But we have this agreement! If I wanted my grass to be used for a whistle, I would have made it a whistle. It has vegetables and its good for me. (pause) Okay, yes. Margaret adopts Isaiah and raises the child with the help of her husband Charles (David Strathairn). Sixteen-year-old Eva quietly tells her older sister, Analise, about a time when she went to the bakery and first met Merek, the bakers son. Hey that rhymes! 'Losing Isaiah,' finding fame, missing school By Matthew Futterman, Staff Reporter . Itll wash right off, and you can win a Starbucks gift card, they said. In the deep soil of the Mother Earth. I started banging at the mirror and shouting Someone help me! By: Konrad Poniatowski, Age 12, Pennsylvania USA Description: The Wolf from the Three Little Pigs complains to his cellmate in jail. It is so LAME. Not hew him as a carcass fit for hounds: Welcome back to another day of online school. SCENE V. OLIVIA'S house. Im the smartest of all da leprechauns. I hesitated in seeing this movie for a long time because I knew that, whatever the outcome, I would be unsatisfied. The end. I guess thats why long dresses dont like me because I already have my own. Then everything turned pitch black. First Place Winner! Yes of course! But its not that simple and dropping out isnt the solution. Lola! There! I have to get out! Im, Im just going to say it. Sometimes I think you forget what growing up was like for me, and what a miracle it is that I am here, because if you remembered, youd never complain. Unfortunately, the weird kid next to you saw you do it and now he wants a piece. Dont blink. He died almost exactly two months after the wedding. Seven days of playing with whatever I wanted and eating cookies and milk for every mealnow thats a vacation! But it is bad for me to as him out? I will tell her it was auto correct. Until you moved away, I knew I would have to take care of you alone. Im really bad at this ignoring your best friend because she stabbed you in the back, showing you the cold, merciless person she really is after thinking you knew her since kindergarten, arent I? I mean, who wants to sit inside and do nothing, am I right? Well more like we were kicked out of a party. Every test I took in middle school was a breeze. I came back from my break, and everyone was missing, and I saw on the news that they were zombies. Celtics guard Isaiah Thomas reacts after his performance in the Game 4 in against the Bulls on Sunday, April 23 . But Im strawberry too right? I would be rich and have my dream job. I was so tired that I fell asleep in these beds.(Pause. Blade Runners are special force police operatives whose job it is to kill these replicants. My hot pink flashcards though were left on the seat. The door to the basement flung open and the sliver of light shone on us. Genre: Dramatic. Not your enemy. What should I write? And its been in the back of my mind since you first apologized to me. (Disorientated, lies on the ground, trying to run away, makes a dramatic exit. I dont think that was it, though. Officer Tuffin! Yay! You should have seen how fast she ate it up! You know what I need? The latest music videos, short movies, tv shows, funny and extreme videos. I feel like Im going insane, and I(Gasping for breath and trailing off)I (Wiping her eyes) You gotta let me go. Jaaasssooon Jason! But it went downhill in seventh grade. By: Annika G., Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Age 14 Gender:Male Genre:Dramatic Description: A character talks to a younger version of herself (or himself). Let me show you how she should have done the audition. Without the people, without the water, its just a skeleton of what its supposed to be. I havent gone into the interview yet, you dont need to call me every two minutes! I could mention offhand that I am, in fact, an Eagle Scout. Anyway, I try to forget about it. Are you there? (Pacing back and forth.) Though I suppose it wasnt really your idea, was it? My comments have nothing to do with the obvious good acting skills, it's the plot that bothers me. Can you hear me now? I wasnt what he needed me to be. Actor leaps out, pantomimes hugging rescuers.) He thinks Im dramatic?! You seriously just asked me how I feel about it? Thank god I changed it to Marilyn. I bought a cheap adapter so it would connect with my phone) Brick Top : Of course, fucking of course. Youll be famous without any drawbacks! It started in our lab. I wouldnt blame her either. Im going to stay until you either remember me, or you learn to love me all over again. For me its like something I want is sitting on a golden platter but I cant touch it. I even quit my job just so I