust. Frankincense is another great immune-supportoil that is safe for young babies when properly diluted. This is a dairy, soy, and gluten-free protein powder, so this might be a good option if your child has any dairy issues. Progessence Plus has been a life changer for me! You can use these oils to also support you withplacenta delivery. can i use progessence plus while breastfeeding. Marjoram and Pine offer similar support in children over 2. For weight loss,be gentle with yourself as it can take time to drop the baby weight! Let feversrun their course unless they start creeping into the 102-degree range. For fatigue, citrus oils like Lemon or Citrus Fresh as well as Peppermint can be invigorating. Get the latest on which menopause products are the most effective for your most disruptive symptoms click the link for more. And there's definitely not enough research about the safety of this stuff during pregnancy. We discussed menopause, hot flashes, energy and much more. Im much happier with my cycle now. Plus oils are not regulated. Progessence plus serum is working for me.!! Progessence Plus promotes the creation of progesterone in the body. Notes taken by Debra Raybern, Young Living Platinum. SMH. Anyone studying hormones would know it take up to a year for your hormone cells to recycle. As you replace nursing sessions with formula feeding, your milk production will slowly decrease. 06/11/15. I also need to say that I use Young Living oils. Ive used this several times when Paloma is going through a growth spurt and my milk cant keep up. Progessence Phyto Plus contains a high quality wild yam extract optimally blended with vitex oil and essential oils to help women find balance the way nature intended. Only use as needed and as using too frequentlywill eventually affect hormones. We can add back in Clary Sage, Fennel (only occasionally), Jasmine, Lemongrass, Lemon Myrtle, Marjoram, etc. Figure out what is wrong (thrush, bad latch, tongue tie, etc.) When thinking essential oils, we work in drops not teaspoons. says this causes cancer?so do I really want to be using this? Have been on this for 5 years. It is one of the best oils to use for fertility. That side effect is increased estradiol. This cycle I'm going to start right after I ovulate. And there's not a whole lot of reputable research. Jenni, this response is so helpful. As per their website, their contact information can be found below: Address: Thanksgiving Point Business Park As an added bonus, Ylang Ylang helps . I came to this site to try to connect some dots about my strange period, hair loss and mood swings since taking PP. I love their quality standards, their potency, and their purity. Dosage and duration of use with this product can vary based on individual needs. Dilute and apply to neck and feet. It improves the blood flow within your skins cells, allowing them to stay healthy. It is not recommended to use conventional hormonal birth control and Progessence Plus together. If you dont purchase anything within a year, you simply lose your discount. Lemon oil is wonderful to ensureproper nasal function. Trying to research it and not having much luck. There is more info on our page How to use progesterone cream. I have been using Progessence Plus for 6 weeks now, no side effects . more space *Caution* Progessence Plus contains naturally derived Progesterone. While this is an anecdote, their use of topical progesterone in . Disclaimer: The information provided within this site is strictly for the purposes of information only and is not a replacement or substitute for professional advice, doctors visit or treatment. I don't knowuch about that companies quality. Not for this pregnancy, but my last two Id started using it along wit. I think they should be used with caution and one should introduce oneself to oils slowly. These can be signs that your body may need some added proper encouragement. Apply well-diluted on feet, belly button or or even in a lukewarm bath. Do you notice more hair loss on certain days of your cycle? The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. Essential oils are extremely helpful, you can promote products without trying to put others down. Lol interesting!! I think . Storage: Keep in a cool, dark place. No one warned me of the dangers of using progesterone without having your hormone levels checked by a doctor. Each 2 stroke is equivalent to one drop . Basil oilis another essential oil that you can use. aids in weight loss. Progessence Plus - Sharing Great Health. Does not need to be rotated on different areas of the body or cycled throughout the month. You could diffuse some citrus in the morning or mid-afternoon. There arent too many reviews for Progessence Plus Serum. I got a lot of questions on getting ovulation to return while breastfeeding. Talk to your doctor. