Tiredness can play a factor, particularly at festivals, he says. zero My latest painting, Mind Medicine a tribute to 18 year old died from mdma alone, how can this happen? Amber Marks, barrister and author of Headspace: Sniffer dogs, Spy Bees, and One Womans Adventures in the Surveillance Society, argues that the advantages that sniffs allow, akin to the boosts provided by surveillance technology, mean that they should indeed be considered searches. That means in three-quarters of cases, the dogs were wrong. Secondly, the handlers were told that there were drugs hidden in various places inside of a church. I know where i'm gonna hide it. The pair were joined by NSW Greens MP Jenny Leong, who echoed claims made by her colleague Shoebridge. Use your loaf, be sensible - do not. The debate over the effectiveness of sniffer dogs continues to rage. Unfortunately, your content contains terms that we do not allow. I noticed that the Labradors followed procedure perfectly for about the first half hour of the day, sitting purposefully next to suspects. However, after half an hour or so, Oxenham noticed that the dogs spent the rest of the day casually sniffing festivalgoers bottoms. The Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Amendment (Sniffer DogsRepeal of Powers) Bill 2015 aims to repeal parts of existing law to end the use of drug dogs on public transport, at. I did a threesome while rolling and it was one of the Amazing night rolling in a beautiful hotel room with a supposed to be a gram, 35 dollars, how much from it best way to take these 300/320mg super mario pills. Others have resorted to more extreme measures, taking legal highs that closely mimic more popular controlled substances. The Premier . Then be sure to leave a comment and check out the rest of our site! The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act, introduced in 2000, is a supposedly complete legal framework for the use of surveillance. Upload or insert images from URL. I would have thought that any sniffer dogs would be there to look for the hard drugs that could endanger someone slife (e.g herois or what not), rather than just weed. Data obtained by the Greens has revealed that up to 64% of searches prompted by drug dogs have come up with false positives. Staff. Its also been said that the dogs get it wrong most of the time, with experts increasingly questioning the use of drug sniffer dogs in policing and new research finding that they can be influenced by their handlers racial biases. Registered charity number 801118. The Dynamic Dachshund A.K.A, Weiner Or Sausage Dog. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The bloodhound is a beast when it comes to tracking and finding missing people. She didnt know. But one dog, trained to detect illegal animal . Yeah festival drug dogs are more for show than anything else, they can't concentrate very well in such a busy environment. The report showed that in 2011 New South Wales police officers carried out 14,102 searches on people as a result of a sniffer dog indicating the presence of an illegal drug. Our right to privacy, as enshrined in the 1998 Human Rights Act, complements and underlines this; our privacy, it states, can be breached only in cases of necessity. Romain Franche, 22, a former French gondolier used Vegemite to mask the smell. But the culture of fear around drugs cultivated by police did nothing to protect Thoms, a minor. They can detect the scent of a drop of blood in a swimming pool and we cant.. In the study, researchers tested the efficacy of drugs dogs and their handlers, with some tweaks to the traditional dog training methods. Whilst there isnt a formal definition of search in British law, its traditionally considered to be an action which would be considered assault if grounds for a search did not exist. CANBERRA PRAISED FOR PILL TESTING Groovin The Moo was praised for its use of pill testing stations, the first used legally in Australia, on its Canberra leg of the six-show tour on Sunday. Each of these dogs put up a good fight to try and become the best sniffer dog. Which is exactly what happened in the case ofGemma Thoms. El_quinto Connoisseur of fine Cannabis #3 El_quinto, Aug 20, 2016 Easy fix bro. The presence of sniffer dogs at festivals is making people choose to take drugs earlier, faster or in higher quantities, research has found. "They then pull me out of the line . That is, a search uses intrusion, often physical, to reveal information which would not have been revealed otherwise. Tel Aviv. JavaScript is disabled. They are mostly used for an intimidation factor. Oh i'm definatly not implying that your running the weed 'racket' this year by freaking out all the paranoid pot heads and then making a killing by selling it on the inside, i'm on to you this is one paranoid pot head you wont be getting the better of. Now, it remains for the UK to acknowledge that the use of sniffer dogs needs some form of legal regulation. Yet, what has is that officers are now demanding that those indicated who dont appear to have anything on them after a pat down search, are now being asked to strip off. Either way, there are many reasons why you would love to get a drug-sniffing dog. You have the bite-y ones and then you have the