could keep my eye on him. Put them in the zoo and charge people three dollars to look at them. All you people think about is color! So, from now on I will call you Courage. I dont know what I ever found in that guy. Marvel Movies Ranked Worst to Best by Tomatometer, Jurassic Park Movies Ranked By Tomatometer, The Mandalorian Season 3 First Reviews: Still the Best Star Wars TV Show, Critics Say. I heard them talking about burying us tomorrow. They dont. Everyone knows that my sister is DEAD because of ME. A Maryland man who says he was banned from his favorite local bar for 'being old and white' has claimed that staff previously tried to drive him away by playing obnoxious 'head-banging' music . By: Erin Ryan, age 18, Pennsylvania, USA Description: A cat muses on how its mistress doesnt appreciate it enough. I've avoided watching the film for the longest time; at first it didn't appeal and then, as dad in a white couple with two adopted mixed race sons, I was disturbed by the premise. But here, right now, I could sell the tickets I had already bought and make a tidy little profit. But this time it was different. I take pride in my skills. Xia, a Chinese girl who came to the US for Master program on Chinese History, was convinced by her brother to quit school and work for his black market business illegally. Genre: Dramatic. Two words: brown shoes. Actor finishes writing the letter, then begins to read it. Clang! Hate is a strong word, but I mean it. Love is like that. I could be playing Marco Polo with my sister in the evening, still doused in chlorine from the days practice. Oh heck, Im just going to press all of them. I was a sophomore, and this whole high school thing? Why didnt he? My spaceship is small, so my only companion is my cat, which took me a while to convince NASA to let me bring. One minute theyre all like aww whos a good boy, who wants a doggy ice cream treat, do you want a belly rub, or a head scratch? Theyre a lot more boring than they sound. Third Place Winner! I was horrified by what I saw- a nearly perfect figure of myself, but the image twisted. Everything has been taken from a book I read. Even my little sister, who is only five. I was out in the garage taking off my boots, and she just wandered in. By: Lauren B., North Carolina, USA, Age 12 Gender: Male Genre: Comedic Description: Rudolphs brother tells him not to forget where he is from. He is definitely the coolest kid in school. ), Wow. Or when I put a giant pink triangle on the door to my room, or when I bought a rainbow bow tie and suspenders? My trip to Venus took two months. That is how their friendship began. Our kind isnt any different from your kind. Since returning home, Ive dropped eggs, the family dog Ive even dropped a mic, not on purpose though. I cant stop thinking about Sadako, how she spent her last few week folding all those cranes. By: Lauren Reese, Age 16, Austin TX, USA Description: A parent tries to get their crazy energetic kids to go to bed. I, Exclamation Point have finally found something NOT to be excited about. But seriously to just wake up one day and end a friendship because of how popular someone is. I didnt want to believe him, but I had to. I am putting my foot down, and I have decided I will take over the family computer. (pacing) Oh, what should I say? I heard my dad once tell my mom that if there was a nuclear war, the only things left would be the cockroaches and Keith Richards, the skeleton-looking guy. For the first time, I feel like there is going to be a good change in our lives. I dont care if you like her. But that was a long, long time ago. I didnt think it was strange at the time, but now it felt almost post-apocalyptic. Thats mine. My name is Chris Johnson and I have something important to tell you. You may see a video of Amber performing her monologue here! You also cant keep it in your pocket. Did you hear that? He would lash out over petty things, like when mom forgot to wash the dishes. You thought the cheating would stop after I went to college? Hes chomping it! I know she saw the end coming, but she kept folding. I saw her hand the salesman a small piece of paper with no words. I was pushing myself again thanks to the actors studio and UCLA. By: Julian K., Age 13, Wisconsin, USA Description: A murder suspect tries to prove his innocence to the court. Ill just be sitting there in class, and my brain will start creating a story, and Ill feel like I have to draw the characters. Most of the monologues about death on the list are about grief and how the character is dealing with loss. Crash! But I was seven! Anxiety hits me from every angle. Say it correctly. Its hard to have your