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your specific situation. Young Living is sold by individual reps or purchased directly off their website. prevents 98% of hot flashes. Seed to Seal and its three pillarsSourcing, Science, and Standardsare infused into every aspect of our exacting essential oil production . Studies indicate that limonene from frankincense and bergamot and menthol from peppermint oil can enhance substance penetration through the skin. However, a recent study of progesterone supplements found that they did not result in improved pregnancy outcomes. To limit potential risk to the infant, breastfeeding mothers should be advised not to use marijuana or products containing cannabidiol (CBD) in any form while breastfeeding. After looking at several types of creams and herbal supplements that aim to treat the symptoms of menopause, we know Femmetrinol offers the best results for treating the physical and emotional effects of menopause. I stopped when I became pg and, if memory serves, its not recommended for pregnancy and breastfeeding, but I could be wrong. Lemon oil can help the liver process hormones more efficiently. Clary Sage and Dragon Time can be greatoils to help support this. I would also suggest Dragon Time essential oil blend for during the period. Purser said that "Taking just ONE birth control pill increases your risk for breast cancer for the next TEN YEARS". But I noticed a huge difference. YL oils should be purchased off Amazon there is no guarantee you are actually getting a YL oil. This can potentially affect the appearance of the stated products. Thanks for hiding behind the blanket claim that you arent regulated by the FDA, nor are your products intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease. My family will agree. What company is it through. Charcoal Soap - I use a charcoal soap bar to clean my face every night and morning (from Young Living). You Can Order Yours Here: EssentialEverydayOils.com. Also, the benefit of continuing to take a medication for a chronic condition while breast-feeding often outweighs any potential risks. Young Living is extremely reputable. The only undergo testing over 30 times. Progessence Plus Serum (Young Living) This blend has been known to improve women's reproductive health and increase fertility. Author: Jessica F. Date: 12-29-2011 Views: 12,552 Word Count: 97 Questions Received: 1 Testimonial ID: 6678-OR Brand Neutral: No . Read more HERE. For support and ease, add 1 drop per 1 tsp. Its nearly $50 for a small bottle of essential oils, containing only one active ingredient, wild yam. Now I'm scared to stop taking it as I would hate to miscarry (I'm 13 weeks) but I also don't want it harming my baby. An underactive thyroid can interfere with the production of progesterone. For a full disclaimer, click here. What company is it through. I rub a drop on the ankles every four hours and I find I dont have the irritability or cramps I would normally have. Calming effect on sexual nervous tension and calms emotional wounds. See how that works for you. Do you get headaches right before your period and at ovulation? *These are stronger oils so use with care and caution. Typical birth control pill side effects include weight gain, depression, nausea, breast tenderness and headaches. Joy essential oilcan be a wonderful tool to help boost mood and ease those baby blues. After looking at Progessence Plus Serum a bit more closely, we believe that there are better ways to address menopause symptoms. Not for this pregnancy, but my last two Id started using it along with Endoflex trying to regulate hormones. You can also supplement with Magnesium and Fermented Cod Liver Oil. Address: Thanksgiving Point Business Park. Of course, if you are working with a trained and qualified health professional, follow their recommendations. WARNING This product contains a chemical known to the state of California to cause cancer. Its changed my life! If you experience engorgement in the meantime, pump . I dilute 1-2 drops in fractionated coconut oil and apply to my breasts. Any doctor or surgeon . YL is the ONLY company that either owns or has partnerships with farms for the plants that comprise the oils. You can also apply Tea Treeand Lemon oilsto your lymph nodes under your armpits, near the breast to help support healthy glands. Young Living oils are 100 % pure therapeutic grad essential oils! Once you register for your own free membership, . Exclusive info about the menopause pills that actually work click here for more. Orange is known as the happy oil, so use generously. If you are over the age of twelve (or perhaps younger but already having a menstrual cycle) and suffer from: then Progessence Plus Serum may be your magic bullet! Thanks for the warning, Young Living. I know a lot of people that use it during pregnancy. You can add to a spray bottle or create a serum with oil. Using both these products my period has gone from 7 yucky days to 4 manageable days. You can dissolve in a little breastmilk or formula. Have thyroid problem fibromyalgia and menopause. For nursing mamas, eliminating dairy and wheat from diet can make a huge difference. Fatigue. 