sniffy ones,'' says Michael Nunn, the Head of Dog Section at City of London Police. The vast majority of "drug dogs" aren't actually trained drug dogs. Why would they bring drug dogs to a music festival? Wonder if its common for them to strip search people Im thinking I may just go with the safest option and just put my gear in a condom and shove it up my arse to get in . The case is made somewhat more persuasive by the fact that the UK and Australia share a common law system. Ten years later, the British Transport Police have voiced their own doubts. They know they don't make money if they bust everyone. Been to a ton of festivals with dogs. Started Tuesday at 08:50 PM, For gig news, info & tickets see eGigs.co.uk, copyright eFestivals.co.uk 1998-2023 And an indication from a drug dog can be all the police need to search you without your. sniffer dog deployment and training 66 "Super Sniffer" dog squads have been deployed across India and are now in active duty doing their bit for wildlife. The ACT legalised the personal possession, use and cultivation of cannabis on 31 January 2020. marathonsteve Every year the police attend these festivals, but the real action is happening back at HQ where the media liaison officer is busy preparing a statement to be sent to an eager and awaiting press. I had 1/2 oz of stank ass bud on me the whole time, dog never gave a fuck. Moderator. marathonsteve Trust me, half the stuff i say i'm making up in my own head, the other half is fuelled by whatever music i'm currently listening to, idle threat i reckon, a few people may think twice about it - i think its jjust a scare tactic to deter some people wanting to bring in hard drugs, the last 4 festivals ive been to ive never seen any1 get weed taken off them nor have i ever seen a sniffer dog. "It's time for the drug dogs to go and the government to implement harm minimisation policies that actually work.". We go to great lengths to help users better understand their dogs; however, the content on this blog is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. por | dez 18, 2021 | Sem categoria | famous paleo athletes | dez 18, 2021 | Sem categoria | famous paleo athletes No reaction at all and carried in through. Last yearsStereosonic,Strawberry Fields,Splendour in the Grass,andCreamfieldsall yielded large numbers of drug related offences. surely that happens all the time & they wouldnt make an example of this incident. Of those searches, illicit substances were not found on 11,248 occasions. NSW Police sniffer dogs at a music festival in Sydney in 2016. Credit: Fairfax Media The City of Sydney agreed on Monday night to give WorldPride another $300,000 to help beautify Oxford Street . No doubt afraid of the consequences of her actions, Thoms gave a fake age and name to the first aid personnel. The officer or security then tells the guy to come with him. Bag of coffee beans and I just put the pill bottle full of bud in the middle of it. The police were obviouly on the prowl and i witnessed many people being singled out simply because of the wey they dressed or were presenting themselves. They also have the power to confiscate anything illegal that they find if you agreed to the search. I feel sometimes the handler is the one looking and using the dog a tool. Had a dog jump in and out of my trunk and they never said anything. A dog will quite happily handle six or seven different scents, but they will also then find derivatives of those scents. Essentially, a sniffer dog could easily be trained to target coke and MDMA, but then theyd also be able to pick up on crack and ecstasy pills, too. End of the day was easy, its more of a legality to them. Please also note that there will be police sniffer dogs onsite to help us identify people who are trying to bring drugs into the festival. A subreddit dedicated to harm reduction and the safe use of MDMA | XTC | molly. The campaign has been posting warnings about drug dog operations since late 2014. Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 13/06/2016 - 12:54. The debate over the effectiveness of sniffer dogs continues to rage. Some dogs do have a better sense of smell compared to others. I feel like most of the time at massive festivals like the one Im going to the dogs are mainly there to detect bombs and weapons and shit. I acted as a police escort at a festy in the US where i would yell out loud every few seconds that the cops were coming so they had no chance on sneaking up on anybody. - and that way we should avoid any unnecessary queuing! Roger Flett, a former army dog trainer currently working at the National Association of Specialist Dog Users, says: You can train several target scents. Indeed, there is precedent when it comes to sniffs themselves being considered searches. They're also capable of tracking scent through the air. Ahahahaha wouldnt be surprised! Do they actually work? Sniffer dog on patrol at Champion Day at the 2019 Festival (Image: PA). Sniffer Dogs, Detection Dogs, Canine Noseworkthey are all different names for a dog that is trained to detect substances/odors using their sense of smell. The use of any gas canisters or nitrous oxide (NOs) is banned across our entire . Crucially, red paper markers designed to trick handlers into