own unique personality when you spend the majority of your day reading books. You hear so much about college all your life, so you feel like a failure if you dont go. Henry is about to leave to find his daughter when Tink stops him. Top of the ninth the no-hitter is still alive and crack!!! The day I found out he was going to die, I was unfazed. No, I dont really want to be like my parents. Unless ya whip it outta em. When the illegitimate King John goes to war with France, who backs Arthur, the rightful heir to the throne. (looks around then talks into the phone while running offstage) Oh my God, Im in the library! I hate grey. I felt the disappointed glare of Arthur Miller. Losing Isaiah makes an admirable attempt to tackle complex, worthwhile themes, but loses sight of effective storytelling during a descent into melodrama. By: Evelin Rienzo, Age 13, Florida USA Description: A teen explains why they are a thief. Can I be honest? They say the worst things happen to the best people, but I disagree. No! Well, I appreciate you listening to me, Mrs. G. I really want to make sure this year is different. In the bottom of the 8th, the twins scored two runs on a home run. NO. From your Love, -Catherine and baby Jake. Well, I cant stay long. Or just habit. No, he isnt, and neither are you. I have a familyyes, its an evil crime family, but I also have a pet cat! Look, I know there is a lot of evidence pointing towards me, but you have to believe me. Margaret Lewin: [sneering] "Black!" But someone I know did! Happens mostly when he comes home late, stinkin of whiskey bottles and ashtrays. Until next time, Anna. Finally, no more feelings of fear and terror. Maybe Ill just watch some TV. Yes, of course, Im coming to dinner, why wouldnt I be? I hope my life will take a big twist, because at the pace its going, Im going to end up like the crazy old lady across the street with forty cats and zero husbands! He said, Sweetie Ive enrolled you in college. So I have an idea, instead of giving me a novel, how about you just sum it up in a few words and let me enjoy the rest of my Sunday? I wanna work at this design store and show people my talent, and you wanna run away? Specifically, she adopted a bi-racial boy, and right before the adoption was "official," the birth father came out of the woodwork with HIS mother saying that they wanted to have him back. I really mean it, I do. I opened the windows and watered your plants. Description: A leprechaun outsmarts someone who has found his pot of gold. He is sitting on a grocery bag. Guys, I realize we have been doing this for months now, but we only gotta hang in for a little longer. Tall and beautiful mountain of crystal-clear ice! There you go. But as everyone says its all okay because I can still throw on a smile, and the one thing that makes this all go away are the drugs. That was never a problem, because I didnt want to go a single day without my Tiger by my side. Just because were different colors and we speak different languages, doesnt mean either of us is better than the other. And now, there is something I need to say to you. This summer the air conditioner broke in our SUV so shes been rolling down the windows, but that isnt stopping her from singing at the top of her lungs. Death is a traumatic crisis that resides in many pieces of theater. He told me that in elementary school all the kids poked at him for being short. People are always going to remember me as the person who couldnt perform, the person who cant ever talk in front of a crowd. Ladies, are you searching for a one-minute dramatic monologue for your next audition? TWELVE AND UNDER!!!! I would get a job. And there is certainly no way that I could have used the knife as she completed her double turn leading her offstage directly into a vegetable patterned cutting knife. Genre: Comedic. Losing Isaiah: Directed by Stephen Gyllenhaal. I happen to baby-sit such a family and watched the movie with the kids' mother. First Place Winner! If you ever get to meet his family, you will love them! The same goes for voting and leadership. Take three. By: Nicholas Schaeffer, Age 12, Ontario Canada Description: : A nerdy kid asks his friend for advice on how he can talk to a girl he finds cute. Hello girls! Now explain to me why youre okay with that. Or maybe I would be at yet another early-morning practice, the kind where you moan and complain about the freezing water and your aching legs, but you wouldnt want to be anywhere else in the world. I think its funny, they know I dont have anywhere to be. When I was your age, I loved to dance. Although he becomes increasingly withdrawn, he is also prone to violent public