1 drop of essential oil per 1-1.5 tablespoon of carrier oil is best. Young Living also has a blog that discusses health, wellness and lifestyle and they sell a number of supplements and topical treatments that use essential oils in the blend. Another friend had severeacne and now is pimple free. One drop each in 1 cup of liquid. A few posters mentioned pro + helping regulate hormones. The rebroadcast # of this call is. Use raw coconut oil or olive oil as your carrier oil for added benefit. I started using Progessence Plus about 18 months ago and still use it today. vitamin B12. You could use in tamanu oil which is a supposed to be helpfulfor promoting elasticity in the skin. This product has helped me function better and it is worth the 38.50 wholesale cost I pay. Valor oilcan help support occasional nervous irritability. Purpose: encourage natural progesterone production. Use common sense. The "vitamins for dryness" is a list of 6 supplements and vitamins that might help with vaginal dryness. For varicose veins, edema and swelling, we want to support the circulatory system. The essential oils in the blend, as well as coconut oil and vitamin E oil, are there to help with absorption of the progesterone. Stimulates vaginal lubrication. I know manyamazing stories resulting insuccessful supportwith the oil blend,Progessence Plus. I actually have a friend with pcos that had 4 miscarriages between her last baby and this pregnancy. can i use progessence plus while breastfeeding. I cant live without progessence plus! That is what I was curious about. Why should I not take Progessence Plus while on hormonal birth control? Amazon oils coukd be fake or tampered with! Of course, you can apply oils to localized pain such as temples for a headache or lower back for sciatica discomfort. The rate of weaning was greater in the progesterone ring group than in groups of women who received levonorgestrel or norethindrone implants for postpartum contraception. She applied, Migraine 21 year old female (wishes to remain anonymous). Toggle navigation. Had fibromyalgia for over 15 years. Did you also take progesterone supplements with it? These are hot oils high in phenols and best avoided or heavily diluted. The retail price on this item seems rather high. It looks like they also sell this product wholesale, but were not sure where else this is sold, aside from Amazon. It is specifically formulated with USP-grade progesterone, also known as . Motivation oil blend is also excellent for occasional low energy. Femmetrinol is the daily supplement our experts recommend for treating the hot flashes, changing moods, night sweats and other symptoms that emerge during menopause. Wild yam is often used in progesterone creams or menopause supplements as it may even out the bodys hormone levels, relieving mood swings, tiredness, hot flashes and night sweats common during menopause. It is known to balance the effects of estrogen dominance and promote regular cycles with fewer PMS symptoms. Progessence Plus Serum does not require the cycling of application sites. For cradle cap, 1 drop of Lavender, Orange, Roman Chamomile or Geranium essential oils mixed in 1 TB of carrier oil supports healthy skin. ****From what I read you shouldn't take while pregnant, your placenta produces progesterone, after 8weeks gestation. can i use progessence plus while breastfeeding erica french true story can i use progessence plus while breastfeeding By: / male cat leaking clear odorless fluid / advantages of guided discovery method of teaching every hour or until symptoms are gone. Good luck! *These oils can be used when breastfeeding. A roller fitment can be safely used with a Progessence Plus bottle. Application: two options, applied morning and night: option 1> 2 drops on wrist, rub wrists together, then rub onto neck (2 drops go on for days!) Sadly, I learned this the hard way. It is back in stock. Valor is a wonderful oil blend for courage and is mood elevating, which allows for alignment support for mama and baby. Dilute in castor oil andapply every evening. Girls as young as 12, he says, with heavy periods, cramping and PMS may benefit from using a progesterone treatment. Can women of any age use this product? I used this oil in the early months to help with the nausea. It's totally natural. It's a blend of rosewood, vetiver, geranium, ylang ylang, jasmine, and more. Be sure to put the essential oils in a liquid soap first, then add to water to be sure the blend properly. Progessence Plus Serum doesnt have enough of a track record for us to know whether or not its a good product, or if it stacks up against competing progesterone creams. High blood pressure/Preeclampsia: This can be a dangerous condition so of course work with your doctor and/or midwife. I'm taking progessence because I just ovulated and lost my last pregnancy because of low progesterone and I don't want to go thru that again, but I also don't want to do the suppositories. Progressence Plus boosts progesterone. check out their seed to seal guarantee at seedtoseal.com . (Not recommended any early as it can stimulate the uterus.). Did you use it your whole pregnancy? e how long this recording will be made available. Aging, stress, and other factors can take a toll on our natural cycles. I do use essential oils