thinking there was a target present resulted in the rate of false alerts doubling when compared to unmarked, decoy targets containing dog treats to fool the dogs. Started 34 minutes ago, By fucking hell. Whether they do it at an effective rate remains up in the air, but the fact that having drugs on you is very likely to set off a sniffer dog is just conventional wisdom, right? If you agree to a search with security, they can only check your bags, pockets and outer layers of clothing and only on entrance to the premises. In actuality, dog sniffs are hit and miss, and so their usefulness in providing legal grounds for a search can be seriously called into question; using sniffer dogs and subsequent searches so extensively, then, amounts to performing almost-blanket searches on whoever happens to be nearby. Most were picked up at train stations or outside bars or clubs. But seeing that Ive been to dozens of fest and only seen German Shepards Id suspect you will be fine regardless. All of our dog sitting specialists are experts in dog care, providing belly rubs, fun times, and unlimited love for your pooch. Sniffer dog indications, with a 25 per cent reliability rate, can hardly be called accurate. Wrap in tinfoil and mylar, and sac attach. The use of sniffer dogs at Manchester Airport has been criticised after dogs there failed to discover any Class A drugs in a seven-month period. The presence of sniffer dogs at music festivals makes people choose to take drugs earlier, faster or in higher quantities, according to research published in the International Journal of Drug Policy. Yo all Wanna ask the rollitup users there ways of smuggling smelly items into festivals Im not to sure how to go about it, im going to my first festival in 4 weeks and im not a big drinker Any how my idea was to put the goods in a ballon in a zip bag wraped again in duct tap tight and put. A joint venture between the NSW Young Greens and now Australian Greens Senator David Shoebridge, Sniff Off is calling for the end of the warrantless use ofsniffer dogs in public by the NSW Police Force. Anyway to answer your first questions, dogs brains are able to separate individual scents. The most extensive study so far was conducted by the Privacy Ombudsman of New South Wales in 2006. They're extremely expensive, most of the time normal dogs are used to scare people. On the first day of the inquest into her death, the court heard that the 17 year old swallowed all her ecstacy tablets as they arrived at the festival because she feared that the pills could be confiscated if police dogs were present. Did you enjoy this content? Cheers bud! Alcohol wipe any package used and clean hands after touching drugs to put into a bag. UK Festivals & Sniffer Dogs: Their Regulations, Your Rights. The BTP were the police force mainly responsible for the huge number of untargeted, intrusive sniffer dog operations at train and underground stations. Not only are drug dogs unnecessarily used to hound citizens over searches resulting in nothing two-thirds to three-quarters of the time, or else uncovering small amounts of cannabis, but, as the coroner has found, their presence at events encourages dangerous drug-taking that leads to deaths. Would she have lied to the first aid attendants if she wasnt worried about the consequences of doing so? First Off, Some Background Info Police need to obtain a warrant to conduct a drug dog operation at events. The UK does not have any laws or regulations on . On the sniffer dog side, you can have various breeds, but spaniels and Labradors would be the main ones. It would seem, then, that the reliability of sniffer dogs can be seriously called into question. You have to assume that the timing is merely an unfortunate coincidence given the Big Day Out is due to roll into Perth in just a few days, although with the problems the festival has been having in Claremont, it isnt hard to imagine there could be some politically motivated tactics at play. Freedom of Information requests found that only 12 percent of those searched as a result of a dog indication were found to be in possession of drugs. We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post. I had 1/2 oz of stank ass bud on me the whole time, dog never gave a fuck. Doubt they'll be looking for weed anyway, more likely Cocaine, Heroine, Shrooms and other hard drugs. Ensure bag is tight, or can buy smell proof bags. Don't think there's much to worry about really. Edit: spelling ect, Ah really? Sniffer dogs will be used and prosecutions made. The big headliners, wacky outfits and general feel-good factor they provide will always make them very popular. Fingers crossed! Towards the end of 2012, the NSW Government introduced legislation allowing the broad and every day use of sniffer dogs on the streets in the entertainment districts of Sydney. Cheers for the tips mate . Some promoters are trying to work the dogs teams too long and dont rotate them enough. news. But festival season also brings with the annual stand off between Police and sniffer dogs, and patrons looking to take drugs. Illegal or not, no one deserves to lose their life. "An example of this can be found at the airport, where we go through a magnetometer that costs millions of dollars and