outbursts. Well, let me tell you. Never have been. Why cant we just move into the city? They didnt even buy the dead pet excuse. I love a guy in uniform. I went back to the bedroom and I shot him. Really? Jessie? Since we are both stuck here for another good moment, I figure I will tell you a little about myself, whether you are interested or not. Good riddance, hell say. Im not going to talk to her nor acknowledge her existence. Without Milton, I would never have escaped to New York. (gets up and exits), Second Place Winner! You wouldnt have gotten into that car with your friends that night because I would have come to get you. Losing Isaiah (4/9) Movie CLIP - I Threw Him Away (1995) HD. I found it very satisfying and the only one that has a chance of working for this situation. You need to pay me now! Im working! But I imagine the shape and structure of our DNA is related to some kind of larger thing in the universe. Firstly this movie could see like a boring drama but it's not. Class of 2020, I have something I need to say to you. All I have to say is wow. No, were elves, and we have rights! I felt like I knew her for my entire life. Ive gotta cover the skylight hole before they get in! JASON. Its may I go to the nurses office, child, not can. People always stopping and staring. When the murder happened, there were only three people in the entire gas station, me, the gas station attendant, and that truck driver. That was before 5th grade. Well, I guess theres one thing that I really do need to talk about. Still do. Dont you dare move a muscle. By: Isabella Besly, Age 13, Texas USA Description: The protagonist is mad at their best friend and tries to give them the silent treatment. Opened up his eyes, he said. Its cruel. Alrightie, (Mutters to self.) COMMA! While the monologues in this collection are FREE, they are copyright protected. (turns to back and looks really annoyed, then yells) Im not talking to you! Thank you. Well figure it out later. So instead, I just waited for the cops to arrive. No one says good morning to me. I would like to share one of my favorite memories of her and I, when I first met her and found the love of my life, I instantly knew that we were meant to be together, and I told that other man that was looking at you Back off shes mine. And it was true. Pulp Fiction is a cult classic thats loaded with death. Sometimes I wish we could just sit and talk. (Throws paper on ground and leaves the podium.). People pass monsters every day. On my work phone. I mean, Im not suicidal or anything. I know, its decaf, sorry thats all we got right now. Funny, isnt it? Thats what an angel is. She says they sound like embryos trying to put on a concert. Its not that I dont like the light, you just think differently in the dark. Oh yeah, I just had my birthday. Stop shouting! Okay, Ill try to stay calm and explain. Sometimes I wonder if its just a nightmare that I cant wake up from. Beat a Venetian and traduced the state, And I could do nothing. (freezes in place) It seems to be working fine. Throw a football 20 yards? How does that make me feel? First Place Winner! These replicants are banned on Earth, and ones that do decide to be on Earth are hunted down by Blade Runners. What do you think is worse-being known as ugly, or not being known at all? No? She keeps talking on and on and on! But she insisted that it was all just coincidence and Jessica said that she would help me cover the cost of the dress. Lange plays an adoptive mother who gives an abandoned child a new chance at life. Buy $12.99. Im starting to regret bringing him on this mission, because that was the only pillow NASA packed for me. Shes always told me it isnt my fault that my dad left. You just need to live in your current reality and in the moment. Depending on the rare cases it did last longer than a couple of days, we would pause the fight so we could still vent and talk. I promise that my feelings wont be hurt if this doesnt work, but I have to try, okay? So, first, my best friend and neighbor is not the sharpest tool in the shed, to say the least. A little bit gross. Shes going to announce to everyone that Ive failed. He was watching me while I slept! I ordered it from my house, but it never arrived. Okay. You heard about the Pigs, right? You know, like those guys who used to have to break up rocks when they were sent to jail? Watch a video performance of this monologue here. (pause) Perhaps it is because I take a special interest in some of her plants. He has snooped on Terras open laptop at home and discovered Terras plans to escape to the pub with Tink and Cyn. (Samantha enters the office) Samantha, get out of