and they have made a HUGE difference in my familys life. It is a bit stronger so use away from baby and be sure residue is gone when you nurse next. By simply massaging these oils in, you will be supportinghealthy hair growth. Often times nausea can be tied to a sluggish liver, as it can be overwhelmed processing pregnancy hormones. Apply well-diluted and directly to your muscles. The Content on this Site is presented in a summary fashion, and is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only. For example in the Young Living Premium Starter Kit, I use pretty much all the oils with the exception of Peppermint and Panaway. Have next to none hot flashes and nite sweats!!! Young Living also creates a line of products called Slique (an oil blend, tea and nutrition bars), whichhave supportedwomen in with taking off that natural postpartumweight. Thats a really great deal, considering that the Everyday Oils kit alone sell for$160. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. I do Doterra and even though all of their . Formastitis, talk to your doctor or midwife. Women can safely use Progessence Plus Serum through the tenth week of pregnancy and by then the body should be making sufficient amounts on its own.Dr. One drop well-diluted or put in a diffuser is all that is needed. Progessence Plus is a female specific serum that is used on the body to help support hormonal changes. Your Auto Insurance May Pay For Massage Therapy To Treat Your Injuries, Progessence Plus Serum product information PDF pages, Facts and Myths of Essential Oil Adulteration, Essential Oil First Aid Kit for Emergencies. With in 3 days my fibromyalgia pain diminished to a point I could walk without pain. A quick testimony from me about Progessence Plus Serum: I struggle with losing weight unless I eat 6 to 7 small meals a day, measuring out each portion, recording it and keeping a journal to track the protein, carbohydrate, fat grams as well as, calorie counting. At the very least, your review article does need to be updated to state that people should not be ordering from Amazon and only going thru YL or a YL distributor. Lacy! Some great oils for supporting us with our sore muscle pain include Peppermint, Copaiba and Frankincense. Because it is a strong oil, dont use a lot or too often. The bottle lasts approximately 4 months using two drops a day, it would last 2 months doing four drops. Expert rating: By Natalie K(Senior Reviewer) May 16, 2022 Advertising Disclosure. Whew! Caution: Keep out of reach of children. 1997-2023 BabyCenter, LLC, a Ziff Davis company. As our belly grows, we might start to feel minor muscle aches,sore back, or tight necks. Dr. Purser says that PPP and PPS are fine for women who are . I need space. YL oils should only be purchased directly from YL or a distributor or by having a friend who already orders oils add to their order which is what I do at my wholesale cost. The website features some comments, as does the products Amazon listing. Thank you so much for joining me on our recent webinar! Tea Treeis a great germ killer too andanother safe option. You can apply diluted to outside of your ears and over heart. If youre interested in pursuing the business side, we have a whole suite of tools and ongoing training to help you build the livelihood of your dreams. Ana Sayfa / Genel / can i use progessence plus while breastfeeding. For indigestion, Peppermint oil can help promote healthy digestion for sure but also look into digestive enzyme support like HCL and Pepsin. Anyone have any input? Copaifera Reticulata (Copaiba) Oil, Boswellia Carterii (Frankincense) Oil, Cedrus Atlantica (Cedar) Bark Oil, Capric/Caprylic Triglycerides, Vitamin E, Citrus Aurantium Bergamia (Furanocoumarin free Bergamot) Peel Oil, Mentha Piperita (Peppermint) Oil, USP Progesterone (from Wild Yam Extract), Aniba Rosaeodora (Rosewood) Oil, Eugenia Caryophyllus (Clove) Bud Oil Formulated by D. Gary Young 100% pure YLTG quality essential oil. Talk with your healthcare provider before using. It's wonderful for your skin and hair. Using. Granted, Id had no fertility issues with my oldest two (conceived on first cycle trying with both) and I wasnt using them to aid in pregnancy, but wed gone four years not using birth control other than temping and tracking without unintentionally getting pregnant, then immediately after I started the oils, I was pregnant. Grapefruit, Lemon, Citrus Fresh and Helichrysum are wonderful oils because they provideliver support, which can help us with healthy digestion. Progessence Plus helps to support healthy progesterone levels. If older, you can apply topically well diluted to chest and feet. Only time will tell if I ever get my hair back. can i use progessence plus while breastfeeding I use the peppermint oil and lavender even when pregnant. For acne, Tea Tree Oil) is king. Left bottle= Young Living Progessence Plus (YLPP) Right bottle= Amazon YLPP They look identical and the consistency of the oils are the same. Progessence Plus is a serum that you use twice daily on your inner wrists and forearms, on the front of your neck