can detect if we are carrying . This could see droids replace sniffer and disease-detection dogs in the future. Despite this, their efficacy has never been immune from being called into question. A sniffer dog and handler at Y Not Festival. To keep up to date with all current information, follow the Greens' initiative, Sniff Off. Theres something uniquely ridiculous about festivals and the rumours they generate. Only 2.4 percent of detections happened at "dance parties. "Based on the NSW Police Standard Operating Procedures and cost-recovery rates, three drug dogs at a festival costs $6,000 per hour," they said in a media release. Life, loss and Glastonbury - Tim Thorogood (Book). Beagles are often used as drug dogs whereas bomb dogs are loads of other breeds. Whats more, they need reasonable grounds to have taken place. Oxenham concludes that setting off a sniffer dog may have as much to do with a police officers subjective opinion of you as their dog. The places where drugs were being hidden were labelled by red sheets of paper. We all play this game, Tone Deaf included. the likelihood of getting caught that way , even after a search, is alot less. Its always a risk when you take any kind of drugs, but new and experimental drugs have all new risks associated with them. A 2016 investigation into the BTPs use of Stop and Search powers found that the force, in light of the fact that most of their drug searches following dog indications turned up nothing, had reduced their use of drugs dogs substantially. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. On the other hand, if you did enter the festival and were indicated by a dog, the police would then be free to search you under PACE. In fact, its pretty clear that their tactics did nothing but exacerbate the situation. Paste as plain text instead, https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/19531-sniffer-dogs-what-you-need-2.html#post198793, http://www.cannabisculture.com/v2/node/8634. Last year at Rockness Festival in Scotland, a teenager died and two others were hospitalised after takinga designer drug similar to some amphetamines that is said to most closely resemble MDMA, or ecstasy, but lasts for twice as long. Photo:Deborah Vernon / Alamy Stock Photo, influenced by their handlers racial biases, Sniffer Dogs and The Dickhead Tax: The Secrets of Festival Drug Dealers. The experiment was double blind; the experimenters were not aware whether a location was a decoy containing a pair of sausages or a decoy containing what the handlers had been led to believe was cannabis.. The dogs nose is so sensitive that they will pick up on it.. Ive had multiple dog sniff me and pills attached around crotch area and got into most UK festivals. It would have to have a bleach bath and be completely sterile to not be caught by them. 6. This argument, she points out, has held in other jurisdictions; in one US case, Kyllo v. United States, the judge ruled that the use of thermal imaging to reveal that the defendant was growing cannabis in his house was a search, and therefore required a warrant. made festival sniffer dogs. Flett adds that there are several factors that could stop a dog from picking up on a scent. 'GOLD' membership. The only exception to whether a sniff is considered an illegal search, then, is if you're "funnelled, delayed, targeted, interfered with . Way I see it is theres that many smells and stuff going on the dogs are often overwhelmed. Tick to subscribe, untick to unsubscribe from any newsletters below: Get unlimited access to the coverage that shapes our culture. In 2006, the NSW Ombudsmanreleased a report into state police use of drug dogs, which found that 74 percent of searches following a dog indication result in nothing being found, while 84 percent of the time when something is found, its cannabis, overwhelmingly in a small amount. Security guards cannot legally detain you unless they suspect you for an indictable offence, but they can eject you from the premises or stop you from coming in. That's why we put together this list of the top ten best sniffer dog breeds you should know if you're looking for a smelly dog! Sniffer dog training requires an extensive amount of time and money. If you see a bloodhound your fucked. According to Big Thinks Simon Oxenham, the targets sniffer dogs choose may have less to do with the dogs senses and their training, than their police officer handlers, who may be the ones actually calling the shots. Dogs that have longer noses and more slender faces tend to have a better sense of scent. Sniffs, then, lie in a legal wasteland where their reasonableness as grounds for a search has been presumed, and where the possibility that they are a search in themselves has been ignored. You can post now and register later. Nunn adds: There is a limit on how much they can actually search. to donate towards eFestivals running costs please click here. I was stupid - post about neurological damage, Press J to jump to the feed. I'm trying to convince my mates that we should leave home around 2am, that way there's no traffic and we should arrive at the site around 6am(coming in from surrey) on thursday morning. According to Psychological Science, reliable sources have alleged that individuals with interests in drugs dogs have tried to shut down her research. Well she tried to find it and it wasn`t up there! Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) guidelines point out that, in their view, an indication by a passive drugs dog does indeed constitute reasonable suspicion. During the pandemic, NSW police gave its sniffer dog operations a hiatus as the streets were empty. get the toy holding plastic egg out of the middle of a kinder egg, fill it with whatever, cling film it, get a female friend to put it where the sun dont shine(helps if she doesnt wash down there for a day or so) problem solved. bring in glass or weapons! Further research suggests dogs are able to interpret human eye contact, head and body orientation, and glances. We're constantly posting new great articles like this one. Finding nothing, the police asked the person, whod been indicated by the drugs dogs, whether shed been sitting next to someone with a residual scent earlier in the day. /> Sniffer dogs will be used and prosecutions made. I recently spent a full day at a major music festival observing police drugs dogs sniffing around the entrance, while their handlers bundled off festivalgoers into a nearby tent to have their internal orifices examined by policemen with latex gloves, Oxenham writes. Who doesnt like a few good drug busts to get the clicks or sell some papers? Technology, therefore, allows the surveillance to be especially intrusive - much like a search, in fact. Our Pawshake dog carers offer a range of flexible services. So not only are sniffer dogs completely ineffective, but the presence of these dogs and the fear and intimidation theyre deliberately used for, can in fact be a grave detriment to the health and wellbeing of those who decide to use drugs. Meh i'm still bringing a 10 bag. The Police Powers (Drug Detection Dogs) Act 2001 gives police the right to use sniffer dogs outside any venue selling alcohol, any sporting match or music festival, train station, at any public place in Kings Cross, andinterestinglyinside any tattoo parlour. Given there has been significant expansion of their use in the UK, it would seem not. By AFP Today, 9:45 pm. Its hard not to feel though that music is often used as a political football when it comes to drug policy, and its not just music festivals who draw the short straw. If they had to stop everyone a dog smelt with weed the que would still be there come friday night. Following the inquest Ms Grahame made 28 recommendations to various government departments, the Australian Festivals Association and a private first aid contractor used at large live music events. but then i'm irish, so i'd probably get strip searched, anally probed and beaten (and that's before i get to the sniffer dogs ). But the use of sniffer dogs doesnt seem like its had much effect on the drug-taking culture. Or is it an unreasonable intrusion on privacy? Does this mean, then, that searches based on sniffer dog indications are an unlawful breach of privacy? The police often use dogs trained to find drugs in public places, including tube stations and festivals, in order to identify someone who is in possession of drugs. Thanks mate , Had my bag taped to the balls, got pick by this police woman to be checked, got sniffed up and down by this dog while the police woman chatted to me. For people who do go into festivals, including people who are carrying no drugs at all, dog indications can, and have, been the catalyst for some appalling experiences. "$6000 per hour for an operation that will mostly catch people carrying only small amounts of drugs. Knowing how large an outbreak is and how quickly it's . . If a dog is searching a car and someones got a McDonalds bag under their seat, its still going to be motivated by that its just a dog but its rare. Contacted for comment, the NSW Police told VICE they would never comment directly on figures. Yet, nowadays, officers are back to staking out trains stations with the canines and running them through a sizable number of crowded bars. Hee he with the amount of weed going in the dogs will go crazy hee he i'm planning on getting some once i'm in there since my guy finished uni and went home early. There are a handful of other powers that allow police to search an individual without reasonable suspicion, such as Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2001, which permits searches without grounds at borders. All of these dogs are going to be able to handle any job you have for them. They had dogs checking everyone as they came through the gate Luckily I came through the guest entrance (no dogs) but I stood and watched that dog work from a distance Basically 1 in 10 were being pulled out Now either theres a lot of terrorists who go to festivals or they were drug sniffing dogs Would be difficult for a human to find.. Don't look sketchy and you'll be fine, get past them all the time. In other words, in 8 out of 10 times, the dogs were wrong. Often used as drug dogs to go and the safe use of sniffer continues... Joined by NSW made festival sniffer dogs MP Jenny Leong, who echoed claims made by colleague! The UK, it would seem, then, that searches based on sniffer dog are... 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