my office now Im not dealing with you today. Two sticks of gum. Too bad for you, Im Spritey ODoodle. She snapped out of her trance. So, it didnt end well for him. Choreographers, playwrights, dancers, actors. I remember seeing stars. Widowed during the Vietnam War at a very young age, Sarah shares her sorrow with her two neighbors, Venita and Maggie. I would be too if I had to go in there. (Holding up a real rock, or pantomimed rock.) Then they talked me into going over to the zoo to see the new habitat for the turtle that had been just added. I tried on the cutest things. Gender: Any Genre: Dramatic, (Character sits at the edge of a hospital bed.). Or when the teacher reads your hall pass out loud and your whole class knows you spent half of the period in the guidance counselors office. Not a day goes by that I dont think of you. Just as well, I guess. By: Dajai T., Modesto, California, USA Gender: Female Genre: Comedic Description: A teenager accidentally sends a very personal text to the school gossip. Dust pressed into a diamond by the weight of this world. It is way deep. RUNNING HEAD: LOSING ISAIAH 1 LOSING ISAIAH FILM ANALYSIS Your name ENG 225 Your Instructor date LOSING ISAIAH FILM ANALYSIS The heart wrenching 1995 film Losing Isaiah is a well-directed well-acted film. Alright already, let the woman wear what she wants okay? Talk about awkward. It reminds me of an angel ringing a bell in the moonlight. Third Place Winner! What am I in for? You young whipper-snippers dont know how lucky you are! Do you know? If I fail this, then I have a B on my report card, then Ill lose motivation and then that B will turn into an F and then boom! You could have one bad day and it could ruin everything. Please know that we spend long hours thinking about the thousands of meanings their words could have. Well, got to go. I would hear her screaming in the kitchen, and Id run down and see her holding a knife and covered in blood. If you need any assistance dont hesitate to ask me. One year left, you think. Maybe then Ill get up the courage to talk to Jessica. Genre: Dramatic. This is real life, not a fairytale! I walked around and realized my mirror self was gone! Giving up her son was the best thing for both of themat the time. Mama always said avoid the political talk. Now we act like it was your time or theres some greater plan but we all know that the truth is we let you kill yourself. Released by Paramount . Love, time, and death respond to him in the form of actual people and the movie follows his experiences of acceptance and life-after-loss. Waithowd a bunch of capital letters get in here. Okay, calm down. Leslie? For almost a decade, our company has held the largest market share for pasta in the world. Selma Richards is the boy's birth mother. Placing her aged hands on my shell and lifting, she looked inside and saw my true beauty. Theres a small gas leak in the spaceships cooling system, which makes a high-pitched squeaking noise. Oh- dear, thats too much. Look at Hanna. Everything I just said. Where to watch losing isaiah losing isaiah movie free online 123moviesgo.tv is a free movies streaming site with zero ads. They were all standing by their lockers: Missy, Claire and Prissy. I decided that was it, that was the last straw. He didnt even notice that I was there. Just listen to what Im about to say, okay? Shes my hero. Yeah, Julie had punched someone because he was being rude. Jason! But dont let her be an actress in a musical or play, especially the lead! Exhales to calm herself.) Gender: Any Genre: Comedic. You dont want the iceberg? The monsters there would attack you for the smallest thing like staring too long, not giving homework answers, or even just saying no. At first, its like heaven opened up and sent you this thing, this incredible, furry, loveable thing. , and to receive email from Rotten Tomatoes. By: Alexander S., Los Angeles, CA, Age 15 Gender: Any Genre: Dramatic Description: A person discovers a love of reading during a power outage. Youll know its from space because its labelled space rock. Do you have something to share with the rest of us? Third Place Winner! You were all I needed, and now Im so alone. No maam! First Place Winner! I am the embodiment of all that is good in the universe. Id guess you like to feel that way; some kind of all holy, selfless being. Losing Isaiah: Official Clip - I Love . Hes mostly harmless beyond the thumping on the head thing. Watch another video performance of this monologue here! For the first few nights I slept rough. What happened to us? Okay? He sat me down on the couch. (trying to joke) You are not paying $1 million for a popsicle, are you? Nope. And for that, I pity them. My eyes are open nowto the richnessand also the impermanence of life. Genre: Comedic. I was so tired last night. A comment was made that this movie has a bad ending. By: Amira Reid, Age 16, Ontario, Canada Description: A teenager reaches out to God to get some answers about her recently dead friend. I look around and try to figure out what on this good green Earth could possibly warrant such a horrible sound when the childs mother looks at me with the tired eyes of one who deals with a three-foot-tall chimpanzee all day. Just below that it reads "Ticket Confirmation#:" followed by a 10-digit number. Get back here! By how they look, how pretty they are, how skinny they are, if they are skinnier than me. It was summer. Seeing the waves reach all the way out from the deep to the shore, I couldnt help but think of what a perfect day it would be for surfing. By: Nadine D., Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA, Age 17 Gender: Any Genre: Dramatic Description: A teen, whose looks have been damaged in a car accident, begs others to overlook her looks.. Ummmm I can text her that I meant I like shakes but not protein ones. Id watch all those beautiful brides walk down the aisle, looking so beautiful in their elegant gowns, hair done so perfectly, holding the loveliest flowers just below their glowing faces, bursting with joy, faces decorated with the biggest smiles, bright as jewelry, every one of them feeling like theyre the only girl in the whole world. (pause) Samantha created this and I think its starting to drive her, wellcrazy. I hate my brother, period. What keeps me going? First Place Winner By: Karina S., Baton Rouge, Lousiana, USA, Age 15 Gender: Female Genre: Dramatic Description: A daughter remembers things about her mother who passed away. with updates on movies, TV shows, Rotten Tomatoes podcast and more. But make sure that YOU dont ever call him that. By: Astra B., Age 16, NYC, USA Description: A nomad tells his sister his philosophy on life and why he chose his lifestyle. No? Okay, I will not cry. Nope. Excuse me, yeah hi. Acting is an amazing thing. I gotta get my kiss now. Back in the day, if we wanted to go to space, we had to build our own rocket ship. Ill be out in a minute! Im going to be happy. I keep telling myself that I will never say goodbye ever again, it is hard for me to say adis. I mean, what you dont know cant hurt you, right? Were going with Aladdin rubbing a magic lamp to summon you instead, says Bob. I mean seriously how did you not see this coming, look at me. Before you know it its the end of senior year. The next morning, realizing her mistake, she races outside, but it is too late; the . First Place Winner! Young men, at the beginning, just gone. I have to get Luke from daycare. He/she gets up, addresses the audience. By: Jordan Dittamo, Age 12, Virginia, USA Description: A mother wants her daughter to stop reading and help out around the house. I understand that its like the second class of the year and you want to form a relationship with your new students or whatever, but not like that. My sister gets away with everything. Nothings happening. NASA says hallucinations are simply a side effect of being in space, like when astronauts report seeing streaks of light that come from nowhere. Ok Samantha what do you want? Im telling you, youre wasting your time with me! What were my alternatives, officer? well, its hard to describe, but Ill do my best. I wouldnt be stressed to step in his acid reflux secretions. Everyone else was left hobbling around like idiots while my brown shoes trudged through the grass. O my love! The iceberg comes with penguins sitting on top! Its kind of a long story. Oh yeahprivacy! There he is. After all, Poseidon is the reason why Athena was even mad to begin with. When I look at her picture, I can feel her telling me that its going to be okay, and I want to believe her. It has been a hard couple of weeks without you. He didnt want anyone else to look at me. You will get some special perks for working here we offer dental and medical, and we consider your mental health a top priority. Im going to tell her I dont want to do this anymore. Really? Seems pretty doubtful to me. It describes people like me who dont identify as either a boy or a girl. All Rights Reserved. I wanted to be so thin, that I wanted my cheekbones to look like they were stabbing through my skin; or my ribs begging for more room to grow. Then the truck driver walked past me and headed for the bathroom. I was known for how smart I was. See ya then! They werent always like this.
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