over your thyroid, and on your ankles. Taking a random substance with no regulation when you aren't pregnant isn't smart. This should never be an option when Progessence Plus Serum will help you overcome the symptoms for which the birth control pill is often prescribed. Lavender and Gentle Baby oils are also great to support healthyskin. Roman Chamomile will also work. I ordered some but am unsure when Im supposed to use it lol. Dilute in witch hazel or jojoba oil and apply topically. Has anyone had success using Progessence Plus? Progessence Plus is, technically, a highly micronised bio-identical (human) progesterone that has a natural Vitamin E base with a set of special essential oils like Frankincense . Apply 2 times a day topically to your legs, ankles, etc. According to Dr. Dan Purser, it has been shown that Progessence Plus can reduce the symptoms of Endometriosis. But if they do experience occasional restless sleep, a drop of Lavender or Roman Chamomile in 2 TB of oil and applied to feet (keep leftover oil for next application.) You will Learn a LOT about how we women can balance our hormones safely and naturally. Learn more about the botanicals used to make Femmetrinol by clicking this link. She also no longer feels blue. Intense migraines left this young lady in bed, wearing sunglasses and very nauseated. I definitely recommend this product (and for women to try it for 6 months before saying it doesnt work). That's okay with me. Hi! I got pregnant right away after starting it. Apply to outside of ear and pulse points. While attending convention, she was in bed waiting for the severe symptoms to get better. These notes were taken at the 2010 Young Living Convention and shared with other Young Living Distributors. sten to Jeffrey Lewis interview Dr. Dan Pur, ser, MD, and Marc Schreuder, Product Development Expert, On our newest product, Progessence Plus and why its so important to get women to start using it. Do not exceed 2 applications per day. All of those occasional normal pregnancy symptoms. Progessence Plus Serum contains Furocoumarin-free Bergamot therefore minimizing the chance of sun sensitivity. I've also read that it'll make your boobs sore and mine have been . You could start by dropping one feeding every three to seven days. I also developed severe, crippling depression. I stopped using it because I was scared I was going to end up pregnant with a lot of babies lol. Again, check with your doctor or midwife for your particular care. Foroccasionalconstipation, boost your magnesium intake. I want to start using this until I get pregnant then use the doctors supplements! the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information. Our liversfunction isto process and eliminate irregularities, toxins and imbalances in our bodies. Lehi, UT 84043. It may also keep bugs at bay when used topically. Which is okay while nursing because of all the oxytocin and prolactin. The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. I would be nervous. May 29, 2022 in michael long obituary. Specially formulated by D. Gary Young, ND, and Dan Purser, MD, Progessence Phyto Plus maximizes the effects of wild yam extract and vitex oil by . Having said that, the content I am sharing is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This is a great deal as you get 10 oils, a diffuser, oil samples to share with friends, 2 samples of Ningxia Red, and a bonus essential oil blend called Citrus Fresh,for $150-160, depending on which diffuser you pick. It is specifically designed for women who need endocrine system and hormonal health support. According to some alternative practitioners such as author David Zava, Ph.D., using natural progesterone when taking birth control pills can help improve the annoying symptoms that often occur with birth control pills. First off, I recommend that you drink Red Raspberry Leaf Tea, to support optimal pregnancy health. prevents 98% of day or night sweats. My cycle was delayed and those using this on their own may find that they have similar issues., I dont know if this did the trick, but after trying to conceive for over a year, I finally got pregnant. A drop of Orange and Ginger essential oils mixed with 2tablespoons of carrier oil can be used as a tummy massage oil helps soothe and comfort baby. Thanks for setting the record straight because Ive been using YL Progressences Plus for about a year and I no longer have hot flashes. OK, for labor lets get the party started shall we? I use progessence plus. But back to pro plusstuff is awesome and has worked amazing for many ppl I know without using any synthetic products or chemicals.100% natural is the safest way to go!! 5. For sleep, most newborns dont have issues with sleep. Home; Our Aims; Nursery philosophy; Our Nursery's . Lets talk about what oils we can use to help us along. Any and all published editorial content is offered without any sort of influence. There are no fees, minimums or cancelation fees. As per their website, their contact information can be found below: Phone